Melt my heart episode 26


(I was too dumb to realize,… I’m in love with you,… ?)



The cops entered instantly

“Here’s the snake!” Sandra said, pointing at Ace where he’s lying in pains

His mouth is bleeding as a result of the kick

He was handcuffed and taken out

Jake carried Snow and Sandra followed till they got out, Ace was made to enter the police van

It moved and they drove behind it till they br@nched at an hospital

Snow was admitted immediately

Sandra contacted Evelyn and Gabriel

They c@m£ in no time with pinky

“What happened?, What the heck happened!” Evelyn said

“Ace has been possessing Snow all these while, all the things Snow has been doing , just take it like it’s not her, it’s because of a damn n£¢klace on her n£¢k

I re-moved it successfully and she pas-sed out

She’s in, I hope she’ll be rescued” Sandra said

” No, what happened from the beginning” Gabriel said

*He actually did all of that cos he wants your wealth, he was transferring the company funds to his account when we got to the office” Jake said

” It was actually Chloe who told us about the n£¢klace” Jake said

” Gabriel has killed me!, Gabriel just look at what you’ve caused!, Look at what you caused” Evelyn said, stumping her foot on the ground

Gabriel sat with guilt written allover his face, not knowing what to say

He’s indeed guilty

Tears escaped his eyes in his sitting place

“I’m just a fool , I’m too too gullible and idiotic, can’t believe I pushed the good guy away from my daughter, can’t believe I ruined her life” he lamented, crying bitterly too

” I can’t believe this dad….I hate you!, I was busy hating Snow,, not knowing that the real devil is you, dad you’re a devil!” Pinky yelled, bending down to cry

Sandra can’t help but cry with them

Jake sighed from time to time

“Ace is in the station, we should go see him pending when Snow will be ok” he finally said

Gabriel wiped his tears and led the way out of the hospital

The others followed…


They got to the station and meet Ace sitting shi-tless with handcuffs, looking as weak as something else

“You son of a gun!” Gabriel ranted and ran angrily towards him

He hit him on the face and he fell from the chair

The cops quic-kly held him

“You can’t go closer to him sir, he’s positive” one of the cops said

” You mean?” Evelyn said

” He was bleeding from the mouth immediately he got here and he fainted, we had to get a doctor to treat him” the Chief cop said

A doctor entered

” He’s having HIV/AIDS and ap@rt from that, he’s having cancer of the lungs as a result of much smoking, smokes has blocked the route of air to his lungs and the little space left can only make him live miserably for a week, he’ll live the remaining one week in pains.. I mean bleeding, headache, tiredness, flu, stomachache that’ll make him want to take poison, chronic fever and lots more, he’ll suffer greatly for the one week” the doctor said

” I think that’s enough punishment for the bastard” Pinky said

Some cops entered the station

“we found her dead in her house with a deadly poison beside her, obviously suicide” one of them said

” That’s miss Chloe Magnavox he’s talking about, he told us earlier that she knows of his plans, that’s why we s£nt some cops for her arrest, but unfortunately, she’s dead” the chief cop said

” She deserves it, very well, I can’t ask for more, for crying out loud she was Snow’s best friend, people can be despicable” Evelyn said

Ace gr-unted weakly

” Best friend my foot…my mom is long dead, I don’t have a mum again so what I said about going to India to stay with my deranged mum was all a lie” Ace said weakly

” Son of a bit-ch!” Gabriel screamed

Ace spit out much blood before speaking again

“I actually went to England with Chloe, despite the fact that she knows I’m engaged to Snow, she succeeded in s£dûç!ng me , we went to England together, it was good, I fv¢ked her alone for four years cos I was obsessed, when I got over my obse-ssion, I started fv¢king other bit-ches, she got annoyed and c@m£ back to Korea…I fv¢ked bit-ches, spent money for two more months and when I went broke,my mind drifted to W investments and I started ma-king plans to get the funds, I went to India and met with the most powerful sorceress Shannon….she gave me the magic n£¢klace for manipulation and I c@m£ back to Korea to fool Gabriel and manipulate Snow to get W investments funds” he confessed

” Oh my God!” Sandra screamed

“The gunsh0ts when you were coming from the sto-re the other time, it’s me” he said

” What the fv¢k!” Jake said

” And the shooting involving Pink, it was I who s£nt Liam to shoot, Evelyn is the real target, but Pinky jumped in, that’s why she was sh0t” Ace said , breathing heavily and shivering at the same time

“Devil!, That’s what you are!” Pinky yelled, crying when she remembered that scene

“I’m not sorry” Ace said, coughing

Evelyn took off her shoes and threw it at him, it hit his head ha-rd

“Beast!” She screamed

“Go for Liam immediately, you just have to pretend like a client, his number is on Ace’s phone” the chief cop ordered

Some cops left immediately

” Ace will be going to court and…

” Damn court!, s£nd him to jail let him spend the remaining one week in a wretched isolated prison room” Jake said

” Sure” Gabriel said, trying to hide his tears

“As you wish sir” the cop replied

The cops had to wear protec-tion before moving him to the van

He was shifted to the jail that same day…



They all left for the hospital afterwards

The ward door is now open

They entered and met Snow on be-d

Her n£¢k is bandaged, maybe cos of the wound from the n£¢klace removal

She’s actually sitting up on the be-d but she spranged up immediately she saw them

“Mum!, Pinky! Sandra what am I doing here!”

