Melt my heart episode 29


(I was too dumb to realize,… I’m in love with you,… :šŸ§”)



Stacey c@mĀ£ in some minutes later and met Richa-rd in that position

She tried to tĀ©uƧh him but he looked up and saw her

“Don’t do it” he said before going out

“Ma’am, why is he like that? ‘ she said

” I’m sorry Stacey, I’ll talk to him” she replied and quic-kly followed Richa-rd

They rode the bus home and met Drake in the living room

“Hyung! (Big brother!)” He exclaimed and rushed to hvg him

With the look on his face, he’s sure he’s back

“Drake” Richa-rd said, ti-ghtĀ£Ć±ing the hvg

“I’m glad you’re back” Drake said, breaking it

“Let’s eat” Ella said from where she’s standing

“No, I don’t have an appetite” Richa-rd replied and left for his room

” Richa-rd ! ” Ella called

He never answered

“Me too, I don’t have an appetite” Drake replied

“You never ate anything yesterday, you didn’t eat in the morning too, and now it’s dinner you won’t eat? ” Ella said

” Like I said, I don’t have an appetite” he replied simply and left for his room too

Ella fell on one of the couches

She closed her eyes

“What to do”




Pinky woke up this morning but Snow is still unconscious though she’s breathing

Pinky is still advised to rest so she’s still in be-d with her eyes opened

Evelyn fed her but her appetite is not strong yet

“I don’t want to eat it again’ she said

” No, you have to eat to get back your strength, remember what the doctor said” Evelyn said

” I’ll eat fruits, apple will be ok” she replied

“Ok, I’ll get it for you, be fine ok?, I’ll be back” Evelyn said and k!$$Ā£d her forehead before leaving the ward

Pinky looked over at Snow’s be-d

“I just hope you’ll be fine, if I lose you, I can’t live too, be fine plea-se, that’s the only way I can be fine too” she said sadly, closing her eyes



Gabriel cried most of the time during the drive to Busan

He’s just regretting everything from the start


He hasn’t eaten anything since three days ago except water

“How will i eat?, I don’t deserve it” he thought

His heart is as heavy as steel now

A lot of thoughts on it

“How will I convince madam Ella?”.

“What of Richa-rd that I sĀ£nt away like a dog? ”

” How will I convince the younger brother? ”

How do I do it?

He drove into Griffin’s university and parked at the parking lot

He got out of his car and inhaled ha-rd

He once heard he’s in bussiness so he went straight to the office of a friend he has in the school

He waited for almost an hour in the reception cos he was told he’s in a meeting

He’s the dean of students affairs

“You can go in now” the receptionist said after an hour

He stood and went in

“Gabriel!” He exclaimed

“Dave, long time no see” he said

“I would have cut the meeting short if I had known it’s you,I feel bad I made you wait for an hour” Dave said

” It’s ok, I c@mĀ£ for something important” he replied

” That brings the question, what happened?, I mean..your face is all swollen and your eyes are all red, did someone die?” Dave said

“almost but it’s ok now, do you know any student bearing Richa-rd Larry?, Dep@rtment of…

“Business administration?, He’s the most brilliant student there, he got here a month ago and he has shown his abilities a lot, i mean, he’s awesome,you know him?” Dave said

” He’s the real reason why I’m here, just tell me if there’s any clas-s going on in that dep@rtment now” Gabriel said

” Sure, their only clas-s for today is going on,my friend is the lecturer” Dave replied

” Oh… where’s the venue?” He asked

“I’ll tell a student to take you there”

” No, it’ll take long, just tell me I’ll locate it myself” he replied

” Gabriel…

“Dave plea-se..

