Lucas revenge episode 7 & 8

😠(having revenge is all i want)😠
🤰🏻(an eye for an eye)🤰🏻
Chapter 7✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻



💭milly pov💭
“Get dressed and get out”he said standing by the door putting back his trou-sers

“You pig you R@p£d me,you ruined my life,how could you”i said curled up on the floor in his room

“Its the same thing your brother did with mine,am just returning the favour”

“But its unfair why take it out on me,i never knew your sister and whatever my brother did has nothing to do with me”

“Your wrong sweetheart,whatever your brother did has everything to do with you,you will keep on being the bearer of every of your brother doings”he said

“You have no idea how much i hate you”i said

“Same here love,did you think i will ever be in love with someone as plain as you,well no and now that have gotten what i want,you can get out of here ,i never want to see you again”he said and walked off

I felt so dirty and ill,i couldnt even get up

He c@m£ back in with a new set of clothe,throwing it on the be-d

“Put on something or you can go like that,its your call but before i get back,i Dont want you here” he said and walked off

I starred at the dress and threw it away angrily

I arranged my torn clothes well and then left the room

💭Lucas pov💭
I stood by the balcony watching her leave

Why?why do i feel guilty

This is the right thing to do,so why do i feel guilty

David doesnt feel or look guilty,i should be happy right

Have gotten the ultimate revenge,have avenged my sister,i should be feeling happy and satisfied but no i feel guilty

And why i dont know,i saw her fell,something in me wanted to go to her but i held back

She is best left on her own,she is only paying for the sins of her brother

She is just a bait in all of this,the real thing will be when david comes to confront me

Cause am sure that milly would tell him and its that day am waiting for

The day david will come to confront me

She st©pped and bent on the floor,from the way her whole b©dy shook,i knew she was crying,i turned wanting to go and meet her but st©pped myself

Luisa also cried,she suffered more than milly and its only fair that milly goes throu-gh the same and am sure that david would also feel the pain too

I took out my phone and dialled a certain number

“There is a Lady i want you to come pick ,get the car and hurry up”i said and switched off the phone

This is the least i can do for her,i thought to myself

“You sound ill my child,is something wrong “📱📱📱

“I just have a splinting headache mom”i said to her on the phone

“Just make sure to use your meds and also hope your not missing us”she said

“I miss you guys a lot”i said

“Dont worry we will be back by nextweek and your brother is he back yet?”

“He will be back tomorrow “i said

“Fine then,just take care of yourself and if you nee-d anything just call me”she said

Should i tell her,should i let her know that two weeks ago i was R@p£d

Feeling scared and ashamed ,i wished her goodbye and switched off the phone

I just cant,i cant tell anyone about it,it shames me a lot and knowing that i had been warned made me feel guilty

Ever since that terrible day,i havent been myself

I ha-rd ly talk to anyone or go to school or even to see my friends

Am no longer the person i am and its all lucas fault

The bastard,i really hate him.

Just knowing that he only got close to me all for the sake of revenge brou-ght me pain

“I never loved you”

“You were just a bait”

“You will be the bearer of your brother doings”

I still remember each of his words every day

I dream of it everynight and wake up only to bur-st into tears

And now more than ever am having this weird feeling that am carrying his child

A child which was formed out of r@p£,when i first knew that i was expecting his child,i thought of terminating it but then i st©pped,the child is not to be blamed

And if i had to do something that was to leave

I just cant withstand the shame and i cant bring shame on my family

They dont deserve it and neither do i,its best i go to somewhere no one knows me,that would safer at least

But before doing that,i better write down a letter to let them know that i will be alright

💭david pov 💭
“Welcome back sir”the butler said collecting my things

“Where is my sis”

“She must be in her room” he said

It seemed odd,milly was suppose to be in school

I got to her room only to find her things gone

I saw a letter on the be-d and took it

“By the time you will be re-ading this,i would have been gone,i had no option than to leave,i dont deserve to be with you guys,my life has taken another path and its best i go away rather than to stay and put a stain to our name,i choose to leave not because i want to but i had to and am really sorry,i will be fine,so dont try calling or try to search for me
Love milly”

“James,james “i yelled out the Butler name

“Yes sir”

“Do you know where my sister went to?she left this darn letter,saying she is leaving for good and no one saw her,what use are you guys to us”i yelled at them

“We didnt see her leave sir”james said

“Then you should find her,find my sister before i do something bad to you “i yelled at them as i dialled her number

Have got to talk to diane or probably that lucas guy,he must know why she left,someone just have to tell me something or i will run mad

i sat in my office talking to some very important client

I could hear the noise from outside but i didnt pay any attention to it

“No Sir ,you cant go in,you cant”my secretary said as she was pushed into the room with david Ambrose following

“Am sorry sir,i tried to st©p him but he wouldnt listen”she said

“I nee-d to speak to you”david yelled at me

“As you can see am having a meeting here”he said

“I have to talk to you and i mean now”he said coming to my desk

“Fine then,have also been waiting for you,gentlemen can you plea-se give us a minute”i said and soon everyone left

“What the hell did you do to my sister”he yelled at me

“Same thing you did with mine”i said

“What nons-en-se are you talking about”he said

“Remember the girl at the park,the one you R@p£d and scarred for life,well that was my sister,you j£rk,you dont know how long have been waiting for this day,the day when i get to punch your face in”i said taking hold of his shi-t and hitting him ha-rd on the face

He also fought back,hitting me too and we were like that for a while until two guys c@m£ in seperating us

“You bastard ,what did you do to my sister “he yelled at me

“The same thing mine went throu-gh,you R@p£d my sister and i did the same with yours”i said and saw the expression change in his eyes

“You t©uçhed milly?”

