More than a friend episode 72 & 73



Written āœ #Sadiq_Infinity ( Capri Leo)




News of Angelinaā€™s pregnancy had reached to the ears of their family and friends, All of them are excited for her fortune but there are two individuals who arenā€™t nearly as excited as the others about this news, and these individuals are none other than the architects of the pregnancy themselves, Peter and Angelina.
Itā€™s not that they donā€™t want to have kids together, itā€™s just that theyā€™re not re-ady to start a family yet.
Here in the House of Peterā€™s parents, Peter sits down gloomily thinking about the fruit of his labour which is about to be harvested in 9 months time, While he was busy brooding over the matter, His mother notices his expression and asks whatā€™s happening.

Jessica āž” Peter.. Are you alright?

Peter āž” No mom.. Iā€™m worried about the pregnancy.

Jessica āž” Donā€™t worry, Angelina will be fine. Sheā€™s a strong woman, not a weakling like you.šŸ˜

Peter āž” šŸ˜’ Mom.. If this is a joke.. Itā€™s not funny.

Jessica āž” Okay.. Whatā€™s wrong? Why are you worried about the pregnancy?

Peter āž” Itā€™s just.. Iā€™m not re-ady to become a father.. There are some things that I want to do at this stage of my life.


āž” Is that all? šŸ˜’
Peter āž” Yes.. I donā€™t know what to do.

Jessica āž” Well.. Iā€™ll tell you what to do but first of allā€¦ Youā€™re very stupid for saying that.


āž” Mom! Whatā€™s this?
Jessica āž” (mimicking peter) *Iā€™m not re-ady to a father *ā€¦ Did you just really say that? I should have sl@pped you. Nons-en-se.

Peter āž” But mom..

Jessica āž” SHUT UP! Donā€™t even dare say that in front of Angelinaā€™s father.. Heā€™ll snap you in half. Tell me, if you didnā€™t want to be a father, why didnā€™t you wear a CD when you were f-cking the lovely girl?

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Peter āž” Mom.. You donā€™t have to go that far.

Jessica āž” Youā€™d better take responsibility.

Peter āž” MOM! I didnā€™t deny the pregnancy and Iā€™m happy that Iā€™m going to have a child with the love of my life.. Itā€™s just that Iā€™m not re-ady to raise a family yet.

Jessica āž” Oh plea-se.. Shut up.. Thereā€™s no turning back from this now and drop this talk about not being re-ady to become a father.. As far as Iā€™m concerned youā€™re re-ady and fully responsibleā€¦ You have a house of your own, no rent, and you also have a well paying job.. What else? You were re-ady to become a father when you filled your c-m in Angelinaā€™s w-mb. plea-se donā€™t come and disappointed us all because I wonā€™t forgive you if you ditch this girl after popping her cherry.

Peter āž” Iā€™m honestly disappointed that youā€™d think Iā€™ll do that.. Iā€™m not that kind of man and I will never ditch Angelina.. I love her with all my heart. The real reason why I wasnā€™t too excited about this pregnancy is because Angelina and I are both busy peopleā€¦ I donā€™t want us to have issues raising our child šŸ‘¶, You and dad raised me the best way you could and you both gave me attention when I nee-ded one.. Iā€™m afraid I wonā€™t be able to give that same attention to my child.

Feeling tĀ©uƧhed by her sonā€™s words, Jessica sits down next to Peter, holding his hand, She pats his back gently giving him an advice and words of encouragement.


āž” Look.. Iā€™ve been there with your father and itā€™s not easy but you canā€™t change what has alre-ady been done. Your girlfriend is pregnant and youā€™re soon going to be a father whether you like it or not.. The fairest thing you can do to your child is be the parent he/she deserves and for that to work, youā€™ll have to make some sacrifices.
Peter āž” Sacrifices?

Jessica āž” Yes.. We make sacrifices for the ones we love right!?ā€¦ Back before I met your father, I owned a booming club!

Peter āž” You ran a club back in the day??

Jessica āž” Yes and it was very successful one too.. It was also where I met your father, he c@mĀ£ with his friends to celebr@te his promotion.

Peter āž” How did you guys meet!?

Jessica āž” Well, we met at the parking garage.. I was about to go home when your father approached me. He wasnā€™t really a smooth talker.. He was a shy person like you.. He wanted to tell me how beautiful I was but the words couldnā€™t come out. So I did want any lady would do. I rejected him politely.

Peter āž” That was cruel! šŸ˜’

Jessica āž” No.. That was a feminine strategy. If you want a man to keep chasing after you.. Pl@yha-rd to get. And it worked.. It always works.

