Mine episode 33 & 34

💞💞 Mine 💞💞
( You’re mine )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 33
Dominic POV✨✨✨
“I love you,” I whispered to her ears and nuzzled my nose at her n£¢k. Last night we finally consummated our marriage after married for almost five months.
We went for dinner together last night and she agreed to move to our newlywed room. I will ask Aunt Monica to move her belonging to this room later and we will spend our life just like other couples, at last.
“Hey, wake up sweetheart,” I greeted her and stared at her slee-ping face.
She opens her eyes slowly and blu-shed when she realized that I’m staring at her while holding her in my arm.
“Good morning,” she greeted with her scratchy morning voice. Damn, that was cute. She drove me crazy just with her S-xy morning’s voice.
“Good morning,” I said planted k!sses on her forehead and cheeks which make her giggled in my arm. “Give me morning k!ss, too,” I pleaded acting like a kid.
“Here,” I pouted myl-ips. She pe-cked and I can see her face turned red afterward.
“I feel like I’m the happiest guy in the world now,” I confessed.
“Because I can hold you and cudd-lewith you in the be-d.” I turned to her and ma-king my b©dy on t©p of her while she beneath un-der my shi-tless b©dy.
“And for the next next next morning too,” I said happily.
“You will get bored later.”
“Nope, I will get used to it and I think I am add!çted to you.”
“You just like a magnet keep pu-lling me in your direction.” She said which made my happiness increa-sed.
“You can’t blame me for that. You were the one who started it first, who asked you to trespas-s into my life and left me with no choice but to keep you safe from your ex-b©yfri£nd.”
“Oh, really? Now, I’m at fault.” She narrowed her eyes at me.
“Yeah, your fault for ma-king me crazy with your cute face and stubbornness.” I nuzzled her nose which made her giggled. I smiled at the beautiful sight.
“I really want to know about something,” she said looking at my eyes. I hummed gesturing her to continue.
“Why do you love me?”
“To be frank, I can’t answer that question because I don’t have the answer too for myself.” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“Really, I don’t know why I’m so attached to you. When we met for the first time, I was disappointed that I didn’t get to know your name.
Then, I found your br@celet with your name on it. I was so happy that time at least I got to know your name.
Then we met for the second time, I think that’s when I told myself that I want to keep you with me but I knew that time you hate me.” The memories are still fresh. We both laughed thinking about the past.
“Well, that’s normal. Who wouldn’t hate a persistent and annoying stranger like you,” she said ma-king me chuckle at her words.
“But it doesn’t matter because I know how you love me,” I whispered near her ear-lobe which it slightly made her closed her eyes. My words made her blu-shed and smiled un-derneath me.
“How about you, sweetheart?”
“Me? What? About what?” I know she still feels shy to confess her feeling.
“I won’t let you escape from this confession.” I caged her with my arms.
“You knew it alre-ady,” she avoided my gaze. She was nervous; I knew it when she bit herl-ips again.
I captured herl-ips without giving her any warning. I pu-ll-ed away from the k!sswhen we are both out of our breath.
“What was that for?” She asked with a hitched breath.
“For b!tt!g yourl-ips.
You make me can’t control myself every time you bite yourl-ips. You have no idea how much I tried to control myself back there. I’m sure you will sl@p me if I k!ssyou at that time.”
“No, I won’t,” she said ma-king me narrowed my eyes for confirmation. “I will kick your as-s!” We both laughed.
I sat on the be-d and pu-ll-ed her up and make her sat on my l@p. She placed her hand on my n£¢k. I sniffed her smell.
“I really want to know when you realize your feeling for me.” That was the question that I really want to ask.
“Okay,” I turned to look at her with excitement. “It started when you were drun!kthat night and you dumped me to eat alone at home. I felt sad but at first, I thought it was because I get used to your pres£nce.”
“So, when did you figure out about this feeling,” I said, pointing at her che-st, near her heart.
“When your ex-girlfriend said that she will claim you back, “she said lowering her gaze which made me tilted my head finding his eyes.
She hides her face on my che-st due to the shyness. I laughed at the way she blu-shed with her confession.
“Don’t tease me like that,” she said in between her breath.
“Ok, ok.” I pu-ll-ed her so that she faced me and continue with her confession. I want to hear it more.
“You remember our dinner before she met you at the bar?” I nodded.
“She met me at the restaurant at that time and she said that she believed that you still love her and she should be the person that carries your last name.”
“That was the reason you wasn’t in a good mood that night and you suddenly asked me about my past and her?” She hummed and showing her sad face.
“I don’t like it when I started to have a weird feeling after that night. It made me felt hurt and I want to let you know when you invaded my room the other night but I can’t.
I’m worried that you might tell me that you still love her so I st©p talking to you and st©p everything that I used to do with you before.
I want to be independent so it will not ha-rd for me to move on in case you divorce me.”
“Oh my goodness, I never thought of letting you go even for a second. Can’t you feel that how much I care, love, and attached to you?” I hold her cheeks so I can stare at her clearly.
“I thought it was a joke and I don’t even know when you are serious,” she said pouted.
“I guess my effort wasn’t enough. So, I have decided to do something today.” I show her my n@ûghty smile and she knitted her brows in confusion.
“Let’s take shower together,” I whispered with my husky voice. I pu-ll-ed her from the be-d and hold her bridal style headed to the bathroom.
“No, Dom. Put me down. I don’t want to take shower together,” she wriggles but I just ti-ght£ñ my hold.
“St©p re-sisting me. I’m all yours now,” I let out laughter.
