Mama I made it episode 17

Episode 17. ❤
During the vacation it was quite fun and I had a lot of rest for my b©dy though it was just a 3 weeks break.
I thought of adding for myself a week extra, but when I found out Charity is resuming, I had no choice than to resume also as I couldn’t wait to see her again.
“But why did you rush to resume nau? I asked when I met her in the hostel when she just arrived.
“Hiannn Purity you don’t like me o, you don’t know how that house is so boring. When I’ll switch on the television and my dad meets me, the next thing he will say is “Charity go and re-ad your book, vacation is not for watching television” she said mimicking her father voice and I laughed.
“So because of that you cut my vacation short? I asked her.
“So you did not want to resume? Or go back na, she said with a frown and i hit her pla-yfully.
“So was-sup? Heard from Albert our repres£ntative? She asked.
“Yea we have been chatting on WhatsApp and he has been calling to say hi from time to time, I replied and she was just smiling.
“What? I asked.
“Nothing, just that he is becoming too close you know, she said and I shook my head.
“No Charity he should plea-se maintain his level, I said.
“And why? She asked and I rolled my eyes.
“Charity we are just friends okay and I’ll appreciate you st©p now before I’ll start avoiding him, I replied.
“I don’t get it, he’s a good guy and intelligent, any girl will like to have him you know, she said.
“Why are you saying all this? Did he s£nd you or something? I asked.
“Hell no, you know I won’t say anything either if he did, but I’m just wondering why you will reject him because I see that coming, she said.
“Well miss I’m gonna reject him hands down, I have no feelings for him and that’s it, I said and she looked at me carefully.
“Who is he? She asked.
“Who? I asked back.
“I know there’s a guy Purity so don’t lie to me, who is he? She seriously asked and I bur-st out laughing.
“Oh oh oh now I’m scared with your looks, is it that important? I asked.
“Yes it is and I want to know, by the way you hid that from me, she said.
“Charity its no one though there’s a guy I don’t even know his name….remember I told you I sold my l@pt©p to get fees for school? I asked.
“Yea, so ? She asked.
“Its the guy who bought it from me but he has vanished into thin air. His number isn’t going throu-gh and I don’t know where to find him exactly, I said and she looked at me and bur-st out laughing too.
“Yea its funny right? I asked.
“Wait o, after he got your l@pt©p from you were you expecting him to come visit you or something? I thought you never knew him? She asked and I heaved.
“I had some expectations from him somehow and I thought we were friends even though we don’t know each other. But then i can’t help but wonder why his number is switch off for months now, what if something bad happened to him? I asked.
“Or what if he’s a ghost? She asked.
“Charity! I shouted.
“What? I’m just being real here, she said.
“Real in ghosts? Are you serious? I asked.
“Well what do you want me to think? She asked and I hissed.
“plea-se just st©p talking, I said taking my phone.
“Okay after all you’re ma-king my work here dull with your boring talk, she said.
“Just shut up, i said and nodded, few minutes later after a lot of silence she threw me some clothes humming.
“What’s that? I asked.
“I thought you said i should shut up? That’s for you joor, she said and I happily jumped on her………….
A week later after our resumption, lectures began in full as all the students resumed.
I was in clas-s talking with Charity when Alfred c@m£ and sat with me,
“Hi, is the lecturer not coming? I asked.
“Why is it that whenever you see me its always lecturers you’ll be asking? He asked.
“Because you are our repres£ntative, I replied.
“Right, Can we talk? He asked.
“but we are talking aren’t we? I asked back.
“Oh I get it, are you asking her for a d@t£? Charity asked and I looked at her.
“No no not a d@t£ just a friendly talk you know, he said and Charity smiled wi-nking at me while I felt like hitting her my shoe.
“Okay but right now? I asked him.
“Nah the lecturer will be here soon, but I’ll call you, he said.
“Okay, I said and he gave me a bag.
“What’s in it? I asked and Charity got it and opened it.
“Uhmmm so sweet thank you, I know its for me, she said.
“I got it for Purity, he said.
“Purity Charity all the same, she said and he smiled and left and I heaved looking at Charity taking a packet of chocolate.
“What? I hope you won’t eat o after all you don’t like him, she said and the lecturer walked in.
“Let’s talk about that later, I said as she packaged it back and held it ti-ght to herself smiling at me.
After the lectures I wanted leaving but Charity held me back,
“Alfred nau, are you two not talking again? She asked and i rolled my eyes.
“Haba na Charity, i said and saw him coming to us.
“Happy now huh? I asked between my teeth but she brou-ght out the bag waving at me.
“Hi so can we? Alfred asked.
“Yea but where? I asked.
“You’ll see, he replied.
“I’m I among? Charity asked.
“No give us break, he replied holding my hand to leave and I turned back showing my ton-gue to Charity who kept a funny face.
“What exactly are we going to talk about? I asked when we got to a quiet place still within the school premises.
“I don’t just want you to be distracted by Charity and i want to to have another company ap@rt from her, he said.
“Another company? I’m so very okay with her and she is more than a best friend, I said.
“I know, but that’s not why i brou-ght you here, he said.
“I’m eager to know, i said.
“I like you Purity and I just have to tell you this, we are no more new on campus and i feel we are matured to know how this things go, he said and i smiled.
