Lucas revenge episode 17 -19

😠(having revenge is all i want)😠
🤰🏻(an eye for an eye)🤰🏻
CHAPTER 17 & 18✌🏻✌🏻

I gently pu-ll-ed out my hand from his “what are you saying??”

“I know this is all so soon but plea-se accompany me to greece”he said

“Just because i brou-ght milly to you,doesnt mean that i would start doing everything you ask me lucas,though i have forgiven you,i wouldn’t want you to think that you and i can go back being the way we were before”i said

“Why cant we?”he said

“Have suffered so much for what i did to you and youve also beared the pain of giving birth to my daughter with no one,isnt it time we tried to make something of our lives”he said

“And what would you suggest,that i follow you to greece and then do what?”

“Stay with me,at least having your company there would help me go throu-gh all the recovery i have to go throu-gh “he said

“But why would you want me there?”i said

“To watch over lisa and maybe sort of a companion to me”he said

Having to be close with lucas would only reopen things that i will rather forget

Things that i never want to remember and so rejecting his offer would be for the best

“No lucas,i cant accompany you”i said


“No,as far as am concerned your the father of my child and thats all”i said

“But milly cant we be friends,companion or something else,dont just treat me like am only lisa father”

“Okay lucas lets get somethings straight,youve ruined me for any other man and whats left of me,i want it to be alone with myself,i dont want to be with anyone most especially a guy,am sorry lucas,you will just have to go alone”i said

I quic-kly went to get lisa and her things and we both left the place

I dont know what has suddenly prompt lucas to ask me that question

But i think that where he went to with david had given him that idea

I starred at david and saw him pla-ying with lisa,giving her his full attention not wanting to talk to me but i knew he was hiding something and i intend to find out

💭lucas pov 💭
“That was too forward,you should have waited a bit”Luisa said

“Not when i would be leaving for greece tomorrow “i said as i kept on typing

“So then stay and woo her a bit more,dont just rush her”

“I once did that with her and am not sure if she would want to go throu-gh the same thing again”i said

“Thats all in the past lucas what matters now is that your sincere with her now and whatever you do or however you court her its all genuine”luisa said

I had been disappointed when she refused,i hadnt thought that she wont be comfortable around me yet and i had asked her that question hoping she jump into my arms and say yes

That was the milly i knew before,the milly now is a different,it would be ha-rd to get into her heart but i do hope that i suceed even if it means lying to her about my health

“Your right luisa,i will prosptpone my trip even though its a very important trip and i will make sure she accepts my offer of going to Greece with me”i said meaning every word.

💭milly pov 💭

I got back home with lisa and while she ran off ahead of us

I got the chance to talk to david

“What happened with lucas,where did you go to with him earlier today”she said

“That is something you shouldnt concern yourself with”david said

“But did you know that lucas was asking me if i could accompany him to greece”i said

“And what did you say?”

“Of course not,i wont be a fool as to go with him and let history repeat itself “i said

“Thats good then,good”david said giving me praise

We got into the house and there i found my dad waiting for us

While lisa went off with my mom and david,i sat down in the sitting room to talk to dad

“You must be wondering why i called you right?”he said and i nodded

“Well p@rt of my business in greece is having a big problem,i nee-d you to go there to help put it back in the shape it was before”he said

“But dad i dont know a thing a bout business ,how will i manage it”i said

“You can do it,you studied business in school right?”he said

“But i never got to finish dad”i said

“Look if it wasnt for what happened with lucas,you would be p@rt of the company now but you can still pick up where You st©pped”he said

“No dad my dreams died long time ago,i only live for my daughter now,i dont want to work “i said

“But you have to go to greece”he said

“Why are you adamant on me going to greece cause it just so turn out today that lucas told me to go with him to greeece,are you on this with him”i said

“And why should i be doing something with lucas,just st©p getting paranoid and give me your answer “he said

“No dad,am not going to greece,i just cant “i said and walked off

If this is his plan with lucas to get me to go with him to greece,then they can think again,i thought as i went to my room

💭lucas pov 💭
“Lucas you can do this,its just to drop off these flowers and chocolates and then you leave”i said to myself as i sat in the car

Have been in the car for a while now,deciding to court someone again is quite different from just saying it

I wonder if she would like the flowers that i bought for her,i thought as i starred at it

I won her heart in the past by giving her flowers and giving her.chocolates

She loves flowers a lot and i hope she still does because am going to surprise her with one now

I thought as i got out of the car,i held the flowers in my hands and went straight to the door knocking on it

I waited for a while and just then the door opened and instead of seeing one of the maid there,i saw a woman in her fifties starring at me

She looked just like milly which got me thinking could this be her mom

“Goodevening ma’am,you must be milly mom right”i said giving her a smile

“Yes i am milly mom and you must be lucas”she said calling my name in anger

“Yes i am”i said and was rewarded for a sl@p with it

“You are the beast that t©uçhed my daughter and you still dare to show your fiflthy face here”she said as she kept on hitting me,scratching my face

“Milly couldnt defend herself but i will”she said hitting me

And its not that j couldnt st©p her but its just that i didnt want to

“Mom what are yoi doing “milly said as she walked out with david

On seeing his mom,david c@m£ to pu-ll her away from me

“Mom what is wrong ?”she said

“That man dared to defile you,he dared to t©uçh you”she said angrily

“plea-se david take her inside,i will handle the rest”she said as she stood in front of me sheilding me

As soon as david took her mom in,she turned towards me

“Are you okay,my God she has scratched your face and you look messy,come with me”she said pu-lling my hand

I felt t©uçhed by how she took care of me,using the methylated spirit to clean my wound

“You shouldnt have come here”shesaid

“But i had to see you”i said

“Why ?”

