Married To Mr popular Episode 35 & 36

Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 35
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
The rays of the sun glinting on the window reflected on my face as I fluttered my eyes open.
At first, my vision was blur, but I could tell I was staring at the ceiling.
I yawned and tried recalling what had happened the previous night. I could remember getting drun!k- yes. Then, I dozed off.
Hold on…
So, how did I end up in the be-d?
I turned my n£¢k and saw Ryan slee-ping beside me.
I g@sped and sat up immediately.
Ryan! slee-ping on the be-d beside me?
How did it happen?
I mean,
First, I thought he was avoiding me?
And second, this was the first time I was waking up to see him slee-ping beside me since we got married. Each time I woke up, he was always out of be-d alre-ady – ma-king me think he didn’t even sleep on the be-d at all.
I exhaled and shook my head. It was incredible. I still couldn’t believe he was slee-ping beside me. Why didn’t he sleep in the guest room like he’s been doing for the past few days? I thought he was still mad at me.
I placed my hand on my chin and stared into his pretty face. I couldn’t believe he made me cry yesterday. I’ll definitely get back at him. Even if we make up and get back on good terms, I’ll make sure I make him cry one day and beg me for something
I smiled and left the be-d after watching him enough for a long time.
I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I couldn’t tell why, but I felt kinda happy that morning. Maybe it was because Ryan sle-pt beside me on the be-d.
I giggled and watched myself in front of the mirror.
Suddenly, a sharp pain niggled at me – right there below my abd0m£n.
I gro-an ed and held onto the table for support.
Oh, God! plea-se don’t tell me it’s the monthly visitor.
I sighed and bent my head for a while, then continued brushing.
I was usually very scared of it because mine seemed to be the worst – to me.
It always c@m£ with excruciating pains – ma-king me feel like cutting off my v.
Shortly, I was done with my teeth and returned to the be-droom. But when I did, I couldn’t find Ryan on the be-d anymore.
Huh? Where was he?
I shrugged and left the room as well, headed for the dining. I was actually starving.
I got to the dining and found everyone there alre-ady – including Ryan!
So, he actually left the room to come to the dining – without saying a word to me.
Geez! Bethe; what am I even thinking?
What am I expecting him to say? It seems I’m forgetting the fact that he’s mad at me.
“Bethel darling” his mother called as soon as she saw me.
It has become more of a habit.
“Good morning ma’am” I greeted with a smile and took a seat.
Ryan was sitting next to her on the other side of the table.
“Aww. You forgot to call me mum today”, she said grouchily and I chuckled.
“Good morning sir” I greeted Mr Winthrop.
I guess he doesn’t care if I call him dad or not.
“Good morning dear. How was your night?” He replied and asked.
“It was fine. Thanks” I replied.
The maids served me my meal and I began eating immediately.
Gosh! I was so hungry.
I felt the sharp pain again and almost gro-an ed out loud, but luckily I didn’t.
“Are you alright, Bethel?” Ryan’s mum asked.
Unfortunately, she was quic-k enough to notice the discomfort on my face.
“I’m fine” I said with a feigned smile and continued eating slowly.
“By the way, Ryan” Mr Winthrop said after a while.
“Later in the day, by 1 pm, you’ll be attending a brief seminar with Bethel at the Samese Enterprise. Its a meeting for the CEO’s of connected companies, but unfortunately, I’m having an important meeting else where. So, you and Bethel will nee-d to go to repres£nt the both companies” he said and I gulped down water immediately.
“I’m having an appointment by 3” Ryan said.
“Come on, Ryan; no excuses. This meeting is damn too important. Even if you don’t listen to what they say, but your pres£nce there is of great importance because an attendance will be taken.
“Besides, the meeting will only be for a short time and you can still meet up for your appointment” he enthused and Ryan just scoffed and focused on his meal.
“Hope you’re okay with it, Bethel?” Mr Winthrop asked.
Oh! So, he even cares about my feelings?
“Yes” I replied with a nod.
“Okay, then. Be sure you two leave on time” he added.
The rest of the time on the dining was quiet as nob©dy had anything else to say.
Ryan stood up not long after, after receiving a call with his phone and I figured he was going out.
He took the stairs and obviously went to the room to probably get dressed and leave.
Well, today was weekend. So, I had nowhere to go – except for the meeting, of course.
After eating to my fill, I left the dining as well and headed upstairs for the room.
