Married To Mr popular Episode 39 & 40

Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 39
By:Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
I tossed on the be-d and finally f0rç£d my eyes open.
Gosh! I felt so dizzy. But what to do? I nee-ded to get re-ady for school.
I sat up on the be-d and itched my eyes and was about getting off when the door of the bathroom opened and Ryan walked in, fully dressed.
I looked at him and gulped nervously.
“Good morning” I greeted him as he walked over to the table and gr@bb£d his phones.
“Good morning” he replied simply and left the room.
I jumped out of the be-d immediately and g@sped, facing the door.
Did he just…walk out?
He forgot to wish me a happy valentine!
I sat abs£nt mindedly in the car and didn’t even realize when my driver got to the school building and pu-ll-ed over in front of it.
“Ma’am Bethel, we’re here” he called my attention when I didn’t make a move to get out of car.
“Oh! T…Thanks” I stuttered and left with my bag.
I took in a de-ep breath when I got outside and right there at the facade, I saw Blair and her two companions, taking pictures in front of her father’s new car.
Geez! Not again.
Students gathered around and admired them.
Wow! What a cool car…
Yeah.- really nice…
Its so clas-sic…
“Hi Bethel” the br@t called and waved at me.
“Care for a pic?” Alma asked and I just glared at them and walked away.
But come to think of it – that car is quite clas-sy, you know? Bugatti. And very expensive.
Hm. I can’t imagine what the latest model of it would look like.
I shrugged and continued walking to clas-s, resuming my ruminative mood.
I didn’t even realize when I bu-mped into Nicole half way to the clas-s.
Geez! I always doing this? bu-mping into.people?
“Hey, girlfriend; are you okay?” She asked and I sighed and moved my hair backwards.
“I’m fine” I replied casually.
“O..kay. Good morning, by the way” she said as we continued walking.
“Yeah – hi”.I replied and she scoffed.
“What’s wrong with you? That reminds me; what happened between you and Ryan this morning? I mean, its valentine…”
“He left without saying a word to me” I cut her off and she g@sped.
“What?” She skrie-ked.
“He…He did?”
I stared downwards bleakly and didn’t say a word.
“Um…maybe, he forgot”, she said forlornly as we got to the entrance of the clas-s.
We met three girls there at the entrance and I noticed one of them holding a pretty n£¢klace.
“My b©yfri£ndgave this to me this morning” I overheard her say to her friends as Nicole and I walked into the clas-s.
It added to my problems. That was a definitely a valentine gift.
I followed Nicole to our seats and took mine.
Then, she di-pped her hand into her bag and brou-ght out a little wra-pped pres£nt.
“Happy Valentine, girlfriend” she smiled and proffered the gift to me.
My eyes beamed immediately.
I collected it and revered.
“Thanks bestie” I said emotionally and embr@ced her.
“So sorry I couldn’t get you one. It…it sli-pped my mind. But, I promise to get you one tomorrow…”
“Come on, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” She said and I flu-shed and hvgged her again.
And that was the only time I smiled throu-ghout the day in school.
Lady K’s Pov:
I opened the door and walked out to the garden, curious to know who the visitor was.
I finally got to the garden and surprisingly, discovered it was Jackson.
“Hey” I called as I stood behind him and he turned to look at me.
Woah! His eyes were blazing.
“You messed me up” he said in between gritted teeth, ma-king me perplexed.
“Hey, calm down. Are you okay?” I asked, waving my hands at his face.
He drew closer to me.
“You messed me up! Messed everything up! Why did you have to involve me in your worthless plans??” He snarled and I scoffed.
“And what are you talking about? How did I mess you up?” I asked.
“You shouldn’t have come to me in the first place. Because of your plans, everything bec@m£ worst. And right now, Bethel detests me and wouldn’t even talk to me anymore”.
I huffed and batted my lashes.
“Well, you have to give it sometime,and Jackson. Can’t you see the plan’s working out? Very soon, we’ll…”
“Are you kidding me?” He cut me off.
“Whatfu-cking plan is working? Do you know how close Ryan and Bethel has become? Haven’t you seen the headlines? He dropped her off at school this morning!”
My mouth dropped wi-de open immediately.
He paused and ran his f!ngersinto his hair.
“You ruined everything, Karen. And from now on, I want you to stay away from me.” He said brusquely and walked away, leaving me in shock.
