Married slave season two episode 1 & 2

Season 2 episode 1/2
Slave 💍
💎I was sold but I got married💎
💫An Indian r0m@nç£story💫
💋 Episode 01💋
Saloni’s Pov:
I walked down the road lost in thought.
💭 Why the hell will Mamaa want me to give Sir Aakash’s slave wife a gift? 💭 I thought as I bit myl-ips.
“Are they that close? Or did she ask for it? Oh no… Mamaa even told me to lie to her” I thought within myself.
I don’t know what exactly Mamaa is up to but it’s really weird.
Why don’t she want her to know the rice pudding is from her?
Weird… 🙄🙄
I continued walking down the lonely road.
Just because of this rice pudding, Mamaa s£nt me out this lonely afternoon.
I was still engrossed in my thoughts when suddenly two thvgs rushed out of the the nearby bush.
I fell on my knees in fear.
They quic-kly snatched the package from me and ran into the bush.
I jumped up in fear.
“Oh no… Mother will be so disappointed with me if she finds out that the package wasn’t delivered” I wailed as I ran home.
But no… I can’t tell her that I didn’t do as she said.
I don’t want to come back to this lonely road.
I have to lie to her that I delivered it…
I walked into the house and met Mamaa on the dinning.
She was busy enjoying her meal when I walk in.
“Saloni did you deliver the package to her?” She asked sharply
My heart skipped a beat but I pretended.
I gulped…
“Yes Mamaa… I did as you said” I lied
Mamaa smiled excitedly.
“Good… Come on child! Join me…” She said as my face beamed with smiles.
I quic-kly rushed to the dinning and washed my hands.
At least she won’t find out I didn’t deliver the stolen package.
We continued eating.
Krishna’s Pov:
I walked into the hospital ward.
I watched ma’am Simitra lying lifelessly on the be-d.
Oh good lord! plea-se make her regain consciousness alre-ady.
“I feel like this is all my fault” I said with a teary voice.
“Come on Krishna.. None of it is your fault actually she owes us a lot of explanation” Aakash said
“Why did this have to happen at my p@rty?” I cried
“It’s not your fault” Aakash said
“It’s almost a week now and she’s still not awake yet” I worried
Shared on whatsapp by Martino.
“The doctor said that there is no way to find out when she will regain consciousness” Aakash said
“A lot of questions are running throu-gh my mind with no answers.. I hope she wakes up soon” I said as Aakash hvgged me ti-ghtly.
I l@yon the be-d fast asleep.
“Wakie Wakie….” I heard Aakash Sir’s voice.
I gently opened my eyes.
Actually am now living in the mansion.
And my tummy was alre-ady very big and bulging out of the nighties I wore.
it’s just 7 months… ☺
I ru-bbe-d my eyes tiredly.
I saw Aakash Sir place a saucer and a cu-p of tea on the stool beside me.
I smiled…
“Breakfast is re-ady” He said as he helped me up.
He brou-ght out the slices of bre-ad and bu-ttered them.
There was also a plate of fried egg beside the tea cu-p.
“Thank you so much” I smiled
“Anything for my queen” He said and I blu-shed.
As he helped feed me.
Vishnu’s Pov:
I walked into the room and saw Pavitra preparing oatmeal.
The aroma was tantalizing….
I was about to spoon some into my mouth.
“Don’t do that…” She screamed as I held the plate shocked.
“Oh father… plea-se don’t try that at all” Rani said as I stared at them in confusion.
“Why?” I asked anxiously
“This is specially for my sibling” Rani said childishly.
As Pavitra smiled at her.
“Your sibling? Pavitra are we…? Don’t tell me we are having a baby and….” I said in so much happiness.
“Tch! That’s not it…. It is for Krishna and her unborn baby” Pavitra said excitedly.
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock.
“What? When did you become her nanny?” I said angrily
“Oh come on Vishnu… Am just helping her out! Besides Rani wanted her unborn sibling to be healthy. Right Rani?” She asked
“Yes mom” Rani said cheerfully
This is really gonna help in my plans 💭 I thought.
I quic-kly added a powder into the oatmeal.
And thank goodness! They didn’t notice.
“Bunch of morons…. That’s what you and your stupid daughter are…” I yelled at them.
But they didn’t care, they walked out of the room and I burnt up in annoyance.
They are both so gullible.
Why are they so excited when the baby is someone else’s?
Useless mother and daughter…
I quic-kly closed the door and smiled.
I brou-ght out a syringe 💉 from my pocket and smiled.
Once I execute my plans, there will be no heir left in that wo-mb.
I laughed mischievously.
it was noon alre-ady and the mansion was very quiet.
I sneaked into Aakash’s room.
Perfect timing, it was only Krishna in the room and she was fast asleep.
Of course as a result of the slee-ping pills.
I quic-kly brou-ght out the syringe.
I have to make be quic-k.
