Marriage war Episode 1 to 3

Edith hvgged her husband, she pe-cked him lightly and collected his brief case. He drew her close to himself.
”sweetheart hope you are no longer shy and you will give me what I want tonight? ” he asked her not wanting disappointment like the past few weeks. She smiled and walked away.
Danny was happy seeing her smiles and thought she was re-ady but not re-ady to say it out.
She had been waiting for him so they would eat dinner together. He joined her at the dinning table, they both ate in silence, Danny was not re-ady to speak in order not to say something that will get her angry while she changes her mind on him. She was also quiet not wanting to bring any t©pic that will make her husband talk about S-x.
Dinner was over, Edith cleared the dishes. They prayed as they always do before going to be-d. Immediately after the prayers, Edith was fast to get to the be-droom to fake a sleep while her husband li-ck his l!plike someone about to take pepper soup from a fast food joint. The two have something installed for each other.
He joined her on the be-d, she was backing the space she left for him to sleep “I’ll still nack you” he said to himself as he smiled inwardly seeing the curves and tiny w@!st she has. His wife is a very cute lady of 23, they got married few weeks ago.
He placed his hand on her soft black skin “she’s really cute ” he said to himself, Edith was shivering out of fear, she couldn’t fake her sleep any longer. The thought of her husband ra-ping her crossed her mind and she froze immediately.
Danny who was behaving like someone un-der congeal manipulation was shocked seeing how she made herself froze, “calm down, you’ll be alright trust me” he whispered to her.
He gently sli-pped his hands down her night go-wn trying to t©uçh her che-st but she stood up “what are you trying to do? Can’t you see I’m slee-ping?” she asked
“common sweetheart, I know you are faking the sleep. You must not starve me of this, I married you legally ”
“plea-se and plea-se, I want a peaceful night. I had an hectic day and I’m sure you are also tired because of work stress….”
“but I can’t be tired of you ” he cut in
He moved close to her “Biko Obim, I’ll do it carefully and I’m sure you will like it ” He said
“no I don’t want it” she said retiring to her be-d.
“sweetheart we nee-d to make babies ” he said trying to bring an idea that will calm her but she insisted saying they can get baby from motherless home.
He t©uçhed her again this time around she stood up in fright thinking he might f0rç£ her, her thoughts was right he wanted to f0rç£ her. Believing if she doesn’t want it in peace then he would give her in pieces.
She moved backward until her back was tou-ching the wall while he made advance towards her. She ran away to the living room but he ran after her. Edith began to cry like a baby pleading her husband not to hurt her. He also pleaded with her not to stress him that his mind was made up and he must have what he wanted because he strived ha-rd to get her.
Edith was smart enough, she saw one of the car keys and picked a car key from the table not bothering to check the owner of the car, she ran to the gate and opened it. She pressed the car control bu-tton and the car horned.
Before Danny could come out of the house his wife had gone alre-ady. He placed his hands on his head amidst tears, it was late alre-ady and might be dangerous for her to drive alone at that ungodly hour.
He went to his room, he picked up his phone to call his friend. His friend reas-sured him things will be fine and she would not be hurt.
He was so scared that he sl@pped himself several times for trying the attempt to r@p£ his own legal and lawful wife. But he had no option than to do so beause she had refused him.
A car horned at the gate, Mrs Brown got up, she switched on the be-droom light to see the clock. It was 11pm, she bec@m£ scared as she tapped her husband to inform him someone was at the gate.
Mr Brown was p@rtially scared but he had to act like a man, he took his gun and headed for the gate because the gate man will not open the gate for whoever is horning.
Mrs brown prayed silently for her husband, although she had never encountered any armed robbery attack but she was scared of robbers and thought it might be them.
Mr Brown ordered Aminu the gate man to open the gate for him. Aminu was also scared but got confidence when he saw his boss with a gun. Peeped throu-gh the gate to know who it was but couldn’t recognize the person because of the darkness.
Mr Brown set his gun as the car moved in after Aminu had opened the gate, he recognized the car as the one he bought for Danny and Edith during their wedding p@rty. He dropped his gun to see the next action that would follow, Edith ran towards him. She hvgged him ti-ghtly and broke into tears.
Mr Brown asked several rhetorical questions “what happened? Where is Danny? And why did he allow you to drive at this ungodly hour? ”
All she could do was to cry the more like an infant demanding for br£@st milk. He had no option than to cudd-leher and take her in.
Mrs Brown was relieved discovering it was not what she thought will happen really happened but she was confused and displea-sed seeing her daughter in that state.
The weather was cold, it was also late and not advisable for driving. She made h0t tea for her daughter to help her warm up.
