means to love episode 8

??☀️…. MEANS

LOVE ……??☀️

Authoress FG….



The lunch was over and Jeromino head out to get going.

“Jeromino I’m sorry for what my brother did to you about the chair. I’m sorry” Fernanda apologized as she followed Jeromino to his car.

“It’s okay Fernanda, I totally un-derstand why he did it. He was only looking out for his sister so it’s un-derstandable and by the way, the dishes were amazing it’s been a while I had homemade delicacy” Jeromino complimented with a smile.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I shouldn’t keep you here with me, I’m pretty sure you have a ti-ght schedule but you took out sometime to come have lunch with us. Thank you so much Jeromino” Fernanda said smiling and Jeromino gr@bb£d her hand gently.

“I don’t mind spending my whole day with you so have you put some thoughts into our conversation last night? I can’t wait to have you all to myself” Jeromino said cutely and Fernanda k!$$£d his cheek.

“Is that a yes?” Jeromino asked excitedly and Fernanda blu-shed ha-rd .

“Not yet but I will give you my reply on our next d@t£” Fernanda said smiling.

“Our next d@t£ is tomorrow after the shoot” Jeromino reminded and she smiled.

“Of course I know that. Goodbye, see you at the studio tomorrow” Fernanda win-ked then ran back into the house.

The whole family was at the window, they were watching Fernanda and Jeromino.

“What are you guys doing?” Fernanda asked in shock and everyone pretended not have done anything.

“Florencia come help in the kitchen” Abuela cut in as she left with Florencia to the kitchen.

“Daddy what do you think about Jeromino? He’s not a bad guy right?” Fernanda asked with a smile.

“Don’t go for him Fernanda, he’s no good for you” Luciano blurted as he c@m£ out of his room.

“Uncle you’ve been at home all this while” Damian asked curiously and he nodded.

“I dozed off that’s why I didn’t come out but Fernanda don’t go for someone like Jeromino. He doesn’t look like a good person” Luciano protested.

“Why do you think so Luciano? You didn’t join us for lunch so how do you know Jeromino isn’t good for Fernanda?” Bruno asked curiously.

“My gut feeling tells me he’s not the one for our Fernanda” Luciano uttered and Fernanda frowned.

“How do you expect us push away such a well mannered and good looking man who makes Fernanda happy aside just because of your gut feeling” Bruno said seriously.

“Luciano you know so well that I don’t believe in mere suspicions” Bruno added and Luciano glared at him.

“And that’s why we lost Maria Jose because you find it ha-rd in believing in people’s suspicions” Luciano blurted angrily and Bruno sl@pped him in a blink of an eye.

“Don’t ever talk back at me using my wife’s name” Bruno warned.

“Enough everyone!” Fernanda shouted then ran to her room.

“If I had listened to Maria, you probably will be spending the rest of your life in jail” Bruno shouted and Fred walked to him.

“It’s okay Dad, we shouldn’t be fighting after lunch” Fred said slowly and Bruno glared at Luciano then gr@bb£d his phone heading back to the office.

“Luciano what were the both of you talking about just now?” Abuela asked worriedly as she c@m£ out of the kitchen.

“It’s nothing mum” Luciano covered up as he walked out of the sitting room.

“Benicio what were they talking about?” Abuela asked worriedly.

“Mum like Luciano said it’s nothing so relax. I’m off to the bakery” Benicio announced then head to his bakery.

“Why are they all serious? It seemed like they were having a serious conversation” Abuela complained as she went back to the kitchen.

Next morning everyone left for work so early, leaving Abuela and Fernanda at home.

“Abuela what do you think about the TV drama?” Fernanda asked chewing some popcorn with her head on Abuela’s l@ps.

“I’ve always wanted to watch this drama but when everyone’s at home I don’t get the chance to do so. It’s so good to be home alone with just you Fernanda but too bad you will be going to work soon” Abuela said sadly and Fernanda held her hand.

“Abuela I love you so much and that’s why I will be telling you this. I don’t think I will be coming back home tonight” Fernanda said slowly and Abuela stared at her curiously.

“Where will you be spending the night dear?”

“Don’t worry about that Abuela, it’s all related to work. I can handle it. I should go take my shower it’s almost time for my shoot” Fernanda reminded as she stood up then ran to her room.

I can’t believe Jeromino haven’t called me yet. Did something happen to him? Fernanda g@sped in her head staring at her phone.


Fernanda got to the studio.

“Good morning everyone” She greeted looking around in search for Jeromino.

“Good morning Fernanda” Everyone chorused as they went back to what they were doing.

“Director I can’t find Jeromino around, is he not here yet?” Fernanda asked curiously.

