My knight in shining armor episode 27 & 28


[She knew him before they met]





It has been 2 weeks since Mom and Dad hired Kelly as my b©dyguard and A week since we finished with our last papers
Today was actually our school Prom and I was currently in my room dressing up and as usual Kelly was outside waiting for me

I could remember the first day Kelly followed me to school he scared almost everyb©dy from me
Chris has been having a bad feeling about him because they both don’t like each other
I told Mom and Dad about Kelly over doing his job and they said its better

Kelly and Lucas don’t like each other too
Lucas also said he doesn’t trust Kelly because he’s overdoing his job
I wore a short white dress that reached my knee and wore matching heels
I applied little makeup on my face and carried my bag

I walked out of my room and Kelly followed me
I got to the sitting room and pe-cked Mom and Dad bye before leaving the house
Kelly walked me to the car and I entered the alre-ady opened door by Lucas and Lucas went to the drivers sit while Kelly sat opposite Lucas and Lucas started the engine of the car and drove off

During the drive I was just tapping my phone because I wasn’t in the mood for anything conversation
We got to school and Kelly c@mÂŁ to open the door for me even before Lucas could get to the door
I c@mÂŁ out and mouthed a thank you
I could see Lucas giving Kelly a glare
I think I know why they hate each other

“Bye Lucas “I waved as I walked towards the hall where the prom would be taking place with Kelly following me

I’m just tired of being followed around like a child
I entered the hall and my eyes started dancing around In search of Chris ,Tristan and Becca
When I didn’t see any sign of him I went to a corner and sat down and as expected Kelly followed me
While I sat he was standing

Few minutes later they walked in and I stood up and went to hvg him
I haven’t seen him for some days now and that’s because of Suzy’s threat
Mom and Dad didn’t want me to go out

“Babe I miss you “Chris whispered in my ears

“I missed you too “I replied him as we dis£ngaged

He trailed light k!sses on myl-ips and I smiled as a result of the bu-tterfly dancing in my stomach

“Can we go now “That was Kelly talking and I rolled my eyes

“To Where “I asked him

“To get somewhere to sit “He said

“OK then “I said and held Chris’s hands and we all walked to search for sits

We all saw sits and we sat together but one of us stood up
I don’t think I nee-d to tell you guys who was standing
I wonder how he does it
Standing for long and doesn’t get tired

The prom started with the principal addressing us
He congratulated the out going students and also told us to enjoy our prom
After the principal addressed us soft music started pla-ying and couples could been seen dancing

“Let’s go dance “Becca said and we all stood we all stood up and went to the dance floor and started dancing

Chris and I and Tristan and Becca
While dancing I noticed Kelly going out of the hall
Where is he going?
I took the thought off my head and continued dancing with Chris
We danced for some minutes before Chris and I left the dance floor

“I wanna use the restroom babe I’ll be back “Chris told Me

“OK don’t waste time there “I told him and he smiled and pe-cked me before leaving
I sat down waiting for Chris and I brou-ght out my iPad and started pla-ying games
While pla-ying games Kelly c@mÂŁ to me

“Bella you have to follow me now “He said

“Why? What’s going on ” I asked him

“It’s nothing but you have follow me now “He said as if it was urgent

“OK fine “I said while standing up

I picked up my iPad and wanted to follow him with it
“No, No nee-d for it just drop it In your bag and follow me “He said and I did as instructed

We walked out of the hall and walked towards the back of the School

“Where Exactly are we going to Kelly “I asked him Curiously

“When we get there u’ll know “He said and I nodded

We got to the back of the school and I saw an opened door at the back
I never knew there was a back door in the school
I st©pped walking

“I’m confused Kelly where are we going “I asked Kelly again

“Bella “I heard Chris calling me and I turned

“Don’t go with him “He shouted while running towards us

Just then Kelly sh0t him with something and Chris fell to the ground and I wanted to go to him and Kelly pu-ll-ed me back r0ûghly

“No “Chris shouted and I tried freeing myself from Kelly’s grip

“What did you do to him “I asked him

“Just made him sleep “He said while laughing

“Let go of me “I shouted at him

“Why should I “? He asked me

“I’m gonna report to My Dad if you don’t “I told him

“It’s time for you to sleep too “He said and before I could do anything he injected something to my b©dy and I Blacked out slowly





While on my way to the restroom I heard a familiar voice talking
I later recognized the voice to be Bella’s b©dyguard

I decided to listen to what he was saying and I realized he was on a call with someone

“Yes she’s in the hall “I heard him say and I knew instantly that he was talking about Bella
Maybe he’s talking with her parents “I said to myself and was about to walk away when I heard him say “I’ll be bringing her just s£nd the car “And I bec@m£ confused

Bringing her in?

I decided to listen further then I heard him say “I as-sure you everything is going as planned just s£nd the car and I’ll sneak her out throu-gh the back of the school and if she tries anything funny I’ll inject her with slee-ping dose ”

I knew it that this guy was not to be trusted
I never liked him before

But who could he be working for?

