My master and I episode 1 & 2

💕(Vampire r0m@nç£)💕

By: Author Donna

💕Note💕___ This is not a modern story…….am tracing it back to the 80’s. There’ll be no use of modern things like cars,phones,l@pt©ps e.t.c.
It’s based on the eighteenth century.
🌹 Synopsis 🌹
Vampires have d@t£d to several million years back…… they’re strong,fierce and proud. Always tasty for blood.

Their fangs Pierce throu-gh innocent flesh and devour their prey. Their hunger never quenches and they kill to live.
🌹 Prologue 🌹
It has always been a tradition for the people of “Zikia” to attack the human world and capture both men, women boys and girls.

And it’s also a tradition for the king to pick his new slave there by s£ntencing the old one to a brutal death.
Alexa’s hope of becoming free again shatters when the vampire king,Damien picks her to be his new pet.

She’s scared,giddy and all but love begins to brew between master and slave.

Will king Damien be able to……kill her as at when due??
Will he be dethroned when the elders finds out he loves his slave?? Because it’s a taboo!!!
Will he fight for their love??
What if he’s weak??

💕(Vampire r0m@nç£)💕

By: Author Donna

🌹🌹 Episode one🌹🌹
“They’re here again, Alexa go on hide” Mr Rutherford said to his daughter as swords clashed against sword’s,fangs pierced skins,tears rolled out of innocent eyes as the vampires took charge of the area.

There was nothing left than to surrender but Alexa was stubborn and feisty, always trying to make her way in the world.

“No dad,am not going to Leave you alone, I’ve got to be with you” she protested, lifting her heavy chiffon Sk-irts as an arrow flew past her and hit her father.

“Father, father!” She exclaimed as two hefty guards held her hands. “Let go of me,let go of me,father” she screamed as her dad choked on his blood before kicking the bucket.
💕 Alexa’s POV 💕
The tears never seemed to st©p rolling as they chained our hands and feet together before pu-lling us like goats to their destination.

Children wailed,lads and las-ses shivered in fear but I wasn’t scared. My only source of living,my reason for being on Earth was dead and there’s nothing I could do.

We’ve heard several myths about the vampires but experiencing it was different,I awful…..the ladies who tried to fight back were either su-cked to death or R@p£d brutally.

Even my neighbor Molly was R@p£d to death,it still brou-ght shiver to me but…… I’ve got to be strong if I want to get out of here alive.
💕 Authoress POV 💕
“Mi Lord they’ve arrived and I must confess,the prisoners are more in numbers compared to the last result” Barcl@ysaid as king Damien smiled.

Just then, Lady Katherine walking into the throne room in her red silk floor length dress and her beautifully adorned tiara.

“Mi Lord” she said, bowing slightly as he motioned for her to rise. “Mi lady what brings you here?” King Damien asked as she sm-irked.

“Words were brou-ght to me that you were foxed so I’ve come to appease you” she said,as other maidens walked in bowing slightly before ushering him out of the throne room.
💕 Alexa’s POV 💕
We’ve been in this room for three days with only a meal or no meal a day. Some infants were really weak while some children fell sick.

I wonder what kind of king rules this place,he’s so cruel. I thought as a guard turned to my direction.

“You’re slandering the king’s name in your mind, you’ll be punished severely” he said as some people g@sped.

But how did he know what I said? How did ….? I couldn’t finish my statement as the door flung open.

“Mi Lord we have a rebel here” the delirious guard said as I frowned.

He pu-ll-ed me up r0ûghly by the arm as others were led outside.
💕Lady Katherine’s POV 💕
“Fiona,what’s going on down there?” I asked as my maiden in line br@ided my hair. Am Lady Katherine the daughter of the chief commander and it has always been my wish to wed the king.

“Yer grace I think…..” I hit her immediately.

“Don’t think,i believe you have eyes” I cautioned as I s-en-sed the fear in eyes as I chuckled.

That’s why am royalty,I want everyone beneath my feet and am awaiting the brutal death of his old pet,she was too clingy.
💕 Authoress POV 💕
“Arise,the king of zikia arrives” Lord Bennett announced as everyone stood up.

A guard led Alexa to the judgement seat with her head held up high.

“You may have your seat” king Damien said, looking around as his eyes landed on the rebel before him.