“More than that”i yelled at him and if it wasnt for those guys that held him,he would have come to attack me

“You bastard i never R@p£d your sister,the girl at the park is the same girl i saved okay”he said

“Thats a lie”i yelled at him

“Its the truth you bastard,i didnt r@p£ your sister ,i never did”he said

But that cant be he R@p£d Luisa or could it just be a misun-derstanding

😠(having revenge is all i want)🔥🔥
🤰🏻(an eye for an eye)🤰🏻
© bella writes🥰🥰🥰
CHAPTER 8✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

“I never R@p£d your sister,i got to the park that day and heard her screaming for help,when i traced the voice i found her being R@p£d”

“Thats a lie!!!luisa herself called your name when i asked for the name of the guy who R@p£d her”lucas yelled at him

“I dont know why your sister called my name but what i do know is that i saved your sister,i can still remember that day,i took off my shi-t,covered her,carried her to my car,took her to the hospital,yes the hospital,ask the nurses there who brou-ght your sister to the hospital ,they were all there on that fateful day,your sister while she was being taken in asked for my name and i told her”he said

I stood still starring at the floor,the men were still there holding unto us

Have i really made a mistake,did i really jump into conclusion

“Am such a fool,if i had known that my sister would be the one to suffer in all this mess,i would never have helped your sister,i would never have interferred,and me a stupid fool went off on a darn trip trying to tail the bastard that R@p£d your sister while mine was being ruined by you,i hope you can forgive yourself cause i doubt if heaven will forgive you either,what you just did to a poor innocent girl will continue to be a burden you carry for the rest of your miserable life”david said and shrugged off the hands that held him and then he left the office

I also freed myself from the men that held me,i could see the look of condemn in their eyes

I nee-d to talk to luisa,she is the only one that can clarify this,i thought as i took my jacket and left the office

I drove like a crazy man and as soon as i got to the hospital,i went straight to luisa room

Thanks to the doctor effort,she is getting better

She was standing by the window and when i walked in she gave me a smile

“I thought you said you will be coming in the evening”she said

“Yes i said so but there is something i have to ask you “i said

“What is it?”i said

“Tell me is it david ambrose that R@p£d you?”

“What ???”

“Just tell me luisa”i said

“David Ambrose was the one who helped me”she said

“Oh God,$h!t!!!! Then why did you tell me that david ambrose was the one who R@p£d you”i said

“Did i say that?”

“Yes luisa,it was after the day you were R@p£d,i had come to you to ask and you went hysterical and the nurses c@m£ to give you a sedative to calm down your nerves and then….then…..oh no,i should have realised it”i said

“Realize what?”

“That it was the sedative given to you that made you say david cause i kept on asking you and it was david ambrose you called”i said sitting on the chair

“Oh God,oh no”i said as i covered my face with my hand

“Whats wrong lucas,did something bad happen”she said coming to seat beside me

“When you said it was david ambrose that R@p£d you,i wanted to avenge you,wanted to make him suffer”i said

“Oh no dont tell me you killed him?”she said g@sping

“No i didnt do anything to him but to his sister”i said

“Dont tell me that you…….”

“Yes okay,i did it,i R@p£d her,did the same thing to her”i said feeling so guilty

“Lucas!!!!”she said

“Am not different from the creep that did this to you,but i did it because of you,to avenge you but i took it out on an innocent girl”i said

She held me close to her,hvgging me ti-ghtly

“Its going to be okay ”

“It cant luisa,i ruined someone life and that will keep on tormenting me for the rest of my life”i said remembering milly

David was right about something,milly will always be a burden,a burden of guilt that i carry for the rest of my life


“Lisa,dora,you both should come here”i yelled when i saw them wandering off on their own

“Just let them be milly”lily said as she starred at the two of them

“But this place is not safe lily?”i said

“Dont worry milly,its fine”she said taking hold of my hand

I gave her a smile,something that i rarely do with others except with lily and lisa my daughter

Four years ago i decided to leave the states with all my life savings ,i c@m£ to a little town in australia

Here i started my life afresh and gave birth to my child,the only one i live for which is lisa

I worked and gave took care of my child,though the villagers gossip about me and wondered who lisa father could be,i ha-rd ly have friends in the town cause they think am immoral to have gotten a child out wedlock but i didnt care,as long as they dont say right into my face,am contented with it

I starred at lily and saw the happy look on her face

She just recently got back with her husband max

I wont deny it,i envy her,she has everything that makes her happy,whereas i…….

It doesnt matter right,am quite fine with my baby….

“So will you come “lily said

“For the picnic?”i said starring at her

“Yes for the picnic,i want you there,youve been a good friend to me ever since we arrived here,you even helped max find me when that psycopath james kidnapped me,you pl@ya really important role in my life and have missed you alre-ady”she said

I didnt know what to say,have been trying to hide from my family cause i know they would be looking for me and going back to the states will only give them the chance to find me

“plea-se milly,come,its just a day hangout,i really want you there and you havent seen my son yet”lily said

“Okay then,i will come with you”i said not feeling sure

I only hope that when i get there i dont meet or see anyone i know there,i thought to myself

T B c