More than a game episode 13

🎲🎲🎲 More than a game 🎲🎲🎲
→→→ Jilting the tits ←←←
🀄 Book thirteen 🀄
💜 Iris’s standpoint 💜
I laughed as Hailey narrated the story of how she dealt with her first b©yfri£ndwhen she caught him cheating, it was hilarious. Lee was busy pla-ying a game in her phone as we walked to the VIP room. I knew Hailey was trying to help me feel comfortable, the dress I was wearing was putting me on edge again, it felt like I was going to die so she was telling me stories to make me feel better. I admit, I look beautiful but still, it scares me. We walked arm in arm, swaying our h!ps and laughing. My eyes averted to the room, the first person I saw standing and gaping at me was Hans. I instantly jumped behind Hailey with fear, shaking because he was looking at me like I was a monster.
‘Why are you hiding?’ Hailey asked, looking over her shoulder.
‘He hates me, look at his eyes?’
‘Who? Hans?’ She looked at Hans and hissed, his mouth was open. ‘That isn’t the look of hate, he is stunned by how gorgeous you look.’
‘That’s a lie,’ I said shakily. ‘He’s going to snob me,’ I cried, burying my face into her back. She started laughing, the sound echoing into my ears and vibr@ting throu-gh her b©dy.
‘Snap out of it you idiot!’ Lee shouted, Hans screamed, I looked up immediately and saw Hans holding his head and glaring at Lee.
‘What was that for?!’ Lee muttered something to him, his eyes wi-de-ned and looked at me again. He smiled brightly and then grinned.
‘Wow!’ He exclaimed and dragged a long whistle, I blu-shed and buried my face in Hailey’s back again. I jumped away from Hailey when I felt h0t breath on my n£¢k, and like he was expecting it, he caught me by my w@!st instantly. My cheeks was burning h0t, really really h0t. I looked at everywhere but his eyes, trying not to think about our proximity or his heart fli-pping cologne. He pressed hisl-ips to my ear again, reminding me of the day at the salon. ‘St©p acting so jumpy, people are watching,’
I felt sad, he only cared about me acting my p@rt well. ‘Just like everyone else, he doesn’t care about you, once he is done with you, you’ll be yesterday’s story.’
‘Don’t listen to her Iris, ignore Joe and her cynicism,’ Sweet said softly. I f0rç£d a smile to myl-ips and pushed myself away from him, straightening my short go-wn.
‘Don’t t©uçh me, you are un-der probation…’
‘Pro…what?!’ He shouted, acting along. ‘I thought you cancelled it!’
Oh, he’s good.
‘No, I put it on to be continued,’ he stared at me like he was really dumbfounded.
‘You have got to be kidding me! You want me to stay away from you after the stunt you pu-ll-ed at the game and what you are wearing now? Are you insane? I can’t!’
‘St©p shouting,’ I pushed him out of the way and walked to the guys. ‘Hey boys!’
‘Iris!’ They shouted cheerfully. ‘Welcome!’
‘Can I sit?’
‘Yes, sit with me,’ Jet said sharply, stretching his hand out to pu-ll me.
‘No,’ Spencer swat his hand. ‘She is to sit with me,’
‘No, me,’ Riley protested.
‘Are you all going having a fv¢king br@in virus? Doesn’t she have a b©yfri£ndto sit with?’ Jonathan asked frowningly.
‘plea-se remind them,’ Hans said pla-yfully, coming behind me. I stepped away from him, unintentionally going closer to Jet who pu-ll-ed me in immediately. He placed me between him and Spencer, they were both sitting too close. ‘Move,’ Hans commanded. They pouted at him but didn’t move.
‘You two, get lost, you are too close,’ I growled. Them sitting so close was irritating me. That’s funny, Hans is the only guy that don’t irritate me. They both moved over to create space for Hans. I smiled as Hans sat beside me, his glaring eyes on Spencer. ‘Hans,’ I nudged his side. He averted his gaze to me. ‘Good game out there, you did good.’
‘Did good,’ he snorted. ‘You and these witches almost made us fail,’ he glared at his sisters who smiled innocently. Hailey was sitting close to Silvia who sat next to Riley and Lee was suffocating Johnny’s space. She was hvgging him so ti-ght the poor boy’s face was turning pink. Although, I suspect the pinkness is a result of shyness or what Lee was wearing.
