My betrothed episode 13 & 14

? My Betrothed ?

(She’s feisty ?, he’s rude ?)

Episode 13



? Alexa ?

” And here comes the heartbreaker ” I chuckled standing in front of Stephen..

” What’s the meaning of this Alexa? Why are you double crossing me?” He asked

” I am very glad you still remember my name Steph ”

” The last time I checked, you never liked me so why did you ambush me?” He asked and I chuckled…

” Ambush? I didn’t ambush you, I only c@m£ for us to talk and congratulations. I learnt you are getting married after slee-ping with almost all the ladies and equally broken my best friend’s heart ”

He stared at me surprisingly as he stood frozen.

” H did you know?”

Like really?

” That is non of your business ” I snapped

” Alexa ” he called faintly…

” D…did you know her?” He stuttered..

” Oh well she’s my friend, hold up let me show you our picture together ” I brou-ght out my phone and scrolled it down to the picture.

I actually took a picture with her but we are not friends. Trust me, I am mischievous.

” Here” I shoved my phone close to him sm-irking mischievously.

His eyes wi-de-ned, I can see clearly that he’s scared. Very good! Exactly what I want..

” I am sure she will love it when I show her the cl!pwith me ” I grinned.

I pla-yed the cl-ips tylishly while glancing at him to see his reaction…

His voice, m0@n s and the Ladies voice shouting STEPHEN fas-ter filled our ears …

He blinked ra-pidly maybe not believing his ears…

” You are not only a philanderer but also a fool, you lack s-en-se Stephen. How do you feel been heartbroken? ”

” Y… you set me up?” He stammered. I shook my head smiling

” How can I do that handsome? I just carried out a practical ”

His face darkened and he c@m£ closer to me. Does he thinks that I am afraid?

I don’t know how but he snatched the cl!pfrom me and smashed it on the floor….

” Do not try me Alexa, I might be a flir-t to all but I can do more than that ” he warned sternly..

I blinked my eyes and bur-st out laughing…

” You are the most foolish person I have ever known Stephen, I knew you were going to try this ru-bbish but I am way smarter than your as-s ”

” You see the cli-p? Jane has 12 of it, Jenna has 12 of it and an unknown has the original tape with him so don’t think you are free ”

” Even if you murder the three of us, your wedding will never take place ”

” Instead of you to beg, you broke the cl!pand threatened me? You are a fool Stephen ” my grin wi-de-ned at the way he stood frozen without any word coming out of his mouth

” Cat cut your ton-gue?” I chuckled

” P… plea-se Alexa, I am really sorry for pla-ying with Jane’s feeling. Don’t destroy my marriage plea-se ” he begged and I laughed humorously

” Now you are being a good boy ”

” I will do anything you girls want but don’t just show those cli-ps to Stephanie I beg you ”

” Wow! Wow! You are re-ady to comply?” I asked and he nodded..

” Good! Follow me ”

” Huh?”

” I said follow me jackas-s ” I snapped as I began walking away while he followed suit.. Fool!

? Zach ?

I think I am beginning to regret why I don’t keep friends.

I nee-d advice from someone about this whole thing that’s happening to me…

The only person I am afraid of and respect so much is Mum but then, Alexa c@m£ into the picture.

I don’t know $h!t about what I feel when she’s nearby or far away.

This days I find myself thinking about her. I even m0@n her name whenfu-cking those bit-ches .

Just last night, I called mum Alexa and she thought I was becoming lovesick.

I never fell in love with anyone before so all this feeling is new to me.

I don’t just know how she did it. She st©pped me from smoking permanently .

I didn’t kill her the first time she talked back to me till now which is unusual. …

Since the betrothed and marriage issue, I only think of how to get on her nerves just to piss her off.

I totally forgot about murdering. I think I am having a soft heart now….

The way I allowed that guy go yesterday still baffles me. He spilled drink on me and he went on his knees immediately.