Mr and Mrs Brown waited impatiently for their daughter to tell them what went wrong to the extent she could not wait till morning before coming. Mr Brown tapped his feet several times while his wife placed her hand on her cheek.
“What happened? ” Mrs Brown asked after Edith has finished sipping the tea.
She began to cry again, this time her father was alre-ady in rage. “will you tell us the problem instead of crying like a baby so we can help you? ” her father asked
“did he sp@ñk you? ” the mother added but she shook her head
“Then what went wrong that made you to leave your marital home this night? ” her father asked
“He tried to r@p£ me” she summoned to say.
Mrs Brown bur-st into uncontrollable laughter while her husband frowned “but this is not funny at all” he said while she controlled herself.
“how can your husband try to r@p£ you?” he asked her not smiling or finding it funny.
“daddy I’m not joking, I was slee-ping while he made attempts to S-x me without my permission and that is marital r@p£… ”
“common shut up. What’s wrong with you? ” her father cut her in.
She kept quiet “tomorrow we are going to see Danny, you’ll explain yourself better cause that reason is not genuine at all” he said and walk out. He’s not a strict man but he doesn’t like her childish behaviours
She cried and tried to t©uçh her mum but her mum who is more angry pu-ll-ed her hand off her. She’s a lawyer of 45 and doesn’t pl@ywith $h!ts.
“Don’t t©uçh me, do you think I’m plea-sed with what you did? You almost risked your life. How could someone that paid your bride price r@p£ you? He owned you and has the right to do anything with you, I believe he was not going to harm you. Was I the one that f0rç£d you there? Or was I the one that made you to fall in love with him? You better know that you’re no longer a baby, you are a woman and will become a mother just like me. Goodnight! ” she said and walked out.
*(Edith POV)*
Did mum just call me a woman? No this can’t be happening to me……. I know I’m married to Danny and we are one……. The first day he approached me I told him I do not want S-xual relationsh!pwhich he accepted but I wonder why he is pressurising me now…..
Ever since I know myself….. I hate S-x and I’ve heard many stories about it of how painful it is….. I don’t want anything to cause me pain…….I’m still a v!rg!nand I’m so scared to be disvir-gin.
If Danny will keep forcing me I’ll just pack my belongings back because my room is still empty, my father has many houses….. If he’s not comfortable for me to live with him then he’ll give me a house.
Besides he said love is not all about S-x, what matters is care and trust….. I trust him and he trust me…… I care for him and he cares for me…… What more?
*Another family*
Raymond la-id on his be-d backing Belinda his wife who was busy tapping him “we nee-d to talk” she said.
He finally gave in to her “okay I’m listening ” he said pretending to be half asleep while his wife was talking and crying at the same time.
“if you can’t speak then let me sleep in peace, what is the reason behind all this cry like someone mourning for the dead?” he said angrily.
“My love, you don’t care for me the way you use to do before. You get angry with me easily, you come back home with sad face and go to work with the same sad face. You will be laughing with your friends but whenever you sight me you change your mood, why? I’m your wife speak to me ” she said
“is that all you want to say? I’m not angry with you, I’m only angry with myself for marrying you” he said and turned to sleep while she broke into new beginning of tears but he gave a deaf ears.
(Raymond’s Pov)
Belinda has made life a living hell for me as a wife, I brou-ght the idea of a house maid but she kicked against it thinking I would stoop myself so low to conquer on a house maid.
She ha-rd ly take her bathe until I persuade her, she doesn’t shave her public region, it always sticky and booming with smells but it was not so before I married her. I wonder if she was trying to punish me or herself.
The house always look unkept and all she do is to watch movies all day, the television she watch the movie from always look dusty. I wonder what to do with her.
She will always tie wra-pper on her che-st walking to and fro, I hate it. My mum is 50yrs but her dressing still s£dûç£my old papa, I think I’m unfortunate having such kind of woman.
It was 6am Mrs Brown woke Edith very early in the morning “Oya, go and dress, you will not be in my husbands house for the next two hours.” she said.
Edith frown hearing her mum’s words. Although she knew it was a joke but she dislike it.
“Don’t be acting like amala, your dad and I are waiting. Your husband must not take breakfast outside. ” she said and walk out.
Mr & Mrs Brown arrived at their inlaw’s house with their daughter but he was not at home, he had gone to work.
Edith felt relieved but her mum proved her wrong when she ordered her to cook and package it for her husband.
“Your husband must eat breakfast from you, cook whatever you are supposed to cook according to your food time table, package it we are going to his place of work. Your dad and I skipped work because of you, we want all the best for you ” she said while Edith gave out a frown.
Danny glanced at his wrist watch, it was 11am alre-ady his personal as-sistant (PA) c@m£ to remind him of lunch. He usually meet his two best friends in an eatry by 2pm for lunch but Fridays they meet 11am.
