My billionaire husband Episode 11 & 12

🌹 My billionaire husband 🌹
Chapter 11 ☀ ♥
~ Katharine ~
I sat on my be-d, crying my eyes out.
I can’t believe I.. I….
Oh my God!
I can’t believe I almost killed an innocent child for some selfish reasons.
Yes selfish. No reason in this world is enough to kill an innocent child.
I almost made the biggest mistake of my life.
I la-id on the end, waiting to be operated on.
As the doc walked up to me with a syringe filled with anesthesia and I sat up.
“I can’t do this, I can’t ” I blurted out and the docs glanced at one another.
I got down from the be-d and ran out before they could say a word.
I can’t do it.
I put on my normal clothes and left.
I’m gonna keep this child, love it and take very good care of it.
I smiled amidst tears and ru-bbe-d my flat Tommy.
The doc has advised me to take good care of myself, I shouldn’t stress myself.
Thank God, the money in my account is more than enough to take care of myself.
So much for doing a contract with a billionaire.
I la-id down on my be-d and before I knew it, I sle-pt off.
I woke up with a ti-ght face and a dried throat so I went to freshen up.
I went to the kitchen and ate the left overs of lasagna then drank jui-ce.
I went back to my room and sat on my be-d.
I picked up my phone and almost screamed when I saw 25 missed calls from Olivia.
She must have been very worried, I mean very very worried.
I called her back and she picked up almost immediately.
“Katharine” she breathed out.
“thank God you’re fine, I was dead worried ” she said over the phone.
“Olivia calm down, I’m fine ” I said.
” I just sle-pt off ” I blurted out.
“well the good news is that you’re fine and the bad news is that I’m alre-ady at the air port coming to California and when I get there, I’m gonna sp@ñk you ha-rd “she blurted out.
“you’re kidding, right “I asked.
“nope! And when I get there, I’m gonna beat the hell outta of you for almost giving me an heart attack “she said and I giggled.
“that’s good, I feel so lonely and I nee-d someone to take care of me ” I blurted out.
“what” she asked.
“nothing, just get here fast ” I said and hung up, feeling pissed.
OK why am I pissed now? Maybe because she was asking too much questions.
I feel so hungry.
Did I just say hungry? I just ate a few mins ago.
I shrugged and when to the kitchen to get myself snacks.
– &-
I woke up the next day and did my morning routine.
I have to pick Olivia from the airport at 7:30 and I still got 10 mins so I’ll just watch TV.
It was 7:25 so I decided to go pick her up, though I felt lazy to get my bu-tt off the couch.
I arrived at the airport at 7:55 to meet a furious Olivia, waiting patiently for me.
I chuckled at her facial expression and walked up to her.
“what’s so funny” she asked but I continued laughing, gaining attention.
“OK I don’t know what you keep laughing about but we have to leave ” Olivia said, took my hand and we walked out.
We hailed a cab to my ap@rtment and she wowed when she saw it.
There were three rooms so Olivia took one.
I told Olivia everything and she supported me.
“if that’s what you want and you’re happy then it’s fine with me “those are her usual words and she meant it all.
Days flew by and I couldn’t be more happy that Olivia is with me.
I was 4 months pregnant and my tommy was quite big.
Olivia does everything, including going out to buy stuffs cause I feel ashamed to go out with a big tommy.
Don’t blame me, I’m new to all these.
I sat on the kitchen canter, beside a crate of egg and watched as Olivia made egg omelette rolls.
~ Olivia ~
Hell! I feel like I’m in hell while on earth.
I do everything, literally everything while Kathy just sits her bu-tt on the couch to watch TV and sleep all day.
She’s even ashamed to come out cause of her tommy.
And when we have to go for a check up at the hospital, she’ll cling to me like a cliche_________ not even sure I know what that means.
If this is how pregnancy affects women then I don’t wanna get pregnant.
We were at the kitchen, Kathy sat on the canter doing nothing while I made egg omelette.
There was a crate of egg on the kitchen canter that Kathy couldn’t seem to take her eyes off.
“use this egg this time ” she took an egg and stretched it out to me.
“ok” I said and tried to take it but it sli-pped from my hand and landed on the tiled floor.
I heard Kathy sniffing, staring down at the broken egg.
“it’s broken ” she whispered and before I could figure her out, she busted out in tears.
“it’s just an egg and there are lots of it in the crate “I blurted out.
“it was my favorite egg ” she cried out.
Favorite egg?
I watched as she sat on the floor, beside the broken egg and cried.
OK, I’ve said this before and I’m gonna say it again.
If this is how pregnancy affects women then I don’t wanna get pregnant.
I sighed, staring at Kathe who kept crying like a child.
After lots of persuasion, I promised to take her shopping and that made her st©p crying.
Can’t believe she cried for hours just for an egg.