Lee and Hailey might be identical, but Lee is prettiest and S-xier in a way. Her b©dy was much more slender and fit to call a model, very fit. Okay, didn’t she say she was one? Anyways, she was S-xy. Lee wore a shiny velvet dress, one that accentuated her thin w@!st and small curves, made her beautiful skin standout in the dark green dress that st©pped at a tempting length. The dress was practically sleeveless with a plunging florid n£¢kline and ruffled armless hands. Like most times, she wasn’t wearing much makeup and her hair was simply put in ringlet curls. Hailey went for a red tube Sk-irt and black tie front tube t©p, she wore a black slingbacks wedges. Her n£¢k was adored with our friendsh!pn£¢klace, just like Lee and me. I felt so proud seeing it there. I still had Hans’ hairband and br@celet, they weren’t going anywhere.
‘What were you all thinking out there? You could have cost us the game.’ Hans snapped at them.
‘Hailey,’ Lee called with a jesting smile. ‘Where we thinking?’
‘No my dear, we weren’t.’
Lee looked at Hans and blinked innocently. ‘There, we weren’t thinking.’
‘You and the other cheerleaders ruined our night,’
‘The night is still young you gumweed,’ Lee cursed.
‘And, do you really wanna tell us that none of you enjoyed the show?’ Hailey asked, smiling slyly as she looked at each and everyone of them. They all started muttering while Hans looked at me.
‘You really look beautiful,’ he mouthed. ‘No jokes, you look stunning in black and in that cheerleader uniform but do me a favor and wear leggings or hose next time, plea-se?’ He pleaded out loud but in a whisper.
I giggled and innocently rolled my curl into in my f!nger, swaying myself on the chair. ‘And if I say no?’ I asked, battering my lashes at him. He sm-irked and leaned closer, ma-king me back up a little. My heart fli-pped with excitement, my b©dy fluttering with a little fear.
‘Then get re-ady to have your s-en-se k!$$£d out of you,’ he whispered. I wanted to shut up but something in me wanted to dare and be n@ûghty. I placed my hands behind me, leaning on it with a challengingly smile.
‘Is that all you can do, pretty boy?’ He chuckled, a very dark chuckle. My b©dy tingled from how dark his chuckle was, the tingle running throu-gh every single p@rt of my b©dy.
‘You want me to do more, angel?’ I tilted my head and blinked cutely.
‘If you have the ba-lls to,’ Jet who was behind me bur-st into laughter, he was eavesdropping on us. Hans rolled his eyes and sat up straight. I looked around and noticed everyone was looking at us. I bit myl-ips sheepishly, sitting up straight.
‘Maybe you guys can take your flir-ting somewhere else, watching those two is enough to torture the single ones.’ Riley grumbled, glaring at a cheerleader and one of the football pla-yer k!ssing. Lee stood up with a glas-s.
‘Cheers, to Johnny and Iris, welcome to the family.’
‘How can you cheer without everyone not holding their drinks?’ Hailey scoffed.
‘Then you all drink invisible drinks, now cheers.’
‘Hailey, you have started again, I wasn’t talking to you this time and yet you are looking for my trouble again. Hans, Johnny, warn her.’
‘Let them warn me? What can they do? Beat me? You are very stupid Lee, sit down and let people with br@ins talk.’
‘So when counting smart people, you think you would be added?’ Lee scoffed. ‘My dear, you are more suitable for world dumbest person.’
‘So says the girl who can’t decide what color of shoes to wear,’
‘You with the great mind to choose, how have that helped your life? Zero percent.’
‘It has,’ Hailey said defensively.
‘Really, name ten?’
‘It makes me look like a normal human being, I don’t look like a clown who escaped from rehab…’
‘Are you seriously answering that?’ Hans chuckled.
‘Who called you?’ Hailey asked, averting the war to Hans.
‘Ask him,’ Lee said. ‘When geniuses are speaking, dodo br@ins swallow their ton-gues.’
‘Dodo?’ Hans g@sped. ‘You have a dodo br@in?’
‘Not me, you,’
‘Okay, you,’ Hans said with a nod.
‘Not me, you, you Hans, you.’
‘Who’s Hans?’ Hans asked, feigning dumbness. Lee stomped her foot childishly.
‘You don’t get to annoy me, that is my job!’
‘Oh, so you admit that you are annoying,’ Hans said with a mischievous sm-irk.
‘I didn’t say that,’ Lee said distraughtly.
‘Okay you meant to say you are the annoying little sister of Hans the smart god?’
