More than a friend episode 51 & 52

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity ( Capri Leo)
Things sure took a great turn when Peter’s fiancee Bianca showed up, and I must say the b-tch is h0t. I can agree Peter has fine taste in women but then I began to have worries.. Which one of us will he choose?
It’s not like I’m afraid of Bianca looks, I know I can compete with any woman when it comes to looks and s-xiness but what I’m really afraid of is Peter’s decision..
I don’t know how long Peter and Bianca have been d@t!ngand I have no idea how de-ep their relationsh!pis so i would be kidding myself if I say that I’m still Peter’s favorite. Right now, Both Bianca and I are like two lovely flowers and Peter is the bee 🐝 deciding on which one of us he’s going to pe-ck on.
As we went into the studio, We all took our seat and began to chat, Bianca sat next to Peter while I sat next to her friend.
Bianca ➡ My God! I’d never thought I’d see the infamous Angelina, Peter always talks about you all the time. I never thought it was the dance queen Angelina. Peter tells me you’re childhood friends?
Angelina ➡ Yes… Not just childhood friends.. Best friends for life actually.
Bianca ➡ That’s so sweet, darling.
Peter ➡ Yes?
Bianca ➡ My dad told me about a block buster movie you’re ma-king with Francis.. Do I get to pl@ythe female lead role?
Peter ➡ Well, that won’t be possible cause the movie has alre-ady been done.. Angelina here was given the role.
Dora ➡ we-tin I tell you? I told you your shopping trips are a distraction, now you’ve missed a big catch.
Bianca wasn’t plea-sed but she didn’t show it, instead she congratulated me and resumed with our previous conversation.
Bianca ➡ So Angelina… Tell me.. What was Peter like when he was younger? He never tells me about his teenage days.
➡ Well, Peter is Peter. He’s no different from what he is now.
Bianca ➡ So you’re tell me he’s a bore back then?
Peter ➡ Hey! I res£nt that.
➡ He wasn’t a bore.. He just likes to be left alone. But he’s smart and br@ve.
Dora ➡ br@ve?

Bianca ➡ (chuckles) br@ve!? Peter’s cute but br@ve.. I doubt it.
Angelina ➡ Should I her buddy?
Dora ➡ Tell her what?
Bianca ➡ Buddy??
➡ Yes.. That’s what Peter and I called each other. Should I tell her?
Peter ➡ (sighs) Okay..
Angelina ➡ Very well.. Peter is br@ve.. We once st©pped and expo-sed a big human trafficking organization back when we were in campus. Peter was the br@ins behind it.
Peter ➡ Well, I can’t take credit.. You too helped a lot… We made a great team.
Angelina ➡ Yeah we did.
Peter win-ked at me and I chuckled, Bianca didn’t notice but her friend did, but she didn’t say anything.
Bianca ➡ Wow.. That was great.. Babe how come you never told me about all this?
Angelina ➡ Don’t let that bother you… He doesn’t talk much.
Bianca ➡ I can see that. So tell me Angelina.. Did he have any girlfriend back in the day? Some kind of secret crush?
Angelina ➡ Well….
Peter ➡ You ask too many questions Bianca.
Bianca ➡ Don’t be silly sugar.. There’s nothing wrong in knowing all about my fiancee past.
Peter ➡ Okay then.. You want to know about my past love life? I’ll tell you.
My mind froze as I heard Peter said that.. Is he really going to tell Bianca about us? It would plea-se me a lot if he did but that would be an insult and a sl@p to Bianca’s face.
Angelina ➡ Are you sure about this buddy?
Peter ➡ Sure.. She asked for it.
Peter took a de-ep breath and then la-id it all out for Bianca, but what c@m£ out his mouth was totally unexpected.
Peter ➡ Well, there’s a girl that I used to crush on… She was the love of my life and the greatest girl I’ve ever met besides my mother of course.. She’s un-derstanding, compas-sionate, caring, agile and very very strong. She’s funny and quite disturbing, but I don’t mind.
➡ (laughs) Oh come off it.. There’s no such girl.. You just made it up.
Peter ➡ I’m not.
Bianca ➡ Angelina is this true?
Angelina ➡ (dazed) I.. I.. I don’t know… This is the first time I’m hearing of this.
Bianca ➡ I knew it. Peter you just made this up. If this girl you talk about really exist, Angelina would have known.
Peter ➡ Oh she doesn’t.. I never told her about this girl.
Dora ➡ What’s her name then?
Peter ➡ I can’t tell you that. But I can give you a hint.. Her name indicates light.. Light that is always eternal and it never goes out.
Dora ➡ There are many names that indicate light.
Bianca ➡ Is her name Star?
Peter ➡ No… But I guess you’ll have to find out.
Dora ➡ Angelina.. Can you guess?
Angelina ➡ No. I can’t think of any name either.
