Marriage war Episode 10 to 12

Raymond and his wife went to visit the family lawyer, Belinda thought her husband was joking not until he told the lawyer that he nee-ded a divorce. She couldn’t control herself with surprise. The lawyer is a matured woman of un-derstanding so she decided to advice Ray who still insist he wanted a divorce.
She excused each couple and spoke to them individually to hear their state of mind, she asked Belinda to leave her and Ray for five minutes to discuss. Belinda obeyed and left the place for the both of them to speak.
“Mr Raymond you are really saying something surprising. You know you both got married not up to a year and you are asking for divorce alre-ady what happened?” she asked
“Ma the Belinda I married is different from the one you are seeing ”
“you’re speaking in riddles. What is the difference between the Belinda you married and this one?”
“I don’t like her again she had changed and I can’t cope with the new her” he said not wanting to talk what was wrong
“you’re trying to pl@ywith someone’s life. What was the initial attra-ction that has disappeared just few months after your marriage? Do you think marriage is as easy as relationsh!ps that you’ll jump in and out of it at your plea-sing time?”
He g@sped before speaking “The Belinda I knew was a clean lady, she use to look good but this one is totally different. She can’t keep herself talk more of keeping a home she’s dirty. I wonder how she’ll be when we have kids if she can’t keep herself. I’m really tired I hate dirty ladies!”
The lawyer noticed the anger in his voice, she felt for him. She also possessed the features of a psychologist so she un-derstood what he was going throu-gh. “would you like it if she changes? ” she asked
“I wish so but it will just be temporary. If you talk to her today she will listen and tomorrow she will go back to her n@ûghty character. ” he said in a weak tone
“alright I’ll see to it”
“no don’t worry just give us whatever we nee-d to sign so that we will no longer be known as husband and wife ”
“okay I’ll do just as you said but let me talk to your wife ”
She asked him to excuse both of them so that they would discuss. Belinda was seated head down she’ had cried so much hearing about divorce. She just hoped it was a bad dream.
“Mrs Raymond, about the divorce what would you say? ”
She was quiet for a while before speaking in a shaky voice “I’m not in support of this. I don’t know why he just hated me immediately after our honeymoon, he bec@m£ rude and get irritated at whatever I do”
The lawyer was sorry for her but without doubt Raymond was right she had really left herself. “do you know the reason behind this? It’s your fault ” she said
“my fault?” she asked tou-ching her che-st
“yes your fault?”
“but how is it my fault? ”
“Now look at this ” she said operating her phone, she took a ph0togra-ph of Belinda and compared it to her ph0to before wedding.
“can you see the difference? You used to look S-xy on your trou-sers and well plaited hair but look at you now. If I would ask when last did you visit your hair dresser. Ap@rt from that you have to keep your home, if you can’t then take a house maid. There’s nothing bad if the maid should be coming every day instead of living with you. You know some men don’t like it when you st©p doing those things, you are even a lucky lady, other men would have started walking around with little girls”
“but he said it is over between us, all he does is to care about himself. I abandoned my career just to end up as a full house wife. How does it sound? He doesn’t even have manners all he does is to nag at every little thing I do like a pregnant woman. Now he’s talking about divorce”
“If that’s your problem then I’ll solve things out for you. I’ll give the both of you a week to think about it and mind you, use that week well by doing all what he wants. On the main day of divorce he might not want the divorce any longer okay? ”
“yes ma, thank you ma”
She called Ray and told him about a week break for them to think about it and dismissed them reminding Belinda with signal to pl@yher p@rt well.
Mrs Alex c@m£ back from hospital, she discovered the unusual unhappiness in the house as her mother-in-law was looking at her.
She never knew what was the problem, after several attitude from her mother-in-law. Her husband demanded to know about the ab-ortion one night.
*(Rose Pov)*
My heart sank when my husband asked about the ab-ortion I never knew the doctor told them about it. I narrated my past to him at the pres£nce of his mother.
****FLASH BACK****
My parents died of ghastly car accident when I was five years old. I was inside the car but God spared my life with a great injury that affected my walking steps.
My parents died leaving me at the mercies of my aunty UJu and her husband who have two male children that are grown up. I lived peacefully with them until one night that my uncle sneaked into my room and R@p£d me warning me that if I tell anyone he would kill me.
My life was frustrated by my uncle who impregnated me took me to an herbalist that gave me herbs that would ab-ort the baby so that my aunty will not know. It has been a secret between both of us until now.
My husband breathed heavily “you mean that same man you called father did such to you? ”
I nodded in affirmation
“it’s because you like it that was why you kept it to yourself. My son will not marry you again it’s over ” she said and walked out.