‘Yes… No, st©p confusing me!’
‘Doesn’t that mean you are a dunce because only dunces get confuse?’
‘Hailey, Hans is bullying me again!’ Lee shouted, her eyes welling up with tears. Lee was very good at badmouthing but Hans was the only one that could counter her.
Hailey threw a empty cu-p at Hans, he caught it easily. ‘You call that a throw? My monkeys can toss better than you.’
‘Hans, st©p bullying my sister or I’ll break your head with this bottle.’ Hailey said threateningly, lifting up a bottle.
‘Smash his head with that expensive wine? Hailey are you mad?’ Lee asked huffily.
‘I’m trying to defend you!’
‘Is that how to defend? When I was your age, I could defend my siblings better than you are doing right now.’
‘You are my age you nonentity!’
‘Who say? I’m older than you by ten years,’ Lee said snootily.
‘Older? And you are here with us and not married off to some baldheaded biscuit br@in,’ Hailey scorned.
‘Take that back Hailey! My future husband won’t have a biscuit br@in, his br@in ought to be made of pixie dusts and fries…’
‘Fries?’ Johnny asked with a twisted look.
‘What? I can get hungry sometimes,’
‘So let me get this straight,’ Johnny shifted away from her. ‘You will eat your husband’s br@in if it’s made of bloody fries?’
‘First of all, that will never happen, not in a fv¢king million years. Second of all, fries, really Lee? Third of all, who will sit down and let you eat their $h!t head?’ Is it me or does Johnny swear a lot?
‘He doesn’t have to know, I will eat it at night.’ Lee said without a smile.
‘And she said I don’t have s-en-se,’ Hailey said jestingly.
‘Oh you don’t,’ Lee looked at her. ‘You are so dumb dumb is ashamed to look at your face.’
‘Here we go again,’ Hans sighed. He took my hand. ‘Let’s get out of here Iris.’
‘To do what?’
‘Drink, dance, anything far away from them.’ He inclined his head to his sisters.
‘If you all want to have a peaceful and enjoyable time, separate them.’ I said to Johnny. Johnny stood up and took Lee’s hand.
‘Come on Rainbow ru-by, let’s dance.’
‘Rainbow.’ Lee squealed. ‘I love rainbow!’
‘Only s-en-seless people will love rainbow,’
‘Like you are anywhere close to br@ins!’ Lee shouted back. Johnny dragged her away while they kept throwing insults at each other. Hailey stood up to follow them and continue the fight.
‘Hailey, let’s dance,’ Silvia said quic-kly, jumping in front of her.
‘I don’t want to dance, I want to fight,’ Jet stood up with a laugh and rushed to Hailey.
‘Okay mama, let’s dance,’ he dragged her to the other side of the dance floor, far away from Lee and Johnny. Hans pu-ll-ed me up and led me to the bar. He pu-ll-ed out a chair for me.
‘Thank you,’ I said before sitting on it. Hans sat too and snapped his f!ngersat the barman.
‘Scoot some drinks over for me, would you?’ The barman smiled at him, like he knew him. ‘Fine, plea-se, I said it.’
‘Any other specific drinks for the lady?’
‘Something strong but not strong enough to delete her s-en-ses,’
‘Can I just get a club soda?’ I asked with wi-de eyes. ‘I can’t take alcohol.’
‘Have you ever?’ He arched a brow at me.
‘Well no but…’
‘First time for everything then,’ he whistled at the barman who nodded. The man turned to his large wall of drinks.
‘I can’t take it Hans, if I get drun!k, I might… I won’t have control over Joe and…’
‘Hey,’ he said softly, placing his hand on mine. ‘Don’t be afraid, I am here…’
‘You don’t un-derstand,’
‘Iris, do you trust me?’
‘No,’ I said sharply. ‘I don’t trust you.’ He sli-pped his hand away from mine with a chuckle.
‘You are still going to drink it,’
‘Remember what I said? You get to do whatever I say.’
‘Shhh,’ he pressed his index f!nger against myl-ip. I sighed and looked at the barman who dropped two glas-ses of different drinks.
‘Hey, where’s Phoenix? That crazy rascal?’ He asked.
‘We didn’t tell him we were coming…’
‘Phoenix has arrived!!!!’ Hans whimpered and ban-g his head on the counter.
‘Nevermind,’ he whimpered again. I laughed and looked at Phoenix who was shouting at the t©p of his voice, sl@pping the heads of everyone seated. ‘Iris, drink up,’ I turned my head over to Hans.
