my diary my secret episode 23 & 24

…….(Crush On You)……

Authoress FG…

EPISODE 23….☺️

I ran to my room sobbing then locked the door.

How could he do such a thing to me.He thinks am one of those cheap girls who goes around chasing after him. He’s a bastard. I cried as i threw my bag on the floor then Ann picked it up.

Why are you venting your frustration on the innocent bag? Anna asked

Ann how did you get in here? I asked curiously

Have you forgotten you taught me how to get in throu-ghyour window. Sir Ralph called and told me everything. She said

What did he say to you? i asked

He’s such a bastard. How dare him ki-ss me, seems like he’s beginning to forget the fact that am still that same Delia who doesn’t take shit from anybody,it’s high time i go back been my old self. I said angrily but Ann stared at me.

What? Won’t you say anything about what he did to me…. You always side with him what happened now,cat cut your tongue. I said fuming

?….ANNA ….?
Delia you can’t go back to your old self even though you try doing so because there’s nothing like getting attention and affection from people who care about you. Sir Ralph is really sorry for the ki-ss. I said softly then Delia wiped off her tears for-cefully.

He’s sorry… Sorry isn’t gonna change the fact that he ki-ssed me and of all people Joyce was the witness… Sorry. She complained

Delia you know sir Ralph isn’t the type of guy who fli-rts around with girls and if a guy does something like that to you without thinking about the consequences,you should know that guy has developed feelings for you but unfortunately sir Ralph hasn’t fully realize that. I said smiling

Wow Delia,sir Ralph is developing feelings for you so relax and forget about everything like nothing ever happened. Delia said seriously as she rolled her eyes.

Come on Delia stop pretending to be such a saint because I know,you like him too and you’re just being dramatic so you would justify yourself that you don’t like him and you know that isn’t true. I said

Ann when did you become a mind reader. Ann i don’t like Ralph,he’s not my type. She said

?…. ELLEN…..?
Ellen are you sure Vera don’t wanna travel to New York? sir Roger asked over the phone.

Am not sure sir but i know she’s gonna change her mind so we shouldn’t jump to conclusions yet. I said and I heard a knock at the door.

Wait a minute sir. I added as i walked to the door and opened it.

Ellen. Vera called as she ran in and gave me a ti-ght hu-g sobbing.

Sir we’ll talk tomorrow at the office. I said

OK good night Ellen. he said

Good night sir. I said and hung up.

Oh my gosh Vera what happened? I asked curiously as i wiped off her tears

I should lock the door so we can go to my bedroom and talk things out. You’re spending the night here right? I asked and she nodded still crying. I swiftly locked the door and we went to my room.

Ellen it’s about Bobby. She said sobbing

What happened to him? I asked curiously

I broke up with him. Vera said and narrated the whole story to me.

OMG… Am so sorry Vera,you’re in this mess all because of me,i told you to give him a chance,i never knew he’s a playboy… am so sorry. I said in a low tone.

?…. VERA…..?
It’s not your fault Ellen,we never knew he was a je-rk and am gonna try my possible best to forget about him because he’s not worth being on my thoughts or mind. i said seriously

Yes Vera, forget about him and move on but you’re coming to New York with me right? She asked curiously

Yeah,he was the reason why i was having second thoughts but now there’s nothing stopping me from accomplishing my dreams. I said smiling

This is what I’ve been dying to hear from you. Now there’s no more Bobby in our lives,we just have to drive to any destination life takes us. Oh i should call Delia and tell her everything. She said as she picked up her phone then called Delia.

Hello Delia,how are you? Haven’t slept yet? OK Vera came back home crying. Ellen said as she began to narrate the whole story to Delia.

Vera is here with me have a word with her. She said and gave me her phone.

Hello Vera,how are you? Am sorry Vera but am so glad you’re finally going to New York to accomplish your dreams. You should know that in every disappointment or betrayal there’s always a blessing and good news. Don’t worry we talk tomorrow at the office… Bye goodnight. Delia said

Bye good night. I said and hung up.

Ellen after our trip to New York,i wanna move in here with you. i said

No problem,you’re always welcome to my house. She said smiling then i gave her a hu-g.

Thank you so much Ellen,you and Delia mean alot to me. I said as tears roll down my cheeks.

Come on .. don’t cry. Ellen said

?…. RALPH….?
It’s morning already,i couldn’t sleep all night because i was thinking about Delia and am worried maybe she wouldn’t talk to me again.

Sir.. Ma’am Lucia is here to see you. one of the maids said

What does she want this time around. I muttered out as i adjusted my tie properly picked up my phone and car keys then went downstairs.

Rex.. Mum shouted

Mum please,am not in the mood for your talks this morning. I have a lot on my mind right now and I don’t have the time to argue with you. I said

Rex i didn’t bring you up to be this spoilt. I know we have scores but that isn’t enough reason to do whatever thing you like. If you nee-ded money you should have asked me but instead you went ki-ssing a girl just so she would give you money… What on earth is wrong with you Rex.. Mum yelled and i couldn’t help it but boost into laughter.

Why are you laughing? Do i look like am joking with you? mum asked seriously

Who fed you with such rumors about me? i asked still laughing.

What do you mean? Mum asked confused..

……..(Crush On You)S1……..

