Love at last sight episode 9 & 10

📕📕📕📕📕 👉 By : Jordan Lynden



I sh0t him a dirty look before zeroing in on the kitchen door. Any moment Kate and Paul would walk throu-gh. My front door opened and I tensed, re-ady for anything. Briefly I thought that maybe they’d bought a refrigerator as a joke, but then realized how ridiculous that was and banished the thought.
When Kate and Paul did walk throu-gh the door, what they had with them was not what I was expecting.

At all.

“Rosie,” Chace began, sweeping his arm out to the side. “Meet Jack.”

As if on cue, the golden retriever standing before me barked. My jaw nearly dropped. “You guys… bought me a dog…?”

“Jack,” Paul repeated, grinning at me. “Cute, isn’t he?”

Numbly, I nodded, dropping to my knees in front of the yellow puppy. He stared back at me with wi-de, amber puppy eyes. “Hi, boy,” I greeted, wra-pping my arms around his soft b©dy. “D’aww, you’re so cute! How old is he?”

“Two years. He’s still a little puppy,” Kate cooed, scratching the hound’s silky ears. “He’s incredibly smart though. Knows some cool little tricks.”

I pressed my cheek against his silky coat and nuzzled it. “What in the world drove you three to buy me a two year old dog? Not that I don’t love him alre-ady. He’s so cute, aren’t you boy?”

Chace patted Jack on the head. “Well, he’s a special dog. And not just because he awkwardly has the same name as my dad.”

“Special how?”

“He’s a Seeing Eye dog,” Paul blurted out, as if he’d been holding it in for years. “He’s awesome, isn’t he? So young and so smart!”
My eyes wi-de-ned and I pu-ll-ed away from him, staring at the three towering over me. “He’s a what?”

“Seeing eye dog,” Kate restated with a smile. “Fitting, huh?”
“How in the world…”

“A lot of online searching,” Chace answered my unspoken question with a laugh. “This guys actually from Texas.”

“He had a long ride here,” Kate continued. “Though it was totally worth it. He’s so adorable!”

I nodded my agreement, finally re-leasing my grasp on the poor dog. “Jack, shake,” I ordered, holding out my hand.
To my amazement, he placed his paw into my hand.

“He knows pl@ydead too,” Paul mentioned with a chuckle. “He’s very believable.”

“And he can do all the things a, you know, seeing dog can?”
Chace nodded. “Yep. The certificate is at my house… I didn’t ask your parents before adopting him, so…”

“Oh, who cares? He’ll definitely be allowed at my house,” I responded, scratching Jack behind the ears. “You’re a good puppy aren’t you?” I murmured.

“His name is fitting too,” Chace said, resting a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t you think, Rosie?”

I tilted my head at him curiously. “What do you mean?”

“You know. Jack and Rose. From the Titanic.”

From beside him, Paul erupted into laughter. “Dude! I didn’t even think of that!”

I pursed myl-ips at Chace. “Very clever.”

He win-ked back at me. “I know.”

“So you like him?” Kate asked, staring at me expectantly.

I gave her an are-you-stupid look. “Of course I do! He’s adorable! It’s like love at first sight!”

“More like love at last sight,” Paul muttered.



When his comment registered in my head, I laughed, waving my hand in dismissal at Kate, who was about to sma-ck him. “No, no. That’s so very appropriate. Love at last sight… it’s got a nice ring to it. Thank you, guys. Really.”

The trio before smiled back at me. “It’s not problem.”

Suddenly I felt a tug of emotion at my heart. My friends were really the best. “I really love you guys…”

“We love you too, Bud,” Paul replied, sl@pping me on the back. “Now don’t get sappy.”

I nodded, clearing my throat. “So did you guys think to buy a leash or anything?”

Blank expressions took over all three people’s faces. “Uhh,” Paul hesitated. “No?”

I half-smiled. “Guess I have some shopping to do if I want to keep this pup alive.”

Many hours later, I was situated on a very comfortable leather couch at Chace’s house, clothed in my pajamas. On the cushion next to me l@yJack, curled up in a cute little ball, dead asleep. Chace was on the floor, his t-shi-ted back resting against my legs. Currently we were watching one of my favorite movies— The Labyrinth. Although it was unspoken, we both knew it was the very last time I was going to see it.

