My dear Caleb batch 7

EPISODE 22 and 23 (Semi Final).
[] Stephanie pov cont[]
As he stepped in, I quic-kly dis£ngage from Micheal and ran out of the room. I really don’t have the time to talk to him.
I went over to meet mom leaving Micheal and Caleb in the room.
[] Vicky’s pov continues []
After everyone have left the room. Caleb walked in, I felt angry and at the same time happy to see my once lost love.
“Am so sorry for everything I did to you. plea-se forgive me”. He pleaded.
He c@m£ close to me as if he wants to k!ssme and I gave the look he should get out of my way.
. Caleb moved back and gave me one of his charmamazing smiles and said “I get it if you still hate me tho”
As he wanted to go, I pu-ll-ed him back and went for the k!ssand gosh it felt so good..
He reciprocated and held my w@!st firmly.. Immediately I pushed him away and say
“no we can’t be doing this.. behind Stephani’s back”
“there’s nothing like that we alre-ady did it” Caleb yanked
I sighed I could feel my heart beating full of guilt.. But I still love Caleb and he says he loves me too..
Suddenly we heard cl@pping coming from the entrance door and it seemed loud we looked and saw Michael
“well pla-yed guys, Caleb I can’t believe you you are one drama king after getting angry at me.. You c@m£ here to smooch around with your sisters twin …
“look you didnt see anything so don’t judge” Caleb said trying to cover up, but Michael smiled and said.
“don’t you dare lie to me Kay because I caught you red handed you said it should be your little secret”
“okay fine you caught me what are you going to do? ” Caleb said
“oh what am I going to do? I will just walk up to Stephanie and explain everything to her, simple” Michael threatened..
“Look don’t tell Stephanie anything okay I’ll tell her” Caleb said
“you’re a monster Caleb.. A big one, Stephanie’s out there trying to cope with her new life now, she nee-ds serious help she nee-ds someone SOMEONE!! Like you to be by her side.. But here you are doing what.. What’re here smooching around with her twin when she nee-ds you” Michael said, yelling and his voice filled with sympathy and emotional pain and I could say I almost felt it too
“look Michael I love Stephanie, but not the way I love Vicky, maybe I loved Stephanie because she looked like Vicky, love can be tricky.. Maybe it was just an infatuation love.. I dont know maybe Stephenie and i are’nt meant to be.. Maybe Vicky’s my zing i dunno okay… Just don’t JUDGE ME!!! Our heart has a of its own… So plea-se am begging you don’t judge me Michael “…
Michael gave Caleb an unexplainable look.. And said “am not judging you Kay.. Stephanie is out there dying for you begging for you to share your love to her but here you are saying its infatuation love you just broke her heart now.. You better find a way to break up with her without hurting her or else I’ll strangle you to death with my ba-re hands” Michael said angrily, he turned back and walked away I could see him wiping sometin away from his face, “Was he crying ” I thought.. I could feel my face we-t “omy I am also crying” I said outloud and cleaned my tears..
That moment I knew Michael had something for Stephanie because the way he stood up to her.. No special guy can do that..
“I can’t believe this.. Am feeling guilty of what he just said” I said to Caleb looking at him
“what are we going to do.. It’s like am Stephanie’s back stabber .. And I don’t want to be that” i panicked
“dont worry i’ll explain to her.. Just.. don’t worry”
He S AI d and walked out In action.. I sat on my be-d thinking about everything, when the doctor and my mom walked in..
“mom” I called
“honey are you feeling better now ” she asked
“am feeling great but am down that’s all”
The doctor c@m£ closer to me he opened my eyes and said “your health is indeed good, i cannot believe you woke up today.. You’re strong enough.. I think you’ll be discharged next tomorrow ”
“Next tomorrow,’ no way am not staying in this hospital am going home with mom today.. ” I said giving the doctor a glare
“hmm okay fine” he said, he walked over to my mom talked to her and gave her sealed medicine bag..
We began to pack and I couldn’t wait to go home, I told my MOm about going to school the next day and she agreed..
[] Stephanie’s pov[]
After talking to mom the doctor later c@m£ to us and said we can go home, I can’t believe we were in the hospital all day…
Just as we were packing Mrs Genevieve walked in with Vicky behind her..
She c@m£ closer to us and said “Stephanie dear can u give us some privacy I want to talk to your mother ”
I nod my head and moved closer to Vicky..
We both stayed together and waited outside..
“what do you think they’re talking about” I said
“I don’t know maybe anything” Vicky replied giving me a look..
“Stephanie” she called
I turned to her swiftly and she sighed and said
“do you love caleb”
“y… yes.. I do” I replied feeling irritated by the question
“well am glad but do you love michael” she asked again
“what kind of question are you asking” I said giving her a confused look
“am sorry to ask you but I just want to know as a “sister” …okay” she said calmly and smiled..
When I heard the word sister I knew I found my trust pal.. So I opened up..
“well I don’t know if I love Michael but I feel somehow around him”
“well dear you’re in love ….
[] Stephanie’s pov continues []
“what do you mean am in love I just said I feel somehow around him doesn’t mean I love him” I said not un-derstanding my emotions
“look you just don’t know yet okay.. But i have something I really have to tell you but let it wait.. ”
“okay” I replied
…after some minutes, mom and [mom] mrs Genevieve walked out and mom was smiling and I knew something good just worked..