“Jeromino I haven’t seen him as well. Oh there he is, he’s just arriving” The director pointed and Jeromino walked to Fernanda.

“Good morning Jeromino. Excuse me the both of you” The director added then went out to take a call.

“Good morning beautiful, did you miss me?” Jeromino whispered jovially in Fernanda’s ears and she smiled.

“You didn’t call me on purpose? I was worried something might have happened to you” Fernanda pouted and Jeromino gave her a ti-ght hvg.

“Jeromino what are you doing? We’re in our workplace people are watching” Fernanda murmured trying to break off the hvg but he held on ti-ght.

“They have us on their minds alre-ady so let’s just make things clear to them. I’m not ashamed of you Fernanda” He said pas-sionately and Fernanda’s heart melted.

“Why are you so sweet” Fernanda smiled and he ca-ressed her hair gently.

“Emmm… Everyone get re-ady for the shoot” The director announced and Fernanda broke the hvg swiftly.

“I told you they were in a relationsh!p. Lucky Fernanda, her first b©yfri£ndhappens to be a world star…” Some employees gossiped and Jeromino smiled at the sight of that.

I’m ma-king a hvge progress. Jeromino whispered in his head with a malicious smile on hisl-ips.

The shoot was over. At the d@t£…

“What would you want to have beautiful?” Jeromino flir-ted.

“Before we make any orders, I have something to say to you” Fernanda uttered nervously.

“I think I know what that is. You’re saying yes to me right” Jeromino asked excitedly and Fernanda nodded with a wi-de smile swiftly Jeromino stood up and gave her a pas-sionate k!ssas Fernanda felt bu-tterflies in her stomach.

“Let’s make our order now” She smiled after the k!ss.

“I’m so full, I don’t think I will be eating anything tonight” Jeromino smiled staring at Fernanda lovingly.

“Me neither” Fernanda chuckled.

“OK, how about we order for a drink to celebr@te?” He asked softly.

“I’m not quite a good drinker but let’s give it a sh0t” She agreed and Jeromino placed an order.

The wine was served on their table…

“Cheers to us, today mark a new beginning in our lives” Jeromino said as they both hit their glas-ses slightly.

30 minutes later…

Fernanda was completely drun!kwith her face on the table. She can ha-rd ly raise her hand up.

“Jeromino how come you are soooooooo so adorable” Fernanda uttered out drun!kenly and Jeromino smiled.

“Should I take you back home?” He asked closely.

“No no, I want to spend the night with you” Fernanda laughed drun!kenly then Jeromino carried her on his shoulders to his car as he drove off to his h0tel suite.

“Jeromino what are you doing?” Fernanda asked drun!kenly as Jeromino re-moved his shi-t leaving his ba-re che-st.

“I’m sorry Fernanda but you’re too S-xy to be ignored” Jeromino said flir-tatiously and Fernanda laughed drun!kenly.

“No one has ever told me I look S-xy…”

“The sight of you turns me on, I have no idea how you do that..” Jeromino said as he unZi-pped her jacket.

“Hahaha…” Fernanda laughed drun!kenly and Jeromino re-moved her long p@n-ts leaving her on with just her p@n-ties and br@.

“It looks even more S-xier than I expected. Fernanda thank your momma for blessing you which such a s£dûçt!vefigure” Jeromino said and su-cked on her bo-ob s ma-king Fernanda m0@n silently.

“What do you think about me right now?” Jeromino asked taking off his shorts.

“I think you shouldfu-ck me ha-rd right now” Fernanda m0@n ed silently as he ca-ressed her h0ñ£yp0t.


Jeromino slide his c0ckinto Fernanda’s h0ñ£yp0t and she m0@n ed loudly as she felt a bit of pain because it was her first.

Jeromino ride on her slowly getting lost in his de-sire.

Fernanda m0@n ed feeling both pain and plea-sure.

They were done ma-king out. Fernanda woke up early hours of the morning and checked her phone, she saw so many missed calls and messages from her family and friends.

“Why are there so many missed calls?” Fernanda mumbled sluggishly as she dialed on Leo’s number.

“Hello buddy, what the hell have you done? You should check on the trending news. You’re everywhere” Leo shouted and she hung up swiftly then tapped on the notification on her phone.

Fernanda was shocked to the bone when she saw her S-xtape everywhere on the internet.

“What happened last night?” Fernanda g@sped out holding her head then she saw Jeromino’s letter on the be-d.

~ What we had was all a lie and that trending S-xtape is your reward for pla-ying ha-rd to get all your life. We would probably never see each other again so enjoy fixing the remaining piece of your life. Jeromino ~