” Ok just ask for LT 31″

” Thanks friend” he replied and rushed out of the office

“What’s Wrong with him?” Dave Wondered

“Excuse me, where’s LT 31?” He asked the first student he met

” Just down that hallway sir” he replied

He rushed to the p@rticular hallway and saw it

A clas-s is truly going on

He waited impatiently outside the clas-s and when the clas-s finally ended, he hid his face by standing beside one of the pillars as the students c@mĀ£ out of the clas-s in twos and threes

He sighted Richa-rd with his non smiling face

He hid himself more as Richa-rd pas-sed by his side

He slowly followed him behind

A girl is also following him



“Richa-rd !, Richa-rd wait for me!” Stacey kept calling as Richa-rd walked fas-ter

He never stĀ©pped

Since he got back his memory, he has changed, he has never talked to her

She later caught up with him and hvgged him from behind

“Richa-rd plea-se, don’t be like this” she said

He re-moved her hand from his tummy and faced her

“Stacey, I’m sorry if you feel like I broke your heart but that time when I told you to let’s d@tĀ£, I was insane and out of my s-en-ses, I’m sorry if I sound harsh but I can’t continue being friends with you, it’ll only hurt you more, it’s better we avoid each other Stacey, I’m sorry” he said and left

Stacey leaned on her car and cried as she watched him leave

“My heart” she cried…



Richa-rd board the bus and Gabriel kept following the bus

Richa-rd got down from the bus at a p@rticular time and went to a park

He sat there for over an hour, doing nothing, just staring into space

He cried at a p@rticular time and Gabriel cried with him in the car

He’s obviously hurt and sad

He later stood and Walked to the main road where he board a car

Gabriel kept following the car till it got to an house

It stĀ©pped and Richa-rd c@mĀ£ out of the car

He payed the cab driver and he went in

“This is the house” Gabriel thought..

He sle-pt in his car that night though he ba-rely sle-pt, he kept watching the house

The next day is Saturday, Richa-rd left the house first

Then the second son

He gr@bbĀ£d the opportunity when he s-en-sed that only Ella will be at home

He c@mĀ£ out of his car and walked Straight to the house

He knocked the door and it was Ella who opened the door

She has a shocked look on her face

“Mr White?”

“It’s me madam Ella” he replied

“What do I owe you?” She said

” Can we talk better inside?” He said

She went in , leaving the door open.

He followed her in the she faced him again

“Ok, what are you here to talk about?” She asked sternly

“Madam Ella, I know you’re too kind right now to let me into your house, I don’t deserve it but you did it….I’m grateful” he said

Ella kept quiet

*I’m here to apologise” he said

“I’m a Commoner, remember?”she said

” I know how you feel about my blind mentality, I’m just so sorry that I caused your family pains” he said

” My ears are itching with only your voice, I think this conversation will not lead to anywhere, plea-se go” Ella said

” I beg you madam Ella, my daughter nee-ds Richa-rd badly, no….., our family nee-ds him, plea-se madam, I plead for forgiveness about everything we’ve done to you, I…

“So now your daughter nee-ds my son after all she did to him?, No, plea-se go out when I’m still respecting you” Ella said, wiping the tears that are falling

” Madam Ella plea-se…..

” Go!” Ella yelled, crying more

Gabriel went on his knees immediately with tears in his eyes too

He brou-ght out the nĀ£Ā¢klace

“It wasn’t Snow, it was me, if I hadn’t allowed Ace into the family, he wouldn’t be bold enough to charm my daughter, this is the nĀ£Ā¢klace he manipulated her with, it wasn’t Snow, just take it as she wasn’t in her right s-en-ses then” Gabriel said

” What!”

” Yes, believe me it’s the truth,my daughter loves Richa-rd so much that she might go insane soon with the look of things, she drank what she’s allergic to all because she didn’t see him, madam my family is suffering…I’m begging you just have mercy on me and take pity upon my family, I’m begging” Gabriel said, going from kneeling to prostration

Mr White what are you doing!” Ella said in shock

” plea-se madam,you can March my head right now or throw me anything, I won’t duck, just…. have mercy” Gabriel said as more tears fell from his eyes

Ella looked at him and closed her eyes, another round of tears fell from her eyes too….