My love episode 11 & 12

???? My Love ?????
Written by Bukola Olayioye ?????

??? Episode 11???

???Evelyn p.o.v???

The stupid guy ruined my day
I sat in a an unknown place, I don’t even know where I am but I just have to run away from everyone. I am tired
Tears was coming out of my eyes
” This is my dream school with my favourite band. I always dream of singing with the F4 boys one day but as the whole is, u think I will have to leave this school
I started singing

“Hey what are you doing here?” A hoarse voice asked
I raise up my head and saw a muscular built man. I shifted away trying to move away from him. I didn’t answer him and was trying to run away from him. He gr@bb£d me by my w@!st and push me on the floor” hey you look beautiful to let you go” ” leave me alone” I said with a serious face glaring at him” I will shout and you will be arrested” I threatened

He let out a smile ” no one will hear us here ” he said
I got scared and was trying to move away from me
I was glancing around for any device I could use to protect myself but I found none
My heart was beating very fast and I don’t know what to do
I cursed Jayden because if it wasn’t for him I won’t be here and this man will not want to r@p£ me.
I ran as fast I can running around the house for safety.
Unfortunately the place was a small place I got to where I could no longer run . He pin me to the wall” S-xy girl” he said using his hands to roll off my hair.” You have no where to go again he said
” I will allow you do whatever you want to do with me” I said
I la-id down on the table and he c@m£ on t©p of me about to k!sss me when I bite his hands and use the pin in my hair to cause him pain.
He fell off me gro-an ing, I was about to run off when he caught up with me.
He pin me to the wall r0ûghly and use hands to rip off my clothes.
” I don’t carry weight for nothing I was just pretending. You are mine” he said staring lvstfully at me.
I hate Jayden
He is a beast
I hate the F4 boys
The man was about to k!ssme when he fell down flat on the floor. I opened my eyes and see him lying on the floor with his head injured.
I saw an unknown man who hit him.
” plea-se don’t kill me” I pleaded
” You nee-d to cover yourself up” he saidi
I stare at myself shamefully in tear.
He went somewhere and he returned with a decoration cloth.
” This will do” he said
He turned his back on me while I quic-kly use the decoration cloth to cover myself
He walk me outside
” Enter the car” he said
” No thanks I will be fine” he replied
“You nee-d to be safe
You can’t go around walking in decoration clothes. People will make fun of you . Don’t worry I will take you to your house where you will be safe” he said” believe me I am totally harmless” he said
I gave it a thought and I entered the car. I gave the guy directions to my house and finally the car st©pped at the fron t of my house
” Thank you so much for bringing me home” I said and got down from the car
I waved to him and I run into my hous in tears.
I was in my room the whole day
” This is the worst birthday ever
Thanks to Jayden who made it worse for me
I hate the F4 boys
I was soooo stupid for crushing on such a guy without a heart
He is so cruel
My friends warned me to stay away from him
I was soooo stupid” I said crying
” Evelyn” I felt someone tap me
I opened my eyes slowly and saw mum” mum” I said and hvg her immediately
” What is wrong with you?
Your eyes looks swollen and red
Have you been crying?” She asked
” Mum I will always listen to you
I will not pl@yF4 boys songs again
I will always do what you love and hate what you hate” I said crying on her shoulders
” Alright where is this coming from?
Why the sudden change
The tears , everything
Has the F4 boys wronged you?” She asked
” No I went to Church today and the pastor showed us a video why it pays to listen to one’s parents.
It was really an emotional video…” I said and bur-st into tears
” Praise God…” Mum said smiling
” My daughter went to church today
This is the best birthday ever” she said excited
I tried to let out a smile faking it
” Well my daughter it’s pays a lots when children listen to their parents.
St©p being sad
Come and look at the birthday gift I got you” she said excited


???Mike p.o.v???