I lied when I said that… I knew Peter was talking about me and I knew the answer to his riddle, which is a short form of my name *Angel*.. Angels are created from light after all, and they’re eternal, they never die.
I felt so warmed up thinking about what Peter said, I never knew he thought about me this way, I wonder why he never truly told me how he felt about me. Bianca and her friend were in the dark, they never Peter was referring to me.
Bianca ➡ Hmm.. You’re ma-king me jealous babe.. Tell me where’s this girl now? Tell us more about her.
Peter ➡ Well, Despite how I felt about her… I never told her.. But she knew I was interested in her. After battling with my thoughts I finally decided to tell her but then it was too late.
Bianca ➡ What happened?
Dora ➡ Did she find someone else?
Peter ➡ No.. She was gone.. She relocated with her family to abroad 6 years ago.
Bianca ➡ So what happened?? Are you guys still communicating?
Peter ➡ No.. We didn’t.. After she left that was the end of our relationsh!p.
Dora ➡ That’s so sad.. Maybe she found someone else.
Peter ➡ No she didn’t.. She tried contacting me but I…
Bianca ➡ You what?
Peter ➡ I ignored her..
Dora ➡ Why??
Peter kept quiet looking at bit pent up and emotional, I too felt a bit t©uçhed by what he said, but I didn’t let the others see me.
Angelina ➡ Alright.. That’s enough.. You shouldn’t have ignored her… That was mean of you.
Bianca ➡ I agree.. You never truly loved her like you said.
Dora ➡ I don’t think so… Maybe there was a reason, whatever it is, I think it must be awful.
Bianca ➡ Well don’t worry my love… I’m here for you.. I’ll be your next best girl. In a few months, I’ll be your Mrs. Peter wright. (Laughs)
Dora ➡ Na so o.
I flin-ched as I heard that… Mrs. Bianca Peter Wright?? Is she kidding? The name doesn’t even match. She can’t just come in and swing in on my man, She’s just an outsider, What Peter and I had was strong, stronger than hers with Peter.
Angelina ➡ What’s she talking about, Peter?
Bianca ➡ Oh… He didn’t tell you? We’re engaged. Just look at this beautiful rock on my f!nger… Isn’t it lovely?
Bianca stretched out her right hand showing a beautiful diamond ring 💍, I folded my knuckles feeling so jealous as I la-id my eyes on the shiny rock. I gathered my strength and smiled at her, wishing her good fortune.
Angelina ➡ It’s beautiful.
Bianca ➡ I know… I’d like you to come to my wedding.. It’s going to be a grand one.
Angelina ➡ I will. If God wills it.
Bianca ➡ He will…. How many kids would you like, baby?
Peter ➡ Is that really necessary?
Angelina ➡ Uh.. I have to go, it’s getting late.
Bianca ➡ Come on.. The night is still young..
Angelina ➡ Yeah but I nee-d to hit the sack so that I can wake up early.
Dora ➡ Hit the sack??
Peter ➡ She means she has to get to be-d.
Dora ➡ Hmm, this grammar is too much for my head, why don’t you use simpler word?
Bianca ➡ Okay.. Good night Angelina.. I’d like us to meet again.. It’s been fun talking to you.
Peter ➡ Wait let me take you home.
Bianca ➡ You’re leaving? What about me?
Peter ➡ Angelina doesn’t have a ride. So I have to take her home.. We’ll meet tomorrow.
Bianca ➡ Alright.. Good night love.. Drive safely.
Peter ➡ Good night.
Peter and I soon left the place and headed straight to the car, as soon as we got there, we got in and drove home.
As we drove throu-gh the streets, Peter was trying to talk to me but I ignored him.. I can’t believe that some lady was going to him away from me.. Besides why in the world did Peter make that decision of getting hitched early? For the first time in my life, I felt so mad at him but it wasn’t his fault, it was Charlene who caused all of this, I can’t believe I forgave that b-tch so easily.
We finally arrived home minutes later, after Peter parked in front of our house, I went out of the car and headed straight to my house, Peter followed me trying to talk to me yet again.
Peter ➡ Angelina!
Angelina ➡ WHAT?
Peter ➡ Is everything alright?
Angelina ➡ No! Everything is not fine.
Peter ➡ What is it? Talk to me. Maybe I can help.
Angelina ➡ You can’t Peter… You can’t do anything.. You’re engaged to Bianca, there’s nothing you can do to change that.
Peter ➡ What are you talking about? Is this about the engagement?
Angelina ➡ Of course it is… I love you.. I still do and I can never st©p loving you.. All my life I’ve been dreaming of the day I’d walk down the aisle with you.. It was what I always wanted… You’re not the Peter I knew 6 years ago, you’re different and I’m not sure if you love me like you did before,.. You’re together with Bianca and you’re now engaged to her.. There’s nothing I can do to change that.