When I got in, I found the prince charming standing in front of the mirror, dressing his collars.
He turned and looked at me as I walked in and after which, he took his eyes back to the mirror.
I stood and watched him from behind for a while before going to sit on the be-d.
The sharp pain c@m£ again.
Oh God! It was so painful.
I shut my eyes and held my tummy ti-ght. And I’ve been advised to st©p ma-king use of aspirins.
The pain subsided and I opened my eyes to see Ryan staring keenly at me.
Oh, God!
“Are you okay?” He asked with a crumpled look.
“Y…Yes” I replied with my eyes fixed on the floor.
Hold on; he just spoke to me!
He did!
I opened my eyes wi-de and looked at him as he turned back to the mirror to finish up his arrangement.
Ryan really spoke to me!
He asked if I was okay!
Holy Molly!
He rounded up and took two of his phones from the table, leaving one behind.
He walked pas-s me and got to the door.
‘I’ll be back before 1 for the meeting. So, get re-ady in time” he said without looking at me and finally walked out.
I stared downwards and smiled to myself.
Ryan did speak to me.
First, he sle-pt on the be-d with me. And now, he spoke to me.
Could it be possible he’s beginning to forgive me?
I giggled happily, but just then, the pains c@m£ again, snapping me out of my happy thoughts.
“Ouuuch!” I yelped in discomfort and held my tummy ti-ght, almost squee-zing it.
I’m not sure this is how every other lady feels.
Why does mine have to this different?
If the pains could be this much, then what would labour pains be like?
The pains subsided and I la-id flat on the be-d immediately, feeling so weak.
I rested for a short time and decided to take a walk.
The pains just kept coming and going and it made me really scared of when it’d come fully.
I decided to take a walk, hoping it’d help.
I got to the sitting room and met Lana watching a movie.
“Hey Bethel” she called in a sweet smile.
“Hi” I smiled back at her.
That j£rk is really lucky to have someone like her for a fiancee.
“How’re you feeling now?” She asked but I didn’t really un-derstand what she meant.
“I’m…fine” I drew my reply.
“Well, you ended up drun!klast night and I’m still curious regarding why it happened”. She said.
Oh! So, she was there.
And speaking of which…
“Sorry, were..were you the one that took me to the room?” I asked.
“Huh? Of course, not. It was Ryan” she replied and my eyes beamed.
“Ry…Ryan?” I repeated in disbelief.
“Yeah. Don’t you remember any of it?” She asked, but I kept mute.
Ryan had been the one?
So, he t©uçhed me? Carried me in his arms?
Oh, God! How come I can’t remember any of it?
I heaved a hvge sigh and blinked ra-pidly.
I can’t believe that happened between Ryan and I.
My phone started ringing and I checked to see it was Nicole.
Perfect time to distract me.
I rolled my eyes and went out to the balcony to receive it since Lana was busy with a movie.
“Hello girlfriend” she called on the phone as soon as I picked up.
“Hey” I called lowly.
“Happy weekend. Hope you’re enjoying yours?” She asked tea-singly and I rolled my eyes like she could see me.
“Anyway, I called to know how you were doing. How’s it going with your husband? Is he still mad at you?’ She asked and that was the moment I smiled.
“Not really” I replied.
“Oh, my God! Tell me about it, Bethel. Are you two on good terms now?'” She squeaked.
“Its a long story, Nicole. But I think he isn’t entirely mad at me anymore” I replied and she screamed.
“Oh my gee! I’m so happy for you, bae. Finally. Well, its a good thing, you know? I mean, you can’t have your husband mad at you when valentine is right around the corner” she said and I rose my brows.
Oh! Valentine.
I almost forgot. It was three days time.
“I’m so happy for you, Bethel”, she continued.
“And I’m sure you’ve learnt your lesson with that Jackson guy”.
I bent my head and smiled but was taken abacked when the gates opened and I saw Ryan’s cars driving out.
What the…
I looked into my phone and discovered the time was…
What the earth?
“Bethel?” Nicole called on the phone.
“I nee-d to go, Nic. I’ll call you later. Bye” I said hastily and ended the call.
Oh my God!
How did the time fly so fast?
I ran into the house immediately and headed straight for the room.
I still couldn’t un-derstand how the time moved so fast. I mean, after having breakfast, all I did was rest for a little while.
But when did I even wake up?
I ran into the bathroom and took the shortest bath I’d ever taken in my entire life.
