My master and I episode 11 & 12

💕(Vampire r0m@nç£)💕

By: Author Donna

🌹🌹 Episode eleven 🌹🌹
💕 Alexa’s POV 💕
I j£rked awake and noticed it was Dawn alre-ady but something seems off. It’s as if something was gonna go wrong.

I stared at Damien slee-ping peacefully beside as his che-st rose and fell,I just hope my hunch isn’t right.

I know what awaits me,I know what is going to happen but I must overcome.

The door bur-sted open revea-ling Lord Bennett, lady Katherine,Lord Alistair and four guards as they marched in,with furious looks.
“Take her” Lord Alistair ordered as Damien woke up, looking around as he frowned and jumped out of the be-d.

“Am not going to allow that, she’s mine and there’s nothing you can do about it,I don’t care about the prophesy,all I know is that she’s going nowhere.

“What about our betrothal?” Lady Katherine asked, feigning sadness as her father wra-pped her in his embr@ce. “I annulled it long ago,we were only Betrothed because of the spell but I have been healed,i can love now” he replied as I sm-irked inwardly.

“You’ve spoken and now it’s time to listen. You may be the king,but am still the highest royalty you can think of in zikia so with the power invested in me,I there by s£ntence her to dungeon to await her punishment!!” He snapped as I j£rked but of course it’s just a facade.

His threat’s,their threat’s mean nothing to me because I’ve been there before.

He turned to stare at me with eyes shining with love as he pu-ll-ed me in for a k!ss,not minding their pres£nce.

We m0@n ed into our mouths as he lifted me into his l@ps. “Take her away” Lord Alistair ordered and Immediately,they bundled me and as I turned to look, Damien had tears in his eyes.

He cried because of me,he loves me so I have to fight for him and make sure I come out alive.
💕Lady Miranda’s POV 💕
Lord Bennett will st©p at nothing, until he makes his daughter the queen of zikia. What he doesn’t know is that she can never be compared to Alisha,Alisha is a born and bred Royal princess but Katherine is just a Lady.

I know what I saw and I have to work on it,this time around the people of zikia will weep over all they have.

I sat, crossed my legs and bowed my head over a steaming pot as…….. heavy smoke evaporated from it.

He chose this,he’s going to die slowly but surely, Lord Bennett death awaits you.

A knock c@m£ throu-gh the door and Immediately I knew it was Gwen. She rushed in and fell face flat and shivering slightly.

“My queen she has been taken, she’s in dungeon,what should we do” she asked as I peeled my hooded cloak off.

“Nothing, absolutely nothing but we must visit her every day and night,but we’ll not carry out anything we don’t want to b!ow her facade” I replied, standing up and moving to the window.

“Right now,we nee-d to let the king know she’s alive” I said and turned to face Gwen,she had a confused look on her face as I sighed.

“Not king Damien,I mean her father,he has suffered enough thinking his daughter died,set up for a trip, we’ll be leaving zikia by night fall, nothing must be amiss”

“Yes my lady” she walked out, leaving me in my thoughts.
💕King Damien’s POV 💕
“Calm down, just calm down, you’ve pas-sed throu-gh this before, remember?” James words filled my ears as I gro-an ed in fraustration.

“Right now the council heads are awaiting your pres£nce in the judgement room, you have to be there” he reminded me as I scoffed.

“I don’t care if they’re the heads but am king and that fact remains the same” I spat and walked out of my be-droom.
I walked into the judgement room but no one stood up and Lord Bennett was abs£nt instead in his place was Lord ceaser and he held a knowing sm-irk.

“I might have gone Astray but I still demand my respect, don’t forget am still more powerful than you all” I announced as they stood up in greetings before sitting.

“King Damien,it was brou-ght to our notice that you love your pet and have consummated with her because the wind last night wasn’t normal,it happened two centuries back and now again” Lord maclon said as the council heads nodded in agreement.

“Do you agree to love your human pet?” Lord ceaser asked as I scoffed. “No one defiles me,I remember demoting you,why are you here?” I asked,diverting the question.

“Lord Bennett is sick so I c@m£ in his stead” he replied as I frowned. “Then you must keep your mouth shut, you have no say here”

“Do you confess to love your human pet?” Lord maclon asked as I stared at everyone. “Yes I do” I replied truthfully,not hiding or leaving any stone unturned.

“Did you consummate your…..” I didn’t let him finish as I hit the table. “Yes I did but am not the first and I won’t be the last,I know it” I yelled.