I was in my room staring at the n£¢klace in my hands. Could this n£¢klace really belong to Evelyn?” I ask myself
The door creaks and Mike entered
” Jayden ” he called
” Yes Mike how far?” I asked
“Wow such a petty n£¢klace! You just brou-ght it?” He asked
” No it belongs to Evelyn”
Mike face was puzzled looking for answers
I know I got a lot of explanation to make
” Do you remember that girl I told you about? I asked
” Which girl
You go around with different girls”
” Well the girl I told you I met during the holiday camp” I said
” Yes I remember that you said she is your first love
You said you caused her accident
That was many years ago
Don’t tell me you haven’t forgotten the silly childhood love” Mike said
” It isn’t silly
The girl gave me this n£¢klace and had a similar one on her n£¢k
She said I will use that to recognize her” Jayden said
” Well the girl is dead and the childhood love isn’t a thing” Mike said
” Well Evelyn had the same n£¢klace with the same inscription on it
Could Evelyn be the girl
Could Evelyn be my first love?” Jayden asked
” We’ll get off your dreams
It’s not real
The girl is dead
It could just be a similar n£¢klace
You know there are a lot of similar n£¢klaces out there
Bro” he pat Jayden” st©p dreaming” Mike said

???Mike p.o.v???

OMG it better not be Evelyn
I love Evelyn and I can’t allow Jayden to steal her away from me. This childhood love was what made Jayden this gentle and Don’t believe in love.
It was what made him to start being cruel to everyone.
Jayden love her more than anything in the world
If she is his love, Jayden will not punish Evelyn and she will be safe.
I love Evelyn and I will do anything to have her

???? My Love ?????
Written by Bukola Olayioye ?????

??? Episode 12???

???Evelyn p.o.v???

