Marshall batch 4

🎀 Can he love me 🎀
🍭Chapter 16🍭🍭
Written by kindness odianos£n. O.
~ Liam ~
Why can’t I meet him.
Sir, Mr Marshall is busy and might not show up today.
plea-se give him a call.
Am sorry sir, I can’t call him.
What do you mean, you can’t call him. He yelled.
Sir bring down your voice or I will be f0rç£ to throw you out.
Are you insane, it look like you don’t no who I am.
Sir plea-se leave.
I nee-d to see him, it urgent.
Sir plea-se leave.
Okay I’ll, can you plea-se call him and allow me speak with him.
Sir I can’t, Mr Marshall hate be disturb when he his on leave.
plea-se. After so many pleading and persuasion, the girl finally agreed to call Marshall. With that she placed a call to Marshall who was busy slee-ping.
🎋Your re-ading Marshall ( written by kindness odianos£n. O.)
~ Marshall Estate ~
I was busy enjoying my sleep, when some foolish person called me….. I quic-kly pick up, seeing Shirley was about waking up.
She look so cute. He said and k!ssherl-ips and muttered good morning.
* Danna why are you calling me. He yelled, which made Shirley to flin-ched from her sleep.
☎Sir am sorry,but it urgent.
*what urgent. He snarled.
☎Sir, the president son is here to see you.
*Does he have an appointment with me.
☎No sir.
*s£nd him to my house.
☎Okay sir.
* And one more thing, cancel all my appointment for this morning.
☎Okay sir. With that she disconnect the call.
President son my foot. He muttered and sm-irked.
Good morning. She greeted yawning.
Go take your bath. He commanded.
Why. She asked.
Shirley it morning, go take your bath.
I don’t want to, am still feeling sleepy.
Now. He snarled.
Okay , I’ll no nee-d to yell at me. She yelled back .
Did you just yell at me and even roll your eyes.
Marshall plea-se, not this morning.
Shirley you’re pla-ying with fire.
Then burn me Mr hubby. She flir-t.
Hubby. He thought and sm-irked.
Marshall. She called.
Can I go to school.
No. He said at once.
Because Marshall Salvador wife can’t be seen outside.
Am not going outside, am only going to school.
It all the same Shirley, now go take your bath, before I hurt you.
Demon. She said and ran into the bathroom and lock the door.
Get re-ady to be punish Shirley. He said and walk out of the room……….. the moment he got downstairs, he asked the maid to prepare some food for Shirley before ordering Andy to re-lease Davis.
Sir breakfast is re-ady. The chef announced.
Tell Mira to get Shirley.
Okay sir.
Sir, Andy called walking in.
Someone is here to see you.
Who. He asked.
Your nightmare. The person replied walking in.
🍭Chapter 17🍭🍭
Written by kindness odianos£n. O.
Continue POV.
Who. I asked.
Your nightmare. The person replied walking in.
You can never be my nightmare Liam. I said and scoffed.
You think so.
Liam I don’t nee-d to think about you be my nightmare.
Marshall you never change.
What do you want for me.
I want to merge my company with yours.
And you think I’ll agreed to that.
Marshall plea-se.
Liam how old are you.
22 years, why asking.
Go get a life.
What do you mean.
What I mean is st©p behaving like a papa boy and be a man.
Marshall the reason I c@m£ here is to merge my company with yours, not for you to insult me.
Your company or your dad company.
Marshall. He yelled.
Bring down your voice moron, don’t forget you’re in my house.
I hate you Marshall.
I know you do Liam and plea-se leave my house.
I regret coming here. He said and storm out looking furious.
Don’t forget to s£nd my greetings to your dad. He shouted to his hearing.
Sir, I thought he was your friend.
Yes he was, not before he betrayed me…. How is Davis.
Will s£nt him home and also call a doctor to check up on him.
That good, keep an eye on him, I don’t trust him anymore.
Okay sir.
He was about walking upstairs, when he saw Shirley coming downstairs, looking h0t in her sweat p@n-t and t shi-t.
Why are you staring at me. She asked.
Is it a crime to stare at my wife.
Marshall am not your wife, you f0rç£ me into this stupid marriage.
Shirley I never f0rç£ you into anything, you did it with your own free mind.
Ma come have breakfast. Mira said.
Am not hungry.
Shirley go eat that food.
I said am not hungry.
Don’t test my patient woman.
I will only eat that food, except you grant my request.
And what is that request.
Allow me go to school.
Shirley you’re not going to any fv¢king damn school and that final.
You don’t tell what to do monster.
What did you just call me.
Monster, what are you going to do about that. She yelled.
Andy. He yelled.
Yes boss.
Lock her up in my basement, with no food or water.
Okay sir.
Marshall plea-se don’t do this, am scared of dark.
Then you should have shut that mouth of yours, take her away…. With that Andy drag her out, with her screaming and pleading with him not to lock her up, which only falls on a deaf ear.
