My dream episode 14 & 15

❤️❤️❤️My DREAM ❤️❤️❤️
Written by Bukola 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
❤️❤️❤️ Chapter 14❤️❤️❤️
❣️❣️❣️Authoresses ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Prech was un-der a tree after receiving lectures, she sat un-der no the tree with her friend Susan. They were re-ading together and gisting. They were interrupted by the pres£nce of the RED DRAGONS girls. They were two in number and they c@m£ disguised, they were wearing a blue t©p and Jean trou-ser with a blue face cap.” Prech we want to see you” they said
Prech look at them somehow, she don’t know them. She looked at Susan would gave her a go ahead
” Ok you can go on” she said
” Sorry plea-se only prech
We nee-d to see you
It’s urgent” they said
Prech stand up and followed them to a bit distance place from Susan.” Okay what do you want to see me for?” She asked
They show her their logo and also show her their gun.
Prech was frightened and she began to shiver and also act like all is well
” What do you want?”she asked with a trembling voice
They smiled”simple take this and give Feyisara to drink
” Why??” She asked
They sh0t her a glare
” Nvm”she replied and wave to them. She walk up to Susan , pick up her bag and started leaving for her hostel.” What did they say??” Susan asked
She ignore her” see you in the hostel” she waved and left
She took a cab to her hostel, inside the cab various thought ran throu-gh her, should I kill her??
If I don’t kill her, I will be killed
What is this substance function??
Wait even though this stupid girl is my enemy , I don’t want to kill her. I don’t even Know the content of this substance and it’s effect. But I don’t want to die either
She will rather die than I should die
I arrived at my hostel and fell on my be-d
I soon felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I ignored it at first but the pain bec@m£ severe as I started vomiting blood. I managed to come out of my room and seek for help.
My hostel mates rush to me and they got a cab to take me to the hospital
” Doctor what happen??”Susan asked
” Who are you to her???” He asked talking to Feyisara and Susan who sat on the chair opposite the doctor
” We are her friends you can talk to us” Susan replied
” Alright her kidneys has been damaged and she nee-ds a urgent kidney transplant now. Her parents nee-ds to be here
Importantly, she nee-ds a donor now”
Feyisara and Susan glance at each other
” Who will donate kidney for prech”
” Operation successful” the doctor announced and both Feyisara and Prech was wheeled out of the operation room. They were placed on oxygen taking them to the ward
Few days later, Feyisara was Hale and hearty but Prech wasn’t well but she has regained consciousness
She saw Feyisara and Susan smiling and sitting beside her
” How come I am alive” she asked
“All thanks to Feyisara who donated kidney for you” Susan said smiling
Prech broke into tears. Feyisara and Susan thought it was tears of joy but it was in regret of her mistakes
” Feyisara am sorry, I have offended you”she said
Feyisara let out a smile” no you didn’t”
” I was jealous of you, envy of your relationsh!pwith Adebayo. The way he do buy things for you, treat you like a queen and so on. I was harbouring anger towards you but I didn’t do anything until Raymond started maltreating you. Then I thought this is a perfect chance make you live your life in pain and anguish. Raymond isn’t who you think he is…” She explain furthermore and Feyisara was bewildered.
Feyisara and Susan tried to protect Prech from the RED DRAGONS but it didn’t work and Feyisara wasn’t safe either.
Prech was killed because she failed in the as-signment given to her. Feyisara decided to leave school until the situation is calm but she wants to reconcile with Adebayo before leaving. She invited Adebayo to a p@rticular sp©t in the school.
She waited for him and Adebayo arrived
” Am sorry for keeping you waiting”
He wore a sunglas-ses looking around like a detective then he eventually sat down
” Humm am sorry” they both said at the same time
” You go first
” No you go first”
They were still arguing when the sound of gunsh0t was heard
Feyisara bec@m£ frightened.
Adebayo took the gun for her, he was hvgging her
As she was about lamenting, Adebayo managed to shout at her” go ran away Feyisara”he said
Her eyes couldn’t bear it, she hesistated for a while and she started running until she was able to hide in a safe place.

❤️❤️❤️ My DREAM ❤️❤️❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Chapter 15❤️❤️❤️
❣️❣️❣️❣️Authoresses ❣️❣️❣️
Adebayo was taken to the hospital by good Samaritans after the incident. The police c@m£ to the scene to Know what was going on, doing their investigation.