I rushed out and found something nice to wear – a short white go-wn and a set of blue heels.
I did everything in a hurry and couldn’t even apply enough make up on my face.
Finally, I was done and that was when the door opened to Ryan showing up.
“Are you done?” He asked as he stood at the doorway and I nodded slowly.
Then, he closed the door and left and I took my blue bag so I could follow him behind.
The pains c@m£ hitting at me again and I paused and leaned on the door to gro-an .
Oh God! I really hope it doesn’t affect me at the meeting.
I checked myself, but there was no droplet yet.
I really hope it doesn’t come around till I’m done from the meeting. I wonder why it had to be today.
I took in a de-ep breath and tried swallowing down the pains. And feebly, I opened the door and left the room.
Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 36
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
The black limo drove throu-gh the gate with Ryan and I sitting at the backseat.
Immediately the driver pu-ll-ed to a st©p, guards from the cars that followed us behind rushed out and opened the door for me and Ryan.
We c@m£ out of the car together and met some men in front of the building who were alre-ady waiting for us.
“Mr Ryan” one of the men called and exchanged a handshake with him.
“We were informed of your coming and are very plea-sed to have you here with us.
“Welcome ma’am Bethel” he turned and said to me.
“Thanks” I smiled perfunctorily.
“plea-se, come in with us” the other man said and Ryan and I walked in with them.
We entered the first floor of the building which was more of a reception and took the elevator which took us up to the third floor.
“What’s the scheduled time for this meeting?” Ryan asked as we walked out of the elevator.
“Oh! That’d be about an hour time or so” one of the men replied and finally, we got to the meeting hall.
Finally, we got to the meeting hall and it seemed to me like we were the last people to attend.
There was a long table there in the room with chairs arranged round it and the seats were almost occu-pied.
But the men we walked in with ushered Ryan and I to a seat and that was it – there were no more vacant seats.
As expected, everyb©dy stared at us as we made entrance.
A man at the head table was standing and seemed to be ma-king a speech before we entered.
“Um…” He paused and cleared his throat.
“Let’s make a special welcome to the Repres£ntatives of the Winthrop Enterprise’ he announced and a brief round of applause was made by the people pres£nt.
“You’re welcome,” he said again and all Ryan did was nod.
“Thank you” I said with a smile.
Then, the ovation died down.
“So” he continued.
“We were talking about the basis of p@rtnersh!pand how we can get to reach our audience at the local stage…”
The pains hit at me again – severally.
Oh, God! When will this ever st©p?
There was a bottled water on the table in front of me and I opened it and gulped down a little quantity.
Ryan itched his head and looked down at the table.
He obviously didn’t want to be there – at the meeting.
I leaned my back on my seat and tried listening to what the man was saying. But unfortunately, the pains wouldn’t let me concentrate as it kept niggling at me.
Gosh! It was so painful.
After a while, the man st©pped talking and returned to his seat, giving room for others to speak.
A lot of people kept standing and giving their opinions, ma-king the whole thing seemed boring to me.
Well, perhaps, it wouldn’t have been really boring if not for the pains I was pas-sing throu-gh.
The pains bec@m£ unbearable that I had to excuse myself to make use of the restroom.
“I…I nee-d to make use of the restroom” I told Ryan as I stood up and walked out of the room.
I didn’t know my way around the place and had to ask for directions and luckily, I found the restroom.
As soon as I got in, I leaned my back on the washbasin and gro-an ed painfully.
My w@!st hurt a lot and felt like it wanted to get divided.
And the pains at the abd0m£n – unbearable.
Oh God! When will they be done with the meeting? I nee-ded to get home and rest.
I shut my eyes and remained in that position for a long time, trying to absorb the pains.
After a long time, I faced the wash basin and washed my hands.
Then, I looked into the mirror in front of me, gazing at my own reflection.
I just hope the meeting comes to an end soon.
I sluggishly left the toilet and found my way back to the office. The meeting was still on.
I returned to my seat next to Ryan and tried not to gr0@nout loud as the pains c@m£ with a full f0rç£. I felt like resting my head on the table for a while but figured out it was inappropriate.
I just nee-ded to be home.
After what seemed like forever to me, the meeting finally c@m£ to an end and the thought of it alone made me relieved.
The people in the room stood on their feet and started exchanging handshakes with one another.
Well, thankfully, Ryan was the snobbish type and wouldn’t p@rtake in the plea-santries.
