Magic high batch 4

❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
Episode 12 💞
#Audrey’s POV
The rest of the clas-ses in school today was boring. Once we close, i made my way to the car and bu-mp into George on my way out.
“sorry” we both apologize.
“going home alre-ady?” he asks.
“yes” i say looking around for any sign of Mark.
“so…would you like to go to the movies today?” he asks again.
Why is he insisting on going to the movies with me? I mean he has a girlfriend now so he should wanna go with her right?
“earth to Audrey”
“what?…i.. .don’t really think so”
He looks disappointed, what do you expect? I should say yes to you when your girlfriend is still alive?. “i don’t know..” i continued, “you have a girlfriend who might not like seeing me with i don’t think it’s okay for you to go with me instead”
“you’re right, what was i thinking” he says and walks away. I sigh, what is wrong with him? Why would he be getting mad at me for rejecting his offer? Now i actually feel bad for rejecting it, but what do i care? It’s all to avoid trouble.
Sebastian walks up to me with a smile, “Audrey”
“hi Sebastian” i say dryly.
“Could we, you know…hangout later tomorrow?” he asks.
“I don’t see why not” i reply simply.
“Great! See you tomorrow then” he says and leave happily.
“Yeah” i get into the car only to find Mark glaring at me, what is wrong with everyone in Magic High today?
“hey what’s with the face?” i ask fastening my seatbelt.
“tell me you didn’t agree to hangout with that nerd” he snaps angry.
“So what? You’re not the boss of me! I go out with whoever i want besides what’s your problem with him” i yell back in anger. “am just looking out for you” he says in a calm voice now.
“I appreciate it but know your limits, you can’t tell me what or what not to do”
He shakes his head and ignite the engine, we drove home in silence. Immediately the car st©ps, i come down and enter the house without looking back. Mom is lying on the couch watching T.V. I guess she’s having a day off today, i kinda like her new position now. She gets to rest at home a lot and spend time with us.
“Afternoon mom” i say and pe-ck her.
“my baby, welcome” she stands up and hvgs me ti-ght, mom is acting weird. She looks like she’s lost a lot of weight and she’s somehow pale.
“mom is anything wrong?” i ask worried. Mark enters looking at us strangely, “what is going on here?”
“ummm… nothing’s the matter dear” mom answers quic-kly.
“I found some Chemo pills in your room yesterday mom, why do we have those in the house?” Mark asks and i turn to look at mom who seems nervous.
“mom” i called, “is there anything you’re not telling us?”
“I am sorry kids, i didn’t want you to worry about me” she whispers.
“what is that supposed to mean?” Mark yells, actually i think my head is spinning around.
“mom talk to us, you’re scaring me. Tell us it’s not what we’re thinking” i say with a shaky voice.
“I. Have. Cancer” she says in tears.
I don’t know what happened, all i see is darkness.
I don’t know what really happened, i open my eyes and find myself in the room. “Oh you’re awake!” mom exclaims in tears, she looks so scared. I manage a weak smile and look over at Mark who is standing close to the window with his hands crossed. Then i remember everything, i had a terrible dream that mom had cancer, thank God it’s a dream.
“Mom can you believe i had a terrible dream that you had cancer! It’s not real right?” i ask scared.
Mom shakes her head and hvgs me, “i am so sorry dear, but it’s true”
“no! No! No mom! You can’t die! You can’t leave us all alone mom plea-se” i cry and Mark comes to hvg me patting my back.
“its okay tweeny, we’ll survive this together, everything will be fine”
Is everything really going to be fine? Mom is all we have, we can’t lose her.
God plea-se help me, don’t let my mom die plea-se.
#Mrs McCoy’s POV
The life ring is with that insecure kid, i just have to make sure it doesn’t get to any other hands ap@rt from mine.
If i get my hands on the ring, i can become invisible, all important and great people will bow for me and i can live forever.
I just nee-d to merge the powers of my two daughters and everything will be completed. I’ll nee-d more convincing to do.
#Audrey’s POV
I feel so bad, is mom really gonna die? I change into a short go-wn and left the house. I really nee-d to think, this is where i nee-d George, he made me feel better the other time. I don’t know why but i nee-d his pres£nce.
I think am going to that flower garden he took me yesterday.
I arrive there and enter the environment looking around for him but sadly i don’t see him. I move forward to the gras-s area and sit cu-pping my legs with my hands as tears began to flow.
