Mr arrogant Episode 7 & 8

(Ãnd the strãnge maidën)
Episode 7
By: Faith Lucky
Hera’s Pov:
Earth, I thought. My dream land.
My heart beamed at the mention of it.
“Its possible she’s on earth?” Mother asked .
“Yes, my Queen. Although, its just a guess and a probability. Earth is the closest survivable planet to Marazona. And its possible she’d gone there to seek refuge” the chief guard replied.
“Then, go after her! Find her!” Mother half yelled.
“It isn’t that easy, my Queen. Going to a different planet requires a lot of risks. First, we’d lose our powers. Secondly, we might not be able to survive in it. And thirdly, earth is a very wi-de place and might take us weeks to find her. By then, the effect of the treasure would’ve taken place alre-ady” she explained.
‘I don’t care. I still want her found. Go to the priestess and hear what she has to say”.
“Yes my Queen” they all bowed and left.
Immediately, mother stood up and faced me.
“What do you know about this, Hera?” She asked and I lowered my gaze at once.
Why’s she asking me such question? I knew she was going to suspect me.
“Answer me Hera!!!” Anger resounded in her voice and I shook a little.
“I….I…didn’t do anything, mother” I winced and she sl@pped me.
“You were the only stupid friend that lady had around here. Who else could’ve helped her escape?? Who???” She roared in anger but I only held my cheek and wept.
“Just pray they find the treasure, Hera. Pray to the saviors they find it” .
And with that, she walked away.
Oh my!
Damn you, Delaney. How could she do this to me?
I helped her escape, yet all she could do was steal the treasure. How could she???
I nee-ded to find her. I nee-ded to make up for my sins.
Somehow, I nee-ded to go to earth.
Delaney’s Pov:
“A son?” I asked, confused.
“What’s a son?”
“Seriously??” She scoffed.
“Just come with me, okay? When you’ve freshened up, we can talk”.
She held my hand and continued walking with me.
We got to a long strange road that took us higher as we walked on it. This place is really full of wonders.
She took me to the entrance of a room and pushed something that hindered us from entering.
I could see the inside immediately and we walked in.
What’s this place??
It looked like another *house*
“You’ll stay here for now till we’re able to talk” the woman said but I didn’t even look at her as I continued running my eyes around the extremely beautiful place.
Gosh! Who owns this??? It was damn beautiful. Could this be a different house of its own?
“Is….Is this another house?” I asked her and she stared at me in a ridiculous way.
“Its a room – actually. Don’t worry, just got in and take your bath. When you’re done, you’ll eat, sleep and when you’re awake, we’ll talk better. Hopefully, your head would be calm by then because I want to believe thats the problem” she said and led me to another “room”.
“I’m…..sure you know how to bath?” She asked and I nodded.
Of course, I know how to bath. In Marazona, we do bath in streams.
“B …But where’s the stream?” I asked her.
“What….stream are you talking about? Gosh! You don’t necessarily nee-d a stream to bath, okay? Just go in” she said tiredly and pushed me in.
Huh? But how can I possibly bathe without a stream?
Am I to roll on ground or something?
She took me in and made me na*ked again by unwra-pping me. Well, I didn’t feel the slightest shame because she was a female like me.
“What’s this? Shouldn’t it be taken off?” She asked and t©uçhed the treasure on my n£¢k, but I st©pped her immediately.
“No….I’m okay with it” I replied sharply and she seemed a little surprised by my actions.
She t©uçhed something on the wall and suddenly, I felt water pouring on me.
“Arghhh!” I skrie-ked and moved away but she pu-ll-ed me back.
“Hey! Calm down,will you? Why re you scared of the water?” She asked and I moved away again.
I looked up at the source and discovered it was coming from something that had so many holes. I couldn’t even explain it.
“Why’s it raining on me? Is….is there a stream there?” I asked, my hands crossed over my che-st.
“Geez! Its a shower!” She rolled her eyes and pushed me in again.
What’s a shower?
“Its scary..!” I winced as I struggled with the water.
If not for her pres£nce there, I’d have jumped out of it.
Xavier’s Pov:
“Yeah….come on….yeah….”
