My billionaire husband Episode 9 & 10

🌹 My billionaire husband 🌹
Chapter 9 🌻
What a svçkup snob!
If the contract has been over then why didn’t he tell me?
He wants me to stay here so he can keep controlling me, so he can shatter my life.
He wants to keep me tied to him but I won’t allow that.
The door to the office opened and Damon c@m£ in.
He st©pped on his track when he saw me then furrowed his brows at me.
“what are you doing” he asked sternly, coming towards me.
I said nothing as I walked around the table and stood in front of him.
“why didn’t you tell me the contract was over ” I asked sternly.
Anger boiled in me as I thought why he’d do such a thing.
“answer me ” I yelled.
“listen! It’s my contract so I decide when it’ll end ” he said between gritted teeth.
“your contract my foot! It’s over and I’m leaving ” I seethed and he gr!pp£dmy arm, not too ti-ght to leave a bruise.
“don’t forget I’m still your husband. Contract or not, you’re going nowhere “he blurted out.
“why? So you can control me? Hell no! “I yelled.
“you’re right! you’re mine so I’ll control everything about you and you aren’t leaving “he seethed.
I yanked my arm from his grip, pushed him and ran out of the office.
What the hell gave me the thought that Damon Saltzman could change?
Why did my heart had to fall in love with such a man?
Those marriage certificates are the one ruining my life.
How do I get Damon to sign a divorce paper?
I know he only wants to see me hurt and sad.
He wants me to suffer. He wants to control my life.
I la-id on my be-d and cried.
~ Damon ~
Now she’s found out!
So much for being so careless.
Contract or not, she’s still married to me so I own her.
No one else!
I sat on a sofa and buried my head in my palms.
~ Olivia ~
Chloe and I stood beside the canter, eyeing Mr Sean.
Mr Sean is the owner of the restaurant where I work.
He’s kinda h0t and if I’m not wrong, he’d be in his 30s.
He’s muscular and quite cute.
“if I can get him in my be-d, I’m sure my salary will double ” I blurted out and Chloe scoffed.
“too bad you won’t cause I alre-ady have him un-der my claws ” Chloe said sternly.
“don’t be too sure yet, you’ll never know ” I said and she rolled her eyes.
We got back to work and served all the customers.
Chloe and I glanced at each other when Mr Sean was the only one left to be served.
“I’ll serve him ” I said.
“no I will ” Chloe said.
I scoffed and started serving his usual order.
I took the tray to go serve him but saw Chloe alre-ady serving him.
What a bit-ch!
~ Katharine ~
I tossed and turned on my be-d then opened my eyes.
I sat up on my be-d, yawned and stretched.
My face was ti-ght from all the tears I spilled.
I went to the bathroom and freshened up.
While putting on my nightwear, I heard thun-der rumbling and I squealed.
Someone tell me it’s not gonna rain.
I rushed to my windows and closed them.
I fell my curtains and sighed.
I heard another thun-der rumble and I g@sped softly.
I think I should call Olivia.
I searched my be-d for my phone but couldn’t find it.
Where is it?
My door flew open and I flin-ched.
Damon walked in and I relaxed.
His pres£nce alone seem to make me feel safe.
“what is it ” I asked.
I intended my voice to come out loud and bold but it c@m£ out low like a child who was being scolded by their parents.
“it’s raining so I thought.. Uhm… Maybe we could share my room” he said nervously.
“I…. I don’t nee-d your help okay? Just get out “I seethed, trembling from the thun-der that kept rumbling.
“is that so? Fine then ” he said and turned to leave.
Thun-der rumbled and I jumped in fear.
“wait” I blurted out.
“I.. I’ll come with you ” I said and followed him to his room.
The windows in his room were closed, the curtains were lose and the lights were dimmed.
I stood on my sp©t and watched as Damon took off his shi-t and p@n-t, leaving his bo-xer briefs.
He la-id on the be-d and tapped beside him for me to l@yon.
I swallowed the lump I presume to be stuck in my throat and walked over to him.
I la-id beside him and he pu-ll-ed me to his ha-rd b©dy.
He wra-pped his arm ti-ght around me and I felt safe.
Thun-der rumbled again and I tensed but he held me ti-ght and k!$$£d my hair.
“it’s okay, nothing’s gonna happen to you ” he as-sured.
I couldn’t help but breathe in his manly scent.
I ran my hand down his che-st and he gro-an ed.
He took my hand and placed it on his cheek.
I ca-ressed his cheek, sliding down his cheek bone while he closed his eyes and m0@n ed softly.