Throu-ghout the day, I feel somehow not my usual self. I went to be-d early thinking about how Jayden ruined my day. I can’t forgive him, I broke into tears.
I heard some noises outside and I bec@m£ frightened. I quic-kly l@yon my be-d,my phone began to ring
omg what is going on
My heart was racing very fast, as I hide myself un-der my blanket.
The phone continued to ring, I roll off my blankets when it becomes soooo annoying. I picked up the call waiting for the caller to talk first
” Hello this is Jayden
I am in your compound” he said and cut the call
I roll off my eyes
” Who is he to order me around?” I hissed and fell on my be-d.
After sometime , the noise st©pped and I fell asleep.
“Evelyn! Evelyn” mum called andI open my eyes sluggishly
” What now ?” I asked
“How can you keep someone waiting that long. Didn’t I teach you courtesy. Is that the morals I taught you?” Mum asked
My eyes open wi-de and I ran out of the room
That stupid Jayden
What of if mum gets to know who he is, she will be angry with me.
I ran out of the house and I didn’t see him. My heart started beating very fast
I searched the whole compound for him but I didn’t see him
I ran back inside and saw my standing
” Take three de-ep breath” she said
I breathe in de-eply
” He is here” mum said and I saw Jayden wearing my cardigan and
” He was dreached in rain when I saw him waiting for you outside”mum said ” take care of him” mum said and left
I sh0t him a glare ” can you plea-se leave now?” I said facing him with a serious look on my face.
He didn’t answer and he isn’t moving either.
He just sat on the couch , then he started shivering
I ignored me at first but he began to shiver the more. I quic-kly ran to the sto-re room where the first Aid box is and took a scru-b out.
I started applying the scru-b on him gently
OMG he looks so handsome
He has a fresh skin
You ha-rd ly see his some p@rt of his skin outside because of the clothes he likes to wear.
But today I saw his smooth skin.
It is like a new born baby skin.
” Will you st©p staring at me and focus or let me apply it myself” he said
His words j£rked me out of my thoughts and I scoffed at him.
I finished applying the scru-b and returned the remaining back to the first Aid box.
” Can you leave now?”
” Are you really asking me to leave?” He asked
” Yes the door is this way” I said
” You didn’t even ask why I am here?” He said
The more I see him the angrier I become
He is annoying, he stand up and let out a cute smile
What a smile
His smile melted my heart Immediately. He has a contagious smile that I was almost smiling but I control myself.
” I c@m£ to return your n£¢klace” he said and brou-ght out the n£¢klace
” O my n£¢klace! I thought I lost it in school so it was in your hands” I said and quic-kly collect the n£¢klace
” Thank you soooooooo much
I have been searching for it
Mum will kill me if I she knows I lost the n£¢klace” I said
” Your mum gave the n£¢klace to you?” He asked
” Well that is not your business
What are you still waiting for?
Leave my house” I said with a serious face
He c@m£ close to me and pu-ll me to himself and he k!$$£d me.
” I love you” he whispered to my ears
I push him and he fell on the floor
” Now leave ” I said dragging him out of my house
” I can walk” he said and left my house
I close the door and heaved a sign of relief taking three de-ep breath
I don’t love you
I don’t love you
You are less of a human
You want to use me and dump me
I don’t love you” I almost screamed but I remembered mum is slee-ping upstairs
I opened the door slowly and close the door behind me.
I searched around for Jayden but he is nowhere around our compound.
I open the gate searching around but he isn’t there
“Thank God he has left” I said
I went back in , going into my room when I heard mum voice
” Has he left?” Mum asked
” Yes ”
” Why do you allow him to leave in the middle of the night?” Mum asked
” Mum he is a business man and he has called his driver to pick him up”
Woah am so good at lying
” Okay” mum followed me into my room
” I will like to talk to you about that guy
Who is he and what does he want?” Mum asked
” Actually he is a course mate and what he wants …….” I scratched my head for answers
Mum let out a smile” I un-derstand
During my time, I mean when I was as young as you
Men will come looking for me
But none of those men ever step into our house except your dad”
My face changed
” Sorry dear i shouldn’t have mentioned him
Looks like you guys had a chemistry
I saw the way he k!$$£d you”
” You saw that?”
” Yes he c@m£ to return your n£¢klace” mum said and I
” I caught you red handed” mum added and we bur-sted into laughter
” He is still around
In his room slee-ping” mum said and walk out of my room
” Huh how come?” I asked myself confused
The next day I c@m£ out of my room
I walk to the living room and saw mum and Jayden laughing with Jayden.
” OMG son in law is soooooo funny” mum said
I roll my eyes
” why are you calling him son in law? He isn’t son in law but his name is Jayden” I said
” Well he is my son in law
I heard you are a business man
What business do you do?” Mum asked
” Well I am a musician, I manage my father’s companies” he said
” Wow that’s nice
You must be good in mathematics?” Mum asked
” Yes I am
I am the best student in mathematics in my school” he boasted
” Show off ” I scoffed
” Mum” I called”
” I will attend to your later
So son in law” mum called
” He is not son in law
His name is Jayden” I half yelled
” Can you plea-se help me to always tutor Evelyn after school
She is very poor in mathematics” mum said
” Mum!”
” She is a very lazy in mathematics
She might even run away from clas-s so plea-se after school
Ensure you tutor her”
” Okay mother in law” Jayden replied and place his head on mum’s l@p
OMG this is frustrating
I roll my eyes and walk away.
Jayden driver arrived to pick him up and mum wave him bye.
I prepare for school with a angry favce
I walk out of my room
” Are you re-ady?” Mum asked
” Yes” I walk out of the house to the car.
I enter the car sitting in the front seat while mum took the driver seat.
Silence was maintained throu-ghout the journey in the car.
We arrived at my school
” Are you still angry at me? Mum asked
” Yes
How can you accommod@t£ such a guy and call him your son in law? To round up everything, you ask him to tutor me mathematics everyday
Gosh soooo annoying” I half yelled
” Am sorry dear
It is for your good
Alright I won’t call him son in law anymore
But will you plea-se allow him to tutor you ?”mum asked
” Seriously mum….”
” plea-se my daughter”
I didn’t say anything for a while
” Thank you” she k!$$£d my forever head
” But mum….”
” Bye be good at school” mum said
” Okay mum” I step out of the car
” Hi Evelyn ” Sophia waved at me running up to me
” I am sorry about yesterday
I heard yesterday was your birthday
Jayden can really be cruel
But good news he has taken off the ban
Everyone is free to communicate with you
Happy birthday” she said giving me a gift
I just stare at her speechlessly

???Authoress ? ??

” You mean Jayden really re-move the ban on her?” Mike asked
” Yes he said we should make it a public announcement” the principal said
” Okay thanks” Mike said and walk out of the principal office
Mr Gray Rice was the one in the clas-s teaching history. Evelyn enjoyed the clas-s and p@rticipate actively in the clas-s
” Hi Evelyn”. Mike sat in front of her
” Hi Mike ” Evelyn said feeling strange
” Don’t feel any how
I am not here to harm you
Am sorry about Jayden behavior” Mike apologized
” No problem
After all he has taken off the ban”
” let me introduce myself properly
My name is Mike James”
” Can I take you out after school
plea-se don’t get me wrong
I just want to be your friend?”
” No am sorry I have a clas-s after school”
” But can I be your friend?” Mike asked.
” It isn’t possible” Evelyn said
” Why???”
” Because it’s not possible”
” Hiiiiiiiiiii Evelyn” Sophia shouted
Evelyn left Mike and she went to Join Sophia while Mike look on