Sir, what about the food. Mira asked.
Throw them away. He said and walk into his room.
I pity madam Shirley. Mira said within.
Marshall (written by kindness odianos£n. O.) ❤
~ Sasha~
The moment I got to Daniel house, I couldn’t hold back the happiness in me……. I was about knocking, when a hand cover my mouth and drag me to an unknown place.
someb©dy help me, dad, Liam come save me. I thought before I back out.
🍭Chapter 18🍭🍭
Written by kindness odianos£n. O.
Continue POV.
I woke up and find myself on a king size be-d, with a rose petals on it.
Were am I, and why am I lying on a be-d… I thought I was kidnapped, who brou-ght me here.
I was about leaving the be-d, when the door slide opened and someone walk in.
Good day ma.
We’re am I, and who are you.
Am Scot and to answer your question, you’re in sir Daniel house.
Which Daniel are you want talking about.
Your Daniel ma.
My Daniel can never afford this kind of house.
Ma, go take your bath.
Am not taking any bath until you tell me who owns this house, and why am I here.
Calm down sweetheart. Someone said walking in.
Daniel. She exclaimed.
Yes love.
Who owns this house.
It mine, Scot you can leave now.
Okay sir.
Daniel answer me.
Sasha, go take your bath and come downstairs, I’ll explain everything to you.
I don’t want to take any bath, plea-se tell me why you brou-ght me here.
Can you st©p behaving like this, I told you this is my house.
Daniel you told me, you were poor.
I lied.
It something personal.
I see, can I go home.
What do you mean by that.
You know Daniel, when you called me earlier, i felt on t©p of the world, but now.
But what. He snarled.
I just want to go home.
Are you breaking up with me.
We alre-ady broke up Daniel remember, you broke up with me.
I was angry that why.
Do you even love me. She asked.
You know I do, why asking. He said feeling annoyed.
You don’t Daniel.
Sasha, what wrong with you. He yelled.
Daniel, plea-se let me go.
You can’t break up with me Sasha.
What make you think I can.
Because all girls are mine.
Yes girls, Sasha, you Shirley, Janice are all mine.
I can see you’re not normal. She said and walk out.
Of course, am not normal, you girls are mine, especially you and Shirley.
(MARSHALL) written by kindness odianos£n . O. ❤
~ Raymond ~
I was in my strawberry farm, when Janice c@m£, asking about Shirley whereabout.
Good morning sir.
Morning sir.
Sir , I went to your house to look for Shirley and she is not at home, I thought she was here.
She is in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, doing what.
She is married.
Married to who.
Marshall Salvador.
What do you mean sir.
If you want to see Shirley, go to Marshall estate in Los Angeles, she is there.
But sir.
Janice am busy.
Papa Shirley. She called.
Leave Janice and don’t ever call me that.
Did I offend you sir.
Why are you so stubborn.
Sir am not stubborn.
Leave from here now. He yelled which made her flin-ched and ran away.
Stupid girl
🍭Chapter 19🍭🍭
Written by kindness odianos£n. O.
~ Liam ~
How dare Marshall insult me…. Just because I asked him to merge his company with mine.
I wish I never went to his house, in the first place… I was still walking in cycle furiously, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Son what wrong.
Welcome back dad.
What bothering you.
Dad, I went to Marshall to ask him to merge his company with ours.
You did.
Yes dad.
That great son.
Can you just hear me out before you start cerebr@ting.
What is it son.
He told me to my face, to st©p behaving like a papa boy and stand up to be a man.
Marshall said that.
Yes dad.
I can’t believe, he said that to you.
That son of a bit-ch.
Liam, I know you can handle Marshall.
What do you mean dad.
Liam, Marshall is your friend and you might have no his weak point.
What are you trying to say.
Strike him back with his own coin.
And why should I do that.
I thought you said, he insult you .
Yes and how do that have to do with hurting him.
Liam grow up.
Dad. He yelled.
Don’t you dare yell at me, Marshall is twenty years old and he has over Twenty companies, fifteen shopping malls and ten cars factory, that boy is damn rich.
Are you trying to insult me too.
Liam I want you to be like Marshall and make everyone bow to you.
Dad, I have my own companies, okay…. Am good with that. He said and walk out.
When will Liam un-derstand, am trying to make him a better person. He thought and walk upstairs.
~Janice ~
Why is Shirley papa, behaving like this towards me, did I offend him and why will Shirley get married, without informing me about it.
Something is definitely not right…. I nee-d to see Shirley, but how am I going to see her, should I go to Los Angeles.
Brother will never allow me to go, maybe I should try speaking with him.
She was about informing her brother about her decision to go to Los Angeles, when he broke the news to her, that they are relocating to Los Angeles, so she can resume her studies.
She was happy, that she couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, all thanks to Los Angeles…… Shirley am coming to meet you . she said happily and f0rç£ herself to sleep.
