Matrimony of secrets episode 12

Matrimony Of Secrets


Episode 12


“So Dad, what are we going to do about Mr Humphrey?, don’t you think we should leave now before it gets late?” Maxwell said shaking like a leaf, he hadn’t rested a bit since he found out that Mr Humphrey was in town.


“What? Are you stupid? Don’t tell me that you are a coward, we are not going anywhere, since he doesn’t know that we are behind his daughter’s series of miscarriages and the removal of her wo-mb, we will pl@yalong and also hasten up with the company at Bayelsa state so that we will not be broke when we finally relocate” he concluded thoughtfully.

“But Dad, what if he finds out, you know he is more powerful than you, am scared” Maxwell said thinking of what would happen to them if Mr Humphrey decides to strike.

“Are you seeing your life” Mr Thomas eyed his son.

“What happened to my life Dad?” Maxwell asked.

“Your life is miserable, you are a coward, ap@rt from us, who else knows about our secrets? Nob©dy, so tell me how Humphrey will find out” he sneered.

“Dad, don’t forget that the doctor knows about Evelyn’s miscarriages and removal of wo-mb, and he is suspecting that someone is behind all that, it won’t be long before they will find us out, let’s just run now” he said again.

“Oh yeah, the doctor, I have totally forgotten about him, that means we will kill him, Humphrey is supposed to compensate me for training his useless daughter even before he started s£nding me money, I can’t leave without him giving me the money, it will go a long way” he rolled his eyes.

“I have been calling Michael to tell him what is happening but his phone has been switched off, am scared oooo” he said dragging his ear.

“it is probably a network problem and you are getting scared for nothing” he hissed.

“What if he takes Evelyn without you knowing a thing?”

“that means we will have to kidnap Evelyn and keep her away from her father’s reach” he sipped his wine.


“Sir, what are you planning to do now?” Korede asked.


“I will pl@yalong with them, I will act like I don’t know anything, just keep Micheal in detention” he responded with the calm demeanor not leaving his face.

“Sir, what if they flee?”

“I know Thomas, he likes money a lot, he won’t go anywhere without getting any money from me, I will give him the impression that am going to pay him a considerable amount of money before taking my daughter with me, that alone will keep him till am done with what I have in mind” he completed with a sm-irk.

“What of your daughter? They might try to keep her away from you, sir I think you should get to her before them” korede p@n-ted.

“Am happy that you are thinking comprehensively, I know all that alre-ady, I know where Evelyn is, h0tel Presidential, room 54, I have s£nt Mario and the guys, she is been guarded, no harm will come to her, I will give her the protec-tion I failed to give her all these years” he closed his eyes as a tear sli-pped off his eyes.


Georgia rolled her eyes as she stepped into Pepperoni eatery, she sighted Ken at the extreme and hissed, why was he calling to meet up with her? she hissed again.

“Good day Ken” she greeted sitting down.

“Good day G, how have you been?” Ken asked with a nod of head.

“I have been fine, why did you call to see me?” Georgia asked brushing off hair from her face.

“Do you have any idea on my wife’s whereabout?” Ken asked typing something on his phone.

“Your wife? I should be asking you na, didn’t you just call her your wife? you should know her where about” she eyed him annoyingly.

“Come on G, if I knew where she is I wouldn’t have called you, I went to work 3 days ago, I c@m£ home to an empty house, I have been calling her but she ends up busying my calls and she won’t still call me back” he let out a sigh.

“And you think I know where she is? you that is married to her doesn’t know where she is, how do you expect me to know?” she spre-ad out her hand.

“You are her only friend, her best friend, the only person she shares her problems with, she is more close to you than I am, am sure you know where she is, just tell me alre-ady” he lowered his voice.


“I don’t know where she is, did you have a fight with her?” she asked as she supported her Jaw with her hand.

“I did not, she left before I could come back from work, no written note, no call, no text, nothing, just an empty house” he sighed again.

“Well, am sorry to disappoint you, I don’t know where she is, we have not talked on phone for long, I think she blocked off everyone, she has not been picking my calls too, just give her some space, she will come around” she explained but not without eyeing him disgustingly.

“Alright G, but if she contacts you in anyway, plea-se don’t hesitate to call me” he told her.