Good thing I have a CCTV c@m£ra everywhere and in the kitchen and I’m gonna mock her with it after she gives birth.
She ate some egg omelette and I led her to her room.
I la-id her down on her be-d and she sle-pt off immediately.
I slumped down on the floor and re-leased all the breath I couldn’t re-lease before falling into a de-ep slumber.
– & –
I felt a warm hand on my cheel but didn’t open my eyes.
“wake up ” Kathy yelled in my ear and I sprung up.
“OK Kathe, you’ve succeeded in ma-king me crazy but plea-se don’t make me deaf “I seethed and struggled up to my feet.
She wore a fled go-wn that hid her tommy quite well and packed her hair in ponytail.
I stared at her, wondering if she was going out.
As if re-ading my thoughts, she smiled at me and said : “you promised to take me shopping, remember? ”
Aah! My world!
No way I’m taking her out. I mean look at me, I’m a mess.
I’ve not had time to take care of myself these few months.
“but… ” I was saying but st©pped when her facial expression dropped.
Her eyes welled up in tears and I knew where that’ll lead to.
“just hold on, I’ll freshen up and we’ll go ” I said with a f0rç£d smile and she grinned wi-dely.
I sighed and went to my room to freshen up.
I freshened up and put on a short go-wn that hvgged my b©dy.
It brou-ght out my curves and I’m sure
Kathy’s gonna get jealous.
Since she’s fat, she can’t wear clothes like this.
I left my hair in waves and did a light make up.
I c@m£ out and she eyed me head to toe.
“you look stunning ” she commented and I smiled.
She looked at herself and her face dropped.
I raised her chin up to look at me and I gently twitched her nose.
Yeah gently cause since she got pregnant, she’s been crazy.
If I nudge her gently on the arm, she’ll bust out in tears, saying it hurts.
“you look beautiful just the way you are “I said and she smiled.
“oh thanks Olivia ” she said in an emotional tone and hvgged me.
“OK don’t get emotional now, let’s go ” I took her hand and walked out cause if she gets emotional, it will lead to unst©ppable tears.
We arrived at California mall and Kathy couldn’t st©p grinning ear to ear.
“hey pretty ” someone said behind us and we turned to see a man.
He’d be in his 30s, quite muscular and cute.
“hey ” I smiled.
“I’m Vincent ” he said and stretched his hand out for an handshake.
I was about taking his hand when Kathy busted out laughing.
The man arched an eyebrow at me and I stared at Kathy with a confused expression.
“why’s his eyes so big ” she asked amidst laughter.
The man looked at me with a mixed expression, anger and embarras-sment.
Truth be told, he does have big eyes.
“I think I should take my leave ”
“no wait” I called to him but he left.
OK this is a situation where I’d have to drag Kathy back to Damon.
“let’s go ” I said and she st©pped laughing.
“no” she blurted out.
“but we alre-ady got lots of stuffs ” I said and showed her the four bags with me.
“no way I’m leaving here, not now “she blurted out and headed to the escalator to go up.
My world!
We arrived home from the mall, late.
We had dinner, freshened up and went to be-d.
I stared at Kathy who was seated on the couch with her fully grown tommy.
She p@rtly la-id on the couch, eating popcorn.
I smiled when I remembered what I’ve been doing.
The CCTV c@m£ras and ph0tos of Kathy.
I’m gonna mock her with it later.
I brou-ght out my phone and snapped her without her awareness.
I chuckled as I stared at her.
She looks so funny with pregnancy.
She closed her eyes and hissed in pain.
“are you alright ” I asked but she said nothing.
“aah” she screamed a little.
I saw water run down her th!ghs so I sprung up to my feet.
She’s in labour.
“Kathy breathe, breathe ” I tried to calm her.
I gently helped her up and squealed when she screamed in my ear.
“de-ep breaths ” I said as we slowly walked out.
She kept screaming as we walked out.
We hailed a cab to the hospital and the nurse took her to the labour room.
I sat, waiting for a good news with a pounding heart.
I hope she makes it throu-gh cause it’s her first.
I tapped my right foot on the tiled floor as I waited.
The door to the labour room opened and the doc c@m£ out.
I ran to her, expecting her to say something but she just stared at me bluntly.
And why the fv¢k can’t I hear a baby’s cry?
🌹 My billionaire husband 🌹
Chapter 12 ☀
6 years later.
~ Olivia ~
Kathy, Allie and I sat at the garden, singing a lovely poem.
You all must be wondering who Allie is, she’s Kathy’s daughter.
She’s 5 years old and trust me when I say she’s a smart p@n-t.
I remembered the day Kathy gave birth to her, she almost gave us an heart attack.
She didn’t cry at first when she c@m£ out but later did.
Why the fv¢k can’t I hear a baby crying?