Bethel’s Pov:
I sat sulkily on the be-d and glanced at the wall clock – few minutes to 5.
I had returned home from school a while ago, but couldn’t find Ryan at home. He’s probably gone to the concert alre-ady. I can’t believe he didn’t treat me for Valentine.
My first Valentine with my husband was ruined.
I had been so restless throu-gh out the day in school and even after closing hours, I couldn’t stay back to study with Kyle – as agreed.
Nicole had encouraged me – telling me I’d find Ryan at home and he might probably have a Valentine surprise
But here I am at home; not being able to find him.
Even the j£rk – Royce – had taken his fiancee out. I also saw Judy and Tanya going out and they were probably going out to meet their Vals as well.
Why does my own case have to be different?
I Reached for my phone and dialled Nicole’s number. She was the only one I could think of talking to at that moment.
“Hey, B” she called ecstatically on the phone.
“Nicole” I sniffed.
“Hey. What’s wrong?” She asked in a different tone now.
“Ryan isn’t home. I couldn’t find him here. He left for the concert, Nicole. He left without wishing me a happy valentine” I said pathetically in a teary tone.
“Oh, Bethel!” She exhaled and paused.
“I’m…I’m so sorry. Maybe he’ll be back”.
“What do you mean he’ll be back? The concert isn’t closing anytime soon. He doesn’t care about me” I pouted.
“Come on, B; don’t say that. You know he’s a celebrity. That’s their lifestyle”
“It doesn’t matter. He wouldn’t let it affect me if he really cared”.
“Hold on; don’t tell me you’re crying?” She asked and that was when I noticed a tear streaking my face.
I sniffed and wiped it off.
“Hm. Who would’ve thought with how bad mouthed you are, you could still cry like a baby?” she said and laughed.
“This isn’t funny, Nicole” I glared.
“And she claims not to be in love” she said in a whisper.
“Okay, fine. Get re-ady and let’s meet so we can attend the concert together” she added immediately and I flin-ched.
‘What are you talking about? I’m not going any…”
“Come on, Bethel. What will you be doing at home? Besides, I’m pretty sure you’d want to see him perform at the concert” she cut me off and I kept silent.
“Fine” I mumbled and dropped the call.
I sniffed and dried my eyes. Then, stood up to get re-ady for the concert.
Episode 40
Bethel’s Pov:
Nicole and I got off the cab and walked into the busy street. What the heck? It was so full and busy.
She had given me a face cap to wear so I don’t get recognized – just incase.
“Wow! I knew this concert would be a lit. It seems the entire city is in attendance”,Nicole said as we walked throu-gh the crowd.
Gosh! If the street is this populated, then how would the inside be?
The whole place was just glowing as majority of the people there were putting on red.
Most of them were standing in pairs – boy and girl – and were R0m-ncing.
“Hm. I’m sure all these people are here because of Ryan” Nicole said along the way and I rolled my eyes.
We finally got to the entrance of the hall where the concert was taking place and Nicole paid for our tickets and gained us access into the hall.
It seems someone was performing on stage alre-ady.
“Woah!” She exclaimed as we walked into the brimful hall.
Geez! The crowd was way too much.
“I’m telling you, Bethel; all these people are here for your husband” she said as we jostled our way throu-gh the crowd.
But unfortunately, we couldn’t go farther as there was no more space and nob©dy wanted to give room for another.
“Wohoo!” Some of the ladies kept screaming nosily.
“Hm. I guess we’re stuck here, then” Nicole shrugged and I folded my hands.
I looked at the lady performing on the stage and…Oh, my! It was Mira.
Oh, God! I was just noticing.
She was a popular musician and crazy dancer and I could say she was actually the only female musician I liked.
She sang and danced so beatifically and finally rounded it up, setting the hall on ovation.
“I love you, Mira!” Someone screamed close by from the crowd.
She blew a k!ssand left the stage
“Aw. That was so sweet” Nicole whispered.
The emcee c@m£ up and introduced the next artist which happened to be someone I didn’t really know.
“We want Ryan!!!” Someone yelled from the crowd and I flin-ched.
What the heck?
“Oh, my gee!” Nicole exclaimed.
“Yes, Ryan!” Someone else screamed from the hall.
The emcee acted like he didn’t hear them and made welcome to the new artist who started performing without faltering.
He sang beautifully and few of the people around me danced.
“Come on,Bethel; let’s dance” Nicole said and tried holding my hand, but I resisted.