“No problem, I will be on my way then” she left hissing at Ken again.

“Dad?” Ken spoke into the receiver.

“Am here, I heard everything she said, you were there with her, was she behaving like someone hiding something? The old man asked.

“Yes Dad, she constantly eyed me and even hissed while she left” Ken replied.

“Then she knows something too, she knows where Evelyn is, and am sure Evelyn told her about her findings, that was why she was eyeing you, follow her up immediately, even if she doesn’t go to Evelyn today, she will meet her another day, we nee-d to get Evelyn as soon as possible, she might not come home soon because I saw the pained expression on her face the day she left my study” he explained carefully.


“Okay Dad, am following her right away, later” Ken stood up, picked his car key and left.


Evelyn sighed for the umpteenth time, she wondered what was keeping Georgia her friend who said she would come visit her, she picked up her phone to call her when eventually she heard a heavy knock and decided to check who was knocking like the owner of the h0tel.

“Evelyn, am sorry I c@m£ late, have you been waiting for long?” Georgia asked p@n-ting heavily like she ran a marathon race with a deer.

“Yes, I have been waiting for long, what kept you?” Evelyn eyed her.

“I met with your husband today” Georgia said closing one of her eyes and waited for Evelyn to ton-gue lash her.

“You met who? Why? and for the starters, he is not my husband, he is just a spy that my father plotted in my life, are you sure he didn’t trail you to this place?” she hissed.

“No, he didn’t follow me, he was asking if I knew where you were” Georgia let out a full breath, the ton-gue lashing didn’t come like she expected.

“And what did you tell him” Evelyn placed her hand on her w@!st not ma-king any move to sit down.

“That I don’t know where you are of course, do I look like a snitch?” Georgia asked angrily.

“Dad called me few minutes ago” Evelyn said finally sitting down on the be-d.


“And said what?”

“He said it is time for me to come home, that he purposely left me to relieve myself from the pains am feeling” she completed.

“Don’t you think he is right?”

“He is right but I don’t feel like going home to be with Ken, just the thought of seeing him alone is irritating to me” she hissed and rolled her eyes.

“But why will your father plan with him to get you pregnant? His own daughter? unbelievable” Georgia asked shaking her head.

“The same question I asked myself” Evelyn completed.


“Good day young lady” Ken greeted the receptionist immediately he stepped into the h0tel.

“Good day sir, how may I help you?” the receptionist smiled.

“Actually I don’t want to bother you with my family problem, but I got a call from someone that my wife c@m£ here to meet another man, I c@m£ to check if it is true” Ken said smiling up at the young lady.

“what is the name of your wife sir?”

“Georgia, eeem, yes, Georgia, that’s her name” he replied scratching his head.

“Georgia who? the receptionist asked eyeing him suspiciously.

“Eeeeem, Georgiaaa,” he stomped his foot on the ground trying ha-rd to remember Georgia’s surname.

“Have you forgotten your wife’s surname Sir? The receptionist asked looking him up from head to toe.


“No, how can I forget her surname when she is my wife, she bears my name of course, her name is Georgia Jones” he completed smiling wi-dely.

“Your wife c@m£ here few minutes ago” she said closing the long note on the desk. “But she didn’t come to see a man” she sm-irked.

“Who did she come to see then?, my informant doesn’t lie to me, he gives me First Clas-s information”

“Well he lied to you this time sir, your wife is here to see her friend, one Mrs Evelyn Desmond” she replied with the sm-irk not leaving her face.

“Are you sure you are not covering her up? Which room number is her friend lodged in? I nee-d to be sure” he bent down such that what he said sounded like a whisper.

“Room 54, I can take you there” she said getting angry at the young man with a trust issue.

“You don’t nee-d to take me there, I will be going home now” he replied standing up right.

“And plea-se, when your wife gets home, apologize to her for not trusting her” she eyed him annoyingly.

“Yes, I will do that, and I don’t want you to tell her about this, just don’t breathe a word to her, I will apologize to her my own way and tell her everything myself” Ken begged smiling again.

“Okay sir, I won’t,” she smiled back.

“Alright then, take care” Ken said squee-zing few naira notes in her hand.


To be continued