Matrimony of secrets episode 11

Matrimony Of Secrets – Episode 11

© Jennifer Godwin


“so Dad, you mean you knew Ken before I got married to him?” Evelyn asked bringing down her voice.


“Am sorry Eve, I and your mom were concerned and worried about the lifestyle you were living as a youth, you clubbe-d everyday, c@m£ home late and we felt that the only way to calm you down was to get you married, but when we talked about marriage, you brushed it off, so I brou-ght Ken into your life, I told him about the p@rticular club you will be on that p@rticular night and also told him to get you drun!kand l@ywith you so that you will get pregnant” He explained.


“You mean you were responsible for that? But mocked me so much for getting pregnant outside wedlock that I nearly committed suicide, when you were the br@in behind all the things that happened, are you really my father?, when I refused marrying Ken you promised to give me a 100 million dollars if I can stay married to him for three years without getting a divorce, you planned all these things Dad and mom was in support too” she wiped the mucus threatening to slide in to her mouth.


“Of course am your father Evelyn, st©p saying things out of anger” he winced in pain.


“You made me marry a man I didn’t love, you pushed me into a matrimony I wasn’t re-ady for” she shook her head as she remembered how it all happened four years ago.






“Evelyn who is responsible for your pregnancy?” Mr Thomas shouted.


“Dad it’s some dude I met at the club some weeks ago, I don’t even know who he is” she replied non-chalantly.


“I will give you a dirty sl@p if you act like you don’t care, are you not ashamed of getting pregnant outside wedlock? Do you want people to laugh at me?” he thun-dered.


“There is no big deal about getting pregnant, I can be a single mom, raise my kid on my own, after all I have the resource to do that” she rolled her eyes


“And whose house will that one happen? definitely not my house, now listen to me carefully, you are getting married to that young man, that is final” he eyed her for the umpteenth time.


“Come on Dad, I don’t even know him from Adam” she said pouting herl-ips.


“I will find him, if you stay in the marriage for 3 years without getting a divorce, I will give you a 100 million dollars to support your marriage” he paused, looking at her.


“What?, 100 million what?, but I don’t love him” she whined like a baby.


“You can build that one up later, but for now, marry him to clean the Shame you painted on my face”


“Alright Dad, but it is just for you and nothing else” she f0rç£d a smile.


“It should better be for me” he eyed her again.




“But you gradually fell in love with him, don’t you think you should thank me for that?”


“Cut the cra-p Dad, I fell in love with him because I had no choice, now that am thinking about it, you didn’t find him four years ago, you just went to his house and brou-ght him to me” she sniffed.


“Am sorry Eve” he apologized.


“I can’t take this Dad, am leaving, I will come back when I must have calmed down” she wiped her tears walking away.




“Maxwell, Evelyn’s father E_mailed me last night, he said he s£nt someone to wait for me at Jovit eatery, he said the person will go there with the money, all I nee-d to do is to pick it up from him” he told his son.


“But why didn’t he s£nd the money to your account as planned? It is risky picking it up yourself” Maxwell complained with a worried look.


“Listen son, even if he drops the money at a refuse dump, or tie it on a snake’s n£¢k, I won’t hesitate taking it, what is risky about it when am going with a car? better pack your things, once I bring the money, we will leave first thing tomorrow morning to Bayelsa state” he placed a cap on his head.


“Okay Dad, be careful” he replied still wearing the worried expression.




He stepped into jovit eatery, and looked around for the person he c@m£ to meet, he dialed the number that was E-mailed to him, the person told him turn to his right and walk to the last table. He walked with his heart almost exploding due to too much happiness, he got to the table, a man’s back was turned to him, he cleared his throat and the man turned to face him.


“Welcome Thomas” the man greeted.


“Jesus, Humphrey, when did you come back? You were the person I called? How come?” Mr Thomas asked all at a time.


“Sit down Tom, I just wanted to surprise you, I have not seen you for the past 24 years, how is Cecilia your wife and Michael your son? He asked with a smile.



“They are fine” Mr Thomas replied this time with a scoff.


“What of my daughter, how is she?” Mr Humphrey asked still maintaining the smile on his face.


“She is fine too, she has been disturbing to give her the alimony payment and I have been telling her to wait” Mr Thomas replied sweating profusely even though the A.C was at the highest level.


“what is her husband’s name again? he is working in my company right?” he asked leaving a smug expression on his face.


“His name is Ken, and yes, he works at the company” he ru-bbe-d his palm together due to uneasiness.



“Yes, before I forget, what of your other son, the one staying with your elder sister then?, what is that his name again? Maxwell yes, Maxwell, that is his name, how is he? Has he gotten married?” he asked with a sm-irk.


“He is fine, he lives with his family at Bayelsa state” Mr Thomas replied now getting angry at his incessant questions, was he trying to twart his plans?.


“Oh really? He lives with his family at Bayelsa state, why didn’t he stay here in Port -Harcourt so that he will be closer to you as the first son? he asked with the tone of mockery.


“That’s his choice, did you bring me here for questioning and answering?” Mr Thomas asked hastily.


“I want my daughter, I c@m£ back for her, you told me that she was having series of miscarriages, I will take her with me to the states and see what can be done for her” he said calmly.


“What ru-bbish Humphrey? You want to take back your daughter, what of I that has been nurturing and taking care of her all these while?, won’t you compensate and thank me for that?” Mr Thomas thun-dered standing on his feet.


“Come on Thomas, I was s£nding you money, I own that company but I put you in charge because you were taking care of my daughter, even the house you live in, I s£nt you money to build it, so don’t make it look like am ungrateful” he replied still keeping calm.


“You know what? am out of here, nons-en-se” he spatted storming out.


Just then, Mr Humphrey’s phone rung, he checked the caller ID and saw korede’s name boldly written on the screen.


“Hello Korede, any news? are you done with the interrogation?”


“Sir, plea-se come over to this place, Micheal has told us everything we nee-d to know, Evelyn’s husband “Maxwell/Ken” and his father, “Mr Thomas” are behind everything happening in Evelyn’s life” korede p@n-ted at the other end.


“I suspected as much, am coming there right away” he closed his eyes in pain, he left his daughter in the hands of the devil.


To be continued