What should i do? I wish my powers can save her, perhaps there is something i can do, i don’t want mom to die. I’m really scared.
Someone hands me a hanky and i collect it without looking. I look up to see George staring at me with concern. “are you okay?” he asks and i nod. He sits down beside me and draws me close, “you don’t look okay, tell me what is wrong with you”
I begin to cry again, “mom has cancer ,am scared, i don’t want her to die. She is the only family i and my brother has”
“She’s not going to die, am sure she’ll survive it, you have to be very strong for her” he says and i nod still in tears.
After a while, i calm down and he gives me a bottle of water he brou-ght on the way.
“so why are you here?” i ask him.
“to clear my head, it’s not easy to be rejected” he says ma-king me feel guilty.
“I’m sorry okay, i just don’t want…”
“Trouble, i get it” he buries his head on his palm.
“hey” i t©uçh his shoulder, “c’mon, is there anything i can do ap@rt from that?”
“Anything” he looks up with a smile.
“ummm… Yeah” now i regret saying that.
“I want a k!ss” he says and my eyes wi-den.
“What? No!….I mean i can’t….it’s not right, i just met you two days ago and….we’re not even d@t!ng…and you have a girlfriend and…” my ranting was cut off by hisl-ips crashing on mine. Oh God, he didn’t listen. What do i do, it feels so….good.
Should i push him away?
❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
Episode 13 💞
#Audrey’s POV
He is really k!ss!ngme, i don’t know what to do. It’s my first time and i think this isn’t right.
He slowly pu-ll-ed away and my cheeks flush in embarras-sment. He seems to notice am not experienced.
“Am really sorry, i didn’t mean to make you feel bad” he apologizes and i nod.
“But…is this your first?” he asks again and i nod.
His eyes sh0t up in surprise, why is he surprised? Am not really much of a guy lover, i don’t know why i now find myself thinking about a guy in the last few days.
#George’s POV
Am a moron! A big one!
I have a girlfriend and i am cheating on her with another girl. Worse still it’s her first k!ssand…what c@m£ over me? I don’t even know what to do anytime I’m around her, why do i always feel this way.
“Sorry… I..All i keep saying is sorry” i say and she nods again. Arrgh! I’m hating this silent treatment. I wonder what’s going throu-gh her mind now, perhaps she’s thinking am a man who-re. I feel bad stealing her first k!ssbut i kinda like it that way. The thought of her and another guy…Oh God, what am i thinking.
Her phone suddenly rings, “Mom’s calling, i guess she’s very worried”
“Would you like me to drive you home?” i ask and she nods again.
Gosh, what have i done? Now she refuses to talk to me, am such an idiot.
I open the car for her and she enters, I close the door and rush to my side of the car.
Once she gets down, she waves at me and ran inside. I guess she’s still mad at me. I turn to go only to almost bu-mp into Melinda. The look on her face tells me am in trouble, she is glaring at me with her hands crossed.
She looks like she’s about to cry, i wonder what’s wrong with her.
I gently park the car and got out, i walked up to her a little nervous.
“Hi Melly” i say but she didn’t reply.
She just moves close to me and the next i realize is h0t pain on my cheeks. She sl@pped me! But for what, i am beginning to flare up.
“Hey! Why did you do that?” i yell ru-bbing my painful cheeks.
“You cheat! You liar! How dare you cheat on me on the first day of our relationsh!p!” she cried.
“What are you talking about?” i ask curiously.
She opens her phone and gives it to me, holy Moses! What? Who the hell took this? Was the person spying on me? It’s a picture of me k!ss!ngAudrey a while ago and it looks so ro-mantic.
I deserve more than one sl@p, am so confused. I don’t even know what to say to her right now, i feel so sorry for cheating on her.
“Melly… Am..” she snatches her phone and walks away, i call her but she ignores and goes inside her house.
I enter my car and angrily hit my steering repeatedly, who the hell took those pictures? I’m sure he or she’s going to tweet it on the school blog.
Audrey’s so gonna hate me now, what am i gonna do?
#Mark’s POV
I just saw the news on the school blog, what the hell is wrong with George pla-ying with my sister?
I know Audrey so well and i know she will never k!ssa guy, not when she has less interest in them.
She hasn’t seen it yet am sure else she would have been freaking out.