Looking at him closer, Hans was quite handsome with his ivory like skin that contrasted his brilliant white smile, his light black hair scintillating un-der the light, ma-king it softness prominent. He flashed me a charming smile as he handed me the glas-s, as-suring me that nothing would ever go wrong with him by my side. I looked at Violet and Joe who were glaring at me, warning me not to take it. I looked back at Hans, my hands trembling with fear as my throat suddenly bec@m£ parch. I could feel my b©dy heating up, my heart beginning to palpitate and b©dy temperature rising along with the pounding in my head.
‘I can’t,’ I stood up to run, this was a bad idea. Hans’ hand caught mine, pu-lling me back but to his b©dy. He entwined our f!ngers, just like yesterday, his t©uçh set me alight inside, s£nding tingles throu-gh my b©dy. He lifted me up and carried me into his l@ps, holding me down so I won’t run. ‘Let go of me Hans! I can’t, Joe w…’ My eyes wi-de-ned as he slammed hisl-ips on mine.
‘pu-ll away Iris!!!’ Violet shouted. He swiped his hand over my eyes, closing it.
Immediately my eyes closed, it was like I was I couldn’t hear a sound again, all the music, chattering, Phoenix shouting, it all droned out. All I could see in my eyes was his face, all I could hear was my heartbeat thumping in my ears. He bit my bottoml-ip, ni-bbling on it and s£nding a shiver throu-gh my b©dy. I m0@n ed into his mouth, p@rting myl-ips for him to de-epen the k!ss. I wasn’t sure how I was going to k!sshim, but I let the expert take the lead, moving myl-ips and ton-gue the exact way he did. My heart was hammering ha-rd and fas-ter against my che-st, any more speed and I would pas-s out. His hands which was around my w@!st lowered down a little, his palms clamped my bu-tt cheeks, causing me to squeak in shock. I m0@n ed at the rou-gh way he held it, it was exciting. He squee-zed a cheek ti-ghter, ma-king me purr into his mouth. I was becoming breathless, but I still couldn’t let go of him. Like he knew I nee-ded to breathe, he made to pu-ll away. I whimpered, holding on to his cheeks to st©p him from taking his honey coat ton-gue from me. He chuckled, gave my ton-gue a little bite before pu-lling away.
‘Whoa,’ I breathe, looking down to avoid him seeing my blus-h, he did anyways because he chuckled again. I raised my eyes again, looking at his now swollen pinkl-ips and then trailed my eyes up to his impeccably carved brows. Hans was extraordinarily S-xy and I was just noticing it. The k!sswas amazing!
He brushed his thumb on my upperl-ip, smiling as he captivated me with his rifle green eyes, locked my s-en-ses in a box only he had the key to. Still holding my eyes, he drank a mouthful of drink and k!$$£d me again, transferring the liquid into my mouth. I more than happily gulped it all down, the action seeming S-xier by the minute. It was either Hans had magical powers, or I was very stupid. I go for both, it felt so right. The drink was sweet and harsh, burning down my che-st and eliciting the wi-deness of the fluttering bu-tterflies in my stomach. He repeated that until every single drop of the burning liquid was in my stomach. Every single gulp spre-ad the fire allover my b©dy, exciting me like I had never been before. By the time he was done k!ss!ngme, my head was in cloud nine, planet plutoniumy platonism… Huh?
‘Hans,’ I giggled. ‘The world is round,’
‘And triangle,’ he said chucklingly. ‘Doctor Gabriel was right,’ he smiled. ‘ma-king you love me would make it easier,’
‘What’s easy?’ I asked dumbly, I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. I looked at my dress and back at him with a wi-de grin. ‘I look S-xy, do I look S-xy Hans?’
‘Absolutely,’ he said chirpily, standing me back on my feet. He stood up too, downed his own glas-s of whatever that is and then pu-ll-ed me to his che-st.
‘Hans,’ I whispered, looking at Joe, her head was sewed to Violet’s. I clung to the collar of his shi-t in fear. ‘Hans,’ I cried.
‘Iris, you are quavering, what are you seeing?’
‘Iris, come here!’ Joe and Violet commanded. ‘Let’s go…’ I locked my hands around Hans’ w@!st, burying my face into his che-st.
