Love with bitter tears finale





When they got to Richa-rd ’s house from the hospital where they were told that Sammy had been discharged, they realised that no matter what happens, Annie was going to have a good life even with them. They had deliberated a lot on whether to let her go or not but a person’s parent will always remain so. They reached the conclusion that if at all it is true that she is their missing daughter, then they will have to let her stay with them.

Richa-rd : “Welcome to our humble abode our princess charming. I am so glad to see you at last. Now I can see why my son is so in love with you. You look exactly like his mum” he said scooping the giggling girl into his arms.

Paul: “Thank you very much, we are very happy to have been invited into your home”

Richa-rd : “No! Its I who is honoured to have you here. I want to say a big thank you for saving my son. You are very lucky to have such a popular girl as your daughter” he said looking from one to the other.

Ralph: “The truth is we are very surprised the media is ma-king a ruckus about such small act of br@very. I can’t count how many interviews we have had to reject. She is still young and we can’t let such things get the better of her”

Richa-rd : “She deserves more awards than she has gotten so far. Even I have one for her” he said looking from one to the other. “I am going to sponsor her education to the highest level. She only has to mention where she wants to study at and she will be there”

d!¢kson: “Isn’t that too much sir?”

Richa-rd : “It’s not even enough. She saved my only son for crying out loud. Oh! It’s even small” he said pu-lling her chubby cheek pla-yfully. Just then Sammy showed up.

Annie: “Sammy…” she jumped down from Richa-rd ’s leg and ran to him, st©pped for a while to take a look at him, satisfied with what she saw, she then hvgged him. They both beamed with smiles.

Sammy: “Now follow me, I have plenty things to show you in my room” he said leading her by the hand.

Annie: “Wow! Your room his awesome!” she exclaimed when they entered inside. She ran to the little be-d by the corner. ”whose be-d is this?”

Sammy: “It’s for my sister”

Annie: “Oh I see!” she went over to where the picture of his mum hung. “Who is she?”

Sammy: “My mum!” he said sadly.

Annie: “Can you bring it down plea-se?”

Sammy: “Sure” he said, brou-ght down the frame and handed it over to her. She ran her f!ngersover Rebecca’s face…

Annie: “She is beautiful. Can I call her mummy too since I don’t even know mine?”

Sammy: “Awwww! Of course!” he was t©uçhed. He went over to his box and brou-ght out a picture “And this is my sister” he handed it to her.

Annie: “Oh my God! Oh my God!! How did you get a picture of me? I am the one in the picture” she ran out excitedly to show her dads the picture leaving the dazed Sammy behind.

Sammy: “She is the one? Oh my God!”

Annie: “Daddy! Daddy!! Daddy!!!” she ran into Ralphs arms excitedly. “See Sammy has my picture. This is me when I was small right?”

Ralph: “Yeah yeah! That’s you” he smiled at her weakly.

Richa-rd : “Oh my God! plea-se didn’t any of you give birth to her?” he asked standing up.

Paul: “No! We found her, some men were trying to harm her so we rescued her from them”

Richa-rd : “Wow! Annie!!” just then Sammy ran into the sitting room too.

Sammie: “Daddy she is our Annie. My sister is back” he walked slowly towards her and embr@ced the stunned girl.

Annie: “You are my brother?” she asked and started to weep profusely.

Sammy was on his tears too sobbing,

Sammy: “I swear I didn’t mean to be that careless loosing you to those ritualists. And to answer your question, “Yes! you are my sister. I am so sorry that I let you go like that? I should have held on to you very ti-ght. I was not a good brother despite promising mum I’d take care of you. I am sorry baby sis” he said covering his face with his hands. Richa-rd was short of words, he just didn’t know how to console the two of them.

Annie was sobbing too,

Annie: “So it’s my brother those people were beating up like that? They were even going to set you on fire. Oh my God! I should have beaten them back. My brother! I am so sorry I did not beat them back” she said trying to re-move his hands from his face, she succeeded at last and hvgged him again. She cried profusely as her hands were shaking!

Sammy: “My sister saved my life dad. The sister we alre-ady gave up on, she saved my life” Sammy couldn’t hold it any longer as he shed tears uncontrollably.

Richa-rd : “Everything was my fault children, don’t blame yourselves okay” he quic-kly dabbe-d away the tears on his face so they wouldn’t see it. He joined in their embr@ce and felt his daughter’s tiny arms trying to encircle him and he smiled. Richie broke down in tears

Annie: “I guess I have four dads now and still no mum. Wish I got to know her anyway”she said after they had dis£ngaged from the embr@ce. Wow! 1st daddy, will you let Sammy go home with us?” she asked excitedly.

Ralph: “Yes he will of course. And you will also be staying here whenever you want.

Richa-rd called them aside.

Richa-rd : “I owe you guys my life I swear. Thank you so much for saving my children. I know it will be difficult for you to let her go now. Infact I am not her dad but you guys so she should stay with you and come here whenever she feels like”

Paul: “No things are not done that way. She will be staying here and probably be coming to us for holidays. She should get to know her real family too. She might be sad if we tell her she wouldn’t be living with us anymore so all we have to tell her now Is that she will stay with Sammy until he has fully recovered, she will be elated. Letting her go is not easy but I guess it’s high time we got married too and had our own kids.

Richa-rd : “Oh thank you so much. Thank you” he said shaking their hands one after the other. “Infact every disappointment is always a blessing. I think her getting kidnapped was for a good reason, had she been in this house, her step mother, Opha would have turned her into a lesbian. She is a paedophile you know. I really thank God my family is whole now, wish their mum was

alive too” he finished sadly.

d!¢kson: “it’s okay sir. Everything is for a reason. Only God knows why she had to die. Let’s pray none of us should die untimely.


Opha was found guilty of murder, child abuse and lesbianism in the Law court. She was s£ntenced to death by hanging. Her dad suffered from stro-ke due to the news of his daughter circulating the internet and newspapers, he was rendered immobile for the rest of his life.

To God Be The Glory.