Mama I made it episode 19 & 20

Episode 20.❤
I sluggishly did what I have to do to keep the house in order, but my mom never c@m£ in to help out in anyway unlike her.
I c@m£ out to throw the debris but she wasn’t anywhere near the compound,
“Where has she gone to! I shouted and ran out but met the guy who keeps pissing me off.
I ignored and wanted walking away but he drew me back f0rç£fully,
“What’s the meaning of this! I shouted on him.
“Where did you go to in the middle of the night? He asked and my eyes bulged out.
“What? I asked calming down.
“I saw you with a guy driving out in the middle of the night and c@m£ back very late, where did you go to? He asked.
“Didn’t you see I was with a girl too and why should you be bothered about where I went to? Did anyone you keep you as a watchman in this community to monitor my footsteps? Excuse me, I said putting all the boldness in me and ran away to find my mother.
During the process of looking for her, I heard people talking about the dead b©dy that was found and the man was recognized by the villagers.
The people actually thought maybe he was hit by a car and the run away driver decided to keep him by the corner of the road,
“But he has no business with the road, he only parades around the community drinking, I don’t believe that story, someone said.
“I want to believe that, Looking at his wounds it doesn’t look like he was hit by me, another lady said.
“Yessss, even if it was an accident, he should have wounds on different p@rt of his b©dy na, someone just choose to kill and dump him there, a woman said and I slowly walked away from there.
Despite I was not the murderer but I felt guilty like I was the one, but I felt somehow relieved no one will know it was my mom.
“Aunty good morning, plea-se have you seen my mother today? I asked a lady that lives not too far from my place.
“Your mother? Yes yes yes I wanted calling you sef before I got distracted, I saw her going to the road o I don’t know where she is going to, she replied.
“To the road? What is she going to do there? I asked.
“Are you asking me? Just go check I think she is going to see the dead corpse, she replied and I hurried off.
As I was going a question struck me,
“Why did the people get to see him that fast? His b©dy was dumped at a very far distance away from the environment totally, who brou-ght him close? I asked and st©pped a bike to get to the junction fas-ter.
Before the bike could get there, the place was so crowded that i had to get down and paid for my fare.
I pushed throu-gh the crowd to see truly he was carried down to the junction,
“But by who? I asked and began looking for my mom.
I saw my mom laughing and tou-ching people demonstrating how she was hitting him.
They just looked at her and ignored, I alone knew what she was trying to communicate and I held her hand dragging her out which she seriously struggled and hit me so ha-rd for the very first time.
I looked at her shocked and saw her face changed and she ran off before I could say anything.
I didn’t know how to start running after a mad person or calling her mommy, probably they will think I’m mad too.
I stood so confused and took a bike home and called up Alfred which he finally picked up,
“Hi, he said.
“I’ve been calling Alfred, what happened? I asked.
“Nothing, so wasup? He asked.
“The b©dy was carried to the junction, I don’t know who did that, I replied.
“How is that your business? Maybe someone recognized him and decided to bring him home, he said.
“Maybe someone saw us and decided to bring him where he was taken from, I said.
“That’s always your problem Purity and plea-se I don’t want to get angry again, I nee-d my rest, he said and dropped the call and I felt like running Mad.
I thought of calling Charity but i know she must be resting by now.
A lot of things was on my head and my mom condition now is getting worst,
“Where has she run to! I shouted covering my head on my palm with tears streaming down my face and a car drove in.
I looked and got up wondering who it could be, and surprisingly it was Angel!
I was speechless not knowing how to react until he c@m£ to me,
“Hi Purity, what’s wrong you’re crying? He asked and I sniffed cleaning my tears.
“Sorry who are you? I asked and he smiled.
“Seriously? He asked and i just felt sudden anger I couldn’t explain when I’ve been longing to see him.
“I don’t un-derstand what you’re doing here, I thought the l@pt©p was given to you? Anything else? I asked and he heaved.
“I guess I c@m£ at the wrong time but plea-se why are you crying? he asked.
‘None of your business, i replied cleaning my frustrated tears and he made me sit down.
“I’m sorry I left, but is not what you’re thinking, he said and showed me his legs and I felt so bad.
“What happened to you? I asked.
“I had an accident when I left, it was so severe and my car was badly damaged, he replied.
“Oh my God! I was calling your line but it wasn’t going throu-gh, i said so sorry.
“Yea, you know in the process of help from pretenders, thieves also c@m£ to help and took what they could including the l@pt©p, he replied.
“What! Oh my God how can people be so heartless even at such a condition! I shouted getting up.
“Its Okay Purity, things are ha-rd I un-derstand……. “Must they do that! I cut in.
“Purity they didn’t take my life did they? That’s what matters and I’m okay, just that I couldn’t reach you either and its like your account on social media was deleted or something. My mom didn’t want me to go out too and she was so mad at me I travelled just to get a l@pt©p i could just get anywhere, believe me Purity I tried to come visit to know how you’re doing at least, I couldn’t have abandoned you that way as you think, he said.
“Its okay plea-se i should be the one to apologize, but how is the leg? Hope you’re fine? I asked.
“I’m doing good thank you, he said smiling and i nodded.