I weakly stood up even before Ryan did, but suddenly, I felt a hand pu-ll me back to my seat and I flin-ched and discovered it was Ryan.
Why did he pu-ll me back in such manner?
I looked at him in dismay, expecting an explanation.
He was staring back at me.
There’s a…stain on your dress” he said, staring downwards at my w@!st.
At first, I was confused. But, I suddenly got what he meant and g@sped immediately.
Oh My God!
I was we-t!
Oh goodness! Don’t tell me.
I looked at Ryan with so much shame and discomfort.
How do I handle this? I can’t believe he saw it.
I took my eyes to the floor and heard him sigh.
Then, he stood up and slowly took off his jacket.
“Here. you can make use of this” he said and stretched out the jacket to me.
I gulped nervously and collected the jacket from him. I was so abashed.
I stood up with so much guilt and slowly tied the jacket around my w@!st. I felt my throat become so-re and wished there was a way I could enter into the ground.
I fiddled with my hands and started following him out of the office.
We made use of the elevator which took us to the first floor and as soon as we got out, we headed straight for our ride.
Ryan was in front of me as I purposely stayed behind because I didn’t want him to look at me – most especially my w@!st.
We got Into the black limo and sat next to each other and I took in a de-ep breath as I was finally able to rest my back.
“Why will you put on a white dress on a day like this?” Ryan asked and my anxiety increa-sed.
Oh, God! Isn’t there a way the ground could swallow me up?
“I’m sorry” I said with my gaze on the floor.
Hold on; why am I apologizing?
Well, I really don’t know either. I was so confused and didn’t even know what to say or do. The whole thing got me cringing.
Ryan didn’t say any other thing as he opened his phone and started operating it.
The pains bec@m£ severe and this time around, I couldn’t help but skrie-k.
Ryan turned and looked at me for a while, but didn’t say a word.
The pains subsided and he took his eyes back to his phone.
I closed my eyes and leaned my back and prayed for the drive to be as short as possible.
I almost dozed off during the ride and was awoken when I felt the car coming to a st©p.
I opened my eyes weakly and discovered we were now in the mansion.
Oh! Thank goodness.
The doors were opened for Ryan and I and I didn’t hesitate to come out of the car immediately.
The pains c@m£ with a mightier f0rç£ and I had to trace my steps into the house, feeling so weak.
I walked pas-s the sitting room and took the stairs immediately and shortly, I was in the room.
I weakly got to the the be-d and sat on it, leaning my back against the wall. I held my tummy ti-ght and closed my eyes.
It kept hitting at me and didn’t just come and go like it used to.
I felt like crying, but didn’t.
Shortly, I heard the door open and opened my eyes to see Ryan coming in.
Oh, God! plea-se, plea-se;
Make him leave. I really don’t want him around me in a time like this.
I tried not to show any sign of discomfort on my face, but the cramps c@m£ again with a double f0rç£ and a light m0@n escaped myl-ips.
“Does it hurt?” Ryan asked as he stood in front of me, his both hands inser-ted in his trou-ser pockets.
I gulped nervously and stared down at the be-d.
How can he ask me such a question?
He turned around and left the room without saying any word.
Yeah – perfect.
“Ouuuuch” I cried and hit my hand on the wall.
What do I do? The pains were becoming unbearable.
I leaned my head helplessly on the wall again and shut my eyes.
After a while, the door opened and I checked and discovered it was Ryan.
Not again.
Hold on!
He was with… a bottle of water…a water that seemed h0t.
I watched in bemusement as he c@m£ up and sat in front of me on the be-d.
“Here – use this. It should help” he said calmly, holding out the bottle of water
I collected it sluggishly, feeling surprised and confused at first.
How did he know about this?
“Thanks” I murdered lowly and placed the bottle on my tummy.
He stood up and left the room again and I exhaled de-eply as he did.
But…how did he get to know about this method? And did he really make it for me?
The pains couldn’t let me think much on it as they almost drove me crazy.
I placed the bottle on my tummy for a long time until the water was no longer warm.
Oh God! The pains were still there.
I’m so dead!
I sighed despondently and placed my head on the wall in such a way I could stare at the ceiling.
What do I do to get rid of these pains? Why do I have a feeling this was p@rt of God’s punishment to Eve?
After a while, the door opened with Ryan coming in again.
“Does it still hurt?” He asked and I didn’t even realize when I nodded pathetically.
Then, he di-pped his hand into his pocket and brou-ght out some drugs.
