Love or lvst episode 24 & 25


??[Craving for her b©dy]??

?Episode 24?

Phoenix’s POV❤️

‘You really think Cephar is going to care about what you do to me??’…I asked as Casper crouched to my level and a sm-irk appeared at the corner of hisl-ips…

‘Yes I think he would come for you my dear Phoenix and when he comes I’ll be waiting on for him’..He said and grasped my chin painfully…

‘Cephar would never bow to your will!! You’re just wasting your time!! I’m just his slut remember?! As you were screaming like a ninny in the other room!!! I am just his who-re and he doesn’t really care about me!!!’…I yelled and spat disdainfully on his face…

A resounding sl@p landed on my face and I clenched my fists lightly in pain and in tears as he went away and c@m£ back with a wh!p…

‘I wonder how Cephar would react if I had a little taste of your disgusting pu-ssy??’..he asked..

‘Let me tell you something you don’t know Casper..He..He was the first man to t©uçh me and he’ll be the only man I’ll gladly give my b©dy too cause he’s worth it..You are just a bit-ch looking for an excuse’..I replied and he sl@pped me angrily again…

I don’t know why but he’s just wasting his time…

Cephar would never come for me..


I just wonder how Elena is going to be without me when I finally get murdered by this bastard…

I don’t even know what he wants from me..

Cephar’s POV❤️

‘I called you fifteenfu-cking times Emily!!’..I snarled angrily as I paced around the room..

‘So what?? I got the message!! Casper has hit again and this time he took Phoenix’..She said…

I don’t know what is wrong with her but why is she acting this way??..

I thought she liked Phoenix??..

Why is she acting so lackadaisically??…

‘I..I have to do something Emily!! I just can’t let him do anything to her??’..I sighed de-eply and plunked myself on the nearby sofa..

‘Well maybe you should ask and give Casper what he really wants’..She suggested and I threw her a haughty dirty glare…

‘You know the last thing I would ever do is bow to that bastard’s will but right now I’m running out of options…What if I inform the police??’..

‘The Police?!! No.No you can’t involve the police?!!! That goes against everything we work for!! What would you say to them then?? That you’re a mob boss whose drug selling enemy has your who-re?!!’..She chuckled and my eyes wi-de-ned a little bit..

‘Phoenix is not a who-re!! Why don’t ya’ll get it!! She’s not a who-re!!’..I yelled and she frowned de-eply..

‘I don’t un-derstand the last time I checked she posed no importance to you and now you’re bothered about me calling her a who-re?? Have you gone soft Cephar??’..

‘And the last time I checked you really liked her now you’re acting like you don’t really care about her,what has gotten into you Emily??’..I replied a nervous breath escaped herl-ips…

‘You know I really like Phoenix but you have to bring down your ego a little bit or else Casper is going to—

‘Si… sir??’..A little girly voice interrupted and when I turned around it was Elena…

Oh God not again…

‘Uhhh we’ll discuss about the thing later Emily…Little girl let’s go’..I winced and placed my hands on the little one’s back leading her out of the libr@ry…

‘Where is Sister Phoenix??’..She asked as I tucked her back into her be-d and her little glazed eyes boring into mine just caused me more pain than ever…

How on Earth do I tell this little fragile flower that her sister is in danger all because of me??…

‘She uhhh.. She’s out of town working’..I whispered..

‘Don’t lie to me sir I’m not stupid’..She frowned and I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit..

‘You are sharp mouthed aren’t you??’..

‘plea-se tell me??’..She begged and I smiled..

I have never liked kids..

Never said I wanted them and never claimed to like them but seeing this little girl’s eyes filled with fear and hope just makes me want to k!ssher forehead like she was my own daughter…

‘Well the truth is little one—Your sister was kidnapped by an enemy of mine but not to worry I’ll bring her back’..I finally said the truth and she clasped her hands in mine..

‘It’s okay I trust you just like Phoenix trusts you’..She whispered and surprisingly k!$$£d my forehead…

‘She trusts me??’..I couldn’t help but ask..

‘She tells me how good of a man you are and she says you’re annoyingly rude and mostly grumpy but you are a good person’..She replied and I gulped ha-rd ..

‘I am not a good person’..

‘You are’..

‘No little girl I am not’..

‘But you are!! I see it in you and you just have to see it in yourself too’..She said and stro-ked my beard..

‘You know you are one persistent kid but I like you anyway and I promise to bring your sister back’..I whispered and walked out of the room…

Everything is going to be okay all I just have to do is find thatfu-cking cook and if I find out that she’s working with Casper I’m going to skin her alive…

Minutes later ♥️
I adjusted the stupid bu-tton on my n£¢k all frustrated and angry and about to enter my study I heard Emily speaking to someone over the phone…

?:Hey!!!…Hey just know that if your boss finds you you’re dead meat!! How could you be so careless??!!….Look…Hey look here bit-ch I don’t care okay??…Your job was just to make sure he had the girl and…Listen to me!! you do not want to mess with me or else you’re in de-ep trouble okay??…You…You do not want to mess with—

‘Who are you talking to Emily??’..I asked and she flin-ched so sharply that her phone fell to the ground…

‘Ohh goodness gracious Cephar you scared the sh*t out of me’..