“Thanks for liking me I appreciate, but I don’t get the other p@rt, what do you mean? I asked.
“Purity st©p pla-ying around,you’re a smart girl and you know exactly what i mean, he said and held My hand and I slowly took it off.
“Alfred isn’t it too quic-k? I mean I wasn’t expecting this, I thought we were just friends, I said.
“I wasn’t even friends with you i think i sneaked in somehow, but I’m asking for the permission now, he said.
“Okay that’s preferable, agreed, I said and he smiled.
“Thank you, so can i get a hvg? He asked and I smiled shaking my head.
“Common Purity just a friendly hvg nothing more, he said and i shrugged my shoulders and hvgged him.
“Okay now can i plea-se go back to my friend else she will swear for you, I said and he laughed helping me up as we were sitting on the gras-s.
As we strolled back i called Charity to know where she is but she was still waiting for me in clas-s.
We got there and began laughing at her because of the way she sat so lonely with a sad face,
“Which kind rou-gh pl@ybe that one na? Charity said and I crossed my hands on her.
“Missed me huh? I asked.
“get out, she said taking her bag and we left to the hostel while Alfred dep@rted from us on the way……………
The semester was successfully over and we resumed again well and hearty, though we lost a guy to an accident during the vacation.
It was a sad moment for us when we resumed and we mourned him as a colleague.
Alfred and i bec@m£ so close that he almost beat out Charity from my side.
People thought we were d@t!ngalre-ady but that was their problem not mine.
2 weeks after i resumed i fell ill and called Charity to let her know I’ll miss lectures for the day.
Somehow Alfred got to know and surprisingly they showed up at my place in that afternoon and for the very first time.
I was slee-ping when I heard voices and woke up, and I noticed it was about me and the voices was just too familiar though i never thought they could ever find me at home.
I c@m£ out and met my mom just looking at them foolishly,
“What are you two doing here? I asked and they c@m£ to me.
“Hi you couldn’t tell me you are sick huh? He asked.
“How are you feeling? Charity asked tou-ching me and i nodded.
“I’m fine, i replied embarras-sed knowing i can’t entertain my guest.
I didn’t know how to tell them to come in because my mom has scattered the room, neither did i have any chair to give them to seat.
“So taken pain relieves? Charity asked and sat down on the broken pavement there,
“plea-se get up and sit on this, i said giving her a rag.
“No its okay, I’m putting on black any way, she said and i cleaned my face as my mom began rolling her mouth ma-king noise.
“So was there any lectures? I asked when no one was talking but my mom keeping herself busy.
“Yea 2, Charity replied and brou-ght out a book to me.
“Thank you, I think I’ll give you this tomorrow, I said.
“Will you be strong to come tomorrow? If you want you can have your rest to properly heal, Alfred said.
“don’t worry I’ll manage, and plea-se what can i offer you? I asked.
“Nah nothing,i got fruits for you instead, Charity said.
“We got that rather, Alfred said
“Excuse me, it was my suggestion we get her fruits, glucose and Locozade for her, Charity said bringing the items out from the bag and my mom seeing it left where she sat and took the locozade bottle embr@cing it and I gave a weak smile to cover how ashamed i was.
“Okay i think your mom has that now, Charity said.
“She has all of this, she is just like you always taking what’s mine, i said and she laughed.
“Thank you so much for this, i really appreciate, i said.
“Don’t mention, we nee-d to go now, at least you’re not looking bad, Alfred said.
“I’ll see you off then, i said and went in to drop the bag they gave me and left to drop them off.
When i c@m£ back i met my mom hurrying out of the compound so terrified and I held her,
“Where are you going to? Who is pursuing you? I asked but she pointed inside so afraid and i held her in to see what pursued her out.
She refused going in with me and when i went in, behold a man in his pool of blood with the locozade bottle broken beside him.
“Jesus! I screamed out and recognized the man to be the one who I met almost ra-ping my mom.
Probably he c@m£ again when he saw i left the house and met his waterloo, but what I’m going to do when i found out he was dead.
I weakly looked at my mom as she fondling her f!ngerslooking at me and i got up from his b©dy after examining him.
With all indication my mom used the bottle on him on his shoulder first, the mark was clearly seen because he wasn’t on his shi-t. He insisted to draw near despite the warning hit, then she used it repeatedly on his head and face….. The sight was so awful!
I went out pacing around for a while and called Charity up,
“Was-sup we are still on the way, she picked up.
“plea-se there is trouble and i don’t know what to do, can you two come back? You nee-d to see what I’m seeing now, i said.
“What! She shouted.
“Wait is your mom okay? Alfred got the phone from her.
“plea-se you two nee-d to come back, its so serious, I replied.
“Calm down okay, we are coming back and whatever it is, don’t do anything till we get there, he ask.
“Thank you thank you, i said and dropped the call and covered my head on my palms.
“What have you done mommy what have you done, i kept saying…………..
Purity mom just killed someone 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆🏾‍♀🙆🏾‍♀
What do you think she and her friends is going to do about the man’s corpse ?🤔🤔
Alfred is inlove with purity 🥰
Purity seem to have feelings for angel even when she haven’t heard from him over a year now 🙄🙄
What do you think about what charity said about Angel been a ghost 🤔
This is just the beginning of the story 😘