He pu-ll-ed out two tablets from a pack and took a bottle of water from the table. After which, he c@m£ to sit in front of me on the be-d.
“Take this” he said as he stretched out the tablets and water to me.
It was aspirin.
Oh my!
“Sorry, I…I’ve been advised not to…”
“I know. Just this once” he cut me off calmly.
Hold on; is this really Ryan?
I batted my lashes as I collected them from him and swallowed it down.
“Thanks” I replied and handed the water to him.
“You should get some sleep. It might help” he said and I nodded and la-id upwards on the be-d.
Surprisingly, he moved close to me and placed my head on his legs.
On his.legs?
I looked into his face in disbelief. what is he doing?
“Go on and sleep” he said tenderly and I f0rç£d my eyes closed.
Was this really Ryan or an impersonator?
I felt my heart thumping fast.. It was strange and incredible.
And I thought he was having an appointment by 3? It should be close to 4 pm by now. How come he’s still here?
Does it mean he missed the appointment?
My head on his legs almost made me quiver as it felt strange.
I tried not to open my eyes because I couldn’t even ba-re to look at him in the face.
The pains were still hitting at me, but I couldn’t feel the effect like I did the first time.
I suddenly started feeling calm and unconsciously, I sle-pt off.
Hours Later.
I opened my eyes and felt myself still lying on the be-d.
The room was dark and I reached for the light switch close to the be-d and turned on the lights.
Then, I checked the wall clock and discovered it was pretty late alre-ady.
Oops! No wonder the room was dark.
I sighed and t©uçhed my forehead. Where could Ryan be?
The pains…they were no longer there. I couldn’t feel them anymore.
Hah! Thank goodness.
I left the be-d and went into the bathroom to wee.
Geez! My p**ties were totally we-t.
I took off everything – all my clothes – and took a bath.
Then, I took care of myself and found something simple to wear before go out of the room.
I went out to the balcony and there I found Ryan, sitting and drawing on a drawing board.
He draws?
He turned and sh0t me a stare when he felt my pres£nce.
“You’re awake?” He asked and took his eyes back to the board.
“Y…yeah” I stuttered a little, be-dazzled at the beauty of the drawing.
It was an image of a pathway – a beautiful one.
“You um…you’re an artist?” I asked, still standing behind me.
He chuckled.
“Yeah – kind of” he replied and a brief silence stepped in.
There was a table in front of the board and on it were different drawing materials.
So, he was an artist?
And I also saw a little red flower there on the table.
“You know”, he said unruffledly, his eyes still fixed on the board.
“I started drawing out of pride.
“Back then, when I was in high school, the group of friends I mingled with were all perfect artistes and I was the only one in the crew who didn’t know how to draw. They always tea-sed me with it until one day, I made a bet with them and promised to become a better artist than them. I put in so much time and effort and was determined to learn it so I could be at the t©p. Not because I liked it, but just so I could get back at my friends.
“Few weeks later, we wrote our CCA exams and when the results c@m£ out, I was the only one with an A.”.
He paused and smiled.
“And till d@t£, I got to fall in love with it” he added.
I stared at him and cracked. So, I guess this pompous attitude of his has been with him for a long time.
Well, the drawing was enchanting.
“So, how’re you feeling now?” He asked and it snapped me out of my thoughts
“Um..I’m fine now. Thanks” I replied and he didn’t say anything for a while.
“Okay then. I nee-d to work on something else” he said as he dropped his pencil on the table and stood up…with the red flower.
Huh? He’s leaving?
“Um…Ryan” I called as he turned around and face me.
“Have you…forgiven me for what happened?” I asked nervously and he cracked.
“Of course” he replied and c@m£ closer to me, standing in front of me.
Adding to my shock, he fixed the pretty flower into my hair.
“Don’t ever make me jealous again”, he added with a smile and walked away.
I stood like a ghost and couldn’t move for a moment – transfixed with shock.
Did Ryan just…
I’m probably dreaming.
I slowly turned but couldn’t find any trace of him again.
Did he just say i made him jealous?
But a person cannot be jealous unless he…
Oh, my God!
And…he’s forgiven me.
He forgave me!
I t©uçhed the flower in my hair and a tear escaped my eye, tracing a path down my cheek.
The whole thing was incredible to me.
Ryan was…different.
I chuckled as another tear c@m£ rolling down.
And I smiled and wiped it off.

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