This is called h0t injection…. She will die cos the baby will come out premature and no-one is home.
I laughed mischievously.
I injected it into her f!nger vein and walked out of the room.
Krishna’s Pov:
I was still asleep when I quic-kly opened my eyes.
The be-d was we-t….
My water broke 😳😳
But it’s just the seventh month…
I screamed in so much pain.
The baby was almost coming out and no-one was at home.
“Help……” I yelled in so much pain…
This is heartlessness 😪😪
Now tell me between Vishnu and Lakshmi who’s more wicked? 😢😢
💋 Episode 02💋
Krishna’s Pov:
I was in so much pain…. I couldn’t even ask for help.
All I did was scream….
I could feel the baby’s head was out.
The pains were unbearable.
A premature baby… 😭
I quic-kly held the baby with my hands.
The child was really coming out…
“Someb©dy…. Someb©dy plea-se help…” I cried.
It was even raining heavily and I bet no-one can hear me.
Few minutes later, the baby was out alre-ady.
But there was no one to help me cut the placenta connecting us.
The be-d was damn bloody and my whole b©dy was too.
I carried my very handsome baby boy to my che-st.
With the placenta still on his ñ@v£l.
He was so sli-ppery but I held him ti-ght.
“I love you Kush…” I said as I lost consciousness with crying baby still on my che-st.
Pavitra’s Pov:
I walked into the mansion.
It was so calm…
I actually went to drop my Rani off to school.
Suddenly I heard a little baby’s cry.
“A baby?” I asked myself as I quic-kly thought of Krishna.
I rushed upstairs and the cry was becoming weaker.
It was coming from Aakash’s room.
I opened the door and to my greatest surprise, I saw Krishna lying lifelessly.
She was bloody and the blood was everywhere.
She alre-ady put to be-d and the baby she placed on her che-st.
The baby’s b©dy was turning pale green.
“OMG! She’s not due for delivery” I screamed.
She was still joined with her baby.
And he’s a boy.
The heir ☺.
I quic-kly picked up my cell phone and dialed the number.
I nee-d to help her.
Krishna’s Pov:
I gently opened my weak eyes….
I couldn’t see clearly… My vision was blurry.
And slowly, my eyes cleared.
I saw Aakash sitting right beside me holding my hand.
I was so weak.
“Krishna! Krishna… Thank goodness you are awake” He k!$$£d me in excitement but I didn’t utter a word.
He quic-kly picked up the land telephone.
☎ Hello doctor….
☎ The patient in room 406 is awake…
He said….
He looked very happy.
He pe-cked my cheeks in excitement.
The doctor c@m£ in and checked me.
I was still mute.
“Doctor why is she not talking?” Aakash asked
“The patient’s condition is stabled now but she just nee-ds to rest” The doctor said as Aakash heaved a sigh of relief.
The doctor was about to leave when I spoke up.
“Ba…. By?” I managed to say
“Oh the baby… He’s very OK! He’s in the incubator” Aakash said and I smiled.
“Ku… Sh” I said again
“Kush? Is that the name you want for him?” Aakash chuckled and I nodded.
“Wow! Baby Kush is ok” Aakash said and hvgged me ti-ghtly.
🎶 And yes! My heir is here 🎶
🎶 Of course he is here 🎶
Mr Singh sang and danced in happiness.
“It’s celebr@tion time…. Let the Singh mansion celebr@te for it’s heir has been born” Mr Singh screamed in the hospital.
As we entered the room where baby Kush was lying in the incubator.
He was super handsome.
We watched him kick his legs and little hands.
I was so happy.
“My son!” I smiled at him and t©uçhed his little delicate f!nger.
Lakshmi’s Pov:
I dragged Saloni by her ear into the room as she screamed in pain.
“Mamaa…” She cried as I let go of her ear f0rç£fully.
“Silly girl! Did you give the rice pudding to Krishna like I told you?” I asked sternly
“But I told you Mamaa” She cried
“Shut up you lying snake! Am sure you didn’t” I yelled at her.
“Uhmm… Actually Mamaa I wanted to but….” She stammered
“You are so s-en-seless… Now she has put to be-d” I said as I bit myl-ips.
“Really? Oh my goodness! Thanks to the Lords… I know there will be a big feast in the mansion, I can’t miss the delicious sweets” She rejoiced as I gave her a knock.
“You are so stupid! Get out of my sight” I yelled as she ran along.
“No way! I have to do something… I can’t let this happen” I said as I walked restlessly up and down the room.
I bit myl-ips in anguish.
💭 I really really have to act fast 💭 I thought as an idea popped into my head and I smiled mischievously.
Krishna’s Pov:
It was very dark…..
The door opened slightly….
I heard footsteps….
She walked into the room in the hospital.
She carried my Kush and walked out…
😱 😱
Baby Kush in trouble 😭😭
I feel like crying 😪😪
in fact am alre-ady crying 😢😢
Keep following!!