I am going to give that George a piece of my mind, he just started a war between two witches and he doesn’t even know. What if she’s trying to hurt my sister? I’ve not been able to see anything cos i think someone’s blocking me from seeing my sister’s dangers. I don’t know what to do but I won’t let anyone harm my sister.
I can’t let her see this, it’s better she go face it tomorrow than to start freaking out and refusing to go to school. Gosh I’m so angry.
#Sebastian’s POV
It’s done.
The picture is more evidence for Melinda to team up with me. I know it’s going to affect her too but what do i care? All i want is to take My Rosella home where she belongs.
I disappeared and appeared in Melinda’s room, look at her, she’s so heartbroken. She sees me and flin-ch while i laugh.
“What’s so funny?!” she snaps at me.
“Your face” i say and laugh more.
“how did you get into my room!”
“I have my ways darling” i reply sitting on a chair with legs crossed.
She sits back on her be-d, “What do you want Sebastian?”
“It’s not about what i want, it’s what we both want. I want Audrey and you want George, so lets act fast” i say and she nods.
“What do you suggest we do?”
I sm-irk and bring out a potion from my pocket, “here’s the solution”
“What’s that?”
“Let me tell you a story dear, ten years ago i met the love of my life. She’s the most beautiful of all witches and the smartest, my Rosella. We fell in love and married a year later but she left me due to her ambitions. But i found her and I’ve come to take her, who is now Audrey.
So this potion is to make her lose her memory and make her see me only as her husband, then i can take her away”
“So, am supposed to give her that?” she asks.
“No” i bring out another potion, “She has a guardian who is her twin brother, he is the only threat i have. I’ve tried to block him but it’s not enough so we have to give him this”
I stretch it to her and she collects it checking it out, “don’t worry, he won’t die. He’ll just sleep for long and wake up when am gone”
I stand up and stretch myself, “see you tomorrow” i disappeared before she could say anything and appeared in my room.
Tomorrow will be great!
#Melinda’s POV
I can’t believe this Idiot disappeared before i could say anything. I really feel somehow bad for doing this but she brou-ght it upon herself. I don’t want to be the villain here but i don’t have a choice. I will give this to Pearl since she is closer to Mark.
I’ve got to do this to get my b©yfri£ndback, what’s mine is mine.
❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
Episode 14 💞
#Audrey’s POV
I woke up late today, i feel so tired and unhappy. I could ha-rd ly sleep considering mom’s condition and the fact that i can’t get George out.of my mind. I wonder why am feeling this way all of a sudden.
Mom promised us to receive adequate treatment but i will nee-d to talk to Summer and Diana later to see if there’s anything we could do.about it. I love Mom so much and i can do anything for her.
I walk up to my locker ignoring the fact that everyone is staring at me and whispering to themselves. I just don’t have time to notice anything.
I took my Mathematics notebook and close my locker only to find Melinda and her friends glaring at me.
Okay so what’s this all about?
“Hi” i say and she scoffs while her friends laugh.
“You call yourself a friend yet you go behind my back to k!ssmy b©yfri£nd!” she yells, all eyes are on us now. What does she mean? Someone tell me she didn’t the k!ssGeorge and i shared yesterday. I feel bad, i am not supposed to do that. She called me her friend but what did i do? I hurt her by k!ss!ngher b©yfri£nd.
“What?! You can’t talk now?” The red haired one asks.
“I… Am sorry… I nee-d to go” i say and scurry away as tears well up in my eyes. I run inside the ladies restroom and i begin throwing up, i look into the mirror, am.really an Idiot.
I wash my teary face and go outside, i meet George on the way. I ignore him and try to walk away but he drew me back.
“Audrey plea-se hear me out… Words can’t describe how sorry i am. I just… I can’t control myself when am around you. I am not a pla-yer and i will never pl@ywith your feelings. I am sincerely sorry. I hope you can forgive me” he says and turns to leave. He’s really sorry, i can see it in his eyes, I don’t think it’s his fault anyway, it’s both our fault.
“George wait” i shout and he st©ps and turns to me. I walk up to him and hvgged him. He seems taken.aback cos he hesitated before hvgging me back. I pu-ll away with a smile, “It’s okay, i don’t blame you”
He smiles and holds my hands, my heart skipped a beat. I don’t know what pushed me to hvg him but i just felt like it. We stared de-eply into each others eyes that we didn’t notice Melinda standing.