As much as I hate to say this maybe we weren’t meant to be… Bianca is an interesting lady and maybe she’s the one for you.. I’m sorry Peter but I think its time we both move on.. I think it’s for the best… We can’t just pretend to think that everything was just the way it was 6 years ago. Maybe we should just accept our fate and remain friends instead.. Good night Peter.
I quic-kly turned around and walked into the house, I didn’t want Peter to see the tears welling up in my eyes.
Peter stood watching me as I entered the house, it took a while until he eventually went back to his parents house.
My parents were in the living room when I walked in, I walked pas-sed them and headed straight to my room, as soon as I got there, I la-id down on my be-d crying silently, Seconds later, my mom c@m£ into the be-droom asking if everything was alright.
Alice ➡ Angelina.. Are you okay?
Angelina ➡ I’m fine mama. I just nee-d to be alone.
Alice ➡ Are you sure? Cause you look upti-ght.
Angelina ➡ I said I’m fine.. plea-se leave me be.
Alice ➡ (sighs) Okay… Good night.
My mom quietly left the room and locked the door, as soon as she was gone, My phone began to ring, I checked who it was and saw it was Peter, I ignored the call and covered myself in my blanket, Peter didn’t st©p with just one call, he kept calling and calling and calling, until I got fed up and switched off my phone. After that, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
Just after Peter and Angelina were gone, Bianca and her friend began to talk about the two. Dora who was having some kind uncomfortable vibe about Peter and Angelina’s BFF relationsh!p, decided to open her mind it her friend.
Bianca ➡ God! It’s good to be back.
Dora ➡ Um….
Bianca ➡ Wait.. Is something wrong? You sound off.
Dora ➡ No.. I’ve been thinking about that Angelina…. I don’t trust her.
Bianca ➡ Why? Did she do something?
Dora ➡ No… Maybe not yet.. I don’t trust her.
Bianca ➡ I don’t un-derstand where you’re going with this. Why don’t you trust her?
Dora ➡ Look at her.
Bianca ➡ Look at what? She’s not here.
Dora ➡ What i meant is.. Have you seen the way she is? Her appearance.
Bianca ➡ So? She looks nice.. What’s wrong with that?
Dora ➡ Nice is an un-derstatement! That Angelina is super h0t, s£xy, attrac-tive, foxy, beautiful… She’s just too perfect. No man can resist her looks.. Do you know I once caught my brother m-stubating about her?
Bianca ➡ What point are you trying to make here, Dora?
Dora ➡ I don’t trust her around Peter.. She’s just too much. Anything can happen and that their BFF relationsh!phas question mark ❔ on it.
Bianca ➡ plea-se don’t be ridiculous… I trust Peter, you and I both know he’s not a pla-yer. As for Angelina.. She’s just a friend.
Dora ➡ Friend?? Tell me Bianca.. How well do you really know Peter?… You heard it yourself.. Those two have known each other since childhood.
You nee-d to do a little background check on the two of them.
Bianca ➡ Are you saying that maybe they once had a relationsh!p?
Dora ➡ It could be possible.. Angelina is just too h0t for any guy to be friends with.. No guy would be contented to stay in the friend zone with Angelina. And as for that riddle of Peter’s, I’m going to find the answer.
Bianca ➡ This is ridiculous… Nothing is going to happen.. I trust peter and I like Angelina.
Dora ➡ Na you sabi… All I’m saying is you should do a background check first.
Bianca ➡ Who has time for that?… Since I’m here.. I think it’s time I go see my in laws perhaps maybe they’d shed my light in Peter and Angelina’s relationsh!p. Come on.. Let’s go.. I nee-d to hit the sack early.
Dora ➡ You’re using Angelina’s slang now?
Bianca ➡ What?.. It’s catchy.
Dora ➡ Whatever.. Just keep an eye on your prize cause if Angelina decides to step in, you’ll be in for a competition you can’t handle.
Bianca ➡ What is that supposed to mean? You don’t think I can keep up with Angelina? She’s no match for me.
Dora ➡ You know that’s not true.. Angelina’s fame ecli-pses yours, she has multi-ple talents and what’s more, She’s f-cking h0tter than fire and she’s in demand everywhere she goes, sponsors or directors want to hire her …. Even now she proves what I’m saying… She’s in a movie you’re supposed to be in and if that movie becomes a hit and the people love her acting.. She’ll be replacing you permanently.. So I suggest you wake up and realize that someone is moving into your territory.
Bianca ➡ Honestly! I should be punching your mouth but if you think I’m going to sit and let someone take over from me.. You must be mistaken, don’t forget Peter is my fiancee and he’d do anything I want.
Dora ➡ Really? Then why did he not consult you before replacing you with Angelina? Trust me babe, war is coming your way.
Do you think Angelina meant what she said?
And what would Peter do?
After listening to her friend’s talk, what do you think will be Bianca’s next step?