“I never really un-derstood this movie,” Chace commented as the credits rolled. “Did the goblin king fall in love with that thirteen year old girl? Isn’t he like, three hundred?”

Leaning forward, I wra-pped my arms around his n£¢k, resting my hands on his che-st. “I think it’s kind of ro-mantic.”
Chace lifted his chin so he could give me a look of disbelief, blinking his chocolate colored eyes. “He kidnapped her little brother.”

“Well… yeah… but…”

“You’re messed up,” he commented with a chuckle. “You just have the h0ts for David Bowie. Or more like his crotch. Those p@n-ts, man. They should rename this movie The Spandex.”
I laughed, sma-cking his che-st. “Oh, shut up. This has been one of my favorites since childhood.”

“You’re just weird.”

“Yeah, but you love me.”


I sl@pped him again. “Chace!”

Laughing, he pried my arms from around him and stood up, grinning down at me. “Just joking, Rosie. Come on. Let’s go to be-d. It’s one o’clock in the morning. You almost fell asleep twice during that movie too.”

“Fine,” I agreed reluctantly. “I’ll waste my time slee-ping…”

Rolling his eyes, Chace took me by the hand and yanked me off the couch, waking up Jack. “You nee-d sleep, Rosie.”

“I’d rather use my vision while I can.”

His expression softened and his grip on my hand ti-ght£ñed. “I know you want to, Rose. But your health is important as well. We’ll wake up bright and early, okay? We’ll go climb a mountain, or something.”

“Climb a mountain?” I echoed, allowing him to tug me to the stairs. “Jack! C’mere boy!”

Chace grimaced as the golden retriever immediately woke up, jumping off the couch and bounding after us. “He can take my place on the couch, but not in my own be-d. And yes, a mountain. I can’t think of anything else right now.”

“No, that sounds good,” I commented with a small smile. “Maybe we can see the sunset from it…”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Yeah… I’d like to see that.”

Chace nodded. “Then that’s what we’ll do.” He kicked open the door to his be-droom, not bothering to fli-ck on the overhead light. The moon was casting enough of its glow to bathe the room in light. I climbe-d into the left side of the be-d (since the right was Chace’s— or so he claimed) and patted the edge by my feet so Jack would jump up on it as well.

Sliding in next to me, Chace nodded his approval. “Okay, he can sleep at our feet.”

Once the golden retriever was curled up and comfortable, I turned on my side to look at Chace. “Hey, Chace?”

“Hmm?” he responded, his eyes shining in the moonlight.
“What if I don’t go blind? Like, it was all a mistake. Or my eyes just suddenly got better.”

A slight frown c@m£ onto his face. “Rosie…”
“It’s not like I’m expecting it to happen,” I said quic-kly. “In fact, I think that’s pretty impossible. I’m just saying what if.”

“Well, I won’t say I regret the doctor ever diagnosing you for one thing.”


He raised an eyebrow. “Because we wouldn’t have met…”
I blinked, realizing he was right. Had the doctor not told me I was going blind on that day, I wouldn’t have been near the river, and Chace wouldn’t have tackled me to the ground and then invited me out on a d@t£. “I guess me going blind is a good thing…”

“Well, it’s not a good thing per se,” he pointed out with a half-smile. “It just has some nice benefits.”

“I hope I don’t go blind,” I whispered.

A pained expression crossed Chace’s face. “Oh, Rosie…”

“I accept that it’s probably going to happen, but you know, I just can’t give up hope.”

Chace nodded, reaching a hand up to my face and cu-pping my cheek. “Yeah, I know. We can pray for a miracle.”

“For now, you should get some sleep though,” he said, bringing his face closer and giving me a soft k!ss. “No matter what happens, my feelings for you won’t change. Your friends won’t change. Your parents won’t change. Everything will be fine.”

I snuggled closer to him, resting my head on his che-st. “Yeah, you’re right. I love you, Chace.”

“I love you too, Rosie.”

It was ha-rd to believe that the man lying next to me now, was one I ba-rely even knew four months ago. It’d felt like it’d been so much longer that— a lifetime longer. “I’m glad I met you,” I murmured. No, I was more than glad. I was thankful. Chace meant more to me than I could’ve ever imagined he would.
Chuckling, he wra-pped his arms around me and squee-zed. “Yeah, I’m glad I met you too.”