I thought my husband would support his mum but he c@m£ close to me and wipe my tears. “doctors report says your wo-mb is damaged but I believe God’s report and God’s report says you are healed. We will carry our children by his grace.
Do you believe in what Alex said? That God is omnipotent and omniscient?
If you believe, may that same God do wonders in your life this period of COVID 19 in Jesus name.
Danny arrived from work on a Friday without visiting his friends as usual. His wife has dressed very attrac-tive waiting patiently for him. He was happy when he saw her, his bu-tterfly thought overtook him because Anabel was not at work that day.
“Honey you c@m£ very early today ” she said in a serious tone but de-ep down her she was so happy.
“Yes dear I had to create time for my beautiful wife ” he said fondling with her hair.
“alright, as you can see I’m preparing launch ”
“wow can I help you at the kitchen? ”
“sure” he smiled and followed her to the kitchen.
They chatted while she prepare the food, he was so happy seeing his wife smiling unusually.
Soon lunch was re-ady, they ate together staring at each other often like new lovers. They went to the swimming pool and had fun together, they pla-yed games and even hide and seek.
That’s what Danny has ever wanted and hoped for. When they were done pla-ying they watched movie together until it was dawn, both of them were tired alre-ady.
Edith took her bath and dressed on her night dress same as her husband. He la-id on the be-d not having anything in mind and doesn’t want to cause any drama. He watched as she gently placed her head on his che-st. She pla-yed with the hair on his che-st but did not speak because she was shy.
“Can I ask for something? ” he asked
She smiled and placed her hand on hisl-ips “I’m re-ady” as if she knew what he wanted to ask her.
He was so happy to the extent he never knew when they engaged in a k!ss, that night the truth was unveiled as Danny felt guilty. Edith was a vir-gin, he deflowered her that night.
He was surprised when he discovered her, she was just only shy and scared of S-x.
*(Danny’s Pov)*
I woke up very early in the morning to make tea for my wife, when I was throu-gh ma-king the tea I discovered she had woken up alre-ady so I took a glas-s to her, she was so happy and smiling. I looked at her….. She’s so amazing, she’s not what I really thought she was…… She’s the perfect thing that has ever happened to me…… Probably a blessing to me…… I’ll love and cherish her…… I promised to pay Anabel off and s£nd her out of my office and life because I have a perfect gift.
We broke into a conversation then I asked her to tell me whatever she want that I would do it for her, her request was shocking to me…. She asked me to change Annabel’s position in the company that she’s not comfortable seeing her as my personal as-sistant….
“I’ll even sack the s–t” I said out of guilt
“you don’t nee-d to ” she said, I wished she knew what was going on she would have even sued her
“I sacked Gift ” I said almost in a whisper
“what? ” she asked amazed
“Obim, it was a mistake. It was never my intention ” I said pathetically
“don’t worry I’ll help you to call her then write an appealing letter to her with sum of money ”
I smiled she’s really smart I hope things work out well and I’ll drive away that harlot
Belinda visited the saloonist before going she washed her clothes and her husband’s clothes promising that she would take her clothes to orphanage home then change her wardrobe with fancy clothes.
The hair dresser fixed her hair in a bobbe-d style that looks perfect on her. She visited a boutique immediately and bought fancy clothes. She wants her man by all means.
She cleaned the house and her usual friend the television, she washed unused kitchen utensils that looked dusty, the room smells fresh rose flower.
She shaved all the bushes on her pri-vate p@rt and she took her bath and wore a jeans shorts with a crop t©p, she looks more than cute and promised to give her husband h0t looks if he dares talk to her ro-mantically.
*(Raymond’s Pov)*
When I got home I saw the changes….. My mum was right…. She was the one who brou-ght the idea of divorce threats……
I was so happy when I saw her as h0t as h0t cake…. I jumped to hvg her but she pushed me ha-rd ….. I was so surprised “sweetheart what is wrong with you? ” I asked
“don’t forget about the divorce, I nee-d to dress h0t for new lovers to admire me” she said
“common dear you’re my wife”
“you can say that again, I’m a dirty lady and you can’t mingle with me because we don’t have anything in common take note of that and save your integrity because you say so” she said and tried to walk out but I’ll never let that to happen, I gr@bb£d her hand and pu-ll-ed her close to me.
“Sweetheart I love you of course don’t you know I love you? ” she laughed out loud and looked at me from head to toe
“you ain’t serious, instead of you to be thinking of your new life with the new catch, you are here telling me old stories” this time around she let go her hands off mine swiftly.
My heart skipped….. I hope she’s just trying to show me an attitude and not serious of what she was doing…..