“Awwwwn I know Raymond and Alex will be waiting for me” he said
“Sir, you told me to remind you of some files you are yet to sign” says Annabel the PA
“It’s like you don’t know I’m hungry. My wife….” he st©pped and thought for a while. He realized it is not important telling his family affair to an ordinary PA
“Sir are you sure you are okay? ” Annabel asked
“yeah ” he said almost in a whisper.
******Danny’s POV******
Annabel kept looking at me until I left, she is a nice and caring lady whom I employed just about a week ago.
I arrived at our usual eatery where we eat, everywhere was quiet. Raymond looked worried.
The menu was brou-ght to us, I selected the one I wanted same as my friends, we were all served.
Eating seem to be boring, I lost my appetite and noisy Raymond that always keeps us busy was quiet alone, I summoned courage to ask what was going on.
“Guy you look bored today what’s the problem? ” I asked facing Raymond who was pla-ying with the food with his spoon, it seems he also lost his appetite but Alex was seriously swallowing his fufu and vegetable soup.
He always tell us his secret but he wasn’t re-ady to tell us this time the only thing he said was marriage is not easy.
“Guy marriage is easy o, you only fall in the wrong hand but Belinda is nice now. Why are you saying all this? ” Alex asked abs£nt mindedly
“It’s true o, marriage is not easy. My wife left me yesterday. I can’t even eat, no appetite ” I said.
“you better thank God for the kind of beautiful wife you have. She is caring and ha-rd working ” Raymond said to me
“I that have my b©dy, I’m the one that knows which p@rt pains me. I can’t be eating her beauty or her ha-rd working, my wife is greedy” I blurted while they laughed
“How will she be greedy? You are now ma-king me to have appetite ” says Raymond who found my words funny.
“She had refused me of S-x ” I said in anger.
“She never jam be that, person like me if my testicles shake whether she’s re-ady or not I’ll get her smoothly ” says Alex
“That lady is stubborn, I don’t even know how she managed to run fas-ter than me last night to the extent she went to her family house. I was disturbe-d until her dad called me”
“Hmmm, don’t go and kill yourself because of her o, the best thing is to make her jealous by taking another lady but don’t do anything with the lady o. Simple, yours can be solved but my problem is like everlasting and I can’t run from it” Raymond said.
Either pretense or reality, I don’t want to move with any woman or make my wife jealous so I overlooked what Raymond said and took Alex’s advice. I will r@p£ her if she tries anything funny again.
“Let’s change the t©pic, Raymond we are going to your house today after work don’t forget today is Friday ” Alex said while Raymond gave a weird look.
We usually visit one another every Friday, last Friday was at my house and this Friday will be Raymond’s house.
Lunch was over, I got to my office. Few minutes later, my wife and her parents c@m£ my office.
As cute as ever. She was shy when she entered my office, I never knew about her shy attitude until we got married, she’s really crazy.
I narrated everything to my in-laws about what transpired between my wife and I. Her mum started advising her while her dad nag and nag.
“If you try coming to my house at night again I’ll not allow you to enter” her Dad said before leaving.
We were silent for a while after her parents left, I refused to smile at her so she would know I was really hurt.
“Baby I’m sorry over what happened last night, I promise it will not repeat itself again ” she said.
I refused to answer her, the rate of my shakara is higher than that of a pregnant woman. She placed her hands on my n£¢k, I thought of having S-x with her in my office but my PA might enter at any time.
I hvgged her and told her I’ve forgiven her.
******Unknown POV******
So this is his wife? I will frustrate her with this opportunity I’ve got.
All what she had done to me in secondary school will be repayed, By the time I’m throu-gh with her, it will be broken home alre-ady. She didn’t even recognize me.
Danny saw his wife off, he introduced his wife to his PA briefly.
“Her name is Annabel she’s my new PA” he said.
“Ah ah but you never told me of having a new PA” she said like someone angry.
“I forgot to tell you but it is not too late, Annabel this is my wife, she is the love of my life ” he said taping her while she blu-shed.
“Thank God I c@m£ with my car else you wouldn’t have gone to your friends house, whose house are you going today? ” she asked
“Awwwwn, Raymond o”
“Alright, my regards to Belinda. It has been a while ”
“Don’t worry dear, I’ll take you there one of these days ”
She smiled and pe-cked him.
Time to go home was near, Danny arranged everything and left few for Annabel to continue with it.
Soon the three met at their usual place and zoomed off each with his own car.
They all arrived at Raymond’s house, Raymond heart was pounding heavily. He prayed gently against disappointment but his Belinda still remained Belinda. As they tap the door bell, she gladly opened the door because her husband had informed her earlier about the arrival of his friends. He also called her while he was driving in order for her to code and know what to do.