Authoress FG…


I have told you mum,you nee-d a man in your life and when i mean a man,am referring to my father so you won’t get the time to gossip about with your nasty friends but i know your friends had nothing to do with this rumor, Joyce told you and yes mum i ki-ssed a girl because she’s my girlfriend. Am not that cheap to sell my ki-sses, don’t i have the right to ki-ss my girlfriend. Mum you better cut your connection with Joyce,she’s not my type and she isn’t your clas-s. If you allow Joyce manipulate your mind against me that won’t be my problem but yours because you gonna lose me for good and don’t forget you haven’t tell me yet who my father is. Ralph said and walked out of the sitting room.

Rex,am so sorry for what i said. I shouted but he left already.

It isn’t time for me to tell you who your father is because am still angry with him for what he did to us and if i were to make a wish i don’t want you to ever meet him and he will never know you’re his child that’s his punishment. I muttered out angrily.

?…. JOYCE….?
Mum relax, nothing is gonna happen to dad. I said to mum who was sitting on the couch with her face filled with worries.

Joyce. Lucia yelled as she came in.

Lucia what a pleasant surprise. Mum said but Lucia ignored her giving me a serious stare

Joyce you fed me with lies about my son that made me looked stupid in front of him. She shouted

Lucia you just don’t come into my house and raise your voice at my daughter. mum said seriously

You call this rat hole a house even my maids won’t live in such a shabby place and you open your mouth to utter garbage. Rose am still giving my presence because your dad was my father’s senior maid…. my father fed your family and made you who you are today so Joyce know your limits because neither Rex or i are your clas-s. She said seriously

You haven’t heard Ralph is having an affair with a middle clas-s girl. Mum said smiling

I’ve heard but at least she’s better than Joyce,you know why because she’s not from the generation of maids. Excuse me. Lucia said and left.

Mum don’t feel bad about what she said. i said in a low tone.

Joyce you’re such a useless child,i had to quarrel with such a great personnel all because of your stupid gossip. Your father shouldn’t hear about this because if he does… Mum said angrily and left.

?…. RALPH….?
I got to the office but Delia came already so i went to her office with a flower.

Delia am sorry. I said and gave her the flowers.

Really but i don’t nee-d flowers right now so they should go to the right position. She said and dropped it in her trash bin.

Delia am so sorry… What do you want me to do so I can really prove to you am sorry? I asked

Do you really want to know? she asked and i nodded

Leave me alone. she said seriously as she stood up from her chair.

If that’s what you really want then fine but you should know you’re very special to me. I said and left her office.

?….DELIA …?
Is he actually going to leave me alone but why? i muttered in my mind as i left my office to the cosmetic department.

Good morning everyone. i greeted as i got in there.

Good morning ma’am Delia. They all chorused

Seamus how’s your progress on the production? I asked

We’re done. Would you like to have a look? He asked and i nodded.

Lee get one of the body lotions. He said and Lee brou-ght it to me

Wow it has a nice fragrance. I said after smelling it.

I knew you would like it…. We have be planning on producing it for so long so i guess it came out well. He said smiling

Nice one… Guys in two days time we will be presenting our new product to the investors so we wish ourselves good luck. Seamus i will call you OK. i said and he nodded then i left for Ellen’s office.

?… ANNA…?
Ann are you sure this is gonna work? Sir Ralph asked curiously

Believe me sir, it’s surely gonna work. Am sorry to ask you this sir but do you love Delia? I asked curiously

It’s a very good question Ann but i can’t tell what’s going on with me lately… Delia used to be the only girl i hated in the whole of Seoul but suddenly i can’t get her thoughts off my head and i don’t know why that’s why am here Ann,i want you to help me figure this out because i know Delia owns a very special place in my heart. He said

Then there’s no nee-d for me to help you because you’ve figured it out yourself. I said smiling

How? He asked confused

When someone owns a very special place in your hear what do you think that is ? I asked

That means you love the person. He said then wide-ned his eyes with surprise.

Are you thinking what am thinking? He asked smiling then i nodded.

?….DELIA …?
Oh my gosh Vera,am so sorry but thank goodness the relationship hasn’t gotten that de-ep. i said as i sat beside Vera.

It’s not your doing Delia and am no longer sad because something good came out of this at least now am definitely going to New York and when i get there am gonna wash away his memories off my head. She said

Good thinking Vera. I said smiling just then the office door bell rang.

Where’s Ellen ? I asked curiously

She went to sir Roger’s,i think she’s the one at the door. She said

Come in. Vera added then the person came in to our surprise it’s Bobby.

What! What the hell are you doing here? Now get lost from here. Vera shouted.

I brou-ght you flowers Vera,you used to love flowers alot. He said smiling

?…. VERA….?
Oh you brou-ght me flowers. i said smiling as i took the flowers from him

I knew you would love it. He said smiling then i slapped him with the flowers.

Take your stupid flowers and get out of my sight. Go give the flowers to those who are interested because am not and I’ve told you before i don’t wanna ever see your face again. Now get out. I barked angrily.

Vera we have a very special bond together. He said then i slapped him again.

Get out before i loss my cool. I said

Can’t you hear her… GET LOST.. Delia said angrily then he went out.

You can go with your stupid flowers as well. I said as i threw the flowers outside.

Oh my gosh,he still have the nerve to show his face here. I said seriously

Boys are sometimes shameless. Delia said..

Ralph’s mum really gave Joyce and her mum the piece of her mind ?…. Look at this stupid Bobby o,he really had the nerve.. what ru-bbish ? ….