My crazy house help Episode 45

👰🎻My Crazy
House Help🎻👰
🎤(She defiled me)🎤
Episode 45
Sophia’s POV…
I felt shivers run throu-gh me, my whole b©dy trembled in fright, I fluttered my eyes breathing very heavy…
Guilt covered my heart that tears was f0rç£d to form in my eyes, Bryan was having se-x with me, the c@m£ra was recording the act, it was really happening…
After some minute, I heard his growl followed by his c-um filling me…
I shut my eyes feeling very weak and exhausted not from the se-x but from the fact that I just used him..
This is not different from r@p£, Bryan would never have se-x with me in his right s-en-ses, he loves Rose so much, he is one of those man that would never want to cheat or hurt the girl they love, but now….he just did it.
Rose is alive, what if my father s£nds the video to her,
What a heartbreak..
She would regret ever meeting Bryan, she would hate him with all her heart..
Oh, God!!
I breathed heavily laying on the be-d, Bryan had alre-ady sle-pt up..
I stared into his face and shook my head,
What a great shock to hear that he had impregnated me, he won’t doubt it because of the se-x now that is recorded…
He would finally end up marrying me, oh gosh!..Xavier is one of the most desperate man ever..
He would never accept defeat, right now, Bryan won’t be able to run from it…
When Rose hears that I’m pregnant for Bryan..
Would she be able to bear it??
I’m sure it would be a hvge b!ow to her..
Tears rolled down my eyes as I stepped off from the be-d to re-move the c0md0mI wore…
I took a quic-k and thorou-gh bath before dressing up…
“Bryan I’m so sorry, but I still nee-d to be alive, Xavier would kill me if I don’t do this…” I muttered un-der my breath to him before walking away..
Its just so clear that I am totally useless, I got no worth and can’t even be called a human, my freedom is taken away…
I can’t even tell the state of Austin of b©yfri£nd..
Is he still waiting for me???
Oh, God!!.
When would all this even end???
I can recall when things were going all well, there was actually that time when I had no trouble, Bryan was my b©yfri£ndand we loved each other….
I had been an idol for everyone, whenever I sings with Bryan, people scream in joy and swoon…
I was the best female singer, Bryan was the best male singer, it was a great match, I thought life would be that way to the end till Xavier decided to shatter my life for his de-sire.
I don’t even know how I even fell for Austin and left Bryan, but I just fell for him and his voice, I wanted him instantly that began to dislike Bryan…
That was how it all went wrong, right now, I’m more of a robot than a human…
I can’t even talk to my fans who had kept asking for my pres£nt state..
My life is just so complicated…
How I’m I even sure that Xavier would let me be after he achieves his dream…
Someone should just help me out plea-se!!!
Fred’s POV…
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock as I cringed moving back, my whole b©dy shivered and terror, I couldn’t just bear what I saw…
It did well in shredding my heart, I could feel de-ep pain which I had never had before…
After s£nding the message to Jace, I had quic-kly logged into Bryan’s server, I had hacked into his house c@m£ra system…
You can’t tell how I kept muttering prayers for Jace to see the message on time and st©p the act before it happens…
To my greatest shock and regret, he didn’t check his email, he couldn’t see it..
I watched as Sophia walked into Bryan’s room throu-gh the surveillance c@m£ra…
Bryan really had se-x with her…words can’t explain how my heart ached watching the scene…
It pained me so much that I couldn’t watch to the end, my eyes went we-t as I bend my head down the desk..
Why would Xavier shatter her life?..why would he use her like a trash!!!
Why on earth would he be this cruel to his daughter?? heart is just too heavy in anger and hurt,
Sophia the girl I long for, someone I badly want beside me…
She may had never gave me attention but it didn’t change the way I feel towards her, I still love her so de-eply and now seeing her having se-x with Bryan left me shattered..
Xavier is just busy ma-king her life useless, she is someone everyone out there see as an idol and crush on,
Who would know all this she is pas-sing throu-gh from her father..
I could see the pain in her eyes as Bryan made love with her, it was clear she never wanted it..
Who would want to have se-x with a guy against his will?..Rose said she doesn’t love him, it must really hurt her having se-x with him…
Sophia is being hurt…
She is being pained and no one cares, no one is standing beside her to console her,
Bryan would hate her so de-eply and detest her after this…
Would he even know that she is innocent and being controlled like a nothing…
Tears even fell off her eyes after the se-x..
Oh God!!!