She opened the door at everyone’s surprise she was tying a wra-pper on her che-st, she opened her arms to hvg her husband as usual, her armpit were bushy. Disgrace number one.
They entered the living room without minding what they saw initially, the living room was turned upside down, her clothes were on the cushion, her toothbrush and tooth paste were on the floor. The teddy bear she always keep beside her whenever she’s slee-ping was on the floor. Disgrace number two.
That was when Raymond spoke in annoyance “what the hell is wrong with you, toothpaste and toothbrush in your living room and you don’t care?” he asked peering at her.
“Sweetie don’t rush into conclusion, I was at the bathroom brushing when they started my favorite TV program so I rushed to the living room to watch it. I forgot ” she said, Alex and Danny could not help but laugh at her foolish excuse.
“And what about the clothes? Was it not the clothes you wore to my office yesterday? I told you to arrange them somewhere if you can’t wash them now what are they doing here? Watching the movie with you right? ” he asked.
“Oh common you must not be too harsh on her like that, she’s your wife not your younger sister ” Alex pleaded on her behalf.
He calmed down and started packing the clothes, he asked her to take the toothpaste and brush to the proper place. He re-moved his clothes,swept the house and mopped it while his friends waited patiently for him.
“I’m so sorry for the embarras-sment ” he said after cleaning the place.
“we un-derstand, it’s nothing ” Danny replied.
“this is the hell I’ve been going throu-gh with the wife I married ” he said
“don’t worry, we know you hate dirty things. She can’t frustrate you like this, I have an idea as a friend ” said Alex.
“plea-se tell me about it” Ray demanded with keen interest.
“I’m gonna tell my wife about this, you know she’s a woman of un-derstanding. We’ll visit your house on Sunday just like family friends visitation. We’ll allow the three women to interact and she will educate her in the act of interacting. ”
“wow that’s a good idea “says Danny
“thank you for this, I think it will help” says Ray.
She dished out food for them, when it comes to cooking. She’s unbeatable but they were scared of eating her food because of her unhygienic character.
Soon everyone was gone to their respective home. Alex’s wife gave him a warm hvg, Rose that’s her name, she is a very good young lady and easy to flow with.
“Guess what? ” he asked
“you know I’m not good at guessing ”
“yeah but guess ” he insisted
“OK you won a lottery ” she said boasting out
“No why will you think such? ” he said
“then tell me”
“I just discovered you are the best wife among the three ladies that got married at St Immaculate church on 25th of October ” he said, she bur-st out into laughter
“what are you saying? You can’t compare me to Edith, she is too perfect and beautiful, imagine how she looked in her white go-wn ” she Said
“they were just for fashion, you know she told Danny she doesn’t want S-xual relationsh!pwhen they were in a relationsh!pand he agreed. She is still depriving him of S-x, maybe she is not a v!rg!njust the way she told him she was a v!rg!nand for Belinda that one is worse, she’s so dirty. All she could do is to stay at home and watch movies ”
She nodded her head feeling sorry for their husbands “that’s why we nee-d to be honest to one another, Edith did not know Danny would become her husband and now she is avoiding S-x because if he get to know she is not a vir-gin, his trust for her will reduce”
“That’s What I’m thinking, on Sunday we will be visiting Ray and Danny’s family are also coming over. Try to ask Edith if she is still a v!rg!nor if there is something she is avoiding from her husband, also try to educate Belinda on personal hygiene if she can take care of herself then house maid will take care of the house ” he said
“okay dear, I’ll do my best to make them the way I am”
“and to make my friends as happy as I am” he added
She smiled and paused while her husband carried her to the be-droom.
“Hey babe, we are going to Ray’s house a day after tomorrow that’s Sunday. You’ll see Belinda ” Danny said to his wife
“wow that’s cool, I’ve missed her, especially her tasty food ” she said
Danny smiled remembering how he and Alex were scared of eating the food she served them.
He didn’t mention anything S-x to avoid disgrace, he preferred to be cool until her witch calm down.
Raymond avoided his wife like plague, he didn’t want to complain about what had happened earlier between both of them. He prayed the plan works out well. He promised to tidy up the house on Sunday to avoid disgrace.
It was Sunday, Danny dressed in blue suit with white inner wear while his wife wore a white go-wn with blue ribbon hooked at the upper p@rt of the go-wn. She parked her hair with blue ribbon and wore a pair of white heels that makes her almost the same height with her husband.
“Honey you look perfect ” he said
She blu-shed “same with you ” she replied.
“I always wonder if you are a mermaid or a fairy” she placed her f!nger on hisl-ips and pe-cked him.
They set to go to Ray’s house. Rose and Alex wore native of the same design.
ective homes.