(Marshall ) written by kindness odianos£n. O. ❤
~ Shirley ~
Why will Marshall, do this to me…. Gosh that guys is a devil, I hate him. You don’t hate him, you love him. the angel in me said.
Shut up, I hate him…. People think he his an angel not knowing he his a demon.
This place is so scaring and am so hungry, I wish I never yell at him, I wouldn’t have been lock up here, it all your fault Shirley. She thought with tears sliding down her cheeks.
Someb©dy get me out of here, am Scared.
Really sweetie. The devil said walking in.
Marshall get me out of here.
I will, except one condition.
I am re-ady to do anything, just re-lease me plea-se.
You’re going to do as I say.
Okay I promise, am no longer interested in going to school.
You’re going to school love. He said shocking her.
Yes dear, but it un-der probability.
Marshall. She snarled.
Am hungry.
I thought you said, you’re not eating today.
Marshall plea-se am hungry, it almost midnight.
Shirley no food for you and you’re slee-ping here tonight. He said and walk out leaving me in shock
🍭Chapter 20🍭🍭
Written by kindness odianos£n
Next day
~Marshall Estate ~
Sir, you nee-d to re-lease her.
Who. He asked pretending not knowing who he was talking about.
Mrs Shirley sir.
Do you also fell in love with her. He asked.
No sir, she is weak.
Andy. He called.
Yes sir.
Go re-lease her.
Thank you sir. He said and walk out.
Mira. He called.
Yes sir.
My coffee.
I will go get it.
He was about sitting down, when Shirley walk in looking so weak, that p@rt of him was hurt.
Shirley, he called walking toward her…. Are you okay.
How dare you ask me that. She snarled.
Don’t you dare call me. She yelled.
It look like you haven’t leant your lesson.
I hate you Marshall. She said with tears sliding down her eyes.
Shirley I’m sorry.
I don’t nee-d your stupid fv¢king sorry as-s-hole.
Sir your coffee.
Get out Mira.
Out Mira. He yelled.
Sorry sir.
Shirley go take your bath and come have your breakfast.
I don’t nee-d your food monster. I hate you, she said limbing upstairs.
Andy. He yelled.
Yes boss.
Get the car re-ady. He said angrily .
Sir, you can’t drive in this state.
Andy, I hurt her.
Who sir.
My wife.
Do you love her.
I don’t.
Then, why are you affected about her.
Andy I don’t no…. Seeing her hurt, make me feel pain in my heart.
Sir, maybe you should give her a chance to love her.
I can’t, she hate me alre-ady.
She don’t hate you sir, she is only angry, give her time.
You think so.
You can go .
Okay boss.
Mira. He called.
Sir you called me.
Prepare an healthy meal for my wife.
But sir.
No but Mira…. do as I have instructed.
Sir the chef alre-ady made breakfast.
With whose order.
Timetable sir.
Mira I see you don’t like your job.
Sir. She called stammering.
Go into that kitchen and prepare something healthy for my wife. He yelled.
Alright sir. She said and ran off.
Stupid girl.
(Marshall (by kindness odianos£n. O.)
~ Janice ~
Wow, I can’t believe am finally in Los Angeles (LA), this city rock… I can’t wait to tour around and also start my new school and look for Shirley.
I miss my best friend so much, I can’t wait to meet her and ask her why she got married, without informing me about it.
Janice. Her brother called .
Yes ha-rd y.
What are you doing here.
Nothing, just admiring my new room.
Go unpack your stuff and come downstairs.
Oh I forgot to tell you guys our house is a mansion, I don’t really know how my brother got this hung house, which has his name scribes on the roof t©p…. That I’ll surely find out.
Now I nee-d to unpack my bags and also have a warm bath.
Janice, downstairs.
ha-rd y do you really own this house.
Why are you asking..
And if you most know, this are one of my house.
One of your house, does that mean you have more of this hung mansion.
Yes baby sister and your new school is MS dice high school.
Yes sweetheart.
I can’t believe, I am finally going to as attend my dream school….. Thanks ha-rd y .
Anything for my only sister…… Your car and personal driver, will be re-ady by tomorrow.
Come downstairs, when you’re done…. Breakfast is re-ady.
Did you made it.
Then who.
My maids did.
We also have maids.
Yes dear.
ha-rd y.
Janice you don’t have to worry about me, all I nee-d from you is to study, get good grades and become a successful person.
I’ll brother.
I know you will, come downstairs, am waiting.
Give me 30minutes.
Okay. With that he walk out of my room, which is fully decorated with pink…. I rushed into the bathroom to have my bath, can’t wait to resume school tomorrow.
~Davis ~
Ha, it hurt.
Am sorry sit.
plea-se be gently.
Sir, how did you get all this bruises on you.
It Marshall .
Marshall did this to you.
Yes, he did.
What was your offence, because the Marshall I know will never hurt you without a reason.
He caught me admiring his wife.
Marshall is married. He asked feeling shock.
Did I just say that, am doom. He thought within.
To be continue