‘They are scaring me, Violet hates me now because I’m black,’
‘Listen Iris,’ he whispered into my ear. ‘Violet might hate you, but I don’t, ignore them.’ The world was spinning, mother’s angry voice shouting in my head. My eyes were closed, memories of how she yelled and moved away from me whenever I wanted to t©uçh her torturing me.
“Go away Iris! Because of you, your worthless bastard of a father took my precious Violet away from me!”
“Don’t t©uçh me Iris!”
“How dare you leave the basement without permission! Madeline! Madeline! How did she get out of her room?! Come get this thing away from me?!”
“Iris just die!!!”
‘God,’ I cried, drenching Hans’ shi-t with my tears. ‘She hates me, mom chose death over me.’
‘Yes, and that is because she and everyone else never liked you. Do you really think holding on to him would as-sure you of love? No, it has never and will never change a thing. We both know you deserve to die, die Iris, die!’
‘No!’ I screamed, holding on to Hans ti-ghter. The world was still spinning, Violet and Joe were still shouting.
‘Violet, your mother wants you dead, die!’
‘Your father never liked you Iris, die!’
‘St©p it!!!’ I hollered. ‘Just st©p it!’
‘Everyone would see how crazy you are now,’ Violet said in a singsong. ‘Guess how you will be treated from now on…’
‘Hans, Hailey or Lee can’t protect you, no one ever have, no one ever will.’
‘Iris snap out of it!!!!’ I g@sped and opened my eyes, it instantly founded Hans’. He looked at me agitatedly, his eyes glistening with tears. ‘Don’t listen to them, I won’t ever leave you, remember this?’ He raised my hand which had the br@celet. ‘I won’t leave Iris, plea-se don’t let…’
‘Don’t let him lie to you Iris, he will.’
‘Listen,’ he cu-mpped my cheeks as I cried. ‘I’m not going anywhere, I promise. plea-se?’
‘plea-se, don’t ever leave me too, Violet hates me now, everyone hates me…’
‘I don’t hate you Iris, if I did, I wouldn’t be holding onto you so ti-ght, I love you so much Iris, as a sister, as a friend, and as more. Don’t let them get into your head, remember my br@celet? My hairband? Hailey’s trinket? Don’t forget it. Is that clear?’
‘Shut the fv¢k up Iris! Listen to no one else but me because I am real and they are not, okay?’
‘Everyone have seen me, they will hate me,’
‘Look around,’ I blinked fast and looked around, no one was there. ‘Immediately I noticed it, I pu-ll-ed you here.’
‘Where are we?’ I could hear the loud music and Lee’s voice from somewhere, the heavy sound bouncing on the wall and shaking the whole building.
‘It’s a pri-vate lounge, right behind the bar. Do you want to go home?’
‘If I go, you’ll leave me.’
‘I won’t,’
‘You will,’ I sobbe-d.
‘Okay let’s dance for a little while, then you will sleep at my place, I’m sure Hailey and Lee won’t mind you sharing their be-d.’
‘You sure?’
‘Your makeup is ruined, stay here, I’ll get Hailey…’
‘No!’ I screamed, practically jumping on him and wra-pping my legs around him so he wouldn’t leave. ‘Don’t leave!’
‘Hold on to the br@celet and n£¢klace, you’ll be fine,’ I looked into his eyes like he was the biggest liar in the world. ‘Trust me,’
‘You will come back, right?’
‘One minute,’ I sli-pped down, dropped my legs back on the floor. He dropped me on the de-ep blue couch in the lounge, me still looking at him suspiciously. ‘Iris,’ he chuckled. ‘I’ll be back in one minute, promise.’
‘He’s never going to come back,’ Violet said in a singsong. I watched Hans walk backwards to the door, a pink fluffy door that matched the walls. He opened it and stepped out, his eyes still locked with mine. ‘And he’s gone.’ Violet laughed.
I ru-bbe-d my br@celet. ‘One, two, three, four, five…’
‘What are you doing?’ Joe asked. ‘Get up and run Iris.’
‘Nine, ten, eleven, twelve…’
‘I’m talking to you Iris!’ I continued counting the seconds he would come back, he won’t leave me too, he promised. Still counting, I looked down at what I was wearing to distract myself.
My black dress c@m£ with a built-in pushup br@, the sweetheart n£¢kline giving enough plunge to expo-se a hvge chunk of my che-st. The bodice was ti-ght and form-fitted along the t©p of my w@!st, then gently flared out to give hide the prominence of my h!ps. My eyes were made up more heavily than I was use to, a smokey eye-shadow and eyeliner to give me a fierce look and darkl-ipsticks to add the finishing t©uçh. Well, my makeup was ruined.