Peter āž” Well, pla-ying ha-rd to get doesnā€™t work anymore in this era.. Any chick that pla-ys ha-rd to get.. Sheā€™s going to be the loser in the end. Men becoming extinct. (Laughs)

Jessica āž” As I was saying.. I rejected him and went home, he c@mĀ£ back to the club the next day and he tried his luck, I rejected him again, and again and again and again. Until I finally granted him access.

Peter āž” Why did you do that? Why give him your attention on the last minute?

Jessica āž” Well the answer is simpleā€¦ His love for me was genuine.. If he could keep coming back to me after being rejected so many times.. Heā€™s definitely a man worth being with.

Peter āž” So what happened after you guys met?

Jessica āž” We made love.

Peter āž” JESUS!ā€¦ and what happened after that?

Jessica āž” We got married 3 months later.. I was pregnant with you at the time.

Peter āž” So? What happened? Where was your club?

Jessica āž” I sold it.

Peter āž” Why?

Jessica āž” Because I was married to your father.. You see once youā€™re marriedā€¦ Everything changes.. You enter a stage in life thatā€™s very complicated. There was no way I could run a club while I have a family to attend to.. Plus, I was no longer a single lady anymore. I miss my old life but nothing lasts forever.

Peter āž” The sacrifices you made, was it worth it?

Jessica āž” Of course.. Things may not be what they use to be when I was going but I donā€™t have any regrets. Having your father as my husband and you as my son is the best thing I could ever possibly have, after all this is all what women dream of, a happy family.
Donā€™t worry yourself son, Just try your best and be the best parent for you child.. One of the reasons why I love your father is that he always gives me the attention I want, no matter how busy he is, he always finds a way to spend a quality time with you and me. Heā€™s always there when heā€™s nee-ded. I want you to do that for your child. Just pray and think positively, everything will be alright.. Donā€™t count your chicks before they hatch.

Peter āž” Thanks for the advice mom!

Jessica āž” Youā€™re welcome my son.

Just as Peter is talking with his mom in their house, Angelina is having the same conversation with her mother Alice.

Angelina āž” Mom.. I really donā€™t want to be a parent at this age!

Alice āž” Really? If you didnā€™t want that to happen, you should have told Peter to wear a CD or better yet, denied him the access between your legs.. Whatā€™s done is done.

Angelina āž” Mom.. Iā€™m serious.

Alice āž” See me see wahala. Tell me, why donā€™t you want to be a parent? Tell me.

Angelina āž” Itā€™s not that I donā€™t want to be a parent.. Itā€™s just that Iā€™m not re-ady yet.. Peter and I are both busy adults.. If this child comes into this world I doubt weā€™ll have time to raise him or her and I donā€™t want that.

Alice āž” Busy adults? Tell me.. Whatā€™s your purpose in life?.. Money? Fame? Glamour? Which one?

Angelina āž” I just want to be happy.. Thatā€™s what every wants right.

Alice āž” Yes but thatā€™s not the answer! The answers are two:
First, the purpose of life is to be grateful to God in whatever situation youā€™re in.. That is why many people are suffering, almost everyone in this world is not grateful.. Everyone want the easy life , they want enjoyment.. Who do they think they are? The only enjoyment you get is in paradise but this world is a prison. And the only way out of it is to be grateful for what you have or the situation youā€™re in, God tests us to see if we can cope and be patient but unfortunately most people donā€™t pas-s that test.

Angelina āž” (sighs) Mom.. Just get to the point.

Alice āž” What Iā€™m saying is that you shouldnā€™t complain about the situation youā€™re in.. You got yourself into this and this is outcome. Most women are having a difficult time having kids and God gives you one and youā€™re complaining!

Angelina āž” But Iā€™m not re-ady.. Itā€™s too soon. I have plans.

Alice āž” Thatā€™s life for you my daughterā€¦ Nothing goes as we plan.. We humans tend to think that we have our fates in the palm of our hands.. Itā€™s not true.
Look.. I know youā€™re not expecting this but just roll with it.. Thereā€™s nothing you can do to change that, and as far as Iā€™m concerned youā€™re a responsible lady and so is Peter, Both of you have the means to start a family together.

Angelina āž” But what if I fail as a mother? What it I donā€™t give the attention you and dad gave me?

Alice āž” (sighs) Look! Nothing lasts forever.. Everything has itā€™s due d@tĀ£.. Your child is on the way and youā€™ll have to make some sacrifices if you truly love this child.

Angelina āž” What about Peter?

Alice āž” Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be cool with it.. Youā€™re the mother of his child after all, he wonā€™t leave you hanging, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll support you. Considering your relationsh!pwith him Iā€™m sure we both find a way for this to work.

Angelina āž” I hope so mom.

Alice āž” Donā€™t worryā€¦ I donā€™t see why youā€™re worrying yourself. Everything will be alright.. Just pray and think positively.

