love me not episode 5

(Ageless r0m@nç£)

By: Nuri F. Chisom Pearl ✍️

💖💖💖EPISODE 5💖💖💖


School was over for the day, but Ryan’s clas-s had extra lessons due to their upcoming exams into higher institution.

ru-by was throu-gh with clas-s and checked the time, It was 6:35pm alre-ady, She sighed de-eply knowing fully well she was going to arrive home late. She had better start looking for a closer place to school.

She took her bag and left the school premises. Meanwhile, Ryan was waiting at a corner.
Immediately his eyes caught with ru-by, He then tried calling her name but he st©pped when Teacher Beckey c@m£ and held her shoulder.

“Hey… Beckey” ru-by said smiling.

“I guess you are going home” Beckey asked wra-pping her arm around ru-by’s shoulder.

“Yeah sure”

“Do you live close by” Beckey asked.

“Well, I don’t but I think I nee-d a closer place, Do you know of anywhere?” ru-by asked

“Yes… I do”

“Oh… Really? Where?”

“My house!” Beckey replied.

“Your house?, Do you mean a vacant room or your own room?” asked ru-by.

“My room of course, I nee-d someone to stay with, Or what do you think, I really live close by”

“Huh.. Beckey… You know what?”

“What?” Beckey quic-kly asked.

“I don’t really know…uhh…but I nee-d sometime to think about it” ru-by replied.

“Alright… No big deal, Well.. Till then… I’m here alre-ady, That my place” Beckey said pointing to a normal house by the side of the road.

“Oh… That was quic-k, I envy you” ru-by laughed.

“You wouldn’t have to envy me when you stay with me, plea-se…do give it good thoughts and tell me when you are re-ady, Goodbye for now” Beckey said waving as she left.

ru-by chuckled and waved back.

Meanwhile, Ryan kept following them even till they dep@rted. ru-by finally reached her bus st©p and sat on the bench till the last bus would come.
However, sleep didn’t show her any mercy as it c@m£ suddenly.
ru-by started dozing off and Ryan who was staring saw this.

Noticing, Her head kept sli-pping due to the sleep, He rushed to the bench and placed her head on his broad shoulders.
ru-by smiled during her sleep, Tickled her ton-gue and adjusted her head on the soft pillow she dreamt of, which was however Ryan’s shoulder.

Few minutes later, Ryan saw the bus and woke ru-by quic-kly. He ran and hid behind somewhere to avoid being seen by ru-by.

ru-by who noticed being tapped woke up and saw the bus. She rushed in immediately,Paid,sat down and gently rested her head on the window.

Ryan looked on till the bus disappeared from sight and left afterwards.


“Where were you?” Ryan mother, Mrs Scott asked

“School of course, Where else?” Ryan asked taking off his n£¢k tie.

“Indeed, Though I’m still surprised of your recent change in finally going to school, But that’s not what I’m asking right now!…The driver went to your school to pick your up but couldn’t find you, Why was that?” Mrs Scott asked.

“Mum… I’m 19…plea-se, Don’t treat me like when I was 16!!,Don’t bother about getting a driver for me and just let me be!” Ryan yelled

“Oh Goodness!But…

“Mum… Not buts! Or do you want to see me leave school again?” Ryan retorted.

Mrs Scott shaked her head

“Then don’t bother about me, I will do things my own way” Ryan said leaving to his room.


During dinner, Mr Scott kept looking at Ryan with his smiling face.

“I’m happy that you have changed about your academics, I’m glad… But what made you change your mind?, I knew how tough it was for me to do everything within my means and power to get you back to school since the past 3 years and yet I failed… So how?….

“Dad, Let’s forget about it!, I will keep on remembering the past if you keep talking” Ryan interrupted digging a spoonful of food in his mouth.

Both Mr and Mrs Scott faced each other and sighed. They both seemed sorry.

“Well… Son?, How was school today?” Mr Scott asked trying to change the t©pic.

“Like hell” He replied immediately still eating without looking at them

Mr Scott laughed awkwardly in order to avoid the intense mood.

