Married to a prince episode 37 & 38

(he’s feared she’s fearful)
An Egyptian r0m@nç£Novel
Written by me: Authoress succy
Season 2
Episode 37
“Karen!” mum called immediately I walked in with Nita
“geez!” I exclaimed and slump on a sofa
“yes mum” i replied placing a palm on my forehead
“are you okay?
you just…” she was saying when I interpolated with an eye roll
“I just puke mum! and I know it,there’s no point reminding me.
it isn’t a big deal you know, after all it’s normal to puke”I said and Nita kept smiling at me
what is wrong with this people?
the door flung open and a cute looking guy walked out from inside, into the sitting room
woah! he looks cute
“hey! babe! your back”he called walking towards us
“yeah! I c@m£ in few minutes ago”Nita replied as he pu-ll-ed her into a hvg
“and you didn’t bother to inform me”he said pu-lling her cheeks
“oouch! it hurts” she yelled and he let go of her cheeks
“I just don’t wanna disturb your sleep” she replied and he frowned
“and who told you that’s a way of disturbing my sleep?”he asked and she rolled her eyes at him
am sorry”she apologised and he smiled
“apology p@rtially accepted until you visit my room” he said and Nita g@sp
“your nothing but a bad as-s “she cussed and he chuckled
his eyes flew into mine and he g@sp
“omg! we have visitors!”he said and Nita smiled
“she’s Karen, ma meg daughter, the one I told you got betrothed to prince Kyle”she narrated and his eyes shone
“omg! my royal lady your…..welcome” he said bowing slightly
“thank you, am Karen” I introduced with an outstretched hand
he took my hand with his both hands in an handshake
“am Desmond,my lady” he replied and I smiled
“Karen meet my b©yfri£nd
the one I keep telling you about”Nita said and I let out a broad smile
“he looked cute Like you said” I rasp and he looked away shyly
“thanks” he muttered
“thanks for all you did for my mum….” I was saying when he chuckled
“it’s nothing!
I did it cause of love, if I hadn’t love Nita I won’t have taken them in
besides your mum is fun and cool”he said and mum smiled
he left pu-lling Nita along with him
the words he just said resounded in my head
I DID IT CAUSE OF LOVE, IF I HADN’T LOVE NITA I WON’T HAVE TAKEN THEM IN”his voice resounded and my heart skipped
omg! I nee-d to do this
it’s a risk am re-ady to take
“I will take my leave now mum!” I said and she frowned
“so soon?
you just arrived!” she argued
“I know mum!
but I nee-d to go”
“Karen!!!” the Queen cooed in sighting me
“ma’am” I responded walking towards her while the cabby I had got off, drove out of the palace hvge gate
“we thought you had eloped Karen!
we thought you had left us all alone” she cooed hvgging me again with tears streaming down her face
“ma’am I nee-d to see Kyle,
I nee-d to see him”I said and she pu-ll-ed away from the hvg staring at me
“what so you want to see him for?” she asked
“I want to carry out the….” I was saying when she interpolated quic-kly
“don’t even think of that Karen, don’t think of it
the king has invited another monk from Kenya
let’s hope this one will work out”she said and I refused
“no my lady
lemme do this for Kyle
lemme do this for him”I said
my eyes alre-ady heat up
“what if you die Karen!
didn’t you heard what the monk said!” she rasp and I smiled
“even if I die,lemme die for love” I said mimicking mums word
Karen!!” the Queen cooed crying on my shoulders
“thank you Karen!” the king said walking in
“thank you my Lord”I responded and sky won’t st©p sizing me up with his eyes
“in as much as I would want my brother to die, I can’t help wishing you die too
super woman!!”he whispered into my ears and walked out
I feel so shaken
hope am doing the right thing?
I took a slow and steady step towards the room where Kyle’s b©dy la-id
the queen kept whispering behind me like i was gonna die or something
though it’s a matter of fate, I still have hope I won’t die cause love don’t die neither does it kill
I got close to the door and it opened on it’s own
woah! is that black magic or technology?
the queen gave me a p@rting hvg and I slowly took in a de-ep breath before moving properly into the room
the door got shut on it’s own and I looked around the room he was kept,it looked super beautiful
the sight of it was ineffable
I g@sp on seeing that everything in the room was gold colour
seems his favourite colour is gold
i was the only one without a gold colour,I had actually wore a purple royal go-wn
my eyes rummaged the whole room and and finally fell on the be-d were he later, my prince charming
I rushed up to the be-d in fear and surprise
I g@sp on seeing him
he looks so cute as always but lifeless
I gr!pp£dhis lifeless b©dy with tears dripping from my tears down to his n£¢k
he wore a gold colour robe,a gold colour socks and hand gloves was wore on his legs and hands
he wore a gold crown like cap
a tissue was tuck in his nostrils and his hands were intertwined to the front
“I will do this for you kyle
can’t wait to see you on your fleets”I murmured taking my hands into my robe and pu-ll-ed it off slowly
I was now left in my p@n-t and br@
I walked towards him on the be-d and l@yon him,pu-lling off his robe
Season 2
Episode 38
I was now left in my p@n-t and br@
I walked towards him on the be-d and l@yon him,pu-lling off his robe
tears kept rolling down my cheeks as I slowly pu-ll-ed the gold colour brief he wore, off his w@!st and l@yin between his legs
this is gonna be the second time I am doing this but why does it have to be in this way! why?