I stared at the doc, waiting for her to speak up.
“the…. ” she was saying but st©pped when we heard a baby crying from the labour room.
Awwn it must be Kathy’s baby, her voice is so tiny.
“the baby’s now crying” the doc breathed out.
“what do you mean ” I asked.
“she wasn’t crying when she c@m£ out so we got scared ” she said and I breathed out an “oh”.
“we’ll go clean her up “she said and entered the labour room and I followed suite.
The baby was tiny and cute.
And yeah, she’s a girl.
They cleaned her up and la-id her in the cradle beside her mom.
“she’s so cute ” I said to Kathy who la-id on her be-d.
“are you alright ” I asked and she nodded with a smile.
After paying the bills and filling the necessary formalities, we went home.
Kathy la-id on her be-d with her baby beside her.
“have you though of a name yet ” I asked Kathy who kept staring at her baby and smiling.
“yes ” she said.
“Allie ” she blurted out.
“that’s a beautiful name ” I complimented and she smiled.
“I can’t believe I’m a mother ” she said, still grinning wi-dely.
“yeah you are “I said.
“and I’m an aunt ” I blurted out and and giggled softly.
“I have to go get all the necessary stuffs for the baby” I said and she gave me abloom.
“I know we’ve got a lot but we’re probably still missing some “I said and she chuckled.
Days flew by and Kathy and I felt blessed to have Allie with us.
And I take back my statement, I don’t care how pregnancy affects women, I’d love to get pregnant.
Allie was just 7 months when she started taking her first step.
She’s so agile and beautiful.
She’s all in one.
We all sat at the garden, singing a lovely poem that Allie taught us.
Allie was now 5 years old and she’s looks smarter than her age.
Allie sprung up from her seat and ran after a bu-tterfly, leaving us to hang the poem.
Kathy and I giggled at her childish act.
“she’s so beautiful like you ” I whispered into Kathy’s ear.
“but she’s got Damon’s blue eyes and hair” I said and she sighed.
“it’s been six years now, fv¢king six years and you’ve succeeded in convincing Allie that her dad travelled ” I said and she looked away.
Allie had asked for her dad when she was 4 years old but Kathy kept telling her the same thing over and over again.
That he travelled and he’s a very busy man.
She even writes letters and gives it to Allie, saying its from her dad.
“how long will you keep lying to the poor child ” I asked.
“I don’t have to keep lying to her, I’ll give her a dad ” she said and I arched an eyebrow.
“I’ll remarry ” she blurted out.
“you know you can’t, you’re still legally married to Damon ” I reminded her.
“no one would know about my past ” she half yelled.
Yeah I forgot, Kathy had changed her name and identity after giving birth to Allie.
She’s afraid Damon might come to know and take custody of the child.
She doesn’t want her past to ruin her future.
If she remains Katharine, she remains Damon’s wife so she changed her identity.
She now bears Wendy Blake.
I don’t know but I think Kathy is d@t!ngher boss.
Oh no she isn’t but she might.
They’ve gone out on a d@t£ once and she’s still contemplating whether or not to d@t£ him.
Mr Prize, the CEO of DD Ltd is the boss of Kathy.
Kathy’s actually his PA.
He’d be the same age as Damon, muscular and h0t but Damon’s more h0tter, muscular and cuter.
I just hope Kathy gives Damon a chance to at least know he has a daughter.
~ Damon ~
I sat on my chair in the board room with the boards members around the table.
Piper pres£nted a video of DD Ltd.
They want to p@rtner with us so we nee-d all the info about them.
We can’t just p@rtner without knowing every info and detail about the other p@rty.
John Prize is the CEO of the company along with his PA, Wendy Blake.
If we agree to p@rtner with them, they’ll have to come to New York next week to carry out all necessary formalities.
I listened as each board member spoke out their opinions.
After lots of thinking and the profits included in it, we finally agreed to p@rtner with them.
I’ll call Mr Prize and they’ll come here next week.
We closed the meeting and the board members left.
“Damon ” Piper called, looking at me with a soft face.
For the last six years that Katharine left me, I’ve still not been myself.
I sometimes wish she’d come back to me but who was I kidding ? She wouldn’t want to come back to someone like me.
I tried researching about her if she’s married or not but nothing comes up.
There’s no info about her and I don’t wanna believe she’s dead. She can’t be.
I’ve been treating Piper like I treat my workers.
She’s owes no special place in my life.
She’s just a slut I use to pas-s time.
“Damon, talk to me plea-se ” she begged but I said nothing.
“let’s go back to how we were, let’s have fun like we used to ” she said, coming closer to me.
She cu-mpped my face and looked straight only my eyes.
“I love you Damon “she said and brou-ght down her face to k!ssme but I pushed her away.
“Piper you’re just my secretary and this is how you behave with your boss ” I asked and she stared at me.