His hand slid down my cheek to my cleavages then to my w@!st.
He captured myl-ips in his and I reciprocated immediately.
I opened up and he slid his ton-gue into my mouth.
I ran my hand down his abs and m0@n ed into his mouth.
He slid his hand into my dress and circled my ñ@v£l.
He gro-an ed and hovered over me when I pu-ll-ed away to catch my breath.
He feathered k!$$£d on the swell of my brea-sts then su-cked on the crook of my n£¢k.
He gr!pp£dmy h!ps r0ûghly and captured myl-ips in his again.
He k!$$£d between my brea-sts and I ran my hands down his ba-re back.
“this nee-d to go off ” he gro-an ed, referring to my nightwear and I nodded.
He placed his hands in between my brea-sts, gr!pp£dmy nightdress and to-re it ap@rt.
He gro-an ed when he saw my ba-re brea-sts.
He su-cked my right n!ppleand gently fondled the other one.
I m0@n ed carelessly as his erection pressed against my ñ@v£l.
He trailed k!sses down my brea-sts to my crotch and I shivered.
He to-re off my p@n-tie and k!$$£d myl-ips, ma-king me shiver in plea-sure.
He k!$$£d my cl!t, grazing his teeth on it.
I felt my b©dy come in contact with his ba-re erection and I gro-an ed.
When did he take off his briefs?
Not that I’m complaining but when?
He c@m£ back up and gently bit my ear-lobe.
“you smell and taste good ” he whispered into my ear, causing bolts of electricity to flow throu-gh me.
“tell me you want me “he demanded and I m0@n ed
“I… I want you ” I said, breathlessly.
He feathered k!sses down to my crotch and thrû-st in a f!nger and I screamed a little.
He slid his f!nger in and out of me and I m0@n ed.
He pu-ll-ed out his f!nger and cane back to to svçkmy brea-sts.
“do you want me inside of you “he asked, grazing my ear-lobe.
“yes plea-se ” I begged.
He trailed k!sses back down to my w@!st and gently p@rted my th!ghs.
He k!$$£d my we-t cl!t and su-cked it gently.
He positioned himself between me and c@m£ back to svçkmy £r£¢tn!ppl!s.
He plunged in at once and I screamed.
“gosh it hurts ” I cried out.
“you’re so ti-ght “he gro-an ed.
It was like my skin was being pricked by nee-dles when he plunged in.
“it hurts ” I cried.
“sshh”he cooed and k!$$£d away my tears.
He stayed in that position, not thrû-sting, just su-cking my n!ppl!s.
He grazed my n!ppl!s and I held him ti-ght to me.
He started thrû-sting in and out gently and I dug my nails de-ep into his back, screaming.
Hell it hurts.
“Damon ” I cried out.
“yes baby, I’m here “he m0@n ed still thrû-sting in and out slowly.
My stomach ti-ght£ñed and I clamped my th!ghs around him.
My legs were still as my b©dy vibr@ted.
Damon gr!pp£dmy h!ps, holding me in place as he thrû-st in and out of me.
I screamed and we both c@m£ at once.
We p@n-ted, g@sping for air.
He buried his head in the crook of my n£¢k as he p@n-ted.
He k!$$£d me and pu-ll-ed out of me then slumped down beside me.
He pu-ll-ed me to himself and wra-pped his arm around me, p@n-ting with his eyes closed.
I wanted to get up but hell, I was so-re so I couldn’t.
I sighed and finally sle-pt off in his arms.
I woke up few mins later and smiled at the slee-ping Greek god.
The thought of him using me to get a contract struck me and I swallowed ha-rd .
He got what he wanted and I don’t regret giving it to him cause I love him.
I don’t regret giving him my vir-ginity.
What if I just leave?
He wants to keep me here to control me.
This is the only opportunity I have to leave.
Should I stay and be controlled by him?
Hell no!
Thank God he’s been crediting my account with the money and I have more than enough to start a living.
I don’t want a man who only wants my b©dy and wants to control my life.
I made a mistake by getting married to him but I can still rectify my mistake.
I gently took his arm off me and got out of the be-d gently cause I was damn so-re.
I went to the bathroom and tidied up.
I ti-p toed to my room, completely nûd£ and dressed up.
I looked over to my wall clock and it was 5:33am.
I took my phone from the drawer and called Olivia.
She picked up after the second ring.
“Olive, I want you to come pick me up at the mansion” I blurted out.
“are you crazy? Why? ” she asked.