The bit-ch m0@n ed softly as I pounced into her from behind.
She was facing and holding the wall as Ifu-cked her and her m0@n s were like music to my ears.
School had been boring, but not until Rio provided me with something sweet. Yeah….Rio was my buddy.
Just incase you’re wondering, we were actually in the ladies restroom and lectures were currently going on. But we excused ourselves to have a little fun.
“Xavier yeah….”
I reached cli-max and pu-ll-ed outta her – not without re-leasing my drops into her tho. It was like heaven.
She exhaled de-eply as she left the wall, wore on her p*nties and pu-ll-ed down her Sk-irt
“That was sweet” she smiled and tried tou-ching me but I moved away from her. .
I was alre-ady done Zi-pping up.
“Hope you know what to do after this? Take the pills” I warned her and she nodded.
I turned around to leave but she held me back.
“Um…..will there be a next time?” She asked with a stupid smile and I scoffed.
“You must be joking” I stated bluntly and left.
As soon as I opened the door, I found Chelsea outside.
“Chelsea?” I called in surprise.
What’s she doing here? Has she been spying on me or what?
“And here I was – thinking you were in the guy’s restroom or doing something else. What’re you doing, Xavier?” She asked and I shrugged and arranged my dress.
“Well….I was….”
Immediately, the door behind me opened and the bit-ch c@m£ out.
Oh! Perfect.
She stared at Chelsea and I and not saying a word, she walked away.
I looked at Chelsea and could clearly re-ad the disappointment on her face.
Well, what’s with the grumpy look? She knows I’m a pla-yer, anyway.
“I’ll….I’ll catch up with you later” she said sullenly and started walking away.
“Hey. Don’t you think we should have lunch together?” I asked after her but she only shook her head negatively and continued walking away.
What’s wrong with her? This isn’t first time she’s seeing me scre-w a lady.
Well, for her own good, she better kills every damn feeling she has for me.
I shrugged and also walked away, taking the opposite direction.
I met Rio at the hallway.
“Hey, man. You’re done?” He asked with a sm-irk.
‘Yeah…its lunch time alre-ady, right?” I asked.
“Yes. Seems you’re hungry. Well, I wouldn’t blame you” he chuckled and I nudged him as we walked along.
“So, how was she? Hope I did a great job?” He asked.
“Yeah….definitely. She was damn ti-ght….”
We chuckled and continued discussing on the way.
Well, after Chelsea, it’s Rio. We were actually the three best friends.
Rio was a pla-yer just like me – doesn’t believe in love for now. And that’s what makes us the perfect match.
I noticed Chelsea still looked moody and avoided me throu-ghout the rest of the day in school.
She just kept herself hooked up in the company of her two stubborn friends.
Well, she was the least of my problems at that moment. I’m a pla-yer and that’s the only Important thing.
After the hectic day at school, it finally c@m£ to a close and I headed home.
Delaney’s Pov:
After f0rç£fully taking my bath in the strange rain, I c@m£ out with the woman and she dried up the water from my b©dy and gave me something to wear – something that looked like the leaves she was putting on.
“But where did get this from? Are they really leaves?” I asked, still holding it in my hands.
“Hell no. It’s fabric, okay? Fabric. Just put it on” she said tiredly and I tried wra-pping it around my b©dy like we do when we’re putting on leaves.
“What’re you doing??” She asked and collected it from me.
She pas-sed it throu-gh my head and fixed my hands at some point and finally, i was putting it on. But it was very short.
“This is actually my son’s shi-t. Later in the day, I’ll be going out to get you some clothes. But that’d be after we’re done talking” she said as she led me to sit on the big mattress.
Her son’s shi-t?
“The shi-t belongs to the boy in the small wood?” I asked and she sighed and t©uçhed my hair.
“Don’t you think you should reduce the length of your hair? Its quite long” she said as she t©uçhed the ti-p and I also did same.
“I….I actually think I prefer it this way” I replied.
Just then, we heard a knock on the door.
“Ma’am, the cereal’s re-ady” a voice c@m£ from outside and the woman left to get it.
She opened the whatever and returned with a plate of…..
What’s this???
“Here. You should eat this so you can have some sleep” she cooed as she sat next to me on the be-d.
