Love at risk Episode 33

Love At Risk
Episode 33
” Malia”
I said again as she tried keeping her eyes open,
but she closed them back
” Malia”
she didn’t move
What should I do now
I nee-d to get her to a hospital
but I can’t go un-der the sun
a red flashing car drove to us and st©pped at the shade
Dylan stepped out
” get in”
he’s saving my as-s again
I don’t have much of a choice right now
so I got in,
the clouds darkened
the sun disappeared
all of a sudden
there were heavy rain drops
he drived to the nearest hospital,
I carried her in and she was taken into a ward,
I sat down waiting with Dylan
he followed me
this guilt just ran throu-gh me
I was so mean to him
I ran my f!ngersthrou-gh my hair
why did he choose to help
I think I should put the hatred aside and get along with him
the doctor c@m£ out
” how is she doc”
Dylan asked before I could
” she’ll be fine
you can talk to her in two hours ”
” thanks doc”
he said and the man left
” Dylan”
I called and he turned
apologising is not really my thing
” I just wanted to thank you
for coming to get us”
” that’s what brothers do
” I was mean to you”
” you were just having a ha-rd time taking everything in
that’s okay”
he looks so good
that makes me the bad guy
” you can go home if you want
I’ll look after her”
” No
I’ll stay back too”
I said .
Derek’s Pov
” I can’t believe this
she’s alive
that bit-ch is alive”
Stella said angrily,
I poured some wine into a glas-s
I turned to her
” don’t get a heart attack
there’s always plan B”
I said and took a sip
” and I’ve got the perfect plan”,
he can’t prove me wrong by not getting burnt
he’s going to pay for trying to kill me.
Adrian’s Pov
We sat down waiting,
a nurse walked to us
” she’s awake now”
” great”
Dylan said and hurried to the ward
I did too
” Adrian”
she called and I went to her side
” hey”
I brushed some strands of hair from her face
Dylan held her other hand
” D
what are you doing here ”
” I’ll explain everything later”
he said and ru-bbe-d her hand
Is he ma-king moves on her
I felt a stab of jealousy ,
” are you hungry
can I get something for you”
he said
He’s not the only one who cares
” don’t bother Dylan
I’ll get something for her”
” its okay
I don’t mind”
” I dont mind too
I know Malia’s favourites”
she arched an eyebrow at me
she knows I’m lieing
” I know her favourites too”
he insisted
Good Grief,
” you know what guys”
Malia jumped in
” I dont think I’m hungry”
he sh0t me a glare
guess he won’t be so good again,
I li-cked myl-ips
If he’s trying to compete with me for Malia,
he picked the wrong guy.
Malia get re-ady
they are coming for you.