“You per-vert.”
“Well, this per-vert is your lovely husband that you fight for yesterday.”
I was beyond happy.
I succeed in marking her as mine and made her attached to me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Now, my job is to love her more until she can’t back off from me.
💞💞 Mine 💞💞
( You’re mine )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
After 3 years
Arabella POV✨✨✨
“Hello baby,” I greeted the little figure in front of me. From outside of the house, I can hear he giggled and his non-st©p gibberish words which I love to hear.
“Mommy suwitheart (sweetheart),” he called me in his baby language, tried to pronounce the word ‘sweetheart’ like his dad.
Yes, you guess it right, he is my baby, my 3 years old baby boy with my beloved Mr. Persistent, and we named him Dylan Duncan.
“How are you today, baby?” I knelt on my knee when he ran towards me with his unstable steps asking for a hvg. His laughter never leaves his mouth just like his dad; a happy go lucky baby which I’m blessed to be his mom.
“Are you a good boy today?” I asked and hvg him ti-ghtly while he rested his head on my shoulder.
“Yeus (yes), good-good boise (boy),” he pu-ll-ed away from my hvg and planted a few k!sses on my face. His saliva is all over my face and I don’t mind about it. I giggled at his cute action.
“Hey, buddy. You are k!ss!ngmy wife.” I heard some voice from behind and I don’t have to turn my eyes to look at that person. I can smell his perfume, the smell that made me get so add!çted to him.
“Helow (hello), buddy.” He greeted happily and giggled when Dominic approached closer, sat beside us. Dylan hvgged him and placed a k!sson his cheek.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he looked at me and k!$$£d both of my cheeks, forehead, andl-ips. His every day’s routine.
“Nooo,” Dylan pu-ll-ed Dominic and he seated in between of us tried to put some space so we can’t do some lovey-dovey in front of him. We laughed at his action.
“Hey, that’s my wife,” Dom said teasing him.
“Nooo.” My little b©yfri£ndprotested and hvgged my n£¢k while switching his b©dy and sat on my l@p.
He k!$$£d my face all over again to show off to his dad that he owned me. It made me giggled like a kid.
“I want to k!ssher too,” Dom pleaded while tried to pu-ll me closer but surprisingly Dylan sl@pped his hand, not ha-rd but just tried to st©p him.
“Did you just hit me, buddy?” He asked faking a sad face.
“Yah (Yeah), sowi (sorry), but no k!ss(don’t k!ss) mommy.” He shook his head and index f!nger. I chuckled with their childish and yet overloaded love for me.
Dominic pretended to feel sad and cried with make Dylan hvgged him and patted his shoulder. How cute both of them.
I just watched the drama between both of them which made me can’t st©p laughing and chuckling. It felt like my tiredness had been erased by watching both of them together.
“Shhhh,” he placed his f!nger at hisl-ips.”
“No no, dron (don’t ) cry tatty (daddy),” he pleaded and k!$$£d his face just like how he did to me just now; showering his daddy with his love.
“Ok, I will st©p crying,” he smiled.
“Can I have my wife back?” He asked which make Dylan furrowed his eyebrows and pouted his smalll-ips. He sat on his l@p and pretended to have a de-ep thought.
“Hmmm, ocay (okay), no pwolem (problem),” we laughed at his baby language but we still can un-derstand what he tried to said.
He pu-ll-ed both of us closer and we did our family hvg with Dylan laughter filled the house.
I do my night routine after Dylan sle-pt while Dom taking his shower. I heard the bathroom door opened and someone walks closer to me.
I can feel a hand encircled my w@!st from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder and planted a few k!sses on my cheek trailing to my n£¢k and shoulder.
“Dom, I just put my night cream on,” I tried to avoid him by angling him to the side.
“It’s okay. Myl-ips are much better than the night cream.” He chuckled between the k!sses while ma-king me rolled my eyes at his n@ûghty comment.
“per-vert,” I tea-sed.
“You made me bec@m£ like this.” He ti-ght£ñs his grip on my w@!st and I just let it be. I love it this way too.
“Sweetheart,” he stared at me from the reflection of the mirror. I hummed as a reply while my hand busy applied some cream on my face.
“Can I ask for an early birthday pres£nt?” I lifted a brow; try to figure out his hidden agenda.
“And what do you wish for?” I looked at him throu-gh the mirror.
“You see, last 3 years you gave me Dylan on my birthday,” I can see his smile throu-gh the mirror.
“So?” I placed the cream on my makeup table and turned my attention to my clingy husband that keeps holding me from behind.
“So, for my coming birthday, I want a second junior.” He whispered near my ear-lobe which made me moved my head to the side due to the tingling effect. He purposely did it.
“A princess will be nice,” he added to which I giggled in return.
“Hmm, let me consider about it first,” I tea-sed him, pl@yha-rd to get.
“Unfortunately, sweetheart. It’s not a choice.” He suddenly spun me around and holds me with a bridal style.
“I guess my Mr. Persistent never change,” I said while we are on our way to be-d.
“Never, because I knew you love this side of Mr. Persistent,” he said with a sm-irk and slowly la-id me on the be-d.
“So, my birthday gift?” He asked with a de-ep smile on his face.
“As if I have another choice,” I said pla-yfully. He let out a peal of soft laughter with my words.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“And I love you, too.”
And with that, our little junior on her way, I guess. I admitted what he said before about our marriage that I will never regret to be Mrs. Duncan.
He successfully marked me as his and made me attached to him physically, emotionally, and mentally. I can’t get enough of his love.
The end