‘Forget that Emily who were you with on thefu-cking phone?!!’..

??[Craving for her b©dy]??

?Episode 25?

Emily pov:
I was on a call when I heard cephar’s semi angry voice asked.

“Who are you talking to Emily?”
ma-king me flin-ch sharply and my phone fell out from my hand and broke into pieces.

Oh god hope he didn’t notice anything I thought trying very ha-rd not to bur-st into tears.

This cousin of mine sure knows how to make someone feel some even at his age.

The looks in his eyes even got me more scared and worried at the same time.

“Oh goodness gracious cephar you scared the sh*t out of me.”
I said hoping he wouldn’t go dee-per into the matter.

“Forget that Emily who were you with on the fu-cking phone?!!”
He asked angrily and my fear grew the more.

I started looking for a good excuse to give but my thought was cut short by an angry voice of cephar.

“I asked you a simple question Emily who the fu-ck are you talking to on the phone.”
He fired ma-king me flin-ch.

“Come on cephar i know you’re going throu-gh alot right now but don’t take out your frustration on me mister I was talking to my friend.”
I replied praying he will buy to it.

“Oh Emily you’re calling your friend a bit-ch and what girl was you so called friend going to make sure who gets?”
He asked suspiciously.

God bless save me!

“You see cephar something happened were i work a cleaner stole something un-der my watch and the friend i am talking to is a police officer.”
I lied hoping he will buy to it.

“Oh okay Emily sorry for shouting at you I will just call one of my men to get you a new phone since that one is broken.”
He said and i faked a smile.

“I am not angry with you cephar you are my little cousin and i love you I also know you have a lot in you mind but a little rest can help.”
I said and he nodded and left.

Immediately he was out of sight and let out the breath i never knew i was holding since.

Thank God he believed me .
I think i nee-d to go out of this house because if I continue staying here he might start getting suspicious.

But the big problem is what excuse will i give to enable him to let me go.

That was really a narrow escape and i don’t think next time will be this easy.

I picked up my broken phone and walked into my room because all I want right now is to think.

Phoenix pov:
“Casper or what ever your name is I think you’re wasting your time because you don’t know him.”
I said after the sl@p he gave me

“Maybe i just r@p£ you to death since you are of no use to be.”
He said with a wicked sm-irk on the side of this mouth.

Maybe he was expecting me to get scared but i showed no emotions whatsoever and that wiped out the stupid sm-irk from his ugly face immediately.

“Do you think killing me will make me feel bad huh? Of course not i have suffered enough in this world that i no longer fear death i am only gonna miss my baby sister that’s all do go ahead.”
I said br@vely.

But de-ep down inside me i am so scared to die infact i have so many reasons to live.

“Now i believe what they told me about you was true you are really a strong headed lady and i think i like you alre-ady.”
He said tou-ching my red cheek and i flin-ch and scoffed.

“Sorry to disappoint you mister i hate you what do you even want from me? And if you think kidnapping me will make cephar concur to your demand then you are a joker.”
I said and he smiled and bend to my level.

“And what makes you think he won’t agree to my terms?”
He asked.

“Because you got the wrong person mister i am not his wife or girlfriend neither am i his baby mama, sister or brother i am not fu-cking who-re.”
I replied and he let out an evil laugh.

“Yes you might not be any of this thing you listed but i also know he is in love with you.”
He said and i bur-sted into hilarious laughter.

“You see Casper i really think you being a mafia too makes you as smart as cephar but now i know you are the most s-en-seless person on planet earth.”
I said and a thun-derous sl@p landed on my cheek which got me blind for 30 minutes.

“How dare you call me s-en-seless huh? How dare you stupid who-re compare me with cephar ?”
He said pu-lling my hair and i winced in pain.

“Why are you so angry that i compared you with cephar?”
I asked smiling in pain.

“You want to know why huh? You want to know why bit-ch that’s because i am far much better than him.”
He said and i laughed taking him by surprise.

ma-king him look at me confused and i even laughed the more.

“What’s so funny bit-ch?”
He asked.

“If you are really better than cephar as you claim why didn’t you face him man to man instead of kidnapping me huh?”
I asked and he looked at he with anger.

He immediately left my hair and stormed out of the room very angry like i care.

Cephar’s pov:
Immediately i left Emily and went to my room i called one of my men.

And in no time he c@m£ into my room and i smiled inside me.

“I want to keep you to keep a close eyes on Emily i want to know were she goes who she meets if possible i want to know were she spre-ads her p@n-ts.”
I said.

“Yes boss!”
He replied.

“Bryan I am giving you this work because you are one of my most trusted men so don’t fail me.”
I said and dismissed him.

I don’t trust Emily anymore because before my Phoenix can be kidnapped the information c@m£ from someone who knows her well.

I can’t wait to get my hands on Casper because that day is gonna be his last days on earth.