Angelina āž” Thanks mom.. For the words of encouragement.. I really nee-ded that.

After meeting and talking things out with their parents, Angelina and Peter meet later in the day in their own personal house to discussion further more on the matter.
Here inside their living room, Peter and Angelina sit together on a couch without saying anything to each other, Both of them look sideways waiting for the other to stir up a conversation. After a while, Peter makes a move putting his hands on Angelinaā€™s th!gh.

Peter āž” Hey.. Howā€™s your day?

Angelina āž” It was great.. You?

Peter āž” Same!

Angelina āž” Oh.. Thatā€™s nice.

Peter āž” Babe.. I want to talk to you about something!

Angelina āž” Is it about the pregnancy!?

Peter āž” Yes..

Angelina āž” You donā€™t want it?

Peter āž” WHAT? Of course I do..

Angelina āž” But..

Peter āž” But.. I donā€™t think Iā€™m re-ady.

Angelina āž” Me too.. There are things I want to do first.

Peter āž” Me too. There are some things I want to accomplish in my life.

Angelina āž” Not to mention weā€™re both quite busy.

Peter āž” Yeah.. We both canā€™t raise a child while weā€™re both working .

Angelina āž” So what do we do?

Peter āž” Well, I suggest we roll with it.

Angelina āž” Huh? Roll with it?

Peter āž” Yes.. We have a baby on the way, we have to make preparations to welcome it to this world.

Angelina āž” But what about about personal life?

Peter āž” Well, itā€™s not personal now, we have an intruder coming, besides thereā€™s nothing more important than our child.

Angelina suddenly starts laughing and so does Peter, they laugh for a while and then stĀ©p staring at each other.

Angelina āž” Do you think weā€™re re-ady for this? Becoming parents?

Peter āž” Iā€™m not sure but we can try.. Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™ll do just fine. Our parents did theirs, Iā€™m sure we can do ours.

Angelina āž” I love you, Peter.. For a moment, I was worried.

Peter āž” I love you too.

After that, Both or them share a pas-sionate k!ss, Peter slowly pushes Angelina on the couch mounting on tĀ©p of her as they k!ss.. Gradually, Peterā€™s hands began to reach down Angelinaā€™s th!ghs, he ru-bs it softly and slowly ma-king her m0an s-en-sually, Before long his hands soon reach upward gr-abbing hold of Angelinaā€™s bre-sts, he squee-zes them softly and then finally pinches her n-pples, Angelina squeals out loud excitedly as she puts her hands on Peterā€™s che-st.

Angelina āž” Oh my God! Youā€™re killing me.

Peter āž” Sorry.. Did it hurt?

Angelina āž” No.. plea-se donā€™t tell me youā€™re not doing what Iā€™m thinking?

Peter āž” I want to make love to you! Itā€™s been a while since we did that..

Angelina āž” A while? We did it last week, remember?

Peter āž” Last week still feels like a month.

Angelina āž” Speaking of monthsā€¦ Our anniversary is coming up..

Peter āž” What anniversary?

Angelina āž” šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’

Peter āž” Oh.. You mean our anniversary of the day we first met. Donā€™t worry.. I know about it..

Angelina āž” I hope so.

Peter āž” Come on.. Iā€™m serious.. Besides Iā€™ve alre-ady decided to take you somewhere else to go for the anniversary.

Angelina āž” Really? I canā€™t wait.

Peter āž” Me too.. Also Iā€™m planning something very special for you.

Angelina āž” Hmm, well Iā€™m also going to surprise you with a gift of my own as well.

Peter āž” Mine will outshine yours..

Angelina āž” Donā€™t be so sure, lover.


Couple of days just before the anniversary d@tĀ£ with Peter, Angelina sits in her house with her cousin, Charlene discussing about her anniversary d@tĀ£ with Peter. Both ladies speculate on what Peterā€™s special gift might be and they also talk about which gift to give Peter.

Angelina āž” Peter says heā€™s going to surprise me with something special.. I wonder what it might be?

Charlene āž” Hmm, Maybe itā€™s something very expensive like a trip to a special resort just for the two of you, or maybe heā€™ll surprise you with an expensive gift.

Angelina āž” Yeah.. I just canā€™t stĀ©p thinking about it.

Charlene āž” So what about you? What are you going to give him?

Angelina āž” I really donā€™t know.. I want to give him something really special and rare but I donā€™t know what.

Charlene āž” Doesnā€™t he like fancy stuff? Like watches, custom made clothes?

Angelina āž” No.. Peter doesnā€™t dig those kind of stuff.

Charlene āž” Hmm.. I think I might know the perfect gift for you to give him.. Come here let me whisper it in your ear.

Angelina āž” Okay.. What is it?