I picked my phone and called my mum again this time my mum asked me to give her time to behave the way she likes it’s now her turn that things will work out.
After speaking with my mum I got a call from Alex, he was ill and asked me to come over then I realized it’s been a while we all had fun…..
I remembered the beautiful figure eight that just left me then I ran after her calling her sweet names “babyyyyy! honey darling! my everyday crush! ”
It was a Monday morning, everywhere seems to be as busy as bees. The unusual traffic jam made Miss Anabel to get to work very late. Her boss was at work alre-ady and activities were going on smoothly.
*(Danny’s pov)*
I watched how she entered my office without face of apology, she called me sweetheart instead then I remembered I’ve been giving her an upper hand, she has grown wings as a worker that doesn’t respect her boss.
I’ve been a fool having a very tasty stew at home but roaming about with a cheap thing like her, she moved forward to hvg me but I st©pped her immediately.
“look at the time you’re coming to work ” I said pointing at the wall clock.
“I’m so sorry sweetie, I couldn’t make it up early I was caught by the traffic jam. Is that why you are angry with your mistress ” she asked
I felt like sl@pping her but I took another thought because I was the one who agreed to her stupidity. I decided to take things easy with her. “I’ll like to talk to you, we don’t have much to do today so let’s talk” I said. She nodded in affirmation happily not knowing what was on my mind.
She sat down on the rocking chair opposite me, she was looking at my eyes if it was like before I would have complemented her outfit but my mind was totally off from her.
“You’re a lady and you have to live like a lady, hook up with young guys, possess nice characters that will entice young guys. I’m a married man I have to live like a caring husband and probably caring father because I know I’ll have children one day. All what we have been doing was wrong it seems like I’m destroying your future because you know I’ll never marry you and your future husband will not be happy about your past ” I was still speaking when my s-en-se c@m£ back to my br@in, was I really the one saying ru-bbish? I just nee-d to s£nd her away beside she started it first.
I gazed at her, she was crying uncontrollably “After all I’ve done for you, is this how you’ll pay me? I swear to God you’ll regret it in life and let me inform you before you’ll sack me I’ll resign” she said and walked out of my office slamming the door as if she wanted to break it…..
I hissed…. What can she do? She’s nothing but a b—h that will be used by men and dumped like rag…… She’s even saying after what she had done for me….. What has she done…. We both benefited from each other…… I ate her up and she spent my money…….
I resumed my duty in peace and planned on how to get Gift back, I sl@pped my head for acting unwisely.
*(Anabel’s Pov)*
My phone rang it was my fiance I know he has missed me a lot but I wasn’t in the mood of talking to him so I managed to pick his call. “hi baby ” he said
“morning dearie ” I said in a weak tone, he noticed the unusual sound and demanded to know the reason why my voice was weak but I managed to lie that I was okay.
He said his coming has been canceled because of great works ahead, that was why he called… My plans would be carried out peacefully….. I will make sure I deal with that stupid man that tries to pl@ywith me……. Nob©dy dares my precious pot and go without my permission……. I’ll so deal with him and his wife……… He’s now advising me…… As if his br@in was lost when he was ban-ging me……. He doesn’t know me….. I’m iya arugbo.
Alex mum was so serious about her son’s marriage to Rose, she made life to be miserable for her and find fault in every little thing she does.
She left them for a week, her return was with a fair beautiful girl of 17years, she brou-ght the girl to be Alex’s new wife.
Alex was so angry when his mum brou-ght the wife to him but he didn’t hurt them, his mum and the beautiful girl stayed at the guest room until the day Alex traveled. His mother hired some guys to s£nd Rose away, they threatened to kill her if she dares come back to the house.
Rose wasn’t scared, she left laughing at them because she knows Alex will look for her, she promised to stay loyal and keep in t©uçh.
Her mother-in-law has forgotten there’s phone for communication, although Rose could take fast reactions but she preferred to stay cool and see the wonders.
*(Gift POV)*
I was at home plaiting my mum, ever since I was sacked I’ve been moving from place to place seeking for job but it was one disappointment or the other.
My mum has told me to wait patiently that God’s time is the best so I accepted and joined her at home, she has a provision shop.
While I was plaiting her hair, we were both chatting then my phone rang, I checked the caller it was Mrs Danny.
I hissed, maybe she wants to tell me something annoying, or don’t think I have the strength to listen to quarrel.