“let’s go home honey” my mom said to me smiling she turned to Mrs Genevieve and said “see you tomorrow” and win-ked..
“bye” I said to vicky
“bye” she replied as we both stared at each other.. As we made a turn to leave Vicky immediately hvg me and I hvgged her back and it felt warm and awesome..
We hvgged for so long that my mom and Mrs Genevieve had to separate us..
“bye once again” Vicky said and k!$$£d me on the cheek
“bye” I said, not just wanting to leave it felt like if I leave her now, I won’t see her again..
“you love her right” my mom said as we were on our way home in a taxi
“I love who? ” I asked
“Vicky” my mom completed
“I just don’t love her I more than love her, I just wish I could get to see her everyday It’s like she’s a p@rt of me am just glad she’s mine.. ” I replied and smiled
“Oh honey just don’t worry your prayers would be answered soon you’re going to school tomorrow right? ” my mom said
“yes..i am I guess” I said and my mom Smiled and said great..
Few minutes later we got down from the taxi and walked briskly to our house..
Getting there since it was alre-ady dark I saw someone squ-atting beside our door.. I couldn’t see the person’s face more clearly until we got there
“Jane!!” I called feeling surprised
She immediately stood up and hvg me..
“oh Steph you’re okay”..
she said..
“yes I am” I replied dis£ngaging from the hvg..
My mom unlocked the door and we walked in including Jane,the first place we headed to was my room
“okay Jane why are you here because I know you act… ”
“look look Stephanie I was crazy then I was just mad.. Am so so so sorry for the way I treated you, for the screaming, ignorings and silent treatments
you’re a good friend but I was too foolish to realize that .. plea-se just find it in your heart to you know the word f.. fo..forgi.. forgive me”
I sighed out loud and say “do you even nee-d to ask”…”I’ve forgiven you a long time you’re my very best friend Jane and I love you for that”
I said and hvgged her “oh thanks Stephanie you’re the best like Michael always says”
I quic-kly dis£ngage her and say
“um… About Michael are you still going to tell him you like him”
“like him.. I figured that me and Michael aren’t meant to be I’ve gotten over Michael I’ve found my zing” Jane said wi-nking at me
“who? ”
I asked
“Kyle that tall dude I showed you the other way, we have so many things in common and gosh I just love him” Jane said smiling
I smiled hearing Jane’s voice again..
“should we hvg one more time because I really miss you” Jane said and we both laughed and hvgged
Just as we both sat down on the be-d, Michael opened the door.. And he walk in..
He st©pped his track and looked at Jane.. Jane smiled at him, stood up gently and walked up to him
“look Michael you know you did wrong and..”
“look Jane am so sorry for calling you a..
” Shhh.. Ever heard of the word forgive, I forgive you ” Jane said sweetly and hvg Michael around his n£¢k..
“thanks” Michael said and smiled, Jane phone ringed and she looked at the screen and said “oh guys I have to go see you tomorrow morning ” she said and ran out leaving me and Michael alone I could feel my heart beating so fast and I remembered Vicky’s word “my dear you’re in love”……
[] Michael’s pov[]
Jane left remaining me and Stephanie “why are you here ” she asked
“I c@m£ to check on you because your mom called me saying you guys are home safetly” I replied pushing my hands in my pocket..
“okay.. Um.. Mike thanks for everything today” Stephanie said not looking at me, she was kind of shy but why
“Look it’s nothing I mean what are friends for” i queried
I moved closer to Stephanie and sat beside her on her be-d..
“you and jane made up” I said
“yes we did” I said and laughed nervously…
we started to talk and remember old times when Jane did this and that or when I did some crazy stuff when I was still young.. We talked and was lost in talking when stephanie st©pped suddenly and said “michael I don’t know but I feel…
“you feel what”i asked her
“just that I feel uncomfortable around you now and I kind of know why”
“why? ” I asked..
Feeling nervous, is Stephanie loosing her faith in me now, no plea-se let her still trust me.. Or is she hating me, I thought .
“Look Stephanie I love you” I said not knowing how that word escaped from myl-ips.. Then I remembered I vowed not to say that word to her again
“I.. I…
She stammered trying to say something but she gave up and said “plea-se Michael I have Caleb in my life now so plea-se ”
When I heard the name Caleb I was angry, I quic-kly said.. “look there’s something about Caleb you dont Know,vicky would have tell or she hasn’t.. ”
I said and explained everything to her,even the main p@rt where caleb said their love wasn’t real it was infatuation love…
Few minutes later I found stephanie crying.. “buh I loved him”
“look Steph am sorry I just couldn’t keep it to my self”
“no it’s not your fault Mike *sobs* it’s not your fault okay”
I hate seeing Stephanie cry.. I hvgged her ma-king her head rest on my che-st.. And her cry bec@m£ soberly..
“just let it out ” I said and pat her back ..
After a few seconds I decided to dis£ngage maybe she’ll be be getting uncomfortable but as I made a move to re-lease from the hvg
With her low voice and teary voice she said
“hvg me ti-ghter, don’t leave me, I nee-d you know”