Mine forever episode 5 & 6

💛 Mine forever 💛
( attra-cted to each other )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 5
Scarlet pov~
“Actually I am here to get lunch for Mr. Alexander Pearce and one turkey sandwich plea-se.”
“Oh the usual, just a moment I’ll get it.” He went in and c@m£ out with packed food and gave it to me.
“Thank you.” I paid him and was about to leave when he asked me.
“You are new?”
“Yes. I am.” I replied.
“See you around. Have a great day ahead.” He said and I thanked him.
At office, I placed the lunch at his table and went to canteen to have my lunch. Maddie gave me company and we took a good half an hour lunch break.
After lunch I took out the list which I noted down.
Started ma-king calls and arranged appointments.
Reservation was booked for two tables at Royal’s.
Mailed the board members regarding the meeting and I nee-d to fix a time for the new project meet which will be done in 15 minutes.
And lastly I made sticky notes of reminders and also made a note of it in my dairy.
All the things were taken care of and now I nee-d to confirm the replies from everyone and note timings.
I got replies and made note of things on the list. Took it to Mr. Pearce to check and he approved of it.
Great first task completed.
Rest of the day I did my paper work as well as filing work and finally it was time to go home.
“Bye dear and see you tomorrow.” Maddie said cheerfully to me from across her cabin and left.
I ensured that everything was kept in order, my notes and other important do¢v-ments in drawer and locked it.
Closed my cabin door took a sigh of relief, turned around and took one step and collided with a ha-rd b©dy of someone.
It was none other than my boss I got collided with, he was holding my w@!st and preventing me from falling down. His eyes were into mine and I was getting chills.
That moment was like, time stood still and don’t know what happened.
After a minute, quic-kly he pu-ll-ed me up and I awkwardly just stood away from him and said in a low voice,
“Thank you. Bye.”
He nodded and left.
At home I kept on repla-ying the moment’s n number of times. He is really a handsome devil and a workaholic.
The girl d@t!nghim will really have a ha-rd time to keep other women away from him. Literally, he gets a lot of attention from both genders.
Women to d@t£ and men respect him to get in his good side for promotion.
But I really think he is not a ro-mantic type, he is someone who is less expressive and married to his work. Quite boring I guess.
I don’t know!
I was totally engrossed with his thoughts and then eventually I st©pped thinking about him because he is my Boss and I nee-d to sleep.
Hoping for a beautiful tomorrow I sle-pt off on my comfy be-d with my soft pillow.
Episode 6
This chapter is dedicated to : Ruthie brown
Your my first re-ader to whom i am dedicating a chapter for Mine Forever. Thank you for your support.
Alexander’s Pov ~
Finally Home !
I thought to myself.
“Mom…….. I am home.”
“Alex! Finally you c@m£ home. We were waiting for you. Oh see, who all are waiting to meet you son.”
Mom hvgged me with excitement and pu-ll-ed me inside towards the dining area.
” Uncle Alex..!”
The adorable twins c@m£ running towards me screaming my name.
Aww my little niece and nephew are my sweethearts.
Both have turned 5 years old, just a month ago and they are my cute little devils.
I picked them up in my arms and gave k!sses on their cheek, placed them on the floor and they ran outside towards their nanny.
I walked towards the table greeted my dad, my elder brother Ashton and his
wife Estelle.
We all sat down and were having a small family get together.
“Hey brother, how’s your work going? Are there any new changes in positions of employees?” Ashton asked curiously.
“Work is going good. What about you?” I know exactly what he is asking me. He wants to know about my new PA. Well I am not giving any info related to that.
“Hey Alex, There is a friend of mine who is very much re-ady to mingle with you. She is a VS model, beautiful and very much into you. Can I share your number with her?” Estelle informed me with a mischievous smile.
“Oh plea-se. Not interested.” I stated.
“My dear son, how can you just say No without meeting her? You meet her in person, have a conversation and then decide if she is someone with whom you can have a future.