“Who is calling you? ” mum asked
“forget about the call mama, they’re out of my life ” I said
My phone kept on ringing and I ignored it but my mum began to complain “It is not fair even if the person annoyed you just pick the call so long as the person still honors you and called you then pick the call if he or she tells you good reply them good and if the person tells you ru-bbish keep silent and hang the call okay? ” she said
I really love my mother and I can go extra miles for her because of her kind of personality. The phone rang again so I decided to pick the call “Hello Gift! ” she sounded politely as if nothing has ever happened.
“I’m okay ma” I pla-yed along
“Gift I know you might have been angry with me but seriously I never knew about you losing your job and I can tell you my husband is regretting it now….” she st©pped as if she was speechless, I was also speechless and confused but I managed to speak.
“Don’t worry ma’am, I’m doing okay and I believe things will be fine. How is my boss? Hope he’s doing great ”
She was still quiet but finally spoke “Miss Gift plea-se find it in your heart to forgive us and accept the apology he’ll s£nd to you today ” she ended the call, her voice was shaky like someone crying.
My mum asked who was that, I narrated everything to her, she began to dance for joy hearing that they are apologizing but I was not happy because I’ve lost the job.
Mr Alex arrived home from his journey, he could see the changes in his house. When he got home. His mum and the beautiful maiden brou-ght to him as wife c@m£ to welcome him. “Where is my wife? ” he asked
His mum was surprised “You mean we are not important or what? We are happy that you are back and instead of you to freshen up and tell us about your journey you are asking of that “man” you called wife” she said looking away immediately she called Rose “man”.
“Mama, you can call her any name you wish but where is my wife? ” he barked at her.
“I s£nt her out so that you will have some privacy with your new wife or what will you say about it? ”
“I think it is high time you and your wife to leave this house because this is not my wife, now leave my house. You are now turning to marital third p@rty and I will not tolerate such nons-en-se. For goodness sake how would you feel if you were Rose? ” he asked angrily
“Whatever! I wouldn’t blame you because I believe it’s her witch power that made you to forget how to respect elderly once including your mother ” she said and walked away.
He stood looking everywhere and scratching his head “and you, what are you still waiting for? Follow your mother” he barked at the lady who was standing in front of him.
She laughed uncontrollably “you are funny, so this is how you so much love your wifeless wife?” she asked mockingly
He designed her smooth face with earthly sl@p, she fainted immediately after the sl@p reach her cheek “I can kill you because of my wife” he said and walked out knowing she was faking her fainting.
His mum who heard the sound of the sl@p c@m£ to her aid, she helped her to recover and took her to hospital shouting “Alex you will not kill me!”
He was lucky he got his wife and Rose told him she was at her auntie’s house. He had promised to come over and take her home but she insisted until his mum leaves the house before she would come over that she had lied to her aunt that she c@m£ for visitation.
Belinda dressed in a mini fitted go-wn that showed her beautiful curves. It was the the D-day to see the lawyer but Raymond was not dressing at all. She faked happiness as if she was re-ady for the divorce but he look downcasted and frustrated about it.
“sweetheart we can work things out, I’m sorry about the past and how I’ve treated you ” he said.
She looked at him from head to toe “maybe you should tell the lawyer ” she said and drag her bag. She picked her car keys “And don’t stay long before coming ” she said and left.
He didn’t even mind taking his bath, he just picked his own car key and headed for the lawyers office.
While the lawyer was giving him some do¢v-ments to sign that he was no longer married to Belinda officially, he laughed “ma, no way. She’s my wife and she will remain my wife forever, she will be the mother of my three kids in life. Take your signing papers and leave us alone” he said
The lawyer faked to be angry “what are you trying to say or what do you see me as? You c@m£ here because you nee-ded a divorce and now I’m doing what you want….. ”
“sorry ma’am, my husband and I have sorted everything out and we still love each other ” said Belinda ma-king her husband to marvel, he jumped and hvgged her immediately.
“you’re amazing sweetie ” he said
“but wait, we must agreed on something” she said
“whatever you say I will agree ” he said out of joy.
“I must start working ”
“Done! You can even start now ” he said
They all laughed including the lawyer. “Congratulations Mr and Mrs Raymond” said the lawyer, they left the office in happiness.
Ray apologized for his bad manners in the past, she also apologized for provoking him.
Gift was still talking with her mum when a mess£nger c@m£ to her house with a letter from Benson and Son LTD.
It was a letter of apology, in it was a do¢v-ment containing house and car, the car keys were given to her for being the best staff and she also got a promotion from General Secretary to General Manager.
Gift and her mum cried for joy, they danced and prayed for Danny. He also provided a driver that will teach her how to drive.
Oh my Lord! 😱 do you think the story has almost come to an end? No no no more fire are coming o, just wait and see the return of Annabel it will be superb. Nob©dy tries her and go free
Hope you enjoyed this episode.