That night I dreamt entirely of Chace. His smile, his eyes, his figure… all were etched into my memory. I would never forget them.

Love at last sight… for me, it really was an accurate saying.



LoVe At Last Sight🎉

By: Jordan Lynden📕


The next day, we never made it to the mountain. I never got to see my last sunset. When I’d woken up, my vision had expired. I’d waited for an hour, hoping— praying — that it would return to me, but it never did.

I was never granted a miracle.

My parents were called, my eye doctor was called, Kate and Paul were called, and Chace’s dad was called. There were a lot of tears— not on my p@rt though. Mainly on my mother’s and Kate’s. They seemed a lot more depressed over my blindness than I did. Chace never let go of my hand. His grip was firm and ti-ght, every now and again he gave me a reas-suring squee-ze.

Jack was by my side; re-ady and attentive like the Seeing Eye dog he was trained to be.

Being blind made me realize how much of a gift sight is. I knew I’d never be able to see the hue of the sky at sunset again, or the blue of the ocean, or the shaggy golden coat of Jack’s, or Chace’s warm brown eyes. Not my mother’s caring smile, or my dad’s always-tousled hair, not Paul’s stupid grin, or Kate’s shiny teeth…

I’d never see any of those things again. All I had was the memories.
But it was enough.

Although I’d never see my family again, see my friends again, see Chace again, it was okay. They were all still with me. I was still able to hear the voices, feel their t©uçh…

Everything was going to be okay.

“Rosie, don’t let go of my hand,” Chace whispered to me.

A smile formed on my face. “I won’t.”


“Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

“Mom. I’m pretty sure after five years of walking the same path I can get home from work fine by myself,” I as-sured her, my left hand ti-ght£ñing around the banister of the staircase and my right ti-ght£ñing around Jack’s leash.

From the other side of the phone, I heard my mom heave a heavy sigh. “I know, I know, I’m just worried—”

“Unnecessarily,” I finished for her f0rç£fully. “Geez, you worry worse than Chace. And he’s pretty bad.”

“Where is he anyway?”

“Work, Mom. We’re adults. We have to work.”

Another sigh left herl-ips. “I can’t believe he’s still with you…”


“Wait, that c@m£ out wrong,” she said quic-kly. “I just mean it’s rare that high school sweethearts get married, you know? Everyone wants to be those two, but rarely does it happen. You two…”

I smiled to myself. “It’s almost like fate.”

My mom snorted. “If you believe in that.”

“Right,” I responded, rolling my eyes. My foot met the flat surface of the floor, revea-ling that the stairs had ended. Taking ten steps forward, I c@m£ to the door that led to the outside.
Jack barked, informing me a person was entering throu-gh the door, so I stepped to the side, allowing the person to move by me.

“Rose!” an excited voice cried. “I’m glad I caught you!”

“Kate?” I questioned, but there was no doubt in my mind it was my best friend. “What are you doing here?”

“Kate?” my mom echoed. “What’s she doing there?”

“I don’t know Mom, look, I’ll call you later. I really have to get going. Chace’s ma-king dinner.”


“Tell Dad I said hi and I love him. Love you. Bye.” Snapping my phone shut, I slid it into my back pocket before turning to Kate. “So what brings you to my work?”

She ruffled my hair. “Chace let a little secret sl!pto Paul, and you know how Paul is with secrets. And I couldn’t wait until you got home, so I c@m£ straight here.”
My stomach dropped. “He didn’t….”

“Congratulations!” she cried, throwing her arms around me. “I would’ve never thought you and Chace would have a kid before me! And a son too!”



“I didn’t know the gender!” I told her, swatting blindly with my free hand. “You idiot! Chace wanted to know, but I wanted it to be a surprise!”

Just as my hand met her shoulder, she squeaked out an apology. “Sorry! I’m sorry! I thought you knew!”

Scowling, I returned my hand to my side. “Well, now I do, thanks.”

“Are you excited?”

“Yeah,” I admitted, smiling despite myself. “It really didn’t matter what gender the baby was, but a boy sounds nice. Chace must be excited to dress him up.”