Estelle you go ahead and setup a d@t£ with her. Alex will go and meet her, besides it’s been so long now he really nee-ds to focus upon his relationsh!pstatus rather than work.”
Mom said in a serious tone and started discussing with Estelle about the girl.
“Just give him a break. Jesus Christ!” Dad interjected.
“Thanks dad.” I was grateful to him for saying that. I really nee-d a break.
“Come on dad. He has alre-ady taken a long break. Well how long is he going to be like this? Just because of that one relationsh!pgone wrong doesn’t mean every other is going to be the same.”
Ashton looked at me and said.
Oh no not again.
“Ashton.” Mom warned him.
“Alex. We know it’s difficult but you have to come out of it. You know girls are waiting just for your attention. If you give a chance maybe you will find your perfect p@rtner.
We want you to be happy.” Estelle said softly and gave a small smile.
“I don’t want a perfect p@rtner. She was perfect too.
Had perfect smiles, perfect face, perfect etiquette, we had a perfect love life and now see she turned into a perfect bit-ch.”
I said angrily as I couldn’t hide my irritation as my thoughts of her c@m£ to my mind. I hate this discussion.
I stood up and went outside to our small patio in our backside garden. The twins, Ethan and Emily were pla-ying with their toys. Their nanny Miss Andy was looking after them.
They saw me and so dragged me to pl@ywith them.
I am happy to be with them right now as it made me calm down a little bit.
Estelle c@m£ out and stood at the side of the bench where I was sitting. She sat down along with me and we both watched the twins pl@ytogether.
Breaking the silence she said,
“You know. When I first met your brother he was an as-s-hole.”
“He still is.” I said as a matter of fact and she punched me lightly on my arm.
“So I was saying….
We had a lot of problems in our relationsh!p, as you know but we were meant to be together.
And he took the first step to make it happen. He changed the way he lived his life, all rashness, p@rting ha-rd and flir-ty attitude. Moved on from that way of life and chose me.
And see now where we are. We are a family with two kids, sharing a de-ep bond.
And you are being an as-s-hole now. Why are you being so stubborn? Just let go of things.
Take it as a life lesson. Honestly, Alex you deserve to be happy, not like this. We want you to have a life, be a future supercool dad and enjoy each moments but for that you have to take the first step.
Mom and dad are really worried about you. They also deserve to be happy.
Just think about it.
You have to keep your heart as well as eyes open. You never know, maybe she alre-ady appeared before you.
But you missed to see her only because you have kept a big lock on your heart and a blindfold on your eyes.
So it’s time to make some changes.
Think about it. Okay?
We love you.”
She poured out all her emotions out to make me un-derstand and gave a sideways hvg and relieved a sigh.
I listened to her this whole time calmly and her last words directed me to think about my new PA. I don’t know why? But her face popped up into my mind.
I was pu-ll-ed out of my thoughts by Emily’s cry. Estelle got up and rushed to her as she fell down while running around, chasing her brother.
I went and knelt down next to her and examined her legs which had a small scar and a little blood. I picked her up, soothed her and cleaned her legs, placed a band aid, k!$$£d her forehead.
Both kids were tired so they k!$$£d us all goodnight. Ashton and Estelle took them to their room. Mom and dad also went up to their room.
So it was just me now.
Entered my room, changed my clothes and straight away landed on be-d.
As I closed my eyes, again her face appeared in my head. Today’s coffee moment c@m£ rushing onto my mind. The way she panicked, brou-ght ice and cloth to take care of my hand.
I didn’t fire her for this neither said anything. Which I am not sure why?
Her electric blue eyes are the most admiring one. I was just staring at her for a while before I dismissed her.
There is some kind of a connection or some kind of f0rç£ that just makes me feel something when I look into her eyes.
I sat up and was thinking about all that happened today, about Scarlet and about d@t!ngthe model.
It’s all bull$h!t! I don’t want to feel any of those ro-mantic feelings ever again. I will not fall in love with any girl ever again.
Focus on work. That’s it.
My head started aching due to all the stress.
I definitely nee-d to rest.
I fall back on my be-d, closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.