My fist clenched ti-ghtly as I felt hurt seeing her that way, she faced the c@m£ra and I was able to see her beautiful face which drives me crazy, she may look so beautiful and enchanting outside but in her lies de-ep pain and depression..
Immediately her eyes fell on mine, I felt a rush of guilt flow throu-gh me, it was replaced with rage….
Xavier had really done more than he should, it has to st©p or Sophia may die of pain..
I sighed and stood up…
I think its time to end this..I can’t sit here any longer while she kept pas-sing throu-gh more pain from that devil Xavier…
Bryan’s POV…
My eyes opened slowly, I felt weak and exhausted, my dream was so weird to say…
I can’t believe I dreamt having se-x with Sophia, that was so absurd, I just wonder why such a dream c@m£ true, I’m alre-ady feeling guilty for it…
I mustn’t cheat on my Rose flower, she is way too precious to be hurt, I’m sure we would meet again…
I moved to the edge of the be-d and made to sit up when I felt something that left my whole b©dy shaking in horror..
I was unclad!!!!
My eyes fluttered as I tried not to think all that happened was real…
I put on my short and sat up only for me to lose balance and fall back on the be-d..
Just as I l@yback, all the event pla-yed back..
Sophia had walked into my room and I bec@m£ hor-nyinstantly in an extreme way…
I could view vaguely the moment I k!$$£d and undress her…
I had se-x with her!!!!
My whole b©dy bec@m£ weak and I felt so hurt, I couldn’t even say anything again…
It is clear that Xavier and Sophia is out to destroy me and my father, he has succeeded once again..
I had se-x with Sophia without a sheath, I re-leased in her,
What if she gets pregnant??
But why??..why??..Xavier why???…he must have gave her the stuff that turned me off…
That scent was really strong, it affected me so much…
This is getting more worst day by day…
Tears rolled down my cheeks..
He must have recorded it and may s£nd it to Rose, if Sophia becomes pregnant, how can I explain??
How can I elude marrying her??
So once again, my life is getting shattered!!!
If only I can see Rose again..
I would become strong again, I would surely have the strength to fight!!
Slowly, I walked to the bathroom and cleaned up..
I dressed up and head to the studio, I would sing for Rose anywhere she is..
She would surely hear the song and would know I still love her and waits for her return..
I was down the sitting room when someone knocked on the door..
I opened it only to see Xavier, my dad and Sophia at the door post…
They all c@m£ to meet me this morning.
“What brou-ght this sudden visit?” I asked and glanced at Sophia who was staring at the floor..
My dad and Sophia wasn’t smiling at all, Xavier was the only one enjoying the smiles alone..
“Oh, son…we are here to talk about the sweet r0m@nç£between you and my daughter..” Xavier replied with a wi-de smile that s£nd anger all over me..
“Do you think I have anything to do with your daughter???..sir with all die respect, get back to where you c@m£ from…you and your daughter isn’t welcomed!!!” I growled and he laughed..
“St©p the pretense son…we all know what happened..accept it, you love….”
“Shut up you disgusting fellow!!!!” I bellowed and another croaky laughter went on…
“Bryan, allow us in..” My dad said in a low tone…
I gr-unted before giving way, Xavier sm-irked before getting in..
I sneered at Sophia who glanced at me and she threw her face away again…
She must feel guilty..
“Tomorrow, is morning right??..that day for the d@t£ to be officially announced…” Xavier said with a teasing smile…
“d@t£ for what plea-se??..Xavier or whatever you are, keep on dreaming!!!!…you and your daughter looks dead to me!..I can’t have anything to do with you both!!” I snapped.
“This isn’t the time to prove stubborn, its too obvious to hide, at least you both consummated the love yesterday…” He sm-irked and I couldn’t hold my anger…
I rushed to him in rage and s£nd a punch to his face…
I raised my hand to s£nd another one but he caught hold of it and pushed me to the wall ha-rd ly…
“How dare you t©uçh me!!!” He howled and punched my belly twice that blood spurted out of my mouth…
He gr@bb£d me by the shi-t and made to punch my face when my dad quic-kly held him..
“St©p hitting him!!!” He growled and Xavier laughed pushing me away..
“Are you daring me???” He asked with a sm-irk..
“I can’t let you hit him, we c@m£ here to talk not fighting!!” He said and Xavier stared at him for some second before nodding..
He head to the sofa and slumped on it..
“Hey Bryan, no one dares to hit me, I don’t mind s£nding him to his grave!” He warned stretching his cloth which was ruffled..
“When you are done staying here, get your smelly a**s off my couch, I can’t stay here and talk with a devil!! for you daughter, getting married to her is the last thing I would do on earth, st©p fighting because you won’t win!!” I yelled before turning to the stairs..
