My disguised crush Episode 4 & 5

Episode 3
^Richa-rd ^
You are yet to know anything about me, that was so closed all because of my annoying father.
All this old men sef, they won’t let you be.
I rounded up every necessary thing for the vacation now we are free to go.
What awaits us there is no man’s business.
We were drove to the airport and minutes later our flight took off.
We sat side by side with each other
“Nothing will ever separate us from each other Claire, I don’t know who turned you into a heartless bit-ch but not to worry am back and I am here to stay, I won’t ever let you go ever again you are mine and mine alone “I said to my self looking at her throu-gh out the day.
An hour later, it was announced that we will soon land, so we parked our things and we were good, we went down and st©pped to feel the cool breeze, Claire’s hair wasn’t packed so the breeze blew her hair and it covered her face, I was so interested in her every move that I watched her all throu-gh, she tried pushing some strains back but it c@m£ back all over again.
We stood that way not saying a word to each other, after some minutes we walked down to the car that was waiting for us, we boarded it and we took off.
She said that she has a house here alre-ady so I think that’s where we are going to.
I always like coming here when ever I am down, anytime I want to take a day off from work or anything I come down here to relax my head.
The last time I visited this place was 9 years ago
When my crush chose a first clas-s bit-ch over me.
I was so heartbroken, sad and angry I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t laugh and I couldn’t sleep, I have been crushing on him since when I was six, but he didn’t accept my love he rejected me and made me a laughing stock.
He made me who I am today, he made me heartless, I so much loathe guys that is why I beat up that guy.
I always have some thing in me that jumps up for joy when I see my crush but it st©ps years back and what makes me surprise is that the feeling c@m£ back the moment I saw that guy.
Could he be my crush?
That’s the question I ask my self everyday but his face is different from his and that makes me confused.
And now my heart is beating for my as-sistant, I am just too confused, I really nee-d someone to talk to.
Any time I am in Canada, the memories are always fresh, from the first day I met him to the last day he rejected me.
Tears fell from my eyes, its been long since I st©pped shedding tears for him but I can’t help it, the feelings is back as nightmare tormenting me day and night.
Who is that guy I once beat up?
Where is he now?
Who is Richa-rd and why is my heart beating for him
I can’t be in love with three different people, never.
I know what will solve the problem.
A soothsayer will do
Episode 4
^Richa-rd ^
I looked everywhere for Claire but I couldn’t find her so I decided to check outside.
I saw her standing all alone , she was staring into space
“What is wrong with her? Why is she out in this cold? “I asked no one
I walked back and redraw my jacket heading out, I nee-d to cover her if she is sad about anything that doesn’t give her the guarantee to stand out without covering up her self.
She might catch flu or cold, and something worse and unexpected can happen since I don’t know much about her b©dy.
I covered her with the jacket, she was shivering alre-ady
“Thanks “she said looking at me
“You are welcome, we nee-d to get inside the house before you blacked out, you nee-d a h0t coffee”I told her and pu-ll-ed her to my self, she remained calm without arguing till we reach the cottage.
I gave her a h0t coffee to drink but she acted funny, what’s the problem? I asked my self.
Richa-rd every move makes me remember my crush but Richa-rd is a different person, the coffee he gave me also tastes like his
Oh God what is happening to me? Why is the memory coming back.