She comes to separate us and pushes me that i almost fell but someone caught me.
“You bit-ch! You lying cheat! You’re not satisfied with k!ss!nghim, you wanna completely take him away from me! I hate you! Why did you have to come to this school you witch!” She yells trying to attack me but George holds her back.
“Melly that’s enough!” he says but she sl@ps him ha-rd . George lets her go tou-ching his cheek which is now red. She immediately tries to t©uçh him looking scared but he st©ps her.
“Am sorry Melly, i can’t do this anymore” he says leaving.
Melinda rushes to his front in tears, “plea-se forgive me George, Am really sorry. I didn’t mean to… I… ”
“Am sorry too Melly, I thought i was doing the right thing by ma-king you my girlfriend but i was wrong. This relationsh!pis just two days old and is not working. I don’t think i can do this, am really sorry if i hurt you. I really like you” he says and leaves.
Melinda walks away angrily and in tears, i feel so awful. I wanna cry.cos all this is my fault.
“Are you okay?”
I turn to see Sebastian behind me, oh i forgot that he caught me.
I nod and he holds my hands, “Would you like to talk about it?”
I feel strange but i really nee-d a friend to talk to now. He smiled and takes my hands leading me to the Cafeteria since i didn’t say anything.
#Pearl’s POV
I saw the news.
Truth be told, those two look good together but i won’t say anything because Melly is still my friend no matter what. She comes into the lounge in tears, i feel sorry for her. I saw how George broke up with her earlier. She buries her head in her palms crying, I sit down beside her and pat her back.
“It’s okay Melly, he’s just confused. He’ll be in his right s-en-ses if Audrey wasn’t here” i say and she raises her head up.
“You’re right” she says and re-moves a pepsi drink from her bag.
“Here, take this to Mark. He forgot it at the restroom, i found it but you know am not in good terms with him” she adds.
Now am confused, what sort of big lie is this? How can he forget his drink in a ladies’ restroom? Melinda what are you up to?
“plea-se Pearl, do this for a friend” she begs and i collect it. I don’t think that she can poison him, she might be harsh but i know she can’t kill.him.
“I’ll be back” i say going out and she just smiles.
I found Mark in the boys Lounge and ask him to follow me which he did.
#Mark’s POV
Once i get to school, i head straight to look for George but didn’t find him so i waited at the Lounge.
After thirty minutes, he comes in with a red cheek. I angrily stand up and gr-ab him by the collar of his shi-t.
“You! What makes you think you can hurt my sister like that?!”
“Whoa.. Whoa Man., Chill” Rick says holding my hands with a pleading face. I push him off just then Pearl walks in. She gestures me to follow her which i did.
When we st©p, she brings out a Pepsi drink and stretches it to me.
“Here, it’s yours” she says with a charming smile and i collect it.
How did she know this is my favorite drink? “Thanks” i say and open it.
But it seems she has alre-ady opened it. As i raise it to my mouth, someone runs pas-s me pushing me and thereby ma-king the drink fall.
“Hey!” i yell but he’s alre-ady gone.
Pearl picks it and its remaining half. I collect it but a second person comes running and pushing the rest.on the floor.
I caught.him and angrily push him, then i pick up the empty bottle hitting him with it.
“Its okay Mark” Pearl begs and i leave the idiot who scurries away.
“Am sorry” i apologize and she shrugs. “Guess am not lucky”
“It’s okay, we can do this later huh?” she says with a smile.
She leans to pe-ck me and then goes away, what the hell just happened?
Where’s my sister anyway? I nee-d to find her cos am starting to feel somehow.
❤ Magic High ❤
School is life
✏ Episode 15 ✏
#Audrey’s POV
I am so tired of all these. I never wished to have a fight with anyone in school at all. I am having coffee with Sebastian and I’m comfortable. Where is Diana and Summer when you nee-d them.
#Sebastian’s POV
She trusts me.
It’s only a matter of time before she becomes finally mine. I miss her so much, i wonder why she lost her memory. I’m sure that she will remember everything after i take her away.
I sit her down at a table and went to bring her coffee. I collect it and slowly sl!pa small amount of the potion in it, i can’t pour more due to the fact that people are around. It’s free period so not everyone will be in their clas-ses.