“As the council head and the oldest vampire in zikia,I there by s£ntence the pet of Lord Damien to a brutal death by blood draw” he stated as I looked into his eyes. It held nothing, just determination,anger…….. blood drawn is too much, she’ll die in pain and I can’t let that.

“As king of zikia,I demand that I see her once a day until the day of her death” I said but Lord Alistair declined.

“Never!!! Your marriage just got moved up,get re-ady or you face your dethronement” with that,he stood up and walked out of the room as others trailed behind.

💕(Vampire r0m@nç£)💕

By: Author Donna

🌹🌹 Episode twelve🌹🌹
💕Lady Katherine’s POV 💕
Rain poured heavily as thun-der stro-ke the clouds. Lightening c@m£ like brimstone’s,as the thun-der roared.

I made my way quic-kly and secretly to Lord ceaser chamber, ma-king sure my hooded cloak did the job of hiding me. It’s been a while since we spent time together and s£nt words to me, seeking my pres£nce in his chamber.

The burtler threw the door open the minute he saw me and welcomed me with a bow which I acknowledged.
“I see you honoured my invitation” he announced, walking towards me with a knowing smile on his face.

“Yes….. besides we nee-d to talk” I said as he furrowed his brows at me “what are we going to talk about,it seems serious” he added, walking over to the bar and pouring two cu-ps of blood from his blood bank.

“Now that she’s in prison and my father is sick,I think you can bring up the idea of a proper engagement ball” I said as he chuckled.

“You’re so shallow in thinking,the king will definitely decline,but the council members have made a decision,it’s either he gets married to his betrothed and kill his pet or he steps down as king” Lord ceaser said as I gulped ha-rd .

“What if he refuses to get married,what if he chooses his pet over me,over zikia?” I asked, suddenly scared of the latter.

“Then there’ll be war,so many people are after the throne, including I” he confessed as I moved back a bit.

“But…but father is also interested in…..” His evil laughter cut me short.

“Your father? I don’t care and once I turn king, things will change”
💕King Damien’s POV 💕
I paced to and fro in my chamber, thinking about Alexa and what she’ll pas-s throu-gh if I don’t find a solution to the problem.

“So what do you plan to do? This order by the council members is dangerous,At least Alisha had Powers but Alexa is as plain as anything you can say” James reminded as I gro-an ed and looked out of the window.

“I have to see her,even if it means dethronement, I’d rather step down than let another woman die before my eyes” I said in a Stern voice as James stood up.

“You must think before acting, don’t act before thinking, it’s dangerous” with that,he walked out of the chamber.
💕 Alexa’s POV 💕
I sat on the cold floor, staring at nothing important as a voice almost made me j£rk.

“Don’t worry everything will be alright” I recognized the voice as mother’s voice,but where could she be and how did she do it.

Is she in zikia? I kept on thinking until the little window creaked open, allowing the entrance of a blackish smoke, actually it was a silhouette.

I gave a knowing smile,I knew this was my mother in another form,she usually does this when she’s away or on a journey.

“Don’t worry and this time around,the demons will win and as for my grand son he’ll be safe” she said in a whisper and Immediately,the windows went shut while the door to the dungeon open revea-ling a sm-irking Katherine.

She walked majestically in, looking at me scornfully and shaking her head. “Once a slave always a slave, you pla-yed your p@rt,casted your spell on him but am going to be the queen of zikia and no one,not even a witch will st©p me” she boasted as I scoffed but kept my head bent.

She doesn’t know when I’ll strike, and when I do she’ll be far gone. Am just staying in here for peace to reign nothing more.

“The last lady who tried to become Damien’s queen saw her doom and you’re about to do the same,safe trip to the other world” with that,she walked out as I took in a de-ep breath before letting it out.

She’ll pay,pay dearly for this,am not going to sit and wait for the d day, I’ll start giving them my sign,my sign for war,I was fragile then,but not anymore I learnt the ha-rd way.
🎌 Black Moore kingdom 🎌
💕 Lady Miranda’s POV 💕
“It feels good to be back but it won’t be for long” I said to my be-dridden husband,the king of black Moore.

“Why?” He frail voice c@m£ out with a shallow breathing as he sat,not moving his b©dy.

He’d been like this for about three years and it’s disheartening,but all thanks to Gwen I know my daughter now.

“Alisha is alive and she awaits her second execution in zikia,I have to go and save her, don’t worry your princess will be with you shortly, including her heir” I whispered as things flew about in the room.
Zikia it’s time for war again!!!
