Magic high batch 6

❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
🍭Episode 20🍭
Audrey’s POV
Mark’s mad at me now, I feel George hold my hand in as-surance.
“What is going on here?!” Mark asked rudely.
“Its not her fault Mark, vent your anger on me” George replied.
“You’re really gonna keep defending her after she s£dûç£d you!” Melinda yelled.
“I didn’t s£dûç£him Melinda!” I defended.
“Yeah you slut” she said.
“Hey! I will not let you insult Audrey, do you un-derstand?!” Mark yelled at her.
“I nee-d to see you George, and you better not bother my sister when I leave” he said to her and left with George.
Melinda scoffs and left, I fell on my chair. What is happening to me?
I could have pushed him away but I can’t, I feel so attra-cted to him.
Perhaps, am I…no….I am in love with him.
What? How did this happen?
Am in real trouble, I don’t want to get heartbroken.
I’ve never fallen for anyone before, why is it so different with him?…
Mark’s POV
As soon as we got to the school garden, I punched George on his face.
His nose is bleeding, I gave him another one and he fell to the ground.
“How dare you pl@ywith my sister you punk?!” I yelled.
“I am not pla-ying with your sister! I’m in love with her!” He yelled back.
“Oh yeah? You think I will believe that lie?”
“I also want it to be a lie but sadly it’s true. You think I want her to be going throu-gh all this because of me?”
“You know what? Stay away from Audrey. I don’t want to see you near her again” I warned.
“Am sorry but you’re gonna have to punch me again cos I won’t do that.
I will not st©p until I’ve proven to everyone how much I love her.
Audrey should decide whether to see me or not, I can deal with that happening” he said and left.
You better be telling the truth you punk or else you’ll be sorry.
The bell for clas-ses rang, I went to clas-s, Audrey looks worried.
I ignored her and sat down facing my desk, all am doing now is so you don’t get hurt.
I really wanna believe George but on the other hand I’m thinking about Audrey.
I don’t know if she loves him for sure but it’s pretty obvious.
I should just tell her about the new guy later when I’m not really mad at her.
Melinda’s POV
I feel so much hatred towards Audrey now and I really want her to disappear.
She just c@m£ out of nowhere to take George from me, I really want her to leave magic high but it turns out she’s more powerful than I am.
I nee-d more power if I am to win this war against her. I nee-d to check my mothers spell books to see what I can do.
I don’t care what it takes, I will never let her win. She humiliated me and now she must pay, I still won’t give up on George yet.
You better watch your back Audrey Anderson, you have no idea what is coming for you.
Rosella’s POV
The council of witches called me, Allena and Sebastian doesn’t know I left the house, well I disappeared.
“I see you’ve gotten close to her Rosella, you have limited time to bring the ring to the council and receive your reward” the council leader said.
“I don’t think I’d be able to get the ring elders” I replied bowing.
“You have to get it or you get re-ady to lose your life, we gave you back your life to serve a purpose and we can take it back if you fail us” She said.
“No buts Rosella, you have three days to bring it” their voice roared and I appear in the bathroom again.
“Rosella are you there?” Allena knocks.
“Yes I’ll be out in a minute” I replied.
“Okay, I thought you disappeared” she tea-sed and I heard her leave.
I sat on the closet, taking the ring from Audrey is a betrayal. Yet I can’t lose my life, I died years ago but the council brou-ght me back to life.
I promised to do whatever they want and I owe them big time.
I have no choice, you have to forgive me Audrey, I don’t mean to do this.
❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
✏️Episode 21✏️
#Charter’s POV
It’s yet another charming day since I arrived yesterday, I’ve not been able to talk to her yet but I sure will today.
A lot of girls are wi-nking at me, I just smile and walk away because they’re ignorant.
They don’t even know what’s going on, this building is a place of magic.
I bu-mped into a black American girl who is looking at me like she’s about to eat me.
So I’m guessing she’s not affected, and I’m also perceiving a heretic.
“Do you want something miss?” I asked in my gentle voice.
“I know who you are Lord Charter” She said.
