love me not episode 33

(Ageless R0m-nce)

By: Nuri F. Chisom Pearl ✍️

???EPISODE 33???


Upon though the yells and pleadings from the bo-dy guards, Ryan saw himself running out from the airport. His heart raced fast as his legs ran like flash.

In no time, He was at school. ru-by was in the sick bay with Beckey. Other curious and concerned students stood there looking and sympathizing.

ru-by told them she had sli-pped, She didn’t want to exp-ose how cruel Martha was. She nee-ded evidence!. Everyone believed Martha was a cool headed and warm hearted person. Some students didn’t even know her!.

Suddenly the door bursted open and Ryan came in breathing like a wild lion who had been chasing his prey. All Eyes looked at him but he didn’t care, He ran to her be-d and hu-gged her ti-ghtly. She also returned the hu-g as she cried lightly.

Jaws dropped, Eyes were wide opened, Some ru-bbe-d their eyes numerous times while some pinched themselves. They couldn’t be dreaming right?.
Beckey was quite shocked but she quickly un-derstood. She smiled and turned to look at the students.

“Okay…. Guys! Come on now, Let’s leave here!” Beckey said as she began to take them outside. They all looked back as they walked outside trying to feed their curiosity.

“Are you alright?” Ryan asked in tears as he dise-ngaged from the hu-g.

He looked at her and quickly cleaned her flowing tears. ru-by couldn’t reply, Talking would make her cry more. She squee-zed her face ti-ghtly to avoid the tears and folded her li-ps. She closed her eyes but the tears still refuse to stop flowing.

“I’m sorry, Ryan” She finally muttered as she busted into tears. She cried loudly like a child as she squee-zed the be-d sheet.

“It’s okay…. Just tell me what happened”

“I’m really sorry, But my father didn’t mean it…. It’s all my fault… If only–She paused and cried the more. Ryan couldn’t hold the pains he felt as he watched her tears. He started tearing up too. He quickly cleaned his tears in order to be strong for her.

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“3 years ago… I–

“It’s okay… I know, My dad told me everything just recently…. It’s not your fault”

“What? He already told you? It’s my fault! If only I had enough patience…. Then, My dad would still be alive and you would be able to go to school then instead of staying in wheelchairs and crutches”

“Everything is fate, It was meant to happen anyways…. I’m still glad I met you”

“Me too…..Ryan, Is it my fault?”

“No… ”

“I’m talking about my baby back then…. Do you still hate me for that?”
Ryan looked at her without replying. He sighed dee-ply and looked down.

“What’s your reason?……Was it ha-rd?…Was it tough?… Was the burden too much? Did you regret it?”

In every question Ryan asked, ru-by cried. Her tears flowed like stream as she ti-ghtened her eye lids
which made the tears run down.

” I lost my father then, Life became ha-rd for me…. I had to even sell my car to pay for rent, I ate from hand to mouth…. I didn’t have anything, But just then I remembered who I called my mother–She left my dad after succeding with her secret affair with her Boss, She became rich and had everything she wanted…. Her lover died later on which even made her even more wealthier….. I decided to go to her for help since I had no food, no money and no shelter, My house was sold after My father’s death due to pure wickedness….. When I finally located my mother’s place…. I knocked….” ru-by began as tears flowed from her eyes freely like a rushing tap.

**********(FLASH BACK)**********

ru-by ru-bbe-d her large protruded belly as she knocked on the golden door twice.
After waiting for few minutes, She sighed. She was already tired due to the hot sun. She was so hungry that she could feed on any raw food, She looked around as she scratched her elbow. She yawned tiredly and her eyes met with the door bell. She stretched her hand towards it and pressed the bu-tton.

Soon enough, The door creaked open. ru-by looked at the opened door suprised as she slowly went in.
Immediately, Her feet landed on the big mighty beautiful sitting room. She heard a voice, It was her mom.

“Who do we have here?” Mrs Whyte asked as she slowly walked down from the beautiful stairs with an expensive cu-p of wine dangling in between her fin-gers.

“Mum? It’s me…” ru-by replied with a dry voice.

“Why are you here?” Her mother threw the question coldly.

“You heard right? About Dad? I have no where to go…. Mum, Just help me for a while, Huh… Please” ru-by pleaded with her pitiful voice and puppy eyes.

“Just take a good look at yourself, When I wanted to leave your so-called dad for my rich boss, I pleaded with you to follow me but what did you say? I clearly heard you say “I’m going to live with dad not you!”„I guess now you are regretting ever saying that!”

Mrs Whyte coughed as she looked at ru-by’s protuded stomach. “What’s this? Are you suffering from an abdominal infection or what? Why is your stomach so big?”

“Mum…. I’m pregnant” ru-by muttered.