Kate laughed. “I bet. Are you going home now? I’ll come with you.”

re-sisting the urge to roll my eyes, I nodded. “Sure. Why aren’t you at work?”

“It’s my day off. But knowing my luck the hospital will call me in at like three A.M. Like they always do.”

“Well, that’s the problem with being a doctor.”

“What about you? How was work today?”

Shrugging, I tugged Jack in the direction he was supposed to be walking. For the most p@rt, he was an excellent Seeing Eye dog, but sometimes he got a little distracted. “It’s, you know, the same as usual. I like being idolized by the kids.”

“You’re such a good person,” she said, slinging an arm around my shoulder. “The blind helping out the blind. You’re one of the best br@ille teachers I’ve ever met.”

“You’ve met two,” I pointed out. “And I don’t only teach br@ille…”
She ignored both my comments. “Yeah, well, still. At least you’re working. Can’t expect Chace to bring home all the bacon with his job as a carpenter.”

I pursed myl-ips. “What? He’s really good at his job! He definitely makes more than enough money.”

“It was a joke, Rose,” she chuckled, patting my back. “You’re so defensive.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled. “So are you staying for dinner, or…?”
“Of course! Thank you for the invitation!”


Five minutes later we were at the threshold of mine and Chace’s ap@rtment, waiting for my husband to answer the door. Moments later, it swung wi-de open, and the warm scent of pot roast met my nose. “Forget your key?” a teasing voice asked.
My heart fli-p-flopped at the sound of his warm voice. Immediately images of Chace’s handsome face sh0t throu-gh my mind, altered slightly with his growing age. Even after five years, I could imagine him perfectly. A smile c@m£ onto my face and I leaned forward, myl-ips meeting his for a quic-k k!ss. “Hehe, yep.”
“Rosie, how many times have I told you—”

“Kate’s here for dinner,” I interjected, stepping sideways so he could see her. “Surprise!”

Kate stepped forward, pushing into my ap@rtment before me.

“This place is really fancy. Mm, dinner smells nice!”

“Hi Kate,” Chace greeted and a warm hand enveloped mine.
Smiling again, I squee-zed his, tugging Jack throu-gh the door so we could close it. “Chace, you won’t be able to cook if you hold my hand.”

“Well it’s a good thing I don’t have to cook at the moment,” he responded, dragging me dee-per into our home. “Let Jack off his leash.”
Doing as requested, I let the golden retriever off of his restraint. My now free hand went around Chace’s w@!st and rested on his arm. I yanked it back in surprise when I felt wrinkled skin. “Chace! What happened to your arm?”

“Ah… as sharp as ever. I just burned it.”

“Are you okay?” I asked quic-kly. “Kate, Chace burned his arm, will you check it out? Will it be okay?”
Chace chuckled, patting my head. “And you say I worry too much.”

blu-shing, I attem-pted to pu-ll my hand away from his, but he held on ti-ghtly. “W-whatever.”

“You two… same as always,” Kate commented from next to me.
“And we probably won’t ever change,” Chace stated confidently.

“Rose, you should write out your love story. I bet it’d be popular. You could sell it and make bank.”

I snorted. “Yeah, no. Who would re-ad that cra-p?”

“I would,” Chace volunteered.

“Of course you would,” I responded, rolling my eyes. “Is dinner almost re-ady or what?”

“Yeah, house wife. Is dinner re-ady?”

“Weren’t you worried about my burn?”

Shrugging, I sat down on the sofa, shaking my hand free of his.

“Now I’m worried about my stomach.”

“Rosie… you…”

“Yes?” I asked innocently.

A sigh c@m£ from him. “Nothing, Sweetie. You just look beautiful today.”

“Thank you!”

Kate giggled, taking a seat next to me as Chace shuffled to the kitchen. “You two really are a great couple.”
I smiled warmly. “Yeah, Chace is great.”

“It’s been a long time, huh… Since you lost your sight.”

“Yeah… I can still remember everything so clearly. I thought maybe the memories would fade, but they’re still with me. It’s nice.”

“And Chace is still with you.”

I nodded. “Yeah, that too.”

“Don’t ever let him go,” she advised me.

A grin spre-ad across my face. “Oh, I won’t.”


📕Final episode Up next