“You’re really smart for a small heretic miss” I said walking away.
“I don’t know what you’re doing here but you’re gonna stay away from my friends or I’m gonna make you wish you were dead” she threatened and left.
Looks like my first enemy in decades, I’m really plea-sed to meet a descendant of mine threatening me.
What more can I ask for? I love tough and difficult people, they make life so interesting.
Speaking of people, I just found the golden girl. I’m gonna take my chances now.
“Hi” I said as she closed her locker.
“Hey” she replied looking at me like am strange, well I mean I am right.
“I’m Ken and I’m new here” I’m trying to gain sympathy from her.
“Oh welcome, I’m Audrey and I’m new too but it’s been days” She smiles, she’s really beautiful and nice, just like my sister.
“So can we be like friends? People haven’t really been nice with me since I c@m£”
“Sure, we could hang around later cos I’m going to clas-s now”
I nodded, “later” she smiled and left.
I’m getting really close, it’s only a matter of time till she trusts me well.
Then I can move to the next level although I’m thinking that her guardian is going to be a tough notch and that’s how I like it.
#Melinda’s POV
So that diamond ring 💍 with Audrey is so powerful that it’s a source of power for witches.
We only practice normal white magic, but all types of witches want it. It can make anyone possessing it the most powerful but it’s only for one person.
Black magic, ancestral magic and so on would all be with the holder of the ring.
I want the ring so I can make her disappear for good. So I can be the most powerful witch in all of history and so I can get George back.
“I have to get that ring from Audrey” I said to Asha and Pearl.
“Why would you wanna get hers when you can always buy something like that” Pearl asked.
“It’s witch business, we nee-d a plan on how to get that ring from her” I replied pacing back and forth in the lounge.
“Why am I thinking this is a bad idea?” Asha asked.
“Don’t be scared, you have a witch here. I can face her, all we nee-d is a plan and unity” I as-sured her.
They shrugged, I sm-irked. This is going to be a long day.
#Celine’s POV
Rosella has been acting strange lately, she seems to be scared of something.
She’s restless and bothered, she’s always visiting the restroom.
I decided to st©p magic not knowing my children will get it and that Audrey will be the new bearer of the ring I disposed of years ago.
I should have known that it’s gonna come back, my family was supposed to bring balance to the world and all witches by doing some sort of ritual.
The ring brou-ght conflict and to-re my family ap@rt. Why do I feel like the ring is doing it again?
I’m going to activate my powers and do a spell to find out, I can’t let my family fall ap@rt again.
I just want a normal life for my family.
❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
✏️Episode 22✏️
#Audrey’s POV
That strange cute guy Ken that just c@m£ to say hi to me is very nice. I know how it feels to be new in a school and people alre-ady hate you.
I’ve been throu-gh that before, I entered the clas-s and saw George sitting on his seat.
I turned my gaze from him and sat down facing my notes, not without Melinda Summers glares.
She makes me feel so uncomfortable, Mark c@m£ in with Diana later. Those two are really getting too close these days and I have a feeling it won’t end well for them.
Summer doesn’t look too happy but she’s a cool girl, she’s so nice.
The teacher c@m£ in and started teaching, then the new guy c@m£ in. All the girls even boys are wowed by his handsomeness, except some of us.
I must admit he’s very cute, he win-ked at me and went to his seat. I don’t wanna look at George’s face right now cos I alre-ady know how it’s gonna look.
After a few clas-ses, I walk to the cafeteria to eat without calling any of my friends or my brother.
I collected my tray of food and sat down at a table at the end of the cafeteria, I really wanna be alone.
I’m so confused, I feel like there’s danger all around me because of this ring. I don’t want George or Mark to be a p@rt of this.
Diana can take care of herself, she’s a vampire with witch power (heretic), well Summer I think she has people to protect her. Like her crazy as-s mother.
“Can I sit?” I heard a voice driving me out of my thoughts, I looked up to see the new guy.
“Ummm… sure” he smiled and sat down with his food.
Who am I kidding? There is no being alone for me.
“What were you thinking of?” He asked.