Adebayo was discharged few days later after the bullet has been re-moved. Feyisara was in her final year when the incident took place, her mum was informed and pleaded on Feyisara and Adebayo behalf that they can write their exams somewhere safe.
They agreed and with proper monitoring, she wrote her exams with Adebayo and defend their projects.
She went for her youth service. She was posted to Lagos while Adebayo was posted to Ibadan. They visit each other regularly and she was very happy although Adebayo didn’t confess his love for her.
Feyisara p.o.v
I was on call with Adebayo smiling In the living room sitting opposite mum who was watching the t.v
” Hello how are you?” He asked
” Am fine and you?” I asked happliy
” Am good have you eaten?” I asked
” Well am drinking garri and groundnuts”I said
” Garri? Oh my God why now give the phone to mum
Why are you drinking Garri?”I said
” Feyisara garri doesn’t means suffering
It’s just an appetizer” he said
“Appetizer!!! Humm okay o ” I said
“I miss you” he said
My heart beats at the sound of the word I miss you
” I miss you too” I replied
” Humm” mum sigh
” Who is that?” She asked
” It’s Adebayo” I whispers
She chuckled” let me talk to him? She said
” Hello Adebayo oko mi” she said
I grin at her look like am jealous
She is fond of calling Adebayo that
She talked to Adebayo for like five minutes
I wonder what they are talking about
They finished talking and she hand the phone to me and I rounded off my conversation with Adebayo
” Do you have a b©yfri£nd?” She asked
” No?”I asked
“Feyisara” she faced me with all seriousness and I wonder what she wants to say
” I have found a suitor for you” she threw the bombshell and I was surprised
” Arranged marriage in this 21st century”
” my child, time waits for no one
You just have to get married
What do you want again? You have graduated, you have a good job what else do you want dear. I nee-d my grandchildren very soon” she said
” Mum I won’t get married” I half yelled
” Then be re-ady to receive my death letter tomorrow!
What have I done for you not to listen to me
When you receive my death call tomorrow then you will un-derstand” she said going to her room
I ran to mum with emotions” mum I can’t lose you
I will get married” I replied
She hvg me ti-ghtly” thank you”she said and I heaved a sigh
I requested to see Adebayo in the night as he has been so busy these days with his new job.
He has changed and become more handsome than before .
He now has a cute teddy bears on his chin that make him handsome.
He still makes out time for me despite his busy schedule
” I want to tell you something”
” I want to tell you something too”he said
” You go first” I said
” You go first” he said
We argued and it finally land on him to speak first
We bur-st into laughter because that has always been the trend since childhood. He clears his throat and I wonder what he wants to say
” Actually I have been given admission for my masters program abroad and I am leaving tomorrow” he dropped the bombshell and I was disappointed.
It was like spear pierced my heart. Tears was gathering up in my face but I am not going to let it out
” What do you want to say?” He asked
I tried to let out a smile” I am happy for you. We have to celebr@te it” I said
” Of course , we would” he said
I got into his car and I sat in the front beside him.
He took the driver seat while I took the madam seat
This wasn’t what I expected
Although my dream was still getting married but I thought it will be achieved throu-gh Adebayo whom I thought love me
I thought he would declare his love for me, I am so stupid to believe Adebayo loves me.
The next day, I got the shock of my life after esc-rting Adebayo to the airport.
I arrived home and saw Raymond seating on the couch smiling
” Raymond ” I called
Mum let out a smile” Feyisara take your seat I un-derstand you guys know each other but he is your husband” mum said and I grasps
It was like I was seating on a cold fire
Heat from nowhere almost choked me up and I was sweating although I managed to suppress everything because of mum.
Later I found out that he lied to mum that we are in a relationsh!pand he takes good care of me but I broke his hear and st©p d@t!nghim. He was happy for me thinking I am in a new relationsh!p
When he found out am not in any relationsh!p, he decides to take me back. This was the lie he told mum
Stupid liar
I pretended to be happy because of mum happiness and the relationsh!pcontinued.
Although he apologized to me for all he has done but my heart wasn’t with him . I am in love with Adebayo