Then, she laughed and danced alone.
After a while, the artist rounded up his performance and the emcee c@m£ up again.
“And now…” He spoke into the mic.
“Let’s make welcome to our World’s Most Favorite, the World’s Best, the Country’s Pride…”
The ladies were alre-ady screaming and jumping.
“Ryan Winthrop!” He announced and the entire hall got litted.
“My oppa!!!”
They all shouted even before they saw him.
‘I love you!!!”
Hold on; are these ladies aware he’s married???
Ryan finally showed up on stage and the ovation tripled. How on earth will he perform with all these noise?
“I love you, Ryan!!”
“plea-se, see me…”
“Look at me…’
Are these ladies dumb? They’re so far from the stage. How do they expect him to see them?
The emcee left the stage and he took hold of the mic.
Gosh! He was charming.
He was putting on a black trou-ser, tucked in with a red T shi-t. Then, a black jacket.
He looked extremely handsome with his cute baby face. Pure gold jewelries kept glittering around him as he dressed to kill.
He looked so perfect – like a god – and I suddenly wondered – is this the same guy I share the same room with??
“Oh, my God! Bethel, He’s so cute” Nicole said dreamily and I gawped at her.
I folded my hands and looked at the stage. So, this is the reason he couldn’t treat me for valentine, huh? Not even a gift.
“Hi…” He spoke into the mic and all the ladies started falling on each other again.
Oh, God!
I sp©tted a lady being rushed out.
Ryan probably realized he couldn’t talk to the crowd because he started singing immediately.
It was a slow enchanting song. And the instrumentalists followed him up immediately.
As soon as he started singing, the ovation began to die off as everyone was probably gr!pp£dby the emotional song.
He closed his eyes and sang so perfectly, ma-king me blus-h. That’s my husband.
He sang the song for a short time and by the time he was done, the ovation in the hall had reduced.
Hm. Perfect way to shut them up.
Then, he started a different song which was more like a p@rty jam – turning the entire hall into a disco hall.
Yeah – perfect!
“Wohoo!” People yelled in excitement as they all started dancing crazily to it.
“Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes!” Nicole also shouted and shook her bu-tts in front of me..
Everyone was having fun.
The ladies close to the stage were the worst.
They all kept jumping and screaming, wishing Ryan would t©uçh them.
He danced and on most occasions, bent like he wanted to t©uçh their hands, but ended up not doing so.
‘Oh, my God! I love you, Ryan” a lady beside me whimpered and I turned to see her crying.
Suddenly, Ryan took off his jacket and threw it into the crowd and…Oh, my God!
What a disaster!!!
He turned the p@rty into a jacket-fight!
All the ladies around the place he threw the jacket all climbe-d on each other, dragging for the jacket like wild animals.
Ryan sm-irked and that was how he ended up his performance as he left the stage.
That entire region had turned into something else as the fight continued. Nob©dy was willing to let go of the jacket.
The emcee c@m£ up immediately and tried calming the crowd. But it was more like pouring water into a basket as the fight got worst. The ladies were now hitting at each other and immediately, securities rushed in.
“Geez! Are you seeing that?” Nicole in disbelief as I also stared, gobsma-cked.
I can’t believe just Ryan’s jacket is causing a chaos – someone I sleep on the same be-d with – my husband.
Before I knew what was happening, people started throwing things at each other and the entire place bec@m£ totally disorganized.
“Come on, Bethel; let’s get out of here” Nicole said and held my hand and we started struggling our way out of the hall.
Oh, God!
Luckily, we were able to leave the hall successfully and as soon as we did, Nicole took in a de-ep breath..
“Geez! Bethel, can you believe your husband’s just ruined a complete concert with his jacket?” She asked and I didn’t say a word but just kept looking around in surprise.
It waa dark alre-ady.
More securities were trooping into the hall. This is unbelievable.
“Come on Bethel; let’s go before this thing gets worst” she said and I quietly followed her to the road.
I was too shocked to even say a word. I mean, I’ve never seen a celebrity create so much ovation before.
Jackson’s Pov:
“How could you be so careless, Jackson?! How’d the hell did you make her so mad at you?'” Dad half yelled as I stood in front of him in the sitting room.
“You know how important this is. And I told you she’s our most effective weapon.
“First, you let her got married. And now, she’s so mad at you that’d she wouldn’t even speak to you anymore. What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m sorry, dad” I muffled.