“Nothing really much, just… stuff” I replied eating my food.
“Don’t think too much, beautiful girls don’t think because it’s gonna ruin their beauty” he said, I can’t believe I’m actually blu-shing.
Am I really that beautiful?
Well the h0ttest guy in school likes me so maybe I am pretty 😊😊😊😊
“Thanks” I said trying to hide my blus-h.
He smiled and continued eating, we chatted on. He told me a lot about himself, I told him about myself too excluding the power p@rt.
After lunch break, I have a free period so I left for a quiet place to study in the school.
I went to the back of the school close to the garden, I sat on the gras-s and brou-ght out my book.
I began re-ading, in no time I saw someone standing over me. It’s George, I know his scent but I pretended not to.
He sat beside me and collected the book I was re-ading.
“You’ve been avoiding me all day Audrey, what’s wrong with you?” He asked.
“What’s wrong with you? Why do you like pla-ying with me?” I yelled.
“What? How can you say that Audrey I love you” he said, I blinked twice.
“I don’t believe you, more lies so you can k!ssme again?”
“I love you Audrey, I have never felt this way for any girl. You’re one special girl that caught my heart and I can’t st©p thinking about you”
My heart is dancing, I want to say I love him too but I don’t want him to think I’m too cheap. I also don’t want any more trouble with Melinda and a bad reputation in school. So I’m sorry but I’m not gonna say that today.
I kept a straight face, “I don’t care how you feel George, besides you have Melinda. plea-se leave me alone”
He looked hurt, “Audrey…
“Leave me alone George” I said and looked away. I heard him drop the book and walked away.
Tears suddenly began falling, I’m such an idiot. But I have no choice George, I really love you too.
I’m sorry for rejecting you, this is for the best.
#George’s POV
She rejected me.
I can’t believe she rejected me.
This has never happened to me before, no girl rejects me and now the only one I love has done it.
I feel so stupid and so useless.
Should I let her go or keep chasing her?
I love her so much and I don’t think I’d be able to live without her.
I entered my car and left the school, I am so confused and upset that I can’t study anymore.
What am i gonna do?
She doesn’t love me, and I had hopes.
Should I go back to Melinda?
No, that will be so humiliating, I can’t just forget about her.
God what am I going to do?🙁🙁🙁🙁
#Celine’s POV
Rosella is in a coven of witches trying to have the life ring with my daughter.
The life ring automatically connects with the bearer and they become the same, if Audrey loses the life ring, two things can happen.
First, she can lose her life.
Second, she can lose her powers and memory forever.
Unless the ring is used for it’s purpose, protecting mankind. Rosella knows this yet she wants to steal the ring from her own niece, she has an explanation to give.
I stomped to her room and barged in, she and Sebastian are half n-ked.
“Allena What the heck…
“Why are you trying to steal the life ring from Audrey to give it to the witches who practice dark magic?” I asked.
She stared at me blankly, “How did you find out?”
She can’t lie to me, she knows it.
“It doesn’t matter! What is going on?!” I yelled.
“My love is it true?” Sebastian asked.
She started crying, “I have a pledge with the witches, I’ve been tracking Audrey for years but I swear I didn’t know she’s my niece.
I did die along with our parents Allena, but my spirit wandered for years. They brou-ght me back to life, then I met Sebastian.
I thought they were helping me not knowing they wanted to use me, they told me I had to take the ring if I wanna live.
I have no choice Audrey, they linked my life to an animals life. If it dies, I die also. I’m sorry Allena, I didn’t mean to”
I am alre-ady in tears, my poor little sister.
I hvgged her and consoled her.
“I have a suggestion” Sebastian said.
“What is it?” I asked.
“How about we do an unlinking spell?”
“We can’t Sebastian, we nee-d a very powerful witch and a heretic to do it” Rosella replies.
He smiled, “I do happen to know a very powerful witch and Heretic”
Rosella g@sps, she whispered into my ears.
I sm-irked, witch council you lose….
Too be continued..
Are you re-ady for the war 🤔🤔🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️😏😏