Evelyn hvgged her ti-ght

” My daughter is back” she said happily

“Did I go somewhere before?” She said

” Big sis!” Pinky hvgged her too

” Glad to have you back too” Sandra said and hvgged her

“Jake what’s happening?” She said in confusion

“Snow you were used” Sandra said

“By Ace” Jake said

Immediately she heard that name, it triggered back the memories

She held her head as she remembered

How she woke up and Ace told her the rules, hating Richa-rd , shouting at her parents, shouting at Pinky and Sandra

Telling her parents she wants to marry Ace, sl@pping Richa-rd , ignoring his calls, Calling him a fool

Everything!, She remembered everything at a go

She looked up at them with tears in her eyes

“Tell me I didn’t do all that, tell me it was my shadow, tell me I didn’t sl@p Richa-rd !, Tell me I didn’t tell him to fv¢k off!, Tell me I didn’t ignore his calls, tell me I didn’t push him away plea-se!” Snow yelled, holding unto her dad’s collar

Gabriel cried as he watched her daughter’s tears rushing out

“I’m sorry, I caused everything,if it’s not for me, Ace Won’t have got the chance to manipulate you with the n£¢klace” he said, rushing tears

” Dad you ruined my life, dad you shattered my life, he’s all I’ve got, my baby my world, you made me do all that to him, it’s all your fault!” She said in tears

” I know daughter, and I know I don’t deserve forgiveness but plea-se… plea-se …

He hadn’t finished his statement when she ran out of the ward

“Snow!, Snow!” Evelyn called but she never looked back

She ran out of the h0tel and hit the road, running all the way to Richa-rd ‘s house with tears in her eyes

It got to where she had to cross the road and a car almost hit her

She continued running

The thirty minutes run to his house took her only fifteen

She got there and ban-ged her fist on the door

“Richa-rd !!!”, Richa-rd !!!!, Richa-rd !!!” She screamed

No answer c@m£

” Richa-rd just let me see your face, I’m sorry!!, It wasn’t my fault!!, Richa-rd plea-se just come out I beg you!!!” She shouted,still ban-ging her fist on the door

Someone opened the door

A middle aged man

“Why the discomfort?” He said

“It’s Richa-rd I seek” she said impatiently, peeping in

” No Richa-rd in this house” he replied and made to close the door but she held it

She f0rç£fully opened the door and went in

“Richa-rd !!!, Richa-rd plea-se!!, Baby I’m sorry!!!, Just come out will you?, I love you very much!!!, Richa-rd I beg you!!!” She yelled again, walking around the house in tears

The man’s wife c@m£ out

“Call the cops, she must be a psychopath” the man said

She’s about to do that when Jake entered with Sandra

“We’re re-ady very sorry for any inconvenience ma and sir, really de-eply sorry” Sandra said

Jake f0rç£fully took Jake out

She was f0rç£fully dragged to the car

“Snow get back to your s-en-ses!!” Sandra yelled at her

” I want to see Richa-rd !!!, Just let me see him and be fine by just telling him I’m sorry, telling him I love him and hearing me say he has forgiven me and he loves me too, hvgging him and k!ss!nghim, that’s the only way I’ll be fv¢king ok!” She yelled back

” Ok he’s out of Seoul with his family and no one knows their location pres£ntly, maybe he’s out of Korea completely or not” Jake said

” You said what?” Snow said

” It’s the truth” Sandra said

“Nooo!!!!!!!” She screamed and as if a new power entered her, she f0rç£fully opened the door

Thank God Jake st©pped the car in time

She jumped out of the car and started running, Calling Richa-rd ‘s name and crying at the same time

“She’s going insane, this is bad” Jake said

“After her!” Sandra said




Richa-rd finished drawing the face of the girl that has always been in his memory since Stacey tried to k!sshim

He feels like he has seen her somewhere before but anytime he tries to remember the place, his br@in goes blank

He looked at her face on the paper he drew it on

He took it downstairs to her mum who’s serving food on the dinning table

“Mum, have I met this person before?, Or have you?” He said, showing her the drawing

Ella’s heart skipped a beat


“Oh… at all, we don’t know her” she said awkwardly

“Then why is she always appearing in my memory like I’ve seen her before” he said

Drake c@m£ downstairs for dinner and saw it

Ella win-ked at him as he took his seat

“What of you Drake, have you ever seen her before?” He asked

Drake took long before answering

” No” he replied

Ella tried to take the drawing from him but he hid it behind him

“She seems like I know her, I’ll soon find out” he said and went upstairs instantly

” He’ll soon get back his memory mum, there’s nothing you can do about it” Drake said slowly

Ella sighed heavily



Richa-rd stared at the picture for a while again when he got to his room

He kept it in his safe later

He checked his phone

Another text from Stacey

He has been avoiding her since she tried to k!sshim but she has been disturbing him with texts like

“I’m sorry, but it’s the truth,I love you”

“Let’s just d@t£ plea-se?”

” What should I do to make you d@t£ me?”

” Richa-rd be my man*

” Just love me plea-se*

He looked at the one she s£nt this night

*Richa-rd I can’t st©p thinking about you*

He breathed heavily before falling on the be-d

“What should I do???”



Jake and Sandra later found Snow after a lot of Chase

She was f0rç£fully taken to an hospital

She’s suddenly as strong as something else

It was Richa-rd she kept shouting

She was injected with a sedative at the hospital and she sle-pt off

“When she wakes up , will she be normal?” Pinky asked fearfully

“Who’s Richa-rd ?” The doctor asked patiently

“Her… b©yfri£nd” Gabriel replied soberly

“I’ve treated few cases like this, she’ll be ok when she wakes up but not for so long, maybe when she sees the Richa-rd she’s shouting, she’ll be ok” the doctor said

“hope my sis Won’t run mad completely because we don’t know his whereabouts” Pinky said

” She’s alre-ady insane” Evelyn muttered, crying silently