My indoor holiday Episode 6

My Indoor Holiday
Chapter 6👗👗👗
I opened the door and aunt Kiki jaw dropped immediately.
She walked in, closing the door.
“Isa what did I hear?” she said.
“what aunt?” I asked, looking at her.
“That you s£nt Rose away when she c@m£ to stay awhile with you.” she said.
I sighed. I’ve no idea how to explain.
“Aunt Kiki, you see I was angry then, I nee-ded to be alone.” I said.
“She said you were screaming.” I sighed. That girl must be weird mouth. I’d wish to see her right now and smatch thosel-ips of hers.
What do I explain?
“I was–” I got cut short by Henry, appearing beside me.
I breathed out. This guy’s so stubborn.
“Im not. Just tell her you hit your hand at the stair rail, it was so painful.” he said.
I inhaled.
“Isa!” aunt Kiki called.
“Yes, I hit my hand on the stair rail, it was so painful.” I lied.
She g@sped as her eyes fell on my hands.
She c@m£ to take my hand and I let her.
“Where exactly Isa? it must have really hurt. Did it bleed?” she asked, scanming my hands.
“No it didn’t bleed. Im fine now.” I said.
She smiled and t©uçhed my forehead.
“Are you feeling weak? do you wanna take drugs?” she asked.
I glanced at Henry and he was smiling.
“The sitting-room is looking so sparkling.” she said.
I looked around. Okay I recall not cleaning the sitting-room cos I went straight to the kitchen to eat.
I glanced at Henry.
He giggled.
“When did you do this?” I asked him before realizing it.
He g@sped and I ti-ght£ñed myl-ips in a shiver, then turned to aunt Kiki.
“When did I do what?” she asked with raised eyebrows.
My eyes fell on the new curtains
“When did you change the window curtains.” I said.
“Oh that was yesterday.” she said.
“Alright.” I said and breathed out.
She walked pas-s and headed upstairs.
“I don’t have home lessons with the kids today, im heading to church.” she said.
“Today isn’t sunday.” I said.
She laughed, “Oh Isabel, we don’t go to church only on sundays, we have a midweek worsh!pwith God. Go dress up. You’re going with me.” she said.
I rolled my eyes.
“I don’t want to.” I said.
Henry giggled and I sh0t him a glare.
“Ofcourse you will. Go now.”
“I didn’t come with church clothes.” I said.
“Oh come with me then, I’ll give you one.” she said and finally walked up.
I sighed.
“Great. It’s been ages I went to church.” he said.
“Ofcourse, Spirits don’t go to church.” I said then caught my breath.
Im so stupid. aunt Kiki might hear me.
He giggled.
“You musn’t talk when I do.”
“Why won’t I!” I said and g@sped again, clutching my hands to my mouth.
He shrugged, “Keep talking then.” he said.
“Isa! come on… hurry up, im almost done.” aunt Kiki shouted from the upstair.
I rolled my eyes.
“I don’t like going to church. I rather be at the beach with my friends.” I said.
“Oh I was so better than you. When I was human. I never miss church.” he said.
“Even on a wednesday?” I said.
“Yeah, it’s called Midweek service. My dad was a Deacon in St. Andrew’s Anglican church.” he said.
“So where is he now? Your parent?” I asked.
He sighed, “I don’t know. I’ve not seen them for five years now, ever since I bec@m£ a ghost.” he said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah.” he said.
I breathed out and headed to the staircase.
He followed behind me.
“You should go, im going to dress up.” I said.
“I know.” he said.
“Then why following me!” I snapped.
“Shh your aunt is coming.” he said and I inhaled.
When I turned she c@m£ out in flair flowery go-wn that reached below her knees, a red hat and red shoes.
She sl@pped her forehead at seeing me.
“You ain’t dressed yet Isabel. Come on, I’ll give you a sweet looking dress.” she said and took my hand, pu-lling me along.
When we entered her room, I saw a pink nice go-wn laying on her be-d with creamy hat and flat shoes.
I turned back to check if Henry followed us but he didn’t.
“You like it?” she asked.
“Yeah, it’s pretty but how did you get it.” I asked.
She smiled.
“It was a dress I bought for Regina on the day she got lost in the ocean. She loved pink just like you do too, but after buying it and getting home, I was welcomed with the horrifying news of my daughter’s lost.” she said and a tear almost dropped from my eyes but I blinked it back in.
“But.. but I don’t wanna wear it, it’s meant for her.” I said.
She smiled, “It’s okay, you just have it.” she said.
I picked the dress with a smile, then walked to the closet and hung it back in.
Then did same to the hat and shoes.
“Isa… why that?” she asked.
“It’s not mine aunt. It’s okay, im gonna search throu-gh my closet for a dress.” I said.
She smiled and stared amazingly at me as I walked out.
Gosh tears almost dropped from my eyes.
Such a painful news!
I really want to do this now, if not for anything but for my cousin.
Maybe she isn’t really dead. Maybe the Holloways captured her like Henry said.
I really wanna do this but im scared.