“Bryan!!!” My father called pausing my step..
I turned and he nodded ma-king me sigh…
“This is the file for the marriage, get your self here and sign this!!!..tomorrow, the world would know of your marriage with her…st©p being stubborn!!..its useless!!” Xavier bawled..
My father gestured me to go on…I recalled his word and signed it…
“I’m sure you and your father might have plan to destroy the marriage, I have to laugh at you for it..know this…” He paused and made a short chuckle..
“Sophia was in her period when you did it yesterday, you wore no sheath so I guess her pregnancy would be coming up soon…” He smiled and my world shattered…
My dad was also stunned to hear it…
“Bryan you had se-x with her????” He exclaimed in shock..
“Dad…I…” Myl-ips stuttered..
“You wanna marry her why pretending!!” My dad added in frustration..
“Dad I was drugged I think!!!’ I spoke out..
” st©p those lie, I have the video, get re-ady and marry her, forget about Rose and face your fate…” He scorned before standing..
“Sophia did I..??” I spluttered and she nodded..
I slumped on the floor in anguish..
If Sophia gets pregnant truly, all hope is lost…
Rose’s POV..
The newspaper fell off my grip as I re-ad the headline…
My legs quivered with my head spinning, I couldn’t believe my eyes,
With speed, I ran home, my eyes was flooding..
It was so painful..
How??? soon…
I couldn’t even meet him before this,
Has he forgotten me??
How could he even agree so easily??
I may be dead to him but don’t I deserve half a month of grief…
He is getting married to the daughter of Xavier who destroyed my life…
Bryan why????
Don’t you know it hurts so much??
I’m a commoner which you alre-ady know, why then did you gave me hope…
You should have jilted me from the beginning, now I pas-s throu-gh all this for nothing!!
Oh…gosh, I’m going crazy..
I am just returning from the new school happily, this new have ruined me..
I thought Bryan would wait a little longer, I thought I meant much!!!
I must have been over thinking!!!
Finally, I got home and dashed in speedily..
Fred was in the sitting room all alone..
“Fred tell me its a lie!!!…tell me I had an illusion!!…Bryan is getting married to Sophia????” I screamed in tears..
He hvgged me ti-ghtly…
“Xavier is at it again, he made Bryan have se-x with Sophia without a sheath, he used a se-x chemical..” He said and I felt my heart pierced…
“So…Sophia would be pregnant??..that’s why he is marrying her??” I whimpered..
“Sophia was wearing a c0md0mbut no one knew, he wants to frame Bryan with pregnancy so he would marry Sophia, as you can see, he is succeeding….we can’t wait!!!..let’s go!!” He said and I nodded wiping my tears..
“Where is my mom??” I asked looking around..
“George isn’t too healthy to fight with us, she is also health impaired so…I had arrange a place for them, they would be meeting tomorrow…just don’t worry, she would be safe..” He said and I smiled..
“Fred thank you!!!!!” I squealed..
“I’m doing this because of Sophia, i want her to love me…” He said with his head bowed..
I pe-cked his forehead in gladness…
“She would love you more than anything, just watch and see!!!” I screamed and ran off to get prepared…
My heart was just beating so fast like it would break off from my ribs…
You can’t tell how I feel now!!..I would finally see Bryan!!
I would see him again….
Oh…..I think I may faint sooner, this joy is too much to bear!!
Jace’s POV…
I re-ad the headline again and again to be sure i wasn’t hallucinating,
How is this possible???
Bryan finally agreed to marry Sophia even after knowing that Rose is alive??
No!!!..I can’t let this happen!!!
I flung the newspaper and rushed out of the clas-s with Clara following behind…
The whole clas-s was in chaos as the news circulated,
👥Just a week after Rose died, Bryan forgot about her and went on to marry Sophia…
They kept talking while I ran off, after knowing Rose was alive, I and Clara decided to continue school…
Bryan hadn’t began, I thought it was out of grief and regret, how then is he marrying Sophia???
I had forgot my phone so Clara took it for me..
We both rushed to Bryan’s house..
There were more people in there, lawyers and witnesses, some other people were there…
Bryan was to certified the marriage with a stamp I guess that’s what is going on today…
He didn’t even inform me which means he was doing it against his will…
Oh gosh!! Xavier is really winning!!!
Bryan would marry Sophia at last!!!
Rose would be broken with this..
“Jace look at this message in your mail from an anonymous…” Clara spoke out as we got out of the car…
I turned to her and took the phone..
