Meant for her Episode 1 & 2

(💅He R@p£d me 💅)
“Hey Bella, How is Greg” Lisa seemed excited.
“Greg is fine” I sighed as I arrange my books neatly on my shelf.
“And what about tonight’s p@rty” Lisa re-adjusted herself on my be-d.
“What about tonight’s p@rty??, Greg asked me not to attend” I snapped
“Don’t you think your brother is been over protective” Lisa said in a harsh tone.
“If that what it seems like” I smiled
“Common Bella, we could sneak out and you will get home before your brother comes back” Lisa tried to persuade.
“Lisa , you are talking like you don’t know Greg…..if he finds out and tell mom, I will be so dead” I rolled my eyes.
“I promise Bella, we won’t stay long” Lisa said staring into my eyes.
“Fine!!! Fine!!!!…..I’m in” I said walking out of my room.
“I love you Bella” Lisa screamed
“I hate you” I whispered
Lisa and I had been childhood friends. We were actually besties who turned into sisters. While I had an only bother with no sister , Lisa was the only Child of her parents.
We did things in common and went places together. We both attended Gradient High School buh while I was in the Sciences Lisa was an Art Student.
“Bella, we are almost running late for the p@rty” Lisa said staring at my Closet
“I nee-d to finish my house chores before leaving this house” I said angrily.
Lisa as-sisted me in arranging the house. Since she spent all day in my house, we both dressed in my clothes. I turned off my phone and hid it un-der the be-d so as to avoid calls from my Mom and Greg.
“Remember , it’s all your idea” I frowned at Lisa.
We moved outside the house to get a Cab. I was 16 and even though I was old enough to have my car , Mom still considered me as a Child.
“Dawson’s park” Lisa said st©pping a Cab.
Lisa sat at the front while I sat at the back. Few minutes after leaving the house, Lisa phone rang.
“Hello mom” Lisa glared at me and I suspected that to be my Mom.
“Where’s Bella” Mom sounded furious
“Hmm…Hmm, We are going to school for her Lab. Project” Lisa said scratching the back of her head.
“Are you also going for Lab project” Mom was suspicious
“Nah, nei….I mean no” Lisa was confused
“She just wanna follow me” I quic-kly redeemed her as my heart beat increase
“Come back quic-kly” Mom said sternly
“We love you Mom” We both chorused and laughed loudly with the cab man staring at us.
We got to Dawson’s park and paid our bills. It was just as I excepted. Crowd everywhere!!!.
“Look who we have, Shane Anderson” Lisa said pointing at some figure as we walked closer to the p@rty ground.
“Isn’t that Gradient’s popular” I said not totally interested.
“Yep…..The school’s famous Bad boy” Lisa said excitedly ma-king the quote sign with her f!ngers.
“Wanna dance” Shane approached Lisa and I could see her heart jumping out.
“Sure” Lisa smiled brightly….”have fun Bella” Lisa said leaving me stranded.
“Out of the way”!!! Some drun!krude guys staggered pushing me out of the way.
The place really stinks especially the smell of Alcohol. Loud music blared everywhere. I couldn’t hear anything except the fact that people were screaming.
“You care for something”?? A Gradient asked.
“I’m fine” I faked a smile.
I turned around to see who called my name only to see Lisa with a bottle of Wine still dancing with Shane.
“Did you both dance here” I tried to surpas-s my laughter
“I’ll leave you two” Shane excused himself staggering to God knows where.
“What happened to you Lisa” I screamed forcing her to sit on a chair.
“Take Bella” Lisa handed her glas-s of wine to me.
I gulped it and began to feel ti-psy.
“Wait here Lisa, wanna make use of the restroom” I frowned
I manage to walk throu-gh the crowd. About getting to the restroom when some hand gr-ab my hands.
“Let me be …..” I was scared.
I didn’t finish my s£ntence when the figure pushed me violently to the wall.
“plea-se don’t do this” I pleaded in tears
“Too late” He belched loudly obviously drun!k.
Sliding his hand un-der my dress, He r!pp£dmy clothes ap@rt.
He R@p£d me!!!