“So where is your mom? He asked looking around and i cleaned my face.
“Actually that’s why I’m crying, she’s not getting better at all and ermmm….. Never mind, i said.
“And ermmm what? What is it you wanted to tell me? He asked and i felt i should trust him.
“She killed someone yesterday, I said cleaning my face.
“She did what! He shouted and i told him what happened.
“The man is at the junction, I and my friends had no choice than to dump him there though it wasn’t there but I don’t know who transported him there, I concluded.
“How could you agree to do such a thing? That’s inhumane, he said.
“It was inhumane too he c@m£ to r@p£ her, I said.
“Purity your mom has a good case here and she is mentally unstable, the blame is on the dead man because he could have known better and the knife he held was a good point too that she defended herself from him. Look I’m a lawyer and nothing would have happened to your mom, he said.
“You’re saying that because you just c@m£ today, who do i have to defend my mother? I only did what i thought was right, i said.
“Who suggested this idea in the first place? He asked.
“My repres£ntative in school, i wasn’t feeling too well so they c@m£ to visit me, i replied.
“You started alre-ady? He asked.
“Yea my 200l in medicine and surgery, I replied and he cl@pped for me ma-king me smile.
“Thank you, I shyly said.
“I admire the boldness you took despite the circu-mtances around you, but what your repres£ntative did is a criminal act and if anyone finds out about this, you will go for it badly because you stained the truth with crime, he said and I was so scared.
“But…. What.. What am I going to do now? But no one knows its us right? I asked shaking.
“Purity sometimes its just good to do something right whether someone is there or not to avoid complications in the future.
Your repres£ntative or even your friend can use that to implicate you, and I’m sorry you won’t stand the case except by luck, he said and i stood up pacing around.
Yes he’s right, even though i trust Charity and won’t believe she will do such a thing to me, I wasn’t sure of Alfred one bit.
“What are we going to do plea-se? And i can’t find my mom! Dear God I’m going crazy alre-ady, i said crying and he got up and hvgged me.
“I didn’t forget my promise to you and that’s why I’m here, tomorrow or so your mom will be taken to the hospital for proper treatment, let’s hope she gets better, he said and i looked at him.
“Are you serious? I asked.
“Yes, my mom agreed to help out, he said and i happily jumped on him thinking it was Charity and i apologized quic-kly,
“Its okay, now let’s go find your mom, he said and i closed the door immediately and we drove off………….
We found my mom and I drew her inside, she made lot of noise that i had to st©p to buy her bre-ad, with the bre-ad she was calm, but the b©dy was still there.
“We are going to the police station to report this, but don’t be scared i got you, he said and i nodded.
We got to the station and la-id a complain to them, at first the officers wanted bringing in things up maybe to shake us or something, but he proved himself as a good lawyer shutting their mouth up.
“She was deceived and given wrong advice yes I know, and we have come to make things right. The murderer is not in her right s-en-ses and this happened right in her house, you know very well its a case of self defence, he said and they nodded.
“We will go take the b©dy but you go give us small change to put am for mortuary before we go find their family make they know we-tin happen, an officer said.
“That’s no problem, he said giving them money and they got his number so we can still communicate.
“any other problem? He asked.
“Ahh oga everything dey balance, but make una dey first visit us before you take action, police is your friend o, an officer happily said with the money given to them.
“I’ve heard sir thank you, i said to them.
“plea-se call us if there is any upd@t£, and plea-se carry his b©dy quic-k, he said.
“Immediately sir immediately, oya make una start to move! An officer shouted.
It was like a hvge burden was lifted from me as we drove home, i could now breathe well and have no reason to fear or worry again.
“How can i say thank you? Thank you so so much, I said.
“Its okay so tell me where should i take you out? At least to celebr@te your admission though I missed your matriculation, he said.
‘plea-se you’ve alre-ady taken me out, this is more than outing itself and before i forget, what’s your name? I asked.
“I thought you knew, I’m Success, he replied.
“Thank you Success for the cake the other day and everything, i said and he laughed.
“Its alright, so how was your other birthday p@rty? He asked.
“Don’t even go there plea-se, i didn’t even remember it and i don’t want to, I replied.
“Alright no problem if you say so, he said and i looked at my mom who still kept herself busy with the bre-ad i bought, and i applauded myself for being so wise to buy her a big loaf.
She got chocked and coughed loud,
“Eat small small na, I said tou-ching her che-st when i remembered i didn’t get water for her.
“Here give it to her, Success said giving me water and i took it giving it to her.
“Thank you again, always saving lives big time, i said and my mom bur-st out laughing and i looked at Success and bur-st out laughing with him………..
We got home and my mom rushed in leaving us,
“You know what Purity, your mom will be fine, he said and i nodded.
“You know today i kind of regretted i c@m£ back, but I’m filled with hope again, thank you, i said.
“Thank God, he said.
“Aren’t you coming in? Let me get you something to eat plea-se, i said.
“Oh i wanted rushing to an appointment now but hearing this i think it has to wait, let’s go, he said and I smiled going out of the car and his phone began to ring which he still remained to answer it……………
Angel is back and he’s name is success 🤗
See the way he sorved purity problem ❤
1,team success (angel) 💞
2,team Alfred ❤