“Hold on…what’s this? Where did you get it?” I asked with an alarming look.
“St©p asking questions and just eat, okay? It’ll make you feel better’ she replied as she fetched it into a strange thing and brou-ght it close to myl-ips.
Huh? Where did these people come from? Everything about them is so strange.
I opened myl-ips and reluctantly collected it.
It tasted….
I didn’t even know how to describe it.
I wore a crumpled look as I chewed on it and gulped it down.
“Come on, come on. Take more” the woman urged and pushed more into my mouth and I had to take it.
When I was done eating, I felt so heavy and full and the woman advised me to sleep on what she called a *be-d*
It was so big, soft and comfy. Life Is so amazing over here for these people, right?
I la-id on it and drifted to sleep afterwards.
I don’t know for how long it was, but when I’d woken up, I felt really strong and energetic.
I had no idea how they did it, but the room was so so cold – like a sweet air was b!owing around v
I looked around but couldn’t find the woman and decided to check up on her.
I left the be-d and got to the place we’d come in with. What’s this thing anyway? And why do they always open it before they can leave the room?
I opened the whatever like I’d seen the woman do and it took me outside
I started walking, taking the same route we’d come in with and I found the long strange road that’d probably lead me downwards.
When we’d been climbing on it, it took us upwards. But now ,it looked like it was going to take me downwards.
I started walking slowly and carefully on it, praying vividly I don’t fall.
I climbe-d on then, one after the other and finally got to the end of it.
At last.
I was now in the big room – the big room that had big chairs and so many beautiful but strange things. I think its time I explore them.
I was about ma-king a move when someone suddenly walked in from the entrance.
Hah!!!! It was one of those people that looked different from females.
I turned properly in shock to look at her and she also st©pped walking when she saw me.
An unexplained look crept into her face – a look of horror, surprise and confusion. she looked at me from head to toe and scoffed.
Now, I remember!!
She’s the same person I’d seen in that small wood – the person the woman had referred to as *son*
She’s the son!!!
Oh my!
“Who the hell are you?” He asked with a quizzical look.
“And what’re you doing with my shi-t???”
Episode 8
Xavier’s Pov
I’d returned home from school only to meet a strange lady in the sitting room, putting on my shi-t!!
What the…..
Mum didn’t tell me she was getting a new maid. And even if she was a new maid, why would she be putting on my shi-t???
And why’s her hair this long and….untidy?
“Don’t you talk?” I snapped at her.
“Why’re you putting on my shi-t??? Who’re you??”
“You….you’re her son, right? You’re the son?” She asked and I made a crumpled look.
What’s she talking about?
Before I knew what was happening, she started coming towards me.
“You look so different” she mumbled and t©uçhed my face.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing? How dare you just t©uçh me?”
Immediately, mum showed up.
Perfect. Just at the right time.
“Xavier??” She called and rushed to us.
Delaney’s Pov:
She was so beautiful – but different. Why’s she acting like she doesn’t like me? Well, its probably because I’m a stranger to her.
“Xavier?” I heard someone call and turned to see the woman.
“Hey Delaney, what’re you doing here?? Why did you leave your room?” She asked and held my hand.
And I took my eyes back to the son.
“Its your son, right?” I asked.
“She looks so different from us. Where’re her bre*sts? Where are her….”
“Mum, who the hell is this???” She cut me off with a spiteful look.
“First of all, what’s she doing here? Secondly, whys she in my shi-t??? Thirdly, why’s she referring to me as a *she* or whatever??”
“Calm down Xavier, plea-se. I’ll…I’ll explain everything to you, okay? Just….go into your room, freshen up. And I’ll be with you shortly” the woman said quic-kly and held my hand.
“You’re beautiful” I said to the son before she finally dragged me away.
“Why did you leave your room, Delaney? Why did you have to go out? I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with you” the woman queried as soon as we got into the room.
“I’m….I’m sorry. But when I’d woken up, I couldn’t find anyone in the room. and…I decided to search for you” I replied, feeling a little bad she was angry.
“Gosh! Anyway, that’s my son. And you nee-d to be careful around him, okay? He can be pesky at times”.
