Living with the trio Episode 1 to 3

🎻💛Living With The Trio🚪
💲[They owns us]💲
They are the handsome freaks❕
They are the cool dudes who don’t want to have anything to do with girls.
Who are they ??
They are the trio,,they have powers, money but girls ??
💌Extract from the story💌
” she’s on her way,,she’s gonna be here any moment “Jett said, pacing to and fro.
” And if she finds out we are living alone without girls “Tyler added and gulped down his drink.
” Then we are doomed “Ryan added,Jettl-ips suddenly curled into a smile.
” why don’t we buy girls to act like ours,and when she’s gone ,,we s£nd then off or they be our maid ”
” Super great ”
What will happen when this girls start living with them ??
Chapter 1
⏰Jett’s pov⏰
☎ Ma’am Selena will be arriving in few hours,,prepare
I dropped the call and ran to the living room,now p@n-ting heavily
“Ma’am Selena”I said,they were backing me but turned at the mention of her name
“What’s wrong with her”Tyler sat down and poured himself a drink
“She’s on her way,she’s gonna be here at any moment”I started pacing to and fro
“What!”they both chorused
“And if she finds out we are living alone with no girls”Tyler added gulped down his drink
“Then we are doomed”Said Ryan,myl-ips suddenly curled into a smile, I st©pped as an idea popped up
“Why don’t we buy girls to act like ours and when she’s gone, we s£nd them off or they be our maid”I let out and they both c@m£ to me
“Super great”
We went into the room and changed into the same outfit,I looked at the mirror
Isn’t this crazy?? I can’t believe we are going to buy girls now!
“Let’s go”Ryan picked his phone and we walked out
🎧 Harper’s pov🎧
I gro-an ed when the noise was getting too much,I’m sure it’s that damn alarm
I reached out for it and slammed it on the floor,and went back to sleep
🎤 I want each one of you out before I start kicking your as-ses out,we are having some special guest
Ma’am Alora said and I dare not stand up
That’s how she call everyone of us whenever there is a business, I quic-kly dashed into the bathroom
Swears,I didn’t spend up to three minutes in there before I walked out
I quic-kly put on a S-xy dress; a b©dy hvgging go-wn,that’s the rules here;do your best to look good
I’m Harper Gray and this is the latest place where girls are sold out
“Since?”she said,she was seated on a king size chair
“Sorry mam”I bowed a little and went to join the rest
“Where is Macy?”she said looking at all of us,I scoffed
Who don’t know Macy? To me she act like a village girl
“So sorry am late”I looked up and it was Macy, she c@m£ to stay beside me,,, holy $h!t! Her dress!!
“Macy!!.this isn’t a church so go back and change,your dress sulks”she yelled at her and she immediately ran back to her room
💋The saint!?
🎤Sad bird!!
“They are here”one of thr guard went to her
“Bring them in”she ordered,he nodded and went out
🚻He’s going to pick me
🚻I know those dudes
“Hush,you all know me. Mess up and I’m going to fry you”she said and sprang on her feet,,the noise went down
Chapter 2
😍Tyler’s pov😍
I stepped down from the car and looked around,they also c@m£ out and we headed in,,
“Sir”A guy c@m£ to us and we st©pped
“I’m asked to bring you in”he added and we followed him in
“Geez!”Ryan said,covering his ears
“So much noise”Tyler added and shook his head,as we entered we saw many girls dancing,and some drinking
My eyes went to the woman on the chair; Alora
“Welcome”she stood up and cl@pped, we st©pped at her front
“Everyb©dy now back to your room”she ordered and they all took the stairs,now just four of us
“Cute trio”she win-ked at us
“Alora,am sure you know what we are for?it suppose to be a secret!”I said moving close to her
She moved back
“Secret? Of course I know,,so back to business”she said
💃Avery’s pov💃
“$h!t!”I sl@pped my head and entered the red car,why thefu-ck did they have to choose me. Can’t they choose someone else?
“Avery, be a good girl”she patted my shoulder and I looked at her? Like this a marriage,I scoffed
“Smile”she whispered silently, anger written all over her
“Ok mam”I smiled wi-dely, the car moved and I heavy a sigh of relief. They are at the other car ahead of us,I looked beside me
“What!,Macy?”I screamed and she rolled her eyes,why the fuvk is she p@rt. No!she can’t stay with me
“So you end up here”I scoffed. The car st©pped inside a hvge mansion and we got down except Harper, thinking or what?
