Mr arrogant Episode 37 & 38

(Ãnd the strãnge maidën)
Episode 37
By: Faith Lucky
Delaney’s pov
“What did you say?” I asked and stared awkwardly at him.
I didn’t quite get what he said.
It sounded like some gibberish.
“I said you should k!ssme.” He sm-irked and pu-ll-ed me closer to him.
My breath hitched and my heart was thumping loudly as if all the blood in my heart would bur-st out.
“I don’t un-derstand. Ki…ss you?” I stammered, not knowing exactly what he meant.
“What’s a k!ss?” I added.
“What? You seriously don’t know the meaning of k!ssor how to k!ss?” He skrie-ked disbelievingly and pushed me away from his b©dy. I almost lost my balance and fell, but he was quic-k to hold my arm.
When I stood up straight, he let go of my arm.
“No. I seriously don’t know. What is a k!ss?” I asked, looking like lost sheep.
“Where on Earth are you from? At this age you don’t know what a k!ssis?” He asked and t©uçhed his forehead.
“I haven’t heard that word before. What exactly is it?” I asked, utterly so confused.
He suddenly looked pissed and I don’t know why.
“You’re unbelievable!” He scoffed and paced around the room, like he’s thinking.
Is k!sssomething I should know and I don’t know?
“Is k!sssomething I should know?” I asked and stared intently at him.
“Just forget about it. You’re just too dumb.” He scoffed.
“Just forget we had this conversation okay?” He huffed and rolled his eyes.
He pushed me–to make me leave, but I stiffened my b©dy.
He noticed it and st©pped pushing me.
“You can leave now okay?” I gro-an ed.
“But what about my as-signment?” I pouted and li-cked myl-ips.
He suddenly looked lost as he stared at myl-ips.
As if being hit, he jo-lted back and ruffled his hair.
“Argh Delaney! You’re driving me crazy!” He gro-an ed angrily.
“I’ll leave but tell me what a k!ssis.” I insisted.
“Just forget I asked you that okay? You don’t know and I can’t tell you.” He huffed.
“But Xavier…” I was trying to say but his ha-rd glare made me swallow back my words.
“Alright, I’ll leave now. But I’ll be back before night time.” I win-ked and scurried out of his room.
I heard him gr-unt as I closed the door.
“So Laney, did he agree to help you?” Xavier’s mom asked, with a hvge smile on her face.
“No.” I pouted sadly.
“Why?” She asked as her countenance fell.
“He did say he’d help me, only if I k!sshim.” I whispered softly– I don’t even know why I whispered.
“What?” She g@sped out– looking so shocked.
“Xavier told you that?” She asked with a hvge smile on her face.
“Yeah, he did.” I said and bit myl-ip.
“And did you do it?” She asked and stared intently at me.
She seemed like she wanted a positive answer but too bad, it’s a negative answer I’m gonna tell her.
I shook my head negatively, “no, I didn’t. I don’t even know what a k!ssis.”
“You don’t?” She asked, her eyes almost popping out from it’s socket.
“But what exactly is a k!ssand how do I do it?” I added.
“It doesn’t matter dear. When the time is right, I’ll tell you.
But for now, you don’t have to worry about the meaning.” She smiled and stro-ked my hair tenderly.
“Okay ma’am… I mean, mom.” I gave her a faux smile.
Xavier’s mom pov
Oh my!
Xavier asked Laney to k!sshim?
My son is definitely falling for her.
And that is just exactly what I want.
For them to be together.
I nee-d a plan to bring them more closer together– what would make them to be together.
Laney is so pure and innocent and never for once did I regret helping her and bringing her into my house.
I’m sure she’s gonna help me and at the same time, help Xavier.
I really want my son to st©p flir-ting around and settle down with a decent girl.
Now, I think I have a plan!
“I don’t want to eat this! It doesn’t look good to eat.” Laney pouted childishly and pushed the plate of salad in front of her.
“Laney dear, it’s good. Try it out.” I smiled lightly at her. She shook her head negatively and bit her lowerl-ip.
“I don’t want to eat it. I’ll just have only tea and bre-ad.” She insisted, with her face scrunched up as she stared at the salad in disgust.