Like as if he was re-ading my thoughts he said “Suzy just get my money re-ady and complete I’ll be bringing her in in less than an hour Bye “He said and I opened my mouth in shock

He was coming out so I hid behind a door and he walked out of the restroom
Immediately he was out I went to the door and peeped to see if he was still close and he was so I waited for him to get out of sight before I rushed out of the Restroom to the hall
When I was almost getting to the hall I was st©pped by the principal

“Chris how are you doing “He asked me

“I’m good Sir “I replied him while looking towards the hall to see if Kelly and Bella were coming out

“How about your Dad “He asked

“He’s fine “I replied still looking and that was when Bella and Kelly walked out of the hall and started walking towards the back of the school

“I’m sorry sir I have something to take care of “I said and ran towards where Bella and Kelly walked to

They were walking and I was running towards them
On getting to the gate Bella st©pped and he also st©pped

“Bella “I shouted and she turned to see Me

“Don’t go with him “I shouted still running towards them

Just then I felt something hit me and I was fell to the ground and that was when I realized what hit me
Kelly sh0t me with the slee-ping dose
I was slowly blacking out but I saw him gr-ab Bella

“No “I shouted

Then everything turned black


[She knew him before they met]



The prom has ended and Chris and Bella are no where to be found
while Becca and I were dancing I noticed Bella going out of the hall with her b©dyguard and now there’s no sign of her and her b©dyguard everywhere

“Babe st©p worrying they’ll be back, maybe they went to spend time together alone “Becca told me

“I don’t think so, I have a feeling that something isn’t right “I replied her

Bella’s iPad was still in the hall and her bag also
I wanted to break down
I just hope nothing happens to Chris
he’s like a brother I never had and his Dad won’t forgive me if anything happens to Chris

“Let’s go check the restroom, I think Chris would have gone to use the restroom cos he left before Bella “Becca said and I nodded in agreement

we both went to the restroom and I entered while Becca was waiting for me outside

“Chris “I called but no reply

“Bro are you here “I called again but no response

I checked everywhere and there was no sign of him
I c@mÂŁ out of the restroom and left with Becca
while going back to the hall we bu-mped into the principal

“Tristan what are you still doing in school “He asked me

“We have been looking for Chris “I replied him and Becca nodded

“I saw Chris running to the back of the school and with the look of things he was in a hurry “The principal said

Even before the principal could complete his statement I was alre-ady running towards the back of the school

“Tristan wait up “I heard Becca called but I ignored her and kept running

I got to the back and started walking and that was when Becca caught up with me p@n-ting heavily
I held her hands and we continued walking
We sighted a gate at the end and Becca and I looked at each other surprised

“I never knew there was a gate here “I told Becca

“Me too “She replied me equally surprised as I was

While getting closer of the gate we noticed someone lying on the floor and we hurriedly ran to the b©dy and it was Chris

“Bro “I called while shaking him

“Chris “I called and still he didn’t reply me

“Tristan look “Becca said showing me something on Chris’s shoulder
I re-moved whatever it was and Chris stirred

“Chris “I called and he opened his eyes

“Bella “He said immediately he opened his eyes

Becca and I helped him sit up

“What happened “Becca asked him

“Bella was kidnapped “He said and Becca and I looked at each other confused

“By who? And where is Kelly ” I asked him

“She was kidnapped by Kelly “He said and our mouths dropped open in shock

“How is that possible”Becca asked him

Chris explained how everything happened and the more he explained the more everything bec@mÂŁ clear
I never liked that Kelly of a guy

“I never liked that guy one bit “Becca said and I nodded in support of what she said

“What are we going to do ” Becca asked

“We have to go tell Bella’s parents “Chris said as he tried standing up from the floor but he fell on his knees

We helped him up and we walked him to the car
Becca sat at the back sit while I started driving

The drive to Bella’s house was a quiet one
Seems everyone was thinking
At times I looked at Chris from the side mirror
I knew he was trying ha-rd to control himself not to cry
Chris was really good at hiding his emotions
the only time I’ve seen him Vulnerable was when his Mom died

I drove into Bella’s house and we all c@m£ out Of the car and walked towards the door
We knocked on the door and Lucas opened the door
We walked inside and he closed the door and like we were expecting he asked of Bella

“Where is Bella “? He asked

We all looked at each other finding it ha-rd to talk

“Is she still waiting at School “He asked and this time Chris muttered up courage to tell him

“Bella was kidnapped ” Chris replied him and Lucas busted into laughter but he st©pped when he noticed the serious look on our faces

“Are you serious “He asked

“Yes “Chris replied him

“How did it happened “? He asked

Chris explained everything to him and he held his fist in anger

“That Bastard ,I should have known “He said with gritted teeth

Seems like it wasn’t only Chris, Becca and I that didn’t like Kelly

“Is her parents around “Chris asked

“No but when they come back I’ll let them know about this “He said and we all nodded

“You can all go “He told us and we left the house and we walked to the car and entered and I drove off


During the ride home I was quite as my mind was wandering around
I was feeling guilty because I couldn’t do anything to help Bella
I failed to Protect the girl I love
I feel very bad

I don’t know where she is now and I don’t know what they’ll be doing to her by now
I failed as her knight to protect her
I didn’t even realize that I was crying until Tristan called me

“Bro why are you Crying “He asked and I quic-kly wiped my tears off

I hate showing people the vulnerable side of me
I was happy Becca wasn’t here to see me crying because Tristan had dropped her off

“I know it’s ha-rd for you and I know that you will be feeling guilty but I want you to know that it wasn’t your fault “Tristan said

“It’s all my fault, I claimed to love her but I couldn’t even protect her, I’m a bad person “I told him as more tears fell from my eyes

“Chris “Tristan called me

“Do you know what she calls me? She calls me her knight and I couldn’t protect her “I shouted at him and he inhaled

“I know you are upset but crying won’t bring her back ,All we have to do now is to hope for her parents to come back so we’ll know the next plan of action “Tristan said and I just nodded

We got home and I c@m£ down immediately the car st©pped and I walked into the house leaving Tristan behind
I got to my room and locked the door

I just wanna be alone
Memories of Bella and I c@m£ flashing to my head and I couldn’t help myself but cry
I brou-ght out her iPad and started going throu-gh her pictures

I remembered the day we went on a d@t£ and I promised her I won’t let anything happen to her but I failed

I’m a bad b©yfriÂŁnd

I don’t know what Suzy wants with Bella but I know it isn’t a good thing
I just hope she doesn’t harm her