“I’ll tell you everything later, just come pick me up with a cab and be fast “I urged.
“OK OK OK ” she said and hung up.
I hurriedly packed up my things and gently than ever, I rolled it downstairs.
I walked out throu-gh the door then throu-gh the gate.
I stood on a sp©t and waited patiently for Olivia.
Mins later, a cab pu-ll-ed in front of me and she c@m£ out.
“Kathy ” she breathed out and hvgged me.
I kept my bags in the trunk, we boarded the cab and went home.
Yes home! Olivia and I used to live together until I got married.
I told Olivia everything and she’s in support of me.
“I want to leave New York and start a new life, Olive ” I said and she nodded.
“I want all these to be in my past ” I blurted out.
“Yeah, you still have time to make your dreams come true ” she said and hvgged me.
“I nee-d to lounge into an h0tel cause Damon might come look for me here ” I said and she nodded.
“I’ll book your ticket to California right away ” she said.
She arranged all my stuffs and we took a cab to an h0tel.
Olivia paid the h0tel bills and used her name cause Damon might track me down if I use my credit card.
That shows how wicked he is.
svçkup snob!
“I’ll go get your ticket ” Olivia said and left the h0tel room.
I la-id on my be-d and stared at the ceiling.
My life is about to change for the better.
I’m as free as a bird!
my phone buzzed and I looked at it.
My ticked has been booked and I’ll leave at 9:30.
The time is 7:48.
Just some few more hours and I’ll be gone.
🌹 My billionaire husband 🌹
Chapter 10 ☀ ☀
~ Damon ~
I smiled as I slowly opened my eyes, knowing Katharine would be by my side.
I turned to my side and furrowed my brows at the empty space beside me.
“Katharine ” I called, getting off the be-d.
She’d be in her room.
I went to the bathroom and freshened up, grinning wi-dely.
I put on a short nicker and a shi-t.
I headed to Katharine’s room with a smile.
I stood at her door, feeling nervous.
I summoned courage and knocked.
“Katharine, are you in there ” I asked when I got no response after the 3rd knock.
I pushed the door open and went in.. Her wardrobe was open and empty.
Her cosmetics were gone too.
Just because her wardrobe is empty doesn’t mean she left, right?
Maybe she packed all her things to the laundry.
*and her cosmetics?* my subconscious asked.
“she probably threw them in the bin to get new ones ” I blurted out.
But hell! Who was I kidding?
I couldn’t help the rate at which my heart beat.
“Katharine ” I called.
I checked the bathroom and the balcony but she wasn’t there.
I ran downstairs and searched everywhere but couldn’t find her.
She left! She left me!
It occurred to me then and there that I loved her.
I love her. I’ve always loved her but I was too busy being a d!¢k to realize it.
And now I’ve lost her. It’s OK. It’s fv¢king cool.
Everything will just be fine.
Hell no! Nothing will be fine if I don’t get her back, nothing!
I picked up my car keys and drove to Olivia’s ap@rtment.
That’s the first place she’d go. That’s where she is.
I arrived there and alighted.
I pressed the doorbell repeatedly but got no response so I kicked the door open with f0rç£.
I got more furious when I saw it was empty.
I brou-ght out my phone and called Katharine but it wasn’t connecting.
I called Olivia instead and it was ringing but that bit-ch wasn’t picking up.
“pick up bit-ch” I muttered un-der my breath.
Where the hell should I start looking for Katharine?
I can’t believe she left me.
What am I saying now? I’m the one she left so yeah I have to believe it.
If I hadn’t been such an as-s-hole, I wouldn’t have lost her.
I checked the time and it was 9:10.
I’ll just track her location using her phone number.
I got in my car and headed to a mobile detect center.
~ Katharine ~
“OK Damon has called for the nth time now, are you sure you want to do this ” Olivia asked and I rolled my eyes.
“I’m trying to get rid of my feelings for him cause he’ll never learn to love me and you should support me ” I seethed and she chuckled.
“5 minutes more “she announced and I sighed.
“I’m really gonna miss you ” I pouted and Olivia hvgged me.
“st©p being a baby and go live your dreams ” Olivia said, still hvgging me.
“I’m gonna hvg you for the next 4 mins before you leave ” she said and I chuckled.
We stayed like that, waiting for the final announcement.
We heard the final announcement and dis£ngaged from our girly hvg.
“bye ” I said as I took my luggage.
She blew me a k!ssand I left for the plane.
I boarded the flight and sighed.