tears kept streaming down my face as I positioned myself in front of him
fear clouded my heart
oh! plea-se Lord!
save me and save him plea-se
Sweat broke in my forehead as I kept ri-ding on him
geez! it isn’t up to five minutes I started and I felt so tired and stress up
worst p@rt of it, I couldn’t get off him and his eyes won’tfu-cking open
I kept p@n-ting tiredly
omg! am tired!
my whole b©dy aches, my head seems heavy,my legs felt weak and I placed a hand on my che-st which was beating fas-ter than normal
my whole b©dy was h0t and I felt like screaming
Gracious lord!.I couldn’t explain how am feeling but I know it had to do with him, kyle!
suddenly greenish smoke like substance began evaporating from his b©dy
I couldn’t tell what’s happening to me but I could feel it
all the pains in my b©dy began increasing
the more the smoke kept emitting from his b©dy,the more the pains increase
my back
my legs
my hands, my w@!st, my pas-sage
everything hurt damn much and it seems Like some unseen f0rç£s held me cause i kept ri-ding him nonst©p
the green smoke engulf me and him and all I could see was green ,the once gold colour room had magically turned into green
his gold colour robe and my royal purple robe had also turned into green
suddenly Kyle began shivering like someone convulsing
I wasn’t near ¢v-ming all I knew was that some unseen f0rç£s kept controlling me
I felt like screaming but couldn’t
suddenly his eye lid moved,his b©dy moved
the only thing I could see in the room that isn’t green is the sweat on my b©dy and his
oh! lord!
“Kyle plea-se open your eyes
plea-se” I pleaded and felt like screaming but still couldn’t
suddenly his eyes flew open and I g@sp trying to breath throu-gh my mouth
lThe ri-ding st©pped immediately but the pains were still there
his eyes were pure red,then it turned green,then black before it finally turned into normal
omg! can he see me?
I couldn’t voice out a word
my ton-gue seems too heavy,I couldn’t move away from him and I felt lifeless and I suddenly blank out
I found a lady laying on me, she looks so weak and tired
my visions seems blur at first,then a little bit clear,a little more clearer, then it finally bec@m£ clear
I flin-ch as the lady’s face c@m£ clearer into view
“Karen!!” I yelled as Karen slumped beside me lifeless
omg! what’s she doing here?
I feels so weak and hungry
everything that happened at the pool rushed into my head
I can’t believe sky could be jealous to the extent of piercing me with the silver arrow
no matter how ha-rd it seems, I will strike him ha-rder this time and as for Rana, she better pray I don’t find her
but for now my major concern is Karen and my baby
I can’t lose them, never!!
I placed my hand on her tummy and her b©dy was stiff and cold
what thefu-ck!I rushed out throu-gh the door and bu-mped into mum and dad who seems to be pacing to and fro,the long pas-sage
I felt confused
what’s going on?
“mum!!” I called and mum turned towards my direction
she flin-ched on seeing me
“omg! Kyle!
tell me this is you Kyle!
tell me this is you!” she screamed running into my arms
“oh! mother!
have missed you so much” I held her In my hands and dads mouth dropped in surprise he couldn’t hide the excitement in his eyes
“kyle!!” he called
“dad” I responded as dad drew me into an embr@ce
omg! I feel so….
I can’t just explain it
it seems like a p@rt of me was missing
a hvge p@rt of me
“where’s Karen?” mum asked with wi-de eyes
“yeah! have been meaning to ask you, she pas-sed out in there
what happened?” I asked and mum bur-sted into tears while dad looked away remorsefully the happiness in his eyes were no longer there
“mum! dad!
what’s going on?” I asked in surprise
“am sorry kyle, she did it for you
I tried st©pping her” mum said narrating some crazy stuff to me
“mum!” I called in shock” my hands c0cked on its own and my eyes turned red
she began floating on the air and her feet couldn’t t©uçh the floor
“kyle!!” she called and my grip on her loos£n and she fell down with a thud
“how could you do that mum! dad
how could you all do this to her? huh?” I yelled and the window crashed into pieces
“you were going to die kyle!
I couldn’t ba-re losing you” she rasp and I felt so much anger in me
“I would have been comfortable dying in love
do you think I can ba-re to lose her huh?” I yelled and she kept mute
“I will go in there and make love to her same way she did for me”I rasp and mum and dad g@sp
kyle! you might die in there!” mum said and I felt like hitting her
“then so be it”I said and turned to dad
“tell your son to get re-ady for me” I rasp and walked into the room where Karen lay
I cried on seeing her
I cried so ha-rd
fuc-k the throne
to hell with it and everything
who’s seeing what am seeing???
love can do wonders ooo