I opened it and my mouth went agape….
She rushed over and re-ad the message too…
“what!!!!!!” We both screamed together…
“Xavier framed it up!!!!..Bryan must have think Sophia has his baby!!” I stated..
“That must be why he decided to marry her….let’s go in there now!!” Clara squealed and gr@bb£d my hand as we ran in…
Bryan’s POV…
I glanced at Sophia again feeling de-ep rage in me..
Just this morning, she had showed me a pregnancy test, I tried doubting it but who I’m I deceiving, I had se-x with her…
Even Xavier had threatened to expo-se the video if I deny the pregnancy…
Right now, I’m going to certify the marriage which I dre-aded so much, my father also look hopeless…
He never expected I’d fall for Xavier trick and have se-x with Sophia…
“Now with all these witness and lawyer, you have to certify the do¢v-ment signed by you…show you acceptance to marry her now according to the deal made in the past..” The lawyer said with a smile..
Like seriously, it’s happening…I took the file and shut my eyes in exasperation…
Xavier was all smiles and couldn’t st©p chatting gladly..
My hands shivers,
My heart pound so ha-rd …
Rose was all I think of..
Anywhere she is, her heart would be in pain…
What should I do???
Maybe this is my fate…
I took the stamp and made a de-ep sigh…
My hand c@m£ down slowly….
Xavier’s POV..
I began the cl@p while other followed..
My eyes were fixed to his hand which was coming down to the file…
After stamping it, they must get married in two weeks time…
My dream is near to fulfillment!!
“St©p!!!!!!” Two voice screamed st©pping his hand up the air..
We all looked up and there was Jace and a girl who I had always seen beside Rose..
“Jace how dare you barge in here and st©p this, are you mad!!!” I growled and he sm-irked at me…
The c@m£ra men were all set to capture…
“Bryan Sophia is not pregnant!! is a set up!!” Jace was the first to speak out..
I sneered at him like he was stupid…
“Foolish boy, would you leave here!!!” I shouted..
“What are you saying??..but I…”
“Look at this!!” Jace interjected and handed his phone to him…
“What!!!!” Bryan screamed and jo-lted up after re-ading it and watching some cli-p..
“What is that!!!” I yelled…
The lawyer walked over and took the phone,
His eyes also wi-de-ned after going throu-gh it..
“What is this Xavier???” He asked ma-king me arch my brow…
Everyone stared in curiosity…
My heart had alre-ady start beating fast..
I pray it isn’t something to tarnish my name…
“Everyone look at this…” Jace said and connected his device with the large TV set on the wall…
Just then, in front of everyone, a video of that day in Sophia’s house c@m£ throu-gh…
It started when I walked in..
📺”Hey, I’m close to getting my long time de-sire, I won’t allow any flaw now!!!..come here and hear me out!!” My voice was heard and they saw how i pushed her to the couch..
“What is it plea-se??..I hope you see how ha-rd it is to get Bryan, he is too mean!” Sophia complained..
“I got a plan for you..have you even thought of what would get him over you grasp??” I sm-irked in the live stream..
“What is that?” Sophia asked..
“Make him get you pregnant..” I said and Sophia could be seen cringed and fell in shock.
“What!!!!” She was seen screaming to the t©p of her voice…
“Hey no fear…I’d give you a chemical scent, just spray it over your b©dy and Bryan would have a hvge urge for se-x after perceiving it, he won’t have the strength to control it..he would end up having se-x with you before he can know it!!” My voice sounded and a very one roared in shock..
“I don’t want to get pregnant!!!” Sophia voice squeaked again In the video..
“You won’t get pregnant but would pretend to be, I’d arrange the pregnancy test result, you would be wearing a c0nd0m, the se-x would be recorded, he won’t deny the pregnancy…take it now and spray after bath!!!” My voice ended it….
The video ended and they all turned to me…
My legs melted un-der me..
My eyes fluttered as I stared to no one…
Fear sipped in again as I saw that the c@m£ra men there were all recording all that happened..
I shivered seeing that the press also took the video…
“You f0rç£d your daughter to r@p£ him!!!..Mr Xavier???” That was the words from the people that made sweat fill my forehead..
I stood and watched how everyone left the place wagging their head..
Is this happening???
Does this mean they now knows who I am??
I was still trying to contain all this when I heard what left my heart skipping beat…
“Sir, the cops is here for questioning…”
Oh my God!!!
I’m I dreaming???
To be continued…
Who is he asking??🙄🙄🙄😂😂
He even called God again??😏😏😒😒