“You know… I can’t blame you though, You know it’s the first day of school, That how it normally feels… Soon, You will get use to it” Mr Scott said and Mrs Scott nodded sharply.

“I hope so, It only a beautiful face that sets my mood in school” He said.

“Huh? Who…

“I’m throu-gh with my meal, I should go to my room, We have upcoming exams and I nee-d to re-ad, You know I’m still far behind” Ryan interrupted

His parents smiled happily by his talks.

“Alright do so… Son” Mrs Scott said.
Ryan nodded and faced his front to leave but remembered something, St©pped immediately and turned his n£¢k around.

“Ah… I forgot something” He whispering to their hearing.

“Yes… What’s that son?” Mr Scott asked.

“Actually, I can’t do this on my own, I think I nee-d a home tutor and I have the perfect person for the job” Ryan smiled.
His parents looked at each other confused

“And who is that?… I will do everything to make the person do the job” Mr Scott said as Ryan giggled.


ru-by scratched her inner ears.

“Look now!! That guy giggles is still itching my ear, So annoying” ru-by thought remembering his giggles.

She went to the fridge, opened it and took a bottle of drink.
She sat down on the couch and placed the bottle of drink on the table. On t©p the table was French fries.

She began to eat and drink,Took the remote control and switched on the TV.

While watching the TV, She imagined seeing Ryan in it giggling.

“Oh my!” ru-by screamed and quic-kly switched the TV off
“… I’m alre-ady crazy….” She added aloud running to her be-d room.


The scene showed Ashley’s house which was furnished with good furnitures,Electronics and others.

Ashley’s parents seemed to be worried about Ashley who hadn’t been on a good mood since the day she went to Ryan’s house.

“Darling… What’s wrong? Huh? Tell us” Mr Brian, Who was Ashley’s father asked.

“Dad… I don’t want to go to my school again!” Ashley cried out angrily.

“Why?… What happened? Did anyone do anything to you?” Mrs Brian asked.

“Urrgh! No mum… I just want to change my school” Ashley retorted.

“Why?” Mrs Brian asked.

“No reason… Must you even ask?… You are supposed to do whatever I ask of you!” Ashley yelled.

“Alright darling… Then what school do you think you want to go to, For me… I think ;
“Hearty Paws College” Mr Brian smiled.

“Hell no! Don’t choose for me!! Hello!…. I’m the one leaving the school and I’m the one supposed to choose for myself” Ashley said angrily

“Alright dear, No nee-d for all this fuss… What is your choice then?” Mr Brian asked.

Ashley took her phone and saw the bloggers post online again which re-ads;


“Mum… Dad… It’s Golden Dawn College”


“Mr Tyson, My clas-s is alre-ady 20 in number and you know the maximum number in a clas-s should be 20…so why would you allow someone come to my clas-s, what about Beckey’s clas-s? We both teach the last grades students” ru-by complained

“I’m sorry but the student and her parents insisted” Mr Tyson explained

“And so? You are the provost of this school,You could have declined .. Oh… I get it now, I’m sure she is from a wealthy family!” ru-by said.

“Who is she anyways?” ru-by added.

“She will soon be here” Mr Tyson said.

They both vividly heard loud sounds of heels walking against the wall.

“Oh… She must be the one” Mr Tyson said as he stood up to open the door.

ru-by was however still standing looking at Mr Tyson’s chair she was facing before he stood up.

She was slightly worried. It wasn’t easy with 20 students… Now 21….Urrgh! Goodness,Here we go again.

“Hello? I’m Ashley Brian… I’m your new student” ru-by heard a voice say.

Mr Tyson went back to his seat and smiled.

ru-by looked at him,Sighed de-eply and slowly faced back.
It was pla-yed in a slow motion as she turned her head to Ashley.

Immediately, She took a look.
Her eyes caught with Ashley’s eyes. Ashley mood changed instantly.
ru-by kept on looking for an emotion to find.

Ashley scoffed loudly

“Old lady?” She asked aloud.