Million tears episode 12

😥💔(sister’s Betrayal)😥💔
Episode 12
See who we have here
Mom Glory you are highly welcome
Honestly I am so glad and happy to see you
Welcome ma
I have missed you
9 days without seeing you have been like one year to me
Welcome ma
Alice, get her jui-ce from the bar
I said and Alice nodded
Mom Glory, so how have you been? I asked and she smiled
Fine as usual my Darling
She replied and I smiled back
She sat down and sipped from the jui-ce that Alice served her
You never told me you had a bar here in your shop. She said and I laughed
I m sorry ma
It escaped my mind
I serve some of my tired customers drinks
Sometimes I also feel like taking cold drinks or jui-ce so instead of looking for where to buy around, I rather take from the bar. I replied and she nodded
That’s beautiful
She replied and sipped again from the jui-ce
Mom Glory I am impatiently waiting for the gist you promised to gist me oo
Abeg gist me
You know I am a lover of gist
I said and she laughed out loud
That’s why I c@m£
Guess what? She said and I laughed
Mom I am not good at guessing. I said and Joyce walked in majestically
Oh wooooow!
Look who is here
My personal person
Mom Glory now we are complete
I am sure this gist is gonna flow very well. I said and gave Joyce a loud handshake
You and gist!
You really do love gist shaaaaa
She said and I smiled
That is what have been ma-king me happy all these days
You both have been my happiness since my only sister took away my only happiness
I really thank God for bringing you both into my lives. I said and they both blu-shed
I expected you not to ever mention those br@ts again
They are your past
Let go of your past my dear
Joyce said and I nodded
Tell her oo if she will listen! by the way, karma is beginning to hit your sister so ha-rd
Sometimes I feel for her
Just three months?
Sometimes I think karma stays for years before it visit
I never knew it hits one so fast. Glory said and Joyce nodded
Ella’s own was much that is why karma remembered her on time
Joyce added and I smiled
Tell me mom Glory
Why did you say so? I asked feeling so concerned for Ella
Everyday, she and her Jimmy fights
We keep hearing the both of them shouting at each other every blessed day
The worst is that today, all the whole estate tenants was at Jimmy’s house today to settle their matter
Ella was crying on t©p of her voice
Saying Jimmy sl@pped her and Jimmy said he never wanted her to be his wife that she lured him to be-d
Ella ch!pped in and told everyone of us that he is lying that he first R@p£d her
That he was the one that took her vir-gintiy
Infact, I was ashamed on their behalf cos the both of them was so shameless vomiting those trash
Jimmy said Ella is the cause of his downfall that ever since you left him, things haven’t been moving fine and Ella doesn’t give him peace cos she is pregnant
All the time the baby this, the baby that
He said the most annoying p@rt is that Ella’s baby is not breathing normal
It was confirmed by scan
Honestly everyone was so ashamed hearing the both of them out
Jimmy even threatened to leave Ella and run out of this country and Ella dared him to try it and see himself dead
Today eeeh
I have never seen what I saw today
The both of them are so shameless. Glory said and Joyce bur-st out laughing
She left her chair and sat on the floor and bur-st out laughing so so ha-rd
plea-se give me microphone
I nee-d to loud this laugh
I want the pas-sers by to come ask me why I am laughing this way so I will share this testimony with them
Oh my oh my oh my
Oh my
Ella this is just the beginning. She said and looked at me and was surprised to see me in a sad mood
Don’t tell me you want to cry for Ella
I swear to God if you try it, that will be the end of our friendsh!p. Joyce said and I smiled
Why will I cry?
I don’t want to cry
I am only feeling sorry for the innocent baby that is pas-sing throu-gh what she doesn’t know about
Ella deserve whatever she is going throu-gh but that little unborn child shouldn’t suffer for her sins
God plea-se
I beg of you to plea-se and plea-se heal the little baby. I prayed and Joyce and Glory frowned at the same time
What is this one saying?
Joyce kindly tell me what she is saying?
My dear shut up!
Do you know the implications of what your sister did?
Do you know?
Is it because you are strong?
So many people don’t survive it!
Some end up killing themselves
Some don’t even survive it at all
Some die of depression
And some run mad or start having mental issues but you survived yours and are living fine
St©p behaving like a child
Ella deserves whatever she is going throu-gh now
She deserve it
Glory said and tears dropped down my cheeks
But she is still my sister! I said shedding tears
Sister my foot!
Do you think she still count you as a sister
plea-se I beg of you don’t you ever say such in my pres£nce again
Honestly next time you say such again, I will walk out of you and that will be the end of our friendsh!p
Does a sister treat her sister that way?
I was thinking that by now, you must have been strong and st©p being too emotional cos that was the reason why your sister took advantage of it and stabbe-d you to the last
I don’t as-sociate with people like you.
If you aren’t changing for good, then I am done with this friendsh!p. Joyce said and took her bag to leave and I held her hand
I am sorry
I am just feeling for the little unborn child
I am so sorry
Honestly I never wanted to feel sad for Ella
I don’t just know why I am feeling this way
Mom Glory I am sorry. I said wiping my tears and Joyce sat down
We continued hosting while Alice was busy attending to customers
Its 3 months and Fred and I have been together
Honestly he is the best thing that ever happened to me and I really wished to spend the rest of my life with him
I told him everything about Ella, Jimmy and I and he was so sad and promised to make it up to me
Its on Sunday morning and I was still slee-ping when I heard a knock on my door
I quic-kly went and opened it but didn’t see anyone there but I saw a box beautifully wra-pped at my door mouth
I picked it and saw my name pasted there
I carried it inside and was surprised
Who must have done this? I asked my self unwra-pping the box
I opened it and it was filled with jewelries
The jewelries I have admired all my life
I said k!ss!ngit then I saw an envelop in the box
I opened it and saw a letter
I recognized the handwriting immediately
Its Fred’s handwriting
He is wishing me happy birthday and asking me to come meet him at sweet s-en-sation restaurant
Fred is so sweet
I didn’t even remember today is my birthday
I love you Fred
I took my phone and called him
Appreciated him and promised him I will be there at exact time
We k!$$£d each other throu-gh phone and hanged up
Next loading………..