“Seriously? You don’t want to eat it? St©p being choosy.” Xavier grumbled and rolled his eyes.
“Okay. It’s dinner and you can’t have bre-ad and tea. That’s for breakfast.
But don’t worry, go to the kitchen and have one of the maids serve you spaghetti.” I smiled lightly at her and t©uçhed her hair.
“Mom? You’re seriously pampering this strange girl!” Xavier gro-an ed.
Eish! This rude son of mine.
“Just the way I pampered you.” I win-ked at him.
“I’m your son mom and she’s just a stranger you had pitied on and brou-ght in.” He scoffed and placed some salads in his mouth and chewed slowly.
“Don’t mind him Delaney, just go to the kitchen and ask one of the maids to microwave the remaining spaghetti.
I’m sure, you’ll love it.” I smiled at Delaney, whose head was bowed.
“Okay mom, thank you.” She smiled appreciatively and stood up.
“I never knew you gave birth to another child ap@rt from me.” Xavier muttered but I heard him clearly.
I chuckled softly and used the back of my spoon to hut him lightly on his hand.
“I heard that.” I laughed.
“Ouch mom!” He winced pla-yfully.
We continued eating but suddenly, we heard shattering of plate and a loud, fearful and deafening scream from the kitchen.
I panicked and dropped my cutleries.
“Snakes! Worms!” Delaney cried out.
(Ãnd the strãnge maidën)
Episode 38
By: Faith Lucky
Delaney’s pov
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared at the snakes but what looks like worms too.
My heart had alre-ady jumped into my mouth because of the fear I had.
Xavier and his mom c@m£ running into the kitchen breathlessly.
Xavier’s mom took her gaze from me to stare at the broken plate and the worms the maid had given me as the so-called spaghetti.
“Laney, what is it? Why did you scream out so loud?” Xavier’s mom panicked.
“Worms! I hate worms and I’m scared of them. But the maid gave me to eat them!” I cried out, shivering in fear.
My whole b©dy was trembling in fear and my heart beat wasn’t helping matters– it was beating fas-ter than normal.
“Worms! These are not worms!” Xavier cried.
“Oh Laney, you made me panic for nothing!” Xavier’s mom gro-an ed.
She had looked so scared but after I had explained briefly to her about the maid serving me, works, she bec@m£ calm.
“Mom, you nee-d to take this girl back to wherever she c@m£ from.
Can you imagine? We almost had heart attack because of her.
Who calls spaghetti worms? Probably girls from the bush!” Xavier lashed out angrily.
I suddenly felt so bad and stared guiltily at my feet.
“I’m sorry. I haven’t seen or eaten a meal like this before. I thought they were worms.
I’m really sorry.” I whimpered tearfully and stared at my feet– afraid to meet their gazes.
Tears streamed down my face, I felt really bad.
I didn’t mean to frighten them or make them mad at me.
Now, Xavier is vexed at me.
And his mom, I don’t even know how she feels.
“You are just too dumb! You are just too annoying for my liking!” Xavier yelled and stomped out of the kitchen.
“I’m sorry.” I hiccu-mpped and wiped my tears which won’t st©p pouring out.
“Come here Laney, it’s okay.” Xavier’s mom finally spoke up.
I walked into her opened arms and hvgged her ti-ghtly and hiccu-mpped.
“It’s fine dear. Now, st©p crying.” She consoled and soothed my back.
I wiped my tears and breathe in and out.
I didn’t bother to eat dinner because I alre-ady lost my appetite.
I went to be-d early.
Xavier didn’t say anything to me, but I wasn’t feeling bad because it wasn’t my fault.
He should un-derstand that it wasn’t entirely my fault. He should know I was just being ignorant of the fact that the food given to me wasn’t worms.
The next day, I got re-ady for school with the help of one of the maids.
I wore my uniform and brushed my hair down my shoulders.
I wore my socks and shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and when I was sure I was good to go, I walked happily out of my room.
I got to the dinning room and Xavier and his mom were alre-ady seated.
“I was just about s£nding for you.” Xavier’s mom smiled as I got to where they sat.
“Good morning.” I smiled shyly and sat on the dinning chair.