Him? He?
“Why’re you calling her that? Is that her name? He?” I asked with a bemused look and she g@sped.
“Jesus! Are you for real?? Over here, you don’t refer to him as “she”. He’s a male, okay? Not a female” she enthused.
“Really? There’s a difference, right?” I asked.
“Well, of course. There’s a hvge difference. He’s a boy. And you’re a girl!”
A boy, the word resounded in my head.
“Come on, come with me” she held my hand and took me to the be-d, ma-king us face each other.
“Now, I want you to tell me nothing but the truth. Okay?” She said and I just nodded perfunctorily.
“Where exactly do you come from?”
My eyes itched at the mention of that.
Oh saviors! I knew she was going to ask about that. What do I do?
Really, I’m acting weird. I mean, everything is strange here. So, you wouldn’t blame me. But what do I do? Do I really tell her the truth?
“Hey Delaney, talk to me” she tapped me on the hand and I looked at her.
I gulped nervously and li-cked my lowerl-ip
“Actually…” I began.
“I come from a different place – a different planet. And….this is actually my first time on earth”.
Her eyes dimmed immediately.
“Whaaat??” She skrie-ked.
“You’re an alien??”
What’s alien?
“Woah! Hold on…what’s the name of your planet? I mean…where are you from?” She asked, clearly dripping in curiosity.
“Its….Its called Marazona. I’m not so sure you’ve heard of it. But over there, only females exist”.
“Females??? So….how do you reproduce? How do you give birth?”
“We don’t. I mean..I haven’t seen anyone give birth. We’re just growing. There’s….there’s no new one among us”.
“Whaaat??? This is just super cra-ppy amazing” she exclaimed and I wondered what she meant.
“So, you’re trying to say….you’re just like a community and you don’t have any new ones amongst you? So, how did you c@m£ to be in the first place? Did you guys just fell from the sky or what?”
Unfortunately, I didn’t know the answer to that and I just shrugged.
“Okay, okay” she took in de-ep breaths.
“So…Delaney, let’s as-sume what you’re saying is true. Why then did you leave your *planet*? What’re doing here on earth? Are you on a mission?” She asked and I bit my nail.
I Can’t tell her that, can I?
“Actually….I had to leave. My…my people no longer nee-ded me there. They’ve been so cruel to me and I was f0rç£d to leave” I replied, hoping she’d be confused.
She stared at the treasure on my n£¢k and t©uçhed it
“Did you get it from there?” She asked and I nodded and moved back a bit so she’d st©p tou-ching it.
“Gosh” he muttered and sighed.
“So, what do you plan to do? Do you know someone here?” She asked and I shook my head vigorously.
I didn’t even know a fly.
“So, what’re your plans, then? When you were coming here, what did you plan to do?”
“Actually, I didn’t even know I’d be coming to earth. I just nee-ded to leave the planet as soon as possible and I gr@bb£d the slightest opportunity I’d seen. You’re the first person I’m meeting on earth” I added the last p@rt in a whisper.
“Seriously?” She mumbled and t©uçhed her hair.
She didn’t say a word for a while and finally stood up.
“I’ll check up on you later. Okay?” She said and I nodded like a child.
plea-se, just tell me she’s someone I can trust.
Well, she doesn’t look harmful, does she?
I watched her as she opened the door and left the room.
Xavier’s Pov:
I stood outside the door and listened to the unbelievable conversation between mom and the *alien*
Hold on…is this woman kidding my as-s??? Where the hell did she get these lady???
Suddenly, the door opened and her jaws dropped when she found me there.
“Xavier??” She called in surprise.
“What’re you….what’re you doing here?”
“Seriously mum?” I scoffed.
“Are you asking me that?? Who the heck is that lady??’
She looked at the closed door, then back at me.
“Come on, son. Let’s talk in the room” she said tiredly.
“Yeah….hold on” I rolled my eyes and opened the door, going into the room.
“Xavier!” She called after me, but I ignored her.
I got in and met the strange lady on the be-d who looked surprised.
Well, of course, she should be surprised.
Her bulgy eyes were boring into mine.
“Hey, you” I snapped.
“Take off my shi-t”.

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