“here I come California ” I said with glee as the plane moved.
~ Damon ~
Loress h0tel was the place tracked down.
I got in my car and drove there.
I arrived and alighted.
I ran into the h0tel and went to the lady at the reception or whatever it’s called.
“Katharine Eve Pearls” I said to the lady and watched as she went throu-gh her book.
I know Katharine will never use my last name as hers.
“none sir ” the lady blurted out, smiling.
I felt like plucking those eyes of hers out when she gave me flir-ty looks.
If she didn’t use her name then what….? Olivia, yes Olivia.
“and Olivia ” I asked.
“Olivia what ” she asked back.
I searched my br@in for her last name but arrived at nothing.
“just check any Olivia that checked in this morning, bit-ch” I blurted out and her eyes wi-de-ned at my foul language.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…. ”
I hit my fist on the table and she flin-ched.
“do you know who the fv¢k you’re talking to “I asked and she gazed at me.
Her jaw dropped with wi-de eyes.
“Da…. Damon Saltz… ” she st©pped, picked up the book and peered into it.
“there was an Olivia who checked in early this morning ” she blurted out.
“keys ” I demanded and she went throu-gh some bunch of keys.
She handed me a key with the number 51.
“but they… “she was saying but st©pped when my eyes met hers.
“nothing ” she shook her head and I turned to leave.
“they alre-ady checked out ” I heard her mutter un-der her breath.
No no no, it can’t be.
I took the elevator and went up to room 51.
I opened the door and went in.
The room was neatly done and I su-cked in a breath.
They alre-ady left.
I sighted something on the floor, beside the be-d and I picked it up.
It was a sim card and sure it was Katharine’s that’s why the h0tel was the last place tracked down.
What a… Ah I don’t know.
I’m gonna murder someone and it’s none other than Olivia. That bit-ch!
I slumped down on the floor and buried my face in my palms.
My palms got we-t from the tears I spilled.
I really don’t wanna loose Katharine.
Not now that I’ve started un-derstanding my feelings for her.
I’ll go wait for that bit-ch at her house.
I got up and headed out.
I threw the keys to its rightful place, boarded my car and drove off.
~ Olivia ~
My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.
My door was broken.
Did robbers come in here or what?
I examined the broken door with dropped jaw.
I heard tires screech and I turned to see Damon.
A furious Damon to be precise.
I should’ve known.
Who the hell could do this if not him?
“where’s she ” he asked and I arched an eyebrow.
“who ” I asked, feigning innocence.
“don’t pl@ydumb with me, bit-ch, where is she ” he yelled and I flin-ched.
More like growled cause I’ve never seen anyone so furious like this.
“I don’t know what or who you’re talking about ” I said and turned to enter my ap@rtment.
“not another step “he commanded and I didn’t know how but I st©pped.
I wanted to ignore him and go in but my legs wouldn’t move.
Perhaps, because of the authority in his tone.
He c@m£ to my front and stared de-ep into my eyes.
“now for the last time, “he asked sternly, breaking his words.
My mouth wanted to betray me but I bit myl-ips gently to prevent me from blurting it all out.
I su-cked in a breath and let it out as a sigh then looked straight into his now dark eyes.
“I.don’t.know” I blurted out, breaking my words too.
He looked de-ep into my eyes, his dark eyes piercing de-ep into my brown eyes.
I was trembling real bad and I almost thought I could see smoke coming outta his ears.
He raised his hand and I closed my eyes, expecting a hit but felt nothing.
I opened an eye to see his hands glued together, in a pleading manner.
“Olivia, plea-se tell me where Katharine is ” he begged.
Wow! Damon Saltzman, begging me?
I feel like the most important person on earth.
“I know I’ve made mistakes but I’ll make it all up, so, plea-se tell me where she is ” he begged and I felt something for him. Pity.
But I can’t betray my best friend, not for anything.
Especially, if that’s what makes her happy.
Well well well, you don’t value what you have till its gone Huh?
“I don’t know where she is Damon, but I can help you look for her ” I blurted out.
“if Katharine left you, she must have her reasons ” I said but he said nothing.
I blew out a breath and went into my ap@rtment.
I nee-d to get this door fixed.
I watched from my window as Damon fell on his knees.
I heard his quiet sobs and almost ran out to tell him where Katharine had gone.
I closed my windows and closed the broken door.
Does this mean, he loves Katharine now?
No way! That guy is so mischievous.. He acted real and in love the day he proposed to Kathy only for her to find out, he just wanted her for a contract.