“Bella, wait for me!” Lisa screamed running after me.
“What”!!! I glared
“I’m sorry I abandoned you at the p@rty” Lisa gave a puppy face.
“Hell you Lisa” I eyed her…..”I was R@p£d yesterday all because of you” Tears dropped slowly from my face.
“I’m sorry Bella” Lisa pleaded
“What’s sorry going to do??, Change the fact that I was R@p£d or something” I was screaming.
“plea-se Bella, Let this be our little secret” Her voice was Calm.
“Like you were R@p£d” I snapped walking out of her.
Gush!!!….What did I get myself into. I couldn’t believe I was R@p£d by an unknown person. Recalling all that transpired that night made me sick.
“little sister” Greg barged into my room and I was shocked.
I mean I wasn’t expecting him. I didn’t have to answer numerous questions because I told my lies earlier.
“You know, I still don’t believe you had to spend the night in Lisa’s house yesterday” Greg continued bringing me back from my thoughts.
Greg was curious most times and he st©ps at nothing to get the truth. I told him my secrets but I wasn’t going to tell him this one.
“Hmm” I started by scratching my eyes….”well the practicals were delayed and so it ended by six. Lisa and I thought we could go to an eatry before coming home. After everything , Traffic held us. We couldn’t get a cab and since Lisa’s house was closer to us, we trekked there” I sighed at my own lies.
“I don’t believe you” Greg said staring into my eyes and my heart skipped
“It’s the truth” I suddenly had the courage
“In that case, I will have to tell Mom” Greg grinned standing up from the couch which was opposite my be-d.
“Wait, I’ll say the truth” I pu-ll-ed his arm with my little strength.
I knew my brother. He was fond of ma-king a mild issue go wi-de. Reminding Mom will put me in trouble because I would have to go throu-gh lots of questioning as in from the t©p.
“I actually went to a p@rty” I giggled
“And got drun!k” Greg was furious
“Nope, I mean yes….No . I only tasted alcohol” I smiled sheepishly.
“Don’t let it repeat itself” He said sternly walking out of my room.
“Argh” I sighed re-adjusting myself on my be-d.
School on Tuesdays were boring because we had to do physics & Chemistry simultaneously. I was very good at biology and physics but Chemistry was a no go area. Since it was the same teacher, I just spent the Chemistry period staring at the teacher.
“Bella Norche, Are you with us” I guessed the teacher noticed my abs£nce.
“Hmm….yes sir” I said boldly
“What’s the last thing I said” He continued and the clas-s went into laughter.
“I can’t recall buh I know you were saying something about Chemicals” I stammered.
“Bella Norche, you will be placed on a day detention for not listening” The teacher commanded.
Soon the break bell rang, And the teacher left the clas-s.
“I wonder how she bec@m£ a science” A girl on glas-ses tea-sed
“Whatever” I cleaned my eyes preventing tears from falling.
“Don’t worry Bella, I would teach you physics” That was the Clas-s Rep
“Thanks” I smiled brightly.
I walked alone to the school’s cafeteria. I pas-sed throu-gh the Art clas-s and win-ked at Lisa who was no longer interested in the clas-s. She knew where to meet me.
I sat on table close to one of the edges of the Cafeteria. The table was surrounded by four empty chairs. I sat on one and kept the one beside me for Lisa.
“Sorry sweetie for coming late” Lisa rushed into the Cafeteria as she sat beside me.
“You delayed” I frowned
“What’s the gist” She pla-yfully hit my shoulders
“I have been given detention by Mr Right, That Chemistry teacher” I said angrily
“Ohh…poor Bella, what did you do?? She giggled
“I don’t care about his subject Chemistry” I hissed loudly.
“He takes you both Chemistry & Physics….How then did you manage to know one” Lisa smiled
“I don’t just like Chemistry ” I sighed.
“We’ll be having literature quiz next week” Lisa said.
We were still discussing when a Blonde hair guy walked into the Cafeteria.
“I know him” I whispered
“From? ” Lisa was curious.
The p@rty!!!
Was so special about the blonde hair guy?…….
Will she ever finds the ra-pist?……what happens when she finally does.
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