‘Fifty eight, fifty nine, sixty.’ The door didn’t open, Hans wasn’t coming back.
‘Told you,’ Violet tittered. The door opened, Lee ran in laughing with Hailey chasing her.
‘Give me back my shoes Lee!’
‘Be a good girl and apologize,’ Lee said stubbornly, hiding Hailey’s shoes behind her back.
‘May lightning strike that mouth of yours, give it back Lee! Don’t make me scream!’
‘Idiot, you are alre-ady screaming.’
‘For God sake! Must you two fight every single minute!’ My heart fli-pped with joy, Hans c@m£ back. I stuck my ton-gue out to Violet, mocking her.
‘She started it!’ Hailey and Lee shouted, pointing accusing f!nger and shoe at each other.
‘I don’t care who started it, just cut it out!’
‘Tell her to give me back my shoes!’
‘Lee, I want you to be Paige for the rest of the night so behave,’ Hans said exasperatedly Lee’s hand dropped, it was like something new overtook her. ‘Thank you, at least one of you should act mature.’
‘What is that suppose to mean? That I’m the dumb one?’ Hailey asked annoyedly. ‘What does everyone have against my intelligence? I don’t like books, fine, that doesn’t mean I’m dumb.’
‘Just forget about it Hailey,’ Lee said calmly, almost with a more mature tone.
‘Shut up Lee, who gave you the right to be the mature one? I’m the eldest,’ Lee tossed the shoes at Hailey, one hitting Hailey’s head and ma-king a sound similar to a coconut’s. ‘Ow!’
‘See, knew you had a coconut head,’ Hailey snatched the other shoe and tossed it at Lee, hitting her too. ‘Ow! Hans, look what she did!’
‘You did it first!’
‘Because you are annoying!’
‘Both of you, shut the fv¢king hell up! God!’ Hans shouted with frustration. Hailey frowned.
‘You shut up, I’m older than you.’ Hans rolled his eyes and walked to me.
‘You, keep quiet, don’t talk to my baby like that, coconut head,’ Hailey gr@bb£d the other pair of her shoes and hurled it at Lee who ducked, picked up the other and struck a bullseye on Hailey’s stomach.
‘Urgh! Johnny will never love you,’ Hailey taunted.
‘Take that back!’
‘Well guess what,’ Lee said sharply. ‘Richie will never d@t£ you.’
‘The two of you better shut up before I call Phoenix in here and he starts yelling!’ Since Hans was alre-ady with me, I resumed my hvgging job.
‘You don’t have to call that cricket,l-ips sealed,’ Hailey murmured.
‘As if you are any better,’ Lee muttered, glancing at Hailey.
‘Have you seen it? She has started again…’
‘Makeup crisis girls!’ I shouted, putting a st©p to their childish bickering. Hailey g@sped.
‘What happened? Your face is a mess!’
‘No nee-d to worry my toilet brush, we are here to fix it.’
‘Who are you calling toilet brush?’
‘Do you prefer toilet sponge?’
‘My face,’ I reminded them.
‘Yes slave, fix her makeup for her,’ Lee said with a queenly pose.
‘Lee,’ Hans snapped.
It was nice of the girls to have me over, in fact they insisted I start living with them instead of being alone at my ap@rtment. I accepted but the problem was the slee-ping arrangement for that p@rticular night, I couldn’t sleep, I had a terrible headache from drinking, crying and dancing too much at the club. Lee, Hailey and Hans made sure I danced until my legs hurt. Now, they were fighting on whose room I would sleep in. Absolutely wonderful.
‘She was my best friend before you c@m£ along so I have the right to have her over at my be-droom!’ Lee shouted at the t©p of her voice.
‘We are friends too so I also have the right!’
‘Iris loves me more than you!’
‘WNF moron, I don’t care!’
‘WNF?! That’s not a thing!’
‘As long as I said it, it is.’
‘Whatever, Iris is staying with me,’
‘Lee, don’t argue, she is slee-ping in my room, not yours.’ I was hvgging Eden, one of Hans’ monkey. He was strangely nice to me when I c@m£, the other wasn’t.
‘Eden, they have been fighting for thirty minutes, help me,’ I cried in a whisper.
‘Ook, ook,’ he jumped down and ran out of the foreroom.