The small amount is still okay, i hope Melinda has succeeded in bringing Mark to sleep. I actually decieved her, if he takes that potion, he Will lose his sanity once he wakes up. You may be thinking am wicked but am doing all this for love. And the life ring, i can see it on her hand. If i can get this ring I’d be really happy and fulfilled. Whoever has this ring has the world, She just doesn’t know the worth of what she has.
#Diana’s POV
So much drama is happening in school today. Well i have someone i actually love but you know….he ha-rd ly notices me. I won’t lie that i don’t like Audrey’s brother, i mean who wouldn’t? He’s the perfect definition of an angel, every girl’s dream guy. Okay… Let me leave it at that.
I’m thirsty for blood but i actually control my urge. You can’t blame me, call me a blood thirsty Heretic if you want but i don’t care. What i care about is finding Audrey right now cos i have a feeling she’s with the wrong person.
I head to the cafeteria, i brushed past the new Janitor and i had this strange feeling, or am smelling a witch.
Maybe am just exaggerating, i enter the cafeteria and sp©t Audrey sitting with that… Wizard Sebastian. I wonder what the Idiot is telling her, pardon my language but i don’t trust that guy. He’s just up to no good, my instincts tell me It’s all about the life ring.
Now how do i separate them? A lie pops up in my head so i quic-kly rushed to them.
“Audrey! OMG Audrey, this is where you’re that I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” i exclaimed like I’ve been running, Wizard isn’t falling for my tricks, well who cares?.
“Hi Diana… Anything the mater?” she asks.
“Yes yes plea-se, you nee-d to help me with something, plea-se come with me now” i beg with pleading eyes and she nods standing up. A wi-de grin spre-ad accross my face, it’s a victory smile.
“Huh… Thanks a lot for your time Sebastian, I’ll be on my way now. See you later?”
“Yeah later” he replied reluctantly.
I drag her out and give her my backpack, “hold this for me…i wanna get some hamburgers… I’m kinda hungry” i lied.
She nods and i leave immediately, i guess Mr wizard is angry. I don’t care, he can’t do anything to me. I’ll just rip his heart out of his precious che-st. I move to the table and he sh0t me a deadly glare.
“Hello Wizard” i say mockingly.
“You blood thirsty Heretic! What do you want?” he yells but in a whisper tone.
“To warn you to stay away from Audrey if you really like your heart to continue being in your che-st” i warned in a serious tone but he laughs instead.
“Really? That is all you can do?” he asks.
I sm-irk and raise my hand, i did a mind spell that his b©dy started sparkling. His face changed to an angry one, he t©uçhed himself and screams a little as it’s shocking. I hate it when someone un-derestimates me, i have powers too. Did he forget that? At least with this spell, he won’t be able to t©uçh Audrey.
“Ugh! What did you do you witch!”
“Thanks for remembering that i have powers too, believe me darling, you have no idea what i can do to you. So you better back off!” i say and leave the cafeteria.
I met Audrey by the door of the clas-s. She’s still holding my backpack. I collect it with a smile, “So…where are your hamburgers?” she asks. Jeez, i thought she forgot that, i didn’t even put that in mind.
“Ummm… I changed my mind” i say with a nervous smile.
The bell jingles, phew! That’s close. Audrey suddenly holds her head, “Audrey, are you okay?” i ask.
She nods and tries going into the clas-s but coll@psed on me.
“Audrey! Audrey! plea-se wake up!” i yell but no answer. Summer and Daniel rushes out and help carry her to the school clinic.
#Celine’s POV
“You called for me doctor” a nurse said.
“Yes plea-se, i nee-d the medical report of the patient in ward 304. I can’t find it here, can you ask doctor Fred for it?” i ask.
“Sure doctor, I’ll be back” she says.
A sharp pain suddenly cuts throu-gh my che-st, i winced in pain.
“Doctor? Mrs Anderson are you alright?” the nurse asks coming back, the pain suddenly st©pped. “Yes I’m fine” i answer.
“Are you sure? Should i get you something or some water?” she asks again.
“No thanks dear” i say.
“Alright” she said and left.
What is going on? Why the sudden pain? This happened to me a while ago but not this strong. Are my children in danger? plea-se don’t let this happen God, i alre-ady pas-sed throu-gh a lot in my life. I can’t lose my children like i lost my parents and only sister. I don’t want to go back to my past ever again.
Too be continued..
Sebastian have succeeded at last 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🥺