“You’re sorry?’ He scoffed.
“An apology isn’t what I’m expecting from you, Jackson. I nee-d action!” He faciled and lit the cigarette in his hand.
“I’ll fix this” I told him and walked away.
“You better do” I heard him say behind me.
Bethel’s Pov:
I sat all alone on the be-d in the dark room and kept ruminating.
I couldn’t help but think about the concert.
Geez! Was that really Ryan? It was incredible to know he was my husband.
I left the be-d and went to face the window. I suddenly felt so lucky – so lucky to be his wife.
I mean, I get to see him everyday – t©uçh him if I want to – yet, millions of girls are out there dying just to t©uçh his jacket.
Maybe, this wasn’t a bad idea after all – getting married to him.
But, I was kinda scared. If I fall in love with him, Will he love me back?
I sighed and continued staring throu-gh the window.
I was still mad at him. He didn’t wish me a happy valentine; didn’t even give me a gift.
And why isn’t he home yet? Who knows if he’s celebr@ting the valentine with someone else?
Suddenly, I saw the gates opening and watched with keen interest as cars started driving in.
It was Ryan!!
Hmph. I can’t believe he’s just coming back.
I quic-kly left the window and went to l@yon the be-d. I didn’t want to talk to him because I was so mad at him.
He ruined my first married valentine. Even if he doesn’t love me, at least, couldn’t he respect the fact that we’re married?
The only thing he knows how to do is getting angry and jealous.
I la-id, backing the direction and the door and not long after, I heard the door opening and instantly knew he was the one.
I shut my eyes ti-ght and didn’t bother to take a look. Of course, it was him.
Well, I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t even want to see him.
I felt him walk towards the be-d and next, he turned on the lights.
I still shut my eyes and tried to act like I was fast asleep.
Well, I’m sure he doesn’t even care if I’m awake or not.
I could feel the scent of his perfume as he walked pas-s the be-d and went to his wardrobe.
He was now backing me and I decided to steal glances at him from behind.
Hm. Tall and sweet.
But annoying. He really broke my heart.
He took off his shi-t and kept it in the wardrobe and took out a causal one afterwards.
s-en-sing he might turn around any moment from now, I closed my eyes again.
Then, I heard him walk away from the wardrobe – towards the be-d. And I tried all I could to make sure I didn’t blink.
Suddenly, I felt something drop on me – more like he dropped something on me.
I was stunned and curious but still didn’t blink my eyes.
Then, I heard him open the door and walk out and that was when I slowly opened my eyes.
First, I checked to see what he dropped and noticed a little wra-pped item on the be-d beside me.
I picked it up and wondered what it was.
Surprisingly, on the b©dy was boldly written:
“Step Outside”
My face crinkled up in surprise as I stared at the package. I felt it and heard a little jangling sound.
But why does it want me to step outside?
I stood up from the be-d immediately and left the room, walking downstairs. Well, it said “Step Outside”.
I walked pas-s the quiescent sitting room and got out to the balcony.
Okay; now, I’m outside.
Then, what?
I looked around, but the balcony was empty and quiet.
Then, I decided to open the wra-pped stuff. And when I did, it was…
Isn’t this…
A car key?
I scoffed and stared at it in dismay.
Then, I pressed the bu-tton on the remote control and heard a car beep immediately with a flash light following simultaneously.
It c@m£ from the pool side.
I quic-kly ran out of the balcony to the direction of the sound and light and to my greatest surprise, I found a flashy Bugatti Divo staring at me in the face.
My eyes dilated as myl-ips dropped open in shock.
What the…
I don’t un-derstand.
What is this?
I pressed the bu-tton on the remote control again and the car beeped.
Oh. My God!
It’s real!
I was in possession of the keys. But how?
I mean, why?
It was br@nd new and the latest model.
Holy Molly! It was so beautiful!
What is going on???
I stood, transfixed in shock and just then, Ryan showed up.
He ambled to where I was and stood in front of me, his eyes gleaming in the dark.
I could feel the blood running throu-gh my veins as I stared into his eyes.
I was so shocked and confused – gobsma-cked.
“Happy Valentine. Sorry, its coming late” he said mildly and pe-cked my cheek before walking away.
A light g@sp escaped myl-ips as I turned to look at him in shock.
And that’s it for Season 1.
Now, who’s re-ady for some r0m@nç£?

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