Everyone knows what I can do so no one pla-ys with his life….

I didn’t say $h!t, I just walked away with just the thought of Alexa getting mad if she hears I killed again after calling me a murderer.

Everything in my head screams her name…
Sometimes I think I am going crazy. …

I love to see her angry and that’s why I do all that…

And I have tried so ha-rd to let go off the feelings but I guess it’s getting stronger each day.

I wish to apologize to her for what happened hours ago but I don’t know how to go about it ..

Oh yes! Eric. I nee-d to call him over maybe discuss with him for the first time.

Thank goodness I still have the as-s-hole’s number… I dialed it and he picked up immediately. A phone add!çt

? I am not dreaming right??

He yelled immediately. The main reason I don’t get along with him, he talks a lot.

? Did you want to damage my eardrum Eric? ?

I questioned and he chuckled over the phone

? No bro, I am just surprised you called . Isn’t that worth it??

? I know I haven’t been calling so you ought to be happy ?

?Idiot! So why did you call?

? I think I nee-d your help ?

? I knew it, the Zach I know will never call when it’s not…?

? Shut up okay!?

I cut in and he laughed

? Okay so what’s it? ?

? Can you come over? I am home ?

? Alright be there in a few minutes ?

He said and hung up…
Well Eric is my cousin brother, we used to be friends when we were little but fv¢k happened. I traveled to school.


” You are wh!pped bro ” he said laughing so ha-rd . You see why I don’t like him?
He takes everything as a joke.

” I am serious here Eric ”

” So a girl can change you this way? You are in love damn ” he said and I huffed

In love? Is he crazy?

” How can you say that Eric? Alexa and I don’t get along ” I replied

” Alexa?” He questioned and I furrowed my brows….

” Yes Alexa, any problem?”

” No, it’s seems like the name is familiar or maybe there’s someone I know that bears the name too ” he shrugged

” Okay, so what should I do then?”

” You have to agree with yourself that you love her. If you don’t love her , you wouldn’t st©p the whole smoking. I can’t believe you don’t take ciggrette anymore. You know, there was a time I bec@m£ so scared of you but now, you are so cool. You called me and you are actually telling me about you Zach. That’s to show the effect she has on you, your mum’s didn’t even merit it. It is the power of love ”

Long lecture! I don’t un-derstand a thing from what he said. I agree that I have feelings for her but is it love? We hate each other right?

” Okay! I agree, I think I love her. What do I do? Alexa doesn’t like me a bit ”

” Then you have to be nice towards her from now on, that’s a first step of winning her heart”.



Episode 14

? Alexa ?

” Look who’s here! It seems like my ex ” Jane said jumping out of the be-d

” Uhhm, I…a…” Stephen stuttered and we chuckled..

” Welcome Stephen, congratulations ” she sm-irked

” I… I am really sorry for toiling with your feelings Jane plea-se ab-ort any plan you have I beg you ” he pleaded.

” I will definitely ab-ort every plan I have if you quietly and calmly oblige to my orders Steph”

” Did you know how heartbroken I was? You are a cheat and that innocent girl doesn’t deserve you” she yelled and sl@pped him across the face.

You are nothing but a pig, a fool that will never change but this time, you will change for better when I am done with you .


Goodness! Jenna?

She’s so angry. What the hell?

” You dare mess with my sister? I knew you were fake the very day you asked me out while d@t!ngmy sister but I never wanted to tell her because I love to see her happy. You were her happiness and all you could do was Break her ”

” You (sl@p) are(sl@p) a fool(sl@p)” she said while giving him sl@ps. Exactly what he deserves but I wouldn’t use my hand to t©uçh him. The one I did is enough in it.

” Your wedding is now the 24th of this month right?” Jane asked and he nodded holding his cheeks hurtfully..

The whole Stephen didn’t say a word. His cheeks was red and his eyes were puffy but no tears coming down…

” You will have to quit philandering because any day I see you with a lady I will destroy your marriage with the tape and”

” You will be my slave till a day to your wedding ” ….

