Love at risk Episode 42

Love At Risk
Episode 42
Derek’s Pov
My plan B worked perfectly, too bad Ken had to die
I forgot to tell him that vampires can’t control their anger.
I’ve proven myself right, I just nee-d him dead
I took a drink
no one knows where he is
so Malia will be a good bait to bring him out..
Stella’s pov
” what do you still nee-d with Adrain”
Lisa said as I paced around the room
” I know he’s a vampire
but I can’t get my mind off him
he’s cute and rich”
” he’s wanted”
Lisa added
” it doesn’t matter
I want him and that Malia is just in my way”
my phone rang
” hey Derek”
” Stella
I nee-d you to do something”
” as long as Malia get’s killed
I’m in”.
Dylan’s pov
I went to see my parents at the mansion
mom won’t st©p crying,
I saw a car in the garage
looks really new
I turned to a gardener
” hey
who’s car is that
the new one”
” oh?
Sire Adrian gave it to Malia
the maid who worked for him”
he even gave her a car
too bad he has lost her now
a smile curved myl-ips as I got in my car.
I went to Malia’s house
her little aunt c@m£ out
” Malia doesn’t want to see anyone”
” tell her it’s D”
” not even you
only one person and that’s Adrian”
that monster
she still loves him,
” okay”
I said and turned back
my heart aching
can’t she just love me too
it’s always Adrian.
Malia’s pov
Adrian was on everyone’sl-ips in school
” he was so cute”
” I still have a crush on him”
” he never spared me a glance”
I went into the rest room and sat down crying
” hey your okay?
Someone said from outside
” Yah” I managed to say
I stood up and went out to wash my face
I look so pale
I looked at the mirror and saw Stella behind me
“hey Malia”
I turned to her
” what now Stella”
” oh?
Nothing much
I just nee-d you to come with me”
I scoffed
” has anyone ever told you that your crazy ”
she chuckled and brou-ght out her phone
she made a phone call
” Yah
she’s here”
I heard a voice from the phone
” Malia”
” Amy?
” Malia dont listen to her”
she hanged up
” what have you done”
” oh?
It’s kinda of a bait for bait situation
come with me and your little aunt is save”
” your an animal”
I said angrily
she rolled her eyes
” common
I dont have all the time in the world”
she said and turned out.
She took me to an old building in a lonely place
I was suprised to find Derek there
” your a traitor Derek”
I said and he walked to me
he sm-irked and kicked me in the stomach
I gro-an ed and fell down
” don’t worry”
he said as he took sh0ts of me
” you’ll get Adrian here in no time”.