I shouldn’t fall for his tricks again.
~ Damon ~
I got off the ground and drove home.
I went up to my room and slumped down on the be-d.
She left me.
I buried my face in the sheets and cried.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror and sighed.
I adjusted my tie and was good to go.
I took my briefcase, went out and drove off to the office.
I packed my car and entered into the building.
Everyone bowed as I pas-sed them but as usual, I acted like they never existed.
“good morning S-xy p@n-ts ” Piper said but I walked straight into my office.
I sat on my chair and tried switching on my l@pt©p to commence work but the image of Katharine flashed in my mind.
I shook my head to regain myself and switched on the l@pt©p.
This was one of the reasons I never wanted to fall in love, heart break.
I tried erasing my feelings for her but couldn’t.
The love I have for Katharine is uncontrollable.
A knock c@m£ on my door and I didn’t respond before Piper walked in.
“you look h0t with unshaven jaw ” she commented but it sounded like $h!t, coming from someone like her.
“get out “I commanded and she was taken aback.
“you mean…. ”
“now” I yelled.
She gave me a blunt look and walked out.
I tried focusing but I couldn’t st©p thinking of Katharine, our first night together, her t©uçh.
I ban-ged the desk with my fist and rested my head on it.
~ Piper~
I sadly walked back to my post and sat down.
There were murmurs everywhere.
“Mr Saltzman is back to his old self ” I heard a girl say.
“he was a bit nice the last few months but now, his back to his cold self “another worker said.
I sighed and rested my head on the headrest.
I wonder what’s up.
I’ll still get him un-der my claws again.
~ Katharine ~
I sat on the floor with a bowl of pop corn in between my th!ghs and a jui-ce beside me.
I finally left Damon. No one to order me around, to yell at me and make my heart skip.
I’m a free bird and that’s why I’m celebr@ting with pop corn.
I’ll finally live my dreams.
I nee-d to look for a job.
I’ll start next week cause I just got here last night, got an ap@rtment this morning and my stuffs are still unpacked.
I nee-d to buy my be-d, couch, TV and all necessary things.
I finished the pop corn, gulped down the jui-ce and disposed them in the bin.
Time to get to work!
~ Damon ~
I la-id on my be-d, staring at Katharine’s ph0to that I plastered on the wall.
It’s been 3 weeks since Katharine left me but I still can’t erase her off my mind.
I still can’t st©p thinking of her.
~ Katharine ~
I paced back and forth in my ap@rtment, tears streaming down my cheeks with a fv¢king dried throat.
What am I gonna do?
I picked up my phone with shaky hands and called Olivia.
~ Olivia ~
My phone rang and I was happy it was Kathy.
“hey Kathe “I said into the phone.
“Olivia “she called, her voice hoarse and ba-rely above a whisper.
She’s in tears!
“what happened? Why are you crying? “I asked.
“Olivia, I’m pregnant “she blurted out, sniffing over the phone.
“jeez! Katherine, you’ve only been to California for few weeks and you alre-ady scre-wed someone and got pregnant “I asked.
“no! ” she cried out.
“it’s Damon’s child ” she blurted out.
Oh God, kill me!
Just when I thought everything was going well.
what do we do now?
“I don’t know ” she said.
Did I say that out loud?
Katharine is an emotional freak and she’s new to all these.
I’m very sure she’s in panic mode now.
“Katharine, what do you want “I asked calmly.
“I don’t know ” she answered.
She’s so naive.
“do you want to go back to Damon and…. ”
“no! ” she exclaimed, cutting me off in the process.
“I don’t wanna go back to a man who feels superior over everyone, a man who wants to control and treat me like $h!t ” she cried out.
“then ab-ort the pregnancy ” I blurted out.
“have you lost it “she yelled.
“look Kathy, you have to st©p being over emotional and be strong ” I said and waited for her to speak but she didn’t so I continued.
“just do it and live your dreams” I added.
“complications will arrive later in the future when the child starts asking for it’s father” I said and she sniffed.
“be strong okay, the decision is yours ”
“yeah thanks” she hung up and I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding.
My world!
~ Katharine ~
I sat opposite doc Renae with a determined mind.
If I want to ab-ort this pregnancy, I have to un-dergo an operation to flush out the foetus and I’m re-ady.
They’ll fuse a pipe inside me and throu-gh that, they’ll flush out the foetus.
“are you sure ” doc Renae asked for the nth time and I nodded.
I changed my clothes and la-id down on the theatre be-d, waiting for the operation.
T. B. C

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