? Zach ?

” Are you fv¢king serious right now? ” I asked…

” No, I am fv¢king your as-s, fool” Eric replied glaring at me.

How do I become nice and ro-mantic?

” B..but how do I achieve that?”

Wait! By k!ss!ngher? Alexa will sl@p my as-s. I seriously can’t forget what she did the last time.

I was hurting so much that I vowed never to try that with her again.

” First, st©p bickering like some school guys. Be nice to her, change her perspective about you ”

” Apologize to her soon about what happened between you two”

Well! I don’t know how to apologize to someone. I have never done that before…

” Can you help me with the apology ?” I asked and he scoffed

” Help you? How? Was I the one that offended her? Apologize to her yourself ” he said plainly

” Of course I will but I nee-d someone to put me throu-gh while I do that ”

” Just that?”

” Yes Eric, I will do the apology myself ”

” Okay then call her over and if you like mess up on the phone too ”

Call her? She won’t even pick if she knows it’s me.
But I will give it a try right…

I nervously brou-ght out my phone and dialed her number…

? Alexa ?

My phone beeped and I excused myself from there.
Unknown number! Maybe it’s br@ndon. He’s the only one I have given my number to and so he can call me with any number.

? Hello ?

? Hey Alexa ?

Wait! Isn’t this Zach’s voice? He seriously called me for the first time and he just greeted politely too and not with insult…

? Zach??

? The one and only ?


? I am certain you nee-d something so what did you want??

? Well, I don’t nee-d anything much but you ?

He said chuckling…

? Is that why you called me??

? Oh! No sorry Alexa ?


? Zach??

? Yes fiancee ?

? Did you just say sorry??

? What’s the big deal about that? Yeah and sorry again, now can you listen plea-se ?

If this is a dream I really don’t wish to wake up… Sorry? plea-se? From Zach? Goodness!

? O..okay ?

? Uhhm, can you come over to my place ??

? Huh? Why??

I queried

? I have something important to discuss with you ?

? Is it another trick to lure me into your be-d??

? Of course not Alexa, it’s far from that. And do not worry. I won’t do anything stupid, my cousin is here with me just plea-se come over ?

Okay! This is getting weird!
Why did he want to see me? And what’s so important he wants to discuss with me?

Is it about the wedding? But u think it’s tomorrow Dad said we were going for shopping right?

I seriously don’t get this….

? Are you there Alexa? ?

He asked

? Uhhm yeah, I will come. Just give me some minutes ?

? Ah! Thank you so much wifey to be, see you soon ?

He said and hung up…….

Seriously? What is Zach up to?
This is unlike him.

He didn’t throw tantrums at me, he didn’t call me names, he said sorry and plea-se and for the very first time he called me wifey ……

It’s not a dream, it’s real!

Zach can do this only if he has something that he’s planning or something on his sleeve.

It was just few hours ago we had a fight so why is he all good now?

Maybe I should find out myself, he won’t harm me right?


I c@m£ out of my car and carefully walked into the house.
The house seems quiet like there’s no one in there….

” Come in Alexa, I am in”
I heard Zach’s voice.


I opened the door and entered.
He was standing by the door…

” I thought you were never going to come Alexa ” he said smiling wi-dely at me while I rolled my eyes..

” I am not like you who doesn’t keep to promises ”
He chuckled stretching his arms

” Can you give me a hvg at least?”

A hvg really? When did that start? I glanced at him and saw he was serious….

” Shift Zach ” I pushed him ma-king my way to the sitting room while he laughed following me..

A guy was seated on the couch! Oh! His cousin .
I totally forgot…

The guy raised his head up to meet my gaze….

My eyes wi-de-ned as I saw who it was …
This can’t be right? He’s not in Korea,he definitely can’t be…

His eyes wi-de-ned as he saw me…

” Eric?”

” Alexa?” …..