“Pray ye what’s her crime?” He asked, looking around as tension filled the room.

“She slandered your name my Lord, therefore she awaits your punishment” Lord Bennett said as other vampires g@sped and brou-ght out their thirsty fangs.

“She should be killed,she should be killed” they chanted as king Damien stood up.

“Silence!” He exclaimed and Immediately everywhere was as silent as a graveyard.

“It’s a tradition for the king to choose his pet first so I therefore pick her as the pet to the king of zikia and her punishment will be to witness the brutal death of my old pet,she nee-ds to see what awaits her” with that,he turned around and walked out of the room with series of guards walking behind him.

Several maidens pu-ll-ed Alexa from her seat, leading her to her new chamber.
💕(Vampire r0m@nç£)💕

By: Author Donna

🌹🌹 Episode two🌹🌹
💕 Alexa’s POV 💕
I looked at myself from head to toe as a single tear rolled out of my eyes. I’ve been told that the king never mates his pet but he’ll svçkfrom them until their limp and weak from it.

A shiver ran throu-gh my spine as I looked at the ex-posive p@n-talets and chemise. “Just stay put,the king is gonna be here by midnight, don’t doze off” the young las-s said before gr-abbing her wash basin and bowl and walking out.

I yawned repeatedly but was really scared to sleep,I don’t know what awaits me but…….

The door opened and I j£rked backwards, gulping ha-rd as the king walked in.

“You’re not scared of slandering my name but you’re scared of me?” He asked in a mocking tone as I shivered and looked down.

“Come closer pet” he said, ushering me closer to him as I moved forward.

“Close your eyes” I obeyed and Immediately,I felt myself going up as his hands wra-pped around me and immediately,his fangs pierced into my nape as I screamed.

He kept on su-cking and it was as if my n£¢k was on fire as he m0@n ed. I don’t know why he’s m0@n ing but am in pains,real pains.

Soon,I felt myself falling to a heap on the floor as he wiped his mouth and walked out.

I was really weak……that I couldn’t stand up,I just sat there, looking till sleep over took me.
💕King Damien POV 💕
“Mi Lord it seems your pet doesn’t know her place” Lady Katherine said as I kept a Stern face.

My parents Betrothed her to me when we were little,that’s why she has the opportunity of staying in the palace.

“I believe she’s my business,if you’ll excuse me,I have a meeting with the council elders” I said and walked out.
💕 Meeting 💕
“Arise the king of zikia arrives!!” Lord Bennett exclaimed as I walked in and took my seat. “You may seat” I said, looking around as I noticed that Lady Betty was not here,but that is unusual.

“Mi Lord, According to our law,it’s said that the king must get married to his betrothed before his mid age,I suggest you rethink the issue of marrying Lady Katherine” he said as I scoffed.

“Who else is going throu-gh with his idea?” I asked but no one c@m£ forward.

“Behead him,he has no right to speak of my marriage, besides you just got appointed as a council member” I said and stood up but the oldest man in the room st©pped me.

“Our King, plea-se reconsider your punishment and spare him, you can demote him from being a council member” Lord Kenneth said as I closed my eyes.

“Am only reconsidering this because of my uncle,but Lord ceaser will no longer be a member of the parliament, he’ll be considered as a commoner before me” I said and walked out as they g@sped.
💕 Alexa’s POV 💕
I woke up and found myself on the be-d with a white night dress that covered down to my feet.

But who could have placed this on me who could have worn me this cloth?

My thoughts were cut short as the door opened revea-ling two maidens as they muttered lowly, bearly audible for anyone to hear.

“Good morning mistress” they chorused as I gave a faint smile before tou-ching the so-re on my n£¢k.

“Mistress,the king wants you in his chamber once you’re throu-gh” they said as I shivered again.

I’ve not recovered from the last bite and he’s calling again, gosh am really scared,I don’t wanna get bitten again.
In no time,I was standing in front of his chamber, trying to knock as the door opened.

I j£rked backwards as I heard a “come in” I walked sluggishly inside and met him on his be-d, going throu-gh some papers with a feather in his hands.

“Sit” he ordered as I looked everywhere and decided to sit on the be-d but his voice st©pped me.

“Pet on the floor, you’re a slave nothing more,so always sit on the floor”….he said as tears rolled out of my eyes.