I patted her and that’s when she looked up
“How was the dream land?”I sm-irked
“Bad,I’m happy to be in this Paradise”she ran out of the car
“Wow”she shouted crazily and I shook my head
💛Jett’s pov💛
“Don’t create a scene”I warned turning to them,I sighed before i opened the door
Lord,I hope she isn’t home yet
“Come in”Ryan said leading the three of them in
“Go your rooms”Tyler said looking at his wristwatch
“Oops sorry,just go to any room you see, FAST!”Tyler said and they started walking away
“Where were you guys?”we heard her voice and I looked up,she paused at the stairs
“You’re back”we chorused and we went to her,damn!
“Yes,we went to the park”Ryan suddenly said,she ran her eyes all over us
“Yes”I said and pu-ll-ed one closer
“She?your..”she was about saying when Tyler bur-st in
“Yes,our girlfriends”Tyler pu-ll-ed one close
“Look?”I urge and make her lean close, then landed myl-ips on hers
Chapter 3
🎤Macy’s POV🎤
I just stood still the whole time,don’t tell me he’s kidding me?? I didn’t reciprocate. He st©pped and I took in a de-ep breath
” Wow,,I’m happy you finally chooses a girl”the woman smiled
“Anything for you mom”Ryan said,I heard their names at the club
” You guys are free,you see this handsome freaks here;feel free with them”she said and we nodded
“Mom, this is Avery,Harper and Macy”Ryan pointed as he went to stand by her side
I don’t have to know how he knows her name
“I will see you later,but first,we nee-d to have a pri-vate talk”she replied before walking away
“God”Jett breath out and they followed her
I took the stairs,,
“She’s nice,isn’t she?”I head haper say to Avery
I just entered one of thr rooms and la-id on the be-d,though thr room is great,wi-de and colourful but I will always be me
The girl everyone don’t care about,the sad bird they don’t want to see,,, macy the weird girl just because she’s trying to protect herself
My mind went back the k!ss,I can’t believe he k!$$£d me,,I won’t spare him
But wait,Macy what thefu-ck can you do yo him,,,,, nothing
🍇Ryan’s POV🍇
“Did you do this just because I asked you to”she asked immediately we settled down on thr be-d,,she leaned by the wall facing us
“Mom,we respect you alot and just when we couldn’t find one, we st©pped. And we just don’t know how we c@m£ to meet them,we really love them”I was the first to speak
“So,are you courting them?”she folded her arms a crossed her che-st, now curious
‘No,not yet”Tyler said
“Yes,not yet”Jett also said and went to her
“So when are you leaving?”he asked, his hands in his pocket
“Tomorrow”she replied
“Ok”we stood up and started walking
“I love you sons”she said and I smiled
“Love you too mom”we chorused still walking,we left the room
Hours Later🍒🍒
🍓 Haper’s POV🍓
I was done looking around so I headed ro the garden, I wowed!
This isn’t a dream right?there are many flowers; rose,sunflower and many more.I plucked a rose
“Haper?!”I heard Avery’s voice and I sighed,not again!!
“What’s it?”I asked when she st©pped at my front
“Am so hungry and I couldn’t find anyone of them”she frowned her face
“I don’t think you have to starve after coming to this Paradise, come on Avery”I shook my head
“Take this”I handed her the rise and just them a maid walked past us
“Hey!”she called
“Yes miss”the Lady c@m£ to us
“Can I get some food,,I’m damn hungry”Avery ru-bbe-d her stomach and she laughed
“Of cos,come mam”she and started walking
“Am I going to eat this?,,unbelievable”she yelled at me and threw the rose away before walking away
Seriously?? Am I at fault??
🍡 Macy’s POV🍡
I c@m£ out of the room with a towel tied around my b©dy, I opened the wardrobe and was dumbstruck
The amount of clothes here should be able to open a boutique
A knock c@m£ on the door,,
“Come in”I said,kinda hoping its not h
“Ma’am”she bowed after shutting the door,I turned to he’d
“Just call me macy,I think that will be okay”o corrected
“No ma’am,its against the rules. I might end up sacked”she replied and I nodded
“You have to wear this”she said dropping the dress with her on the be-d
“Excuse me,mam”she bowed again and left
I took it,,why is it this short?? I’m sure he’s the one who told her to give me