“Morning dear.” She responded and stro-ked my hair affectionately.
“Morning Xavier.” I greeted shyly.
He glanced at me and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t mind him. He woke up from the wrong side of the be-d.” His mom whispered.
I giggled lightly and bent my head.
The maids served the dishes and I was more than glad because it was what I was alre-ady used to.
h0t chocolate tea and toasted bre-ad with egg sauce.
“Good morning family!”
We turned and saw Chelsea smiling as she walked up to meet us.
Her face dropped as soon as her eyes caught with mine.
She suddenly looked angry and her glare on me made me shiver.
What’s up with her?
Did I do something wrong?
“Morning Chels.” Xavier’s mom smiled.
Chelsea took her gaze away from it and replaced her angry countenance to a smiling one.
Chelsea hvgged her briefly and sat on a chair beside Xavier.
“Good morning.” She greeted him and placed herl-ips on his cheeks.
“Yeah, morning.” He gro-an ed.
“What is it Xavier? You look gloomy this morning.” Chelsea observed and t©uçhed his face worriedly.
“I’m fine Chels.” He said and re-moved her hand from his face.
“Oh!” She said– and I could tell she felt embarras-sed because her countenance dropped in disappointment.
Shortly after, we started eating.
Chelsea’s pov
Gosh! I felt like ripping off that girl’s hair.
Seeing her in the dinning room only made me angry. I thought she wouldn’t be there and on a second thought, I didn’t even think she’d still be in Xavier’s mansion.
I had almost forgotten that she still existed in the mansion.
I glared at her as she ate. Everything about her disgust and annoys me.
And with the look on Xavier’s face, my psyche tells me that she’s the reason of his dull look.
Sooner or later, I’d definitely get rid of her.
We alighted from the car– Xavier, Delaney and I.
As usual, the students stared at Xavier and I as we held hands together and walk into the school compound.
Some students took ph0tos of us and that got me smiling more.
I pressed closer to Xavier and flashed the students my charming smiles.
Delaney’s pov
“Hey you!” I heard a tiny voice behind me.
I st©pped walking and turned around to see three beautiful girls.
They looked really pretty with their skimpy uniforms.
They were of the same height but I could tell they weren’t sisters.
“Me?” I asked and poked my che-st.
“Yes!” One of them snapped as they approached me.
I stood and folded my arms.
“You are Delaney right?” One of them asked, this time, they were alre-ady close to me.
“Ye…ah.” I stuttered, feeling intimid@t£d by their looks.
“You’re one pretty girl you know?” Another said.
“Yeah, thanks.” I shrugged.
“A little introduction would do. I’m Brielle.” The first girl who had spoken, introduced with a smile I knew wasn’t genuine.
“I’m Brianna.” Another said with a sm-irk.
“And I’m Blair.” The last girl smiled.
“And we are the B3 girls.” They chorused. I stared at them with a plain expression.
I still don’t know why they st©pped me.
“Okay, nice. But what exactly do you girls want?” I asked the question I wanted to ask before they introduced themselves like they are some kind of princesses.
“Oh! That’s a nice question Delaney.” The first girl, who I had quite gotten her name said.
“So, I like you and you’re pretty.
And so, I’m inviting you for my birthday p@rty at my parents mansion.” She added pridefully and t©uçhed the ti-p of my hair.
“Huh?” I blinked my eyes ra-pidly.
“My birthday is this weekend and I’m inviting you as a special guest.” She smiled and withdrew her hand from my hair.
“You’ve got a really long hair.” She added.
“But I…” I trailed off as she placed her f!nger on myl-ips.
“plea-se don’t say no Delaney, I really like you and I want you to be there.” She pouted and re-moved her f!nger from myl-ips.
“Okay.” I gave up.
I don’t even know them and I just agreed to attend her birthday p@rty.
“Really? Thank you!” She squealed happily.
“I’ll give you the invitation card before school would be over.” She squealed elatedly.
“Okay.” I replied perfunctorily.
“I promise you Delaney, you won’t regret attending my p@rty. You are gonna love it.” She win-ked at me and with the other two girls behind her, she walked gracefully away.
Who else thinks that the girls are up to something?