“I wanted to allow you stay but No, No, No! You can’t stay…. Not with that baby, I advise you to ab-ort it or if you would like to give birth to it, Do so… But keep it in the orphanage, I don’t want it here!”

“What are you saying? Are you even talking in your right se-nses now? Mum! For crying out loud, This is an innocent baby!”

“What??! I’m really disgusted by you now! How dare you talk to me like that, I was trying to change the poor miserable life your dad gave you but you dare raised your voice at me? I’m ashamed of you!”

“I’m more ashamed…. ”

“What?” Mrs Whyte asked with a scoff.

“I’m ashamed you are my mother, I’m ashamed we still bear the same surname!” ru-by yelled.

“Then, What are you waiting for? Change it,, Change your surname! Such an idiot! Get out of my house before I call the cops!” Mrs Whyte yelled back as ru-by held her bags ti-ghtly. She turned to leave but stopped and finally said; “No…. I don’t regret ever staying with dad rather than with you, Since my dad is no more…. I’m disgusted to share my amazing surname with you, So I’m going to change it….And if the time comes, I will never ever forgive you and Oh…. Please, Remember this,, I don’t have a mother”

Mrs Whyte blinked her eyes as she watched ru-by leave the house without turning back to take one last look at her.

ru-by had few friends and decided to go to them for help, But they all rejected her making one lame excuse or the other.

“I can’t allow a pregnant person here! What will the neighbors says?” One friend said.

“My parents are against it, They wouldn’t want their daughter hanging out with someone like you, Ewww!” Another said.

“You are badluck,What if my boyfriend leaves me like yours did?” Her best friend said as she slammed the door on her face.

ru-by cried and cried that night, She had no place to stay so she eventually went to a corner by the roadside and sle-pt there. She couldn’t sleep in peace though, Mosquitoes disturbe-d and bit her, Her stomach grumbled and pained her badly due to hunger.

The next morning, She continued her journey and later found a small restaurant where she started working. She attended to customers nee-ds and also cleaned the whole place. After that, She would be given her Daily Wage. She was also luckily given a place to lay her head in the restaurant.

However, She worked so much without resting that many people warned her not to over work herself because of her unborn child.
One unlucky day, ru-by fainted and rushed to the hospital, She was bleeding so much.

“What’s your mother’s number? Let me call her so that she could help with this?” Her manager asked quite worried.

“I’m okay…. I don’t have a mother” ru-by replied.

“You might be okay but the baby isn’t! You already told me the story of your so-called mom, So just give me her number…. Who knows she might help you”

“No…. I’m not! Please, Just let me be” ru-by replied angrily as she stretched her legs while she la-id her head on the hospital’s be-d.
After an hour, ru-by started screaming, They really nee-ded to do surgery on her but there wasn’t any guardian or parent to pay the bills.

ru-by’s manager pleaded for her mother’s number but she refused and ignored her while she Gr0-ned and screamed in pains.

“If anything happens to this baby, It’s your fault!” ru-by’s manager warned as she looked at ru-by’s sadly.

Eventually, ru-by’s manager was able to get her mother after checking ru-by’s personal information and details.
She called ru-by’s mother who later came.

But the bad news was ru-by’s baby was dead. She had a miscarriage, Over stress and Over work had caused it. ru-by cried like never before.

“It’s a shame, @$$uming you were here earlier, Then we would have done the surgery and the baby would be alive” The Doctor said as he walked away shaking his head pitifully and sadly.

“That’s why I told you to give me your mother’s phone number, You should have done this earlier then this bad thing couldn’t have happened!” Her Manager said.

“She is still not my mother, How…. Did you get her number anyways?” ru-by asked cleaning her tears.

” I checked out your personal information using your full name, I saw your mother’s phone number later on” Her Manager explained as she pointed at Mrs Whyte.

“Oh… My full name? I really nee-d to change my surname”

“Leave us alone please” Mrs Whyte said to The Manager as she stared at ru-by angrily.
The Manager quietly left.

“You aren’t smart, @$$uming you did as I told you, Then…. It could’ve been more better, The baby would be alive!”

“And then what? Living in an orphanage? When the mother is alive?”

“It’s doesn’t matter!”

“It does! To me, We are different…. You know that!…. So, Let me be!”

“Oh Wow,Yeah,We are different…. But do you really know you killed your baby with your own hands?”.


“Yeah…. You could’ve called me earlier when they asked for my number but you were just being selfish and arrogant! You only thought about yourself and not your baby!”

“That’s not true!” ru-by yelled as tears left her eyes.

“It’s true…. ru-by, You killed your baby with your own hands and you should remember that forever! Bloody Murderer!” Mrs Whyte yelled as ru-by cried more.