My hell Episode 2

💔Episode Two💔
After a few hours I heard the sound of the front door closing. As I expected Peter stormed up the stairs, flung open the be-droom door, despite pretending I was asleep he yanked me up by my arm, his face inches from mine, I could almost taste the stale smell of beer on his breath.
“I own you and I will always own you Jodie.” He spat before throwing me ha-rd against the be-d. That night he R@p£d me in my own be-d for the 32nd time. I la-id there until the sun c@m£ up, not daring to move not to wake the monster. When he woke up he demanded I make him his usual breakfast of egg on toast. I did what he asked and rushed for the kitchen. I opened the cu-pboard and gr@bb£d 3 boxes of pain killers, this was it, I would end it all when he left for his morning walk. I hid them in my dressing go-wn and carried on ma-king breakfast.
When he left the house for his walk. I raced up the stairs with a large glas-s of water and the tablets. I emptied them all into my hand, and preyed that it would work. I swallowed all the tablets, after a while I began to feel tired and sick. I la-id back on the be-d and waited.
To be continued