‘Iris, you have to decide, who are you going to sleep with?’ Hailey asked.
‘Can I sleep here? I’m really tired…’
‘Have you seen what you have caused?’ Hailey snapped, turning her face back to Lee. ‘She doesn’t want any of us because you were being selfish!’
‘Me?! What happened to you? We are both fighting for our right!’
‘You’re don’t have any right, she doesn’t belong to you.’
‘Nor you!’
‘God of mercy!’ Phoenix shouted, Eden was beside him. ‘You two are still fighting?!’ I looked away from the younger replica of Hans, he was just in shorts and his muscular che-st really disturbing.
‘Blame Hadley, she won’t let me have my friend,’ Lee whined.
‘You idiot, you are Hadley,’ Hailey flared.
‘Shut up cow, who asked you,’
‘Enough!’ Phoenix shouted, his b©dy rising and falling as anger and power radiated from his tone and glare. He looked at me, his cheerful troublesome boy glint completely washed from his eyes. ‘Where’s Hans?’
‘He went to be-d early, he was really tired.’ I said gruffly, trying not to whimper at how scary he looked.
‘You two, your rooms, now.’
‘I said now!’ He roared. Lee squeaked and ran out of the foreroom, stylishly walking around Phoenix. Hailey didn’t run, just clomped out while lamenting to herself. Phoenix inhaled and ran his hand throu-gh his hair. ‘Sorry you had to see me like that, they can be immature sometimes,’ he said apologetically, avoiding my eyes.
‘Hadley is immature, not me!’ Hailey shouted from the stairs.
‘Immaturity is better than worthlessity!’
‘Are you two still there!’ Phoenix shouted.
‘I’m going, I’m going!’ Hailey shouted.
‘Shut up Phoenix! I’m old enough to give birth to your mother!’ Lee shouted. I would have laughed ha-rd but I was too tired to.
‘Eden, take her to Hans,’ Phoenix instructed and ran upstairs.
‘He’s coming!’ Hailey shouted. They both skrie-ked with fright. I heard two doors slam shut.
‘Better stay in there!’ Phoenix shouted furiously. Eden pu-ll-ed my hand. I wobbly followed him to the stairs and let him lead me somewhere. All I know was that I fell on something soft and heard Eden waking Hans up. I opened my eyes weakly when warm arms wra-pped around me, my eyes landing on a pretty tattoo on his arm.
‘You have a tattoo?’ I murmured.
‘Shhh, sleep,’ he k!$$£d my forehead like a father should and cu-mddled me into his arms. I sighed and dozed off, embr@cing the h0t feeling. I woke up when I heard whispers, argumentative whispers.
‘No, that will wake Phoenix,’ is that Lee?
‘Let’s tie him up and drop him outside for taking our friend,’
‘He’ll wake up,’ Lee whispered.
‘What do we do now?’
‘I still have the frying pan,’ Lee suggested.
‘Lee, you can hit Hans with the pan, he might get hurt.’ Hailey protested.
‘He won’t die,’
‘No,’ I opened my eyes a little. ‘Push him off the be-d,’
‘Where would he sleep?’ Lee asked.
‘On the floor,’
‘You guys know I’m not deaf, right?’ Hans sighed.
‘He’s awake!’ Hailey shouted. Lee wh!pped Hans’ head with the frying pan in her hands.
‘Aaaah!’ Hans shouted in pain.
‘Lee, you have killed him!’
‘What? I panicked,’ Lee whined.
‘I’m going to kill you both,’ Hans m0@n ed out in pain.
‘Eh, kill us in the morning,’ Hailey said and j£rked her head towards Hans. Lee dropped the frying pan and yanked Hans’ legs. ‘Hold still or I hit you again.’ Hailey threatened. Hans sighed, still whimpering in pain. I watched them drag Hans out, using his b©dy to mop the floor.
‘And stay out,’ Lee whispered before shutting the door and locking it. They did their sister h!pbu-mp before giggling and 🏃‍♂️ running to the be-d. They plopped themselves at each side, throwing their hands and legs on me. ‘Goodnight bestie,’
‘Goodnight my better sister,’
‘So I’m a bad sister?’ Lee asked, re-ady for another round.
‘Just sleep,’ I whispered. For once, they listened to me, cudd-ling into me. Violet never sle-pt with me but they did, they are my sisters. I closed my eyes with a smile, and for the first time in my life, I sle-pt without having any nightmares.
To be continued.