Charlene āž” (whispering) #Ā£%%Ā„Ā®Ā®

Angelina āž” WHAT?? šŸ˜¦ NO WAY!!

Charlene āž” Come on it will be fun.. You both will really enjoy it.

Angelina āž” I donā€™t knowā€¦ What if he doesnā€™t like it?

Charlene āž” Are you kidding? Thereā€™s no man that can turn down a gift like this.. Especially when its free.

Angelina āž” Hmmm šŸ¤”.

Charlene āž” Trust me, it will be great.. Just let me know when youā€™re going on your d@tĀ£ and Iā€™ll plan everything. He doesnā€™t have to know, you just have to surprise him.

Angelina āž” I canā€™t believe Iā€™m about to agree to this but okayā€¦ But I sure hope youā€™re right! I hope there is no dirty scheme behind your idea.

Charlene āž” Oh plea-se.. Donā€™t worry.. After all, He loves you, doesnā€™t he?

Angelina āž” Okay then.. Fine.

Charlene āž” Goodā€¦ So howā€™s the baby? šŸ˜

Angelina āž” Donā€™t get ahead of yourself.. I have no baby bu-mp yet. I just found out last week.

Charlene āž” So what did Peter say?

Angelina āž” Heā€™s cool with it. Heā€™s taking responsibility.

Charlene āž” Heā€™d better else.. Itā€™s back to square one from where we started.

Angelina āž” plea-se donā€™t torment my man. Heā€™s not the kind of person to neglect his responsibility.

Charlene āž” Well.. Iā€™m happy for you both.. But youā€™re going to work ha-rd if you want to maintain this foxy bĀ©dy of yours. Cause being pregnant really su-cks.

Angelina āž” Tell me about it.. I really donā€™t want to be fat and stuck with a pot belly after birth.. Any ti-ps of maintaining my form?

Charlene āž” Yes.. Have lots of rest and exercise a lot, not just simple exercises. But donā€™t go too far. And also practice yoga if necessary.. Eat healthy foods that will be good for you and the child and Keep away from the sweets and sugarish stuff. Theyā€™ll damage your bĀ©dy.

Angelina āž” Anything else?

Charlene āž” Donā€™t have s-x!

Angelina āž” Why?

Charlene āž” Iā€™m not forcing you but if you want your childā€™s nĀ£Ā¢k to bend,..

Angelina āž” No.. I donā€™t want that.

Charlene āž” Good.. The most important thing for you to do is, Exercise alot, eat healthy and get lots of rest.

Angelina āž” Thanks.

Charlene āž” Youā€™re welcome.. Can I ask you a question?

Angelina āž” Okay.. What is it?

Charlene āž” When is Peter going to propose? šŸ’

Angelina āž” Propose? šŸ’

Charlene āž” Yes.. Isnā€™t it high time for him to marry you cause, it wouldnā€™t be cool if your child is born out of wedlock.

Angelina āž” (sighs) I know.. But Iā€™m sure heā€™ll think of it.

Charlene āž” I hope so..

In that moment as they rounded up their conversation, Angelinaā€™s phone rang, She picked up her phone and checked who the caller was, she was surprised to see It was Bianca.

Angelina āž” Unbelievable.

Charlene āž” What?

Angelina āž” Bianca is calling me.

Charlene āž” For real?

Angelina āž” Yeah.. Let me answer it.

Charlene āž” Wait! hold on..

Before Charlene could stĀ©p her, Angelina answers the call to see the reason behind her surprising call.

Angelina āž” Hello Bianca!

Bianca āž” Hello Angelina.. Itā€™s been a while.

Angelina āž” Yes it is. So whatā€™s up?

Bianca āž” Well.. I heard from Francis that youā€™re pregnant so I called to congratulate you.

Angelina āž” Thanks. Iā€™m sorry things didnā€™t work out between you and Peter.

Bianca āž” Itā€™s okay.. We were never meant to be anyways.. Youā€™re one lucky lady, to have a man that loves you so much and dearly.. I wish I was as fortunate as you.

Angelina āž” Yeah.. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find your Mr. Right.

Bianca āž” Yeah.. I hope so.. Anyways, Congratulations and see you around.

Angelina āž” You too. Bye.

After that, Bianca ends the calls, Angelina drops her phone and smiles as she stretches herself on the couch. Curious to know what Bianca said, Charlene asks her cousin.

Charlene āž” What did the lout say?

Angelina āž” Donā€™t call her that.. She just congratulated me. Nothing else.

Charlene āž” I hope she meant it.

Angelina āž” Trust me.. She meant what she said.

Charlene āž” Hmph.. If you say so.


What do you think Charlene proposed to Angelina about Peterā€™s gift šŸŽ?