“why can’t you get it in your head that I don’t want you anymore ” I yelled.
“stay within your limits “I said and got up to leave.
“what did you tell me the day I asked you about Katharine “she asked and I st©pped on my track.
“you said you just wanted her for the contract and when you have it, you’ll trash her ” she blurted out and I closed my eyes in pain, remembering how low I thought of Katharine.
“but you can’t seem to trash her, you can’t seen to trash her from your heart even after she left you “she blurted out.
“it’s been six years, Damon six years and you’re still in denial, thinking she’d come back to you ” she yelled, getting pissed.
“but she won’t cause she regards you as a monster ” she blurted out.
“you’re still head over heels for for that trash even if she’s not with you ” she blurted out and I got pissed cause she called Katharine, trash.
I wra-pped my hands ti-ght around her n£¢k and slammed her back against the wall.
“don’t you ever call Katharine trash again “I warned, choking the life out of her.
“you’re right, she regards me as a monster cause that’s what I am. I won’t hesitate to choke the life out of you and neither will I hesitate in ripping out the heart of any man Katharine gets married to ” I blurted out and watched as she struggled to breathe.
I re-leased her and she slumped to the ground and g@sped for air.
I sm-irked at her and left the board room.
I boarded my car and drove home.
I arrived and went up to my room.
I smiled as my eyes met Katharine’s ph0tos that were all over my room.
Her ph0tos are at every angle in my room.
The walls, wardrobe, mirror, bathroom, everywhere in my room.
I threw my clothes on the be-d and got un-der the shower.
I c@m£ out and wore my briefs.
I switched on my l@pt©p and connected to Mr Prize.
“Damon ” he called when popped up on my screen.
He was seated on his couch and his l@pt©p la-id on his l@ps.
“we’ve agreed to p@rtner with you ” I blurted out cause I wasn’t up for a chat.
“wow! That’s great. You won’t regret this Damon and… ”
“just get re-ady to come to New York next week ” I cut him off in an harsh tone.
“yeah we can even… ”
I closed the l@pt©p, preventing him from blabbering more.
I dropped my l@pt©p and la-id on my be-d, smiling at Katharine’s ph0tos.
plea-se come back to me, plea-se.
~ Katharine ~
We were all seated on the sitting room when the door bell rang.
I went to get it and almost cursed when I saw it was Mr Prize.
“oh sir ” I said in a sweet tone and ushered him in.
“I’ve told you to st©p calling me sir, just call me John “he seethed and I smiled.
“I’ll get you something ” I said and made to leave.
“that’s not nee-ded, I c@m£ here for business “he said and I sat back down on the couch.
“hi Allie ” he said and Allie glanced at me then at Olivia.
“hi ” she said in a low voice as if not interested.
I gave her a stern look and she quic-kly smiled at John.
“so ” I asked, gaining John’s attention.
“remember the company we wanted to p@rtner with ” he asked.
“the one owned by Damon Saltzman ” I asked and he nodded with a smile.
I know that company.
Damon’s for many companies but this p@rticular one ‘Winfield corporation’ was the one he used me to get.
I f0rç£d a smile at John andbhsed smiled back.
“they agreed to p@rtner with us ” he blurted out and I almost failed on my breath.
I’ve been praying for them to reject the offer but it seems now that my prayers were futile.
“I’m so happy ” John said and I smiled.
“so I just want you to get re-ady cause we’re going to New York next week ” he blurted out and my heart almost st©pped.
“is.. Is it necessary for me to come with you ” I asked.
“yes, you’re my secretary” he answered and I glanced at Olivia to see a grin on her face.
“OK then ” I smiled at John.
John left and I cursed and cursed.
“we nee-d to have a talk ” I gr@bb£d her hand and dragged her away from Allie.
“I’m going back to New York and that too, to Damon’s company “I blurted out while Olivia kept that grin plastered to her face.
“how bad is that ” I asked.
“more like how great is that ” she corrected and I huffed.
“I can’t go with Allie so I nee-d you to take care of her ” I said.
“hell no” she yelled and I placed my hand on her mouth to shut her.
“how loud are you mad ” I asked.
“no way! No! If you’re going to New York then we’re coming along ” she seethed.
“you know that’s not a good idea ”
“if you go to New York alone, I’ll leave Allie in California and clients NY too” she blurted out.
“you can’t do that ”
“dare me ” she said sternly.
“OK fine! I’ll ask John if you both can come along ”
“that’s more like it ” she said and k!$$£d my cheek.
She walked out, calling Allie.
I called John and asked him.
He’s more than OK with it since I’m cool with it. His words not mine.
He’s a nice guy. Don’t know why I can’t seem to develop any feelings for him.
next week and I’ll meet with the same person I’ve been running from.
Damon Harris Saltzman.
T. B. C

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