“To give you these,i had bought it for you”i said showing her the flower

She stared at it for a while and a sad expression crossed her face

“Whats wrong,have i done something wrong ?”i said

“You bringing this only made me remember a past that i want to forget”she said

“Back then you had courted me with flowers too and back then i had liked it because i loved flowers ”

“But now?”i said

“But now i hate flowers,so plea-se dont ever bring one to me again and if your planing on courting me i suggest you Dont do it because it wont work like it did the last time”she said starring at me……..

😠(having revenge is all i want )😠
🤰🏻(an eye for an eye)🤰🏻
© bella writes ☺☺☺
CHAPTER 19✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

I gently napped at his injury with the tissue,trying to clean off the blood and feeling very angry that he had brou-ght the flowers to me

Why would he?i thought to myself

Did he think that because i had forgiven him and i had let him see lisa,i would go back to him

He should think again,have been hurt once by him,i wont let him hurt me again

“Oouch!!!”he said

I stareed at him and saw that i had been injuring him more

“Am sorry “i said as i pu-ll-ed my hand away

“You are angry?”he said starring at me

“What makes you think so”i said as i cleaned up the things i used to clean the scratch

“Because of what i did”he said

“Lets just forget about it and i think its best if you go home now,mom is really angry “she said

“I know but i didnt come for her,i c@m£ for you”he said moving close to me

“Then its best you leave because there wont be anything”i said walking off

Suddenly i was yanked towards him and he held me close to him

“What are you doing ?”i said

“Trying to show you that i mean business”he said and before i could st©p him,he k!$$£d me

I wanted to feel disgusted but no,i wasnt feeling that way

It was like those days when he courted me and k!$$£d me,ma-king me feel like the most treasured person in his life

Reluctantly i found myself k!ss!nghim back,i dont know why i had to feel this when he had caused me so much pain

He kept on k!ss!ngme until i c@m£ back to my s-en-ses and pushed him away

“what is that for?”i said

“Am sorry ,i just couldnt hold back anymore”he said as he walked towards me

“No stay away”i said

“I just wanted to express my feeling,i still want you milly,you and my child”he said

“And do you think that after what i went throu-gh with you,i could be with a man again “i said

“Your a beautiful lady mi…..”

“Oh so now am beautiful ,that wasnt what you said to me on that day”i said remebering his harsh words

“That was me being stupid and i never really meant it”he said

“Well i believed it okay,every little time i dressed up,just to go to lisa school p@rty or to go to lily little get together,i remember those cruel words from and i just lose my self esteem and crawl back to my shell,if it hasdnt been for lily,i wouldnt be dressed this way and you certainly wouldnt be k!ss!ngme or calling me beautiful”i said

“You were always beautuful to me and if i had called you plain then it was because revenge clouded my mind”

“Well your revenge also made me who i am today and that is a woman who wouldnt let any guy get close to her”

“You should give your heart the chance to love again”he said

“For what?for it to get broken and shattered,well no,the lesson i learnt from you is enough to make me keep myself till am old and grey”i said

“You are really going to do that?”

“Of course ,for the past four years have been single and alone,so it wouldnt be a big thing”i said

“But it will be to me,because i caused it,you arent living your life because of what i made you go throu-gh”

“Dont bother yourself about that,for four years have been living my life and i never died “i said

“I do worry milly,not just because i caused you to be this way but because i want you to be happy and if possible maybe that happiness could be with me”he said

“You know it cant be with you”i said

“But it can and am sure that it will and i wont rest until have gotten a yes from you”

“That wont ever happen,so i suggest you st©p”i said

“Believe me when i say this,giving up isnt my forte”he said smiling at me

* * *
“Am so glad that you stayed “lily said as we both sat down at the balcony of her home

“And am.glad i did”i said

“Where is Max ?”

“Well he went out to meet one of his investors or something and am glad he did,”

“Why say that lily”

“Because we girls can chat feeely,now tell me what have been going on in your life”she said

And just then a car st©pped in front of the house

And max was the first to come out followed with lucas

Its been two days sincd have seen him now and just seeing him again made me feel strange

And remebering his last words still made me feel nervous

“Why is here”lily said to her husband

“He is my new business p@rtner”max said

And i starred at lucas to see him starring at me

“I wont rest until have gotten a yes from you”

His words kept ringing in my head and i knew then and there that him being max p@rtner is only because he wants to get close to me

And i dont want that or do i…….


T Bc