I pushed open my be-droom door to see Henry standing beside my be-d and a royal blue dress with stra-p sleeves.
“Cool right? wear it.” he said.
“How did you find this dress? did you search my closet?” I asked and picked up the dress.
It’s cool for it.
“Yeah.. Didn’t want you stressing yourself.” he said.
“Well thanks,” then I paused and narrowed my eyes at him.
“Did you stare at my undies!?” I asked him.
He twisted hisl-ips.
“Maybe a little.” he said.
I raised my brows,.“What!?”
“I never wanted to but my stupid eyes went there. Okay I apologise.” he said.
I rolled my eyes and headed to the bathroom.
“I don’t wanna find you still here when im out.” I said and slammed the bathroom door shut.
I c@m£ out of the bathroom in my towels, and Thank goodness, he wasn’t in.
I dressed up and combe-d my hair to fall over my shoulders. Then I applied a little mascara and pinkl-ipgloss.
Then slide my feet into my cute yellow sandals.
I picked up my yellow purse and my phone and just as I was about going for the door, he appeared in.
“Woah!” he breathed out, staring at me.
“What?” I asked.
“You are amazingly beautiful.” he said.
“Thanks.” I said and gr@bb£d the doorknob.
“Can I come with you?” he asked.
“No.” I snapped.
He smiled, “Alright, bye. Pray for me.” he said.
“You don’t expect me to pray for a ghost.” I said.
“Oh that was harsh Isa.” he said.
“Im going, gonna pray for you tho.” I said and chuckled.
He smiled.
He’s so handsome.
“Isa, who are you talking with?” I heard aunt Kiki’s voice on the door.
I g@sped and opened the door to see her now clutching a red handbag.
“No one aunt. I was on a phone call.” I said,“with my girlfriend.” I added.
She smiled, “One of them that your dad don’t want you with?” she asked.
“Kinda.” I said and she smiled.
“Let’s go.” she said and turned.
I glanced back to see Henry smile.
“Bye.” he said, smiling.
“Yeah.” I mumbled and walked out, shutting the door.
(at church)
Praise my soul, the King of heaven..
The hymn pla-yed as aunt Kiki aunt and I entered the large church with long red carpet from the entrance door up to the alter.
aunt Kiki sat at an empty pew and I did beside her.
When the hymn was over and the second hymn was called, I looked behind to see Henry, sitting on the pew behind ours, smiling at me.
Somehow, I knew he was gonna come.
But wait? I thought ghosts should be scared of being in the church?
I turned back to watch the choristers, singing.
Im not gonna act like he’s here..
“Wow great! today’s midweek service was awesome. Right Isa?” aunt Kiki asked as we entered the sitting-room.
“Maybe.” I said with a roll of my eyes and walked up into my room.
Im exhausted.
I wonder how Henry disappeared.
I changed into a bomshort and singlet, then layed on my be-d to go throu-gh my phone.
Just then my window curtains blew and I turned to see Henry standing at the window.
He smiled.
“How was church?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes, “Like you weren’t there. huh!”
He smiled..“Sure.”
“I thought ghosts doesn’t go to church.” I said.
He shrugged, “I don’t think. I did today and nothing happened.” he said.
“So tell me Isa, have you made up your mind?”
“About what?” I asked.
“About helping me and your cousin as well.” he said.
I inhaled.
“Henry, It’s so ha-rd for me to accept. I know I wish to help you find yourself, your b©dy and im sure it’ll be in the Holloways but me going there, I don’t wish to meet such people.” I said.
He c@m£ forward and tried to hold me again but I backed away.
“Don’t. Your hand is so cold.” I said.
He sighed, “If you don’t help me Isa, then im lost forever. I would never find out what really happened to me and also my parents.” he said.
I sighed.
“Also your cousin, Regina. Im sure she’s not dead. You have to help us all.” he said.
I stared at him, his sadness was really melting my heart.
“But im not so strong to do this.” I said.
“You are Isa, just believe that you are. You can do it.” he said.
I sighd, “Even if I want to, then I have to let my aunt know about it..I have to open up to her.” I said.
“It’s okay.” he said and smiled sweetly at me, staring de-eply at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Just staring at you, that’s all.” he said.
“Then don’t. That’s pretty scary.” I said.
He wi-de-ned his smile, “You are so beautiful Isa.” he said and tried to t©uçh my hair.
“Don’t!” I hurled.
He giggled.
“Isa” I heard aunt Kiki’s call me at the door.
I sighed.
“Another coming lie.” Henry said.
“You’ve been ma-king m–” but he cut me short.
“You st©p talking.”
I sighed.
Im sure going to tell her anyways.
He smiled. “She might not believe you.” he said.
Im not gonna tell her now.
“When then?” he asked.
When I’ve made up my mind to.
I walked to the door and opened it.
She smiled, “Heard you talking, you were on a phone call right?” she asked.
“Yeah” I lied.
“Well wanna tell you that dinner is re-ady.” she said.
“Alright.” I said, then glanced at Henry before walking out and closing the door.