Lucifer’s bride episode 25

Lucifer’s Bride – Episode 25
(She’s mine)
A story by Faith Lucky
Roxanne’s POV
I la-id in the bathtub, taking a warm bath.
I spent like forever there, thinking about the whole thing that’s happened.
Damon and I were able to get home safely, but I still had so many fears.
Where could Nicklaus be there? He had made mention of going to face Damon. Could he be dead.
And Shantel…where could she be as well? She had managed to escape.
And…why had she acted strangely when she t©uçhed my tummy? What happened to her?
I closed my eyes and kept thinking about the whole thing.
I felt so much pains – all over my b©dy. And the place where I had been stabbe-d, it was beginning to hurt a bit.
I think it must have been a result of the stress Nicklaus and Shantel made me go throu-gh.
And Zara…where was she? She started all these by helping them abduct me. But where was she?
After a long time, I finally c@m£ out of the water.
I tied a white towel round my b©dy and walked out, going into the be-droom.
Surprisingly, I found Damon there.
Oh, no!
He stood at a sp©t, facing the window with his hands crossed behind his back.
I gulped nervously and closed the door behind me, walking fully into the room.
I didn’t even know what to do as he stood backing me.
But suddenly, he turned around and faced me.
I felt my heart leap.
I swallowed ha-rd and took my gaze to the floor.
Then, I quic-kly walked over to the wardrobe so I could get something to wear. I couldn’t remain in this state.
I opened the wardrobe and was about bringing out a cloth when I felt him hold me from behind.
He wra-pped his hands around my w@!st and it s£nt shivers down my spine.
Mercies, plea-se.
Don’t tell me.
He s£nt his hands into the towel and t©uçhed my tummy.
Then, he brou-ght hisl-ips to my n£¢k and planted a k!ssthere.
“Roxanne” he called softly and t©uçhed the ti-p of the towel.
He was so close and I could feel his breath on my ear.
He got hold of the ti-p and untied it, ma-king towel fall freely from my b©dy.
Oh, goodness; no.
I re-leased a light g@sp as he now gained access to my b©dy.
I was standing stark na*ed in front of him – again.
He t©uçhed my b00bs and gave them a light squee-ze. I pressed myl-ips and tried not to m0@n .
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked as he pla-yed with my tilts.
I just stared blankly at the wardrobe, not able to control my anxiety.
He k!$$£d my ear lobe and pressed my b00bs real ha-rd like he wanted them to produce something.
“When Nicklaus had given you an opportunity to kill me, why didn’t you do it?” He finally spilled the beans and I flin-ched.
For a moment; he st©pped moving his hands around me and my nervousness Increa-sed. How did he get to know about it?
Did Nicklaus tell him?
Oh, Roxanne!
What do I say? How do I explained the fact that I couldn’t kill him? I turned down a once in a life time opportunity for him?
Oh, my!
What if he’s re-ading my thoughts??
What if…
I shut my eyes and wavered. I couldn’t control it – the thoughts.
I’m pretty sure he must be re-ading them like a book.
The same thoughts of how I couldn’t kill him because I couldn’t bear to see him dead.
The same thoughts of how I sacrificed my freedom and happiness just for him – something Miss Margaret called ‘true love’.
He moved his hands down my tummy until they got to my th!ghs and my fears increa-sed.
I felt him t©uçh my v, rolling the cl!t but I tried not to m0@n .
Then, he inser-ted two f!ngersinto my h0ñ£yp0t and for this time around, I couldn’t help it.
I had to m0@n .
He moved the f!ngersin and out, slowly, ma-king me feel a little displea-sure.
But the pains was nothing compared to what I had to feel the first time. It c@m£ with a little plea-sure this time around.
I shut my eyes and m0@n ed lightly as I felt his f!ngersmoving inside me, forcing it’s way into my ti-ght pu-ssycat.
The feeling…It was unexplainable.
But suddenly, I couldn’t feel him anymore.
His t©uçh – his pres£nce – I couldn’t feel them anymore.
I opened my eyes immediately and turned around to notice I was now the only one in the room.
Damon was no longer there.
But how…?
He was here not long ago. How did he just vanish?
How possible?
I looked down at my b©dy and discovered the mark on my tummy was no longer there. And the pains…They were gone as well.
Wait! all the pains were gone. I couldn’t feel a thing anymore.
My whole b©dy was sound and strong;
Like I hadn’t been hurt before.
I felt relieved.
How did it happen?
Could it be Damon?
Shantel’s POV
I trudged into the throne room and stood before the elders with my head bowed. I felt so much pains.
“Shantel” the first elder called strictly, but I still kept my head bowed.
“It’s obvious Lucifer’s too powerful for you to handle. It’s been weeks now. I’m afraid we might have to find someone else for the job”.
“I found her” I said coldly without looking at them.
“Gerlad’s daughter…she’s there on earth”.
“Gerlad’s daughter???” They all exclaimed at once.
“Yes. And Lucifer’s in possession of her. According to my source, he’s waiting for her powers to surface so he could steal them” I replied.
“She doesn’t have her powers yet?”
“Yes – for now.
“But there’s something more important you nee-d to know about her” I said and lifted my eyes to look at them.
